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League of Legends |OT9| Stealing Abilities From Inferior MOBAs since 2009

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The meta is tank heavy. No one can really argue that. However I'm liking the fact that it is. I always felt in the past that the meta felt awkwardly heavy towards these insta bursts champs that sucked the fun out of everything. I like that you players now have to play together to take down enemies. I think it adds to the gameplay, not take away. In the past it always felt like you could just ignore the tanks.

Now the tanks are actually a threat. One that needs to tackled carefully. They are no longer a null factor in teamfights.

I think ciderhulk gets a lot of undue blame. I think the item had to be created to offer some sort of diversity to the jungle. Do you guys remember the beginning of season 5? WW, J4, Lee just stomped everyone. It was pretty much just them, because while the others could jungle, these three were the ones that actually prospered from the jungle. You couldn't build tank because the jungle was too strong.

Riot had a difficult decision, either make the jungle easier or add an item that can benefit the junglers. They did make it marginally easier but added an item that could help tanks junglers. There is a huge amount of diversity in the jungle right now, just because of this item. I have played Mundo/Malphite/Shen/Nasus in the jungle. Champs that haven't been junglers worthy since season 3.

Everyone hating on Sej needs to realise that she has always been this strong. It's just Cinder finally gives her some decent clear.

The game is at a really good place right now, but I recognise that there has to be change. They can't change the jungle any further. Doing so would let those that benefit become op from it. I wouldn't add anymore items. I feel adcs especially are really underestimating Black Cleaver, I've seen MF's, Vayne and even Quinns wreck tanks with that item.

All the same tanks are too strong and I feel a lot of that has to do with the loss of DFG. AP carries took a hit when that item was removed and Ludens, while a good item, doesn't offer an adequate replacement. I want to see a change or item that allows AP champs to pressure the game a bit more. Doesn't even need to be that strong, just something scales into late and causes dmg based on the health of an enemy.

Yeah I like the current meta. We got plenty of viable champions in the jungle currently. I would say the Stalker's Blade smite is too strong atm, being a true damage source and mini exhaust in one. I like the scaling damage of the Cinderhulk though, since it would make the tanks stay viable later in the game, but maybe they need to tune down the damage. Sad thing is I saw they removed the scaling burn damage on PBE, so I guess Riot is making the wrong step once again. :\

I would love it if they buff the amount of times u can leash a camp before it resets, because that would make ranged champions in the jungle more viable. I miss jungle Quinn. ;___;

There's many champions that are a lot more toxic than Riven is. Number 1 is Jinx.

I mostly play bot, but I would say Riven is way harder to deal with than a Jinx. I feel you can still blow up a Jinx when playing with someone like Leona, because she is immobile, but a fed Riven destroys teams with a well timed third Q flash into W and Wind Slash. Nothing much you can do about it. Also those damn spammable dashes and shields. >_>


I honestly don't know how people enjoy a tank heavy meta. It's so dumb. Yay, let's have the lowest skill champions in the entire game dominate. Walk in, deal too much damage, never die, and then walk out. So fun. I can't queue back up fast enough.

Edit: And I don't think it's fun playing a tank that never dies either. So I pick Mundo and press Q a lot and never die. So much for risk/reward satisfaction.
I just came by to say I agree wholeheartedly with dimb and posts otherwise are the reason I don't find this thread super fun anymore and have started to gravitate away from it. I don't consider myself a good player but sometimes this thread makes me shake my head

and I used to be the one causing the headshaking for others
Yay, let's have the lowest skill champions in the entire game dominate. Walk in, deal too much damage, never die, and then walk out. So fun. I can't queue back up fast enough.

I agree, we should nerf down ADCs. That is what you're describing right? Cause ADCs do that.


I agree, we should nerf down ADCs. That is what you're describing right? Cause ADCs do that.

Nah tho.

While we're whining, let's name what we're banning. Name up to 6, because usually at least one of your top 3 gets banned by the other guy too.

- Hecarim
- Sejuani
- Nidalee
- Dr. Mundo (he's sooooo dumb w/ smite/teleport right now)
- Nunu
- Blitzcrank


Oh dear. Playing against a Blitz. Let's see if my adc skills have improved enough to survive this.

It's probably more on your support than you...I feel like I fail my ADC if a hook gets them killed in lane. In team fights it's different, but in lane you should be able to save the situation in most cases.


I realized why I thought Kha'zix was total shit for so long now

He needs a hydra. Used to make fun of people but now I get it


I just came by to say I agree wholeheartedly with dimb and posts otherwise are the reason I don't find this thread super fun anymore and have started to gravitate away from it. I don't consider myself a good player but sometimes this thread makes me shake my head

and I used to be the one causing the headshaking for others
What are you referring to specifically?


Yay, a match to spectate.

Oh god.. please tell me you didn't watch that lol.

That was absolutely horrid. In my defense, I feel like my thresh could have played... better..

But I played pretty poorly as well. I need to work more on Kalista's mechanics.

It's probably more on your support than you...I feel like I fail my ADC if a hook gets them killed in lane. In team fights it's different, but in lane you should be able to save the situation in most cases.

I don't blame anyone but myself for losses but you're right, a good support can definitely change the dynamics of a lane. I wish my thresh was stronger last game, could have made up for some of my mistakes. One point he threw a lantern to get us out of a 3 man gank but after the CC wore off and I clicked the lantern, I found he had hooked his way right back into the fight. Oops?
What are you referring to specifically?

idk, I feel like a lot of the people that I played this game with and enjoyed this game with have moved on and the thread has suffered for that. I don't identify with most of the current set of posters and I feel like a lot of the statements are even more dumb than when I was the new person here and thought I was right about everything. I've found myself gravitating away from the thread for that reason. This thread has been devoid of intelligent discussion for a while.

that's fine I guess but it leads to me posting less.

Deleted member 77995

Unconfirmed Member
Visiting some fam right now for a couple of weeks but they all work and I have a time block during the day of about 6 hours where no one is around. I was going to do some reading but I fixed up an older computer that no one could get to working (just reset to factory settings) and I think I might sneak in some League time now.

Updating the client to see what settings I could play at. Internet is kinda crappy but strong enough to reliably play League while I listen to some music off the phone. This might just make my boring family vacay a little bit funner being that I can't remember the last time I've been able to just chow down on some vidya for days like this.

Deleted member 77995

Unconfirmed Member
idk, I feel like a lot of the people that I played this game with and enjoyed this game with have moved on and the thread has suffered for that. I don't identify with most of the current set of posters and I feel like a lot of the statements are even more dumb than when I was the new person here and thought I was right about everything. I've found myself gravitating away from the thread for that reason. This thread has been devoid of intelligent discussion for a while.

that's fine I guess but it leads to me posting less.

this thread has definitely died down in the past few months. Not sure what it is but DotaGaf can get 5 pages in a single day while this may not even get past one.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Most of it us shittalking each other or begging for hats, not sure if that's the kind of activity Phil is look for.

Deleted member 77995

Unconfirmed Member
Most of it us shittalking each other or begging for hats, not sure if that's the kind of activity Phil is look for.

i think hylian discussion takes up about 30% of the posts lol


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
If DOTA2 is too toxic I can recommend HOTS.

It's like Dominion if Leeg was actually designed for Dominion and instead of being a mere sideshow.


Everyone's on Reddit. Besides Riot's greed is frustrating me enough to actually make me think about trying DOTA or HoTS.

Tbh, just give them all a try. See if you like it. They're all fun games to me. I just have more rl buddies who play League, so I don't see myself going to another game even though I played dota for years and years. I guess it really just depends on what's important for you.


Damn. Decided to take a chance on an Elise jungle game. Made it work well. Hard game too. Very back and forth. We never once had the gold advantage and lost early map control but slowly clawed our way back.

My biggest criticism of myself was I took too many kills early. Left my laners a bit starved. Garen crushed Darius and Varus crushed Zilean too. :/ Tough game. Baron steal probably turned it. Yay me.


Going to have to keep playing Elise. I still love playing her. Made up for that awful Kalista game.
Everyone's on Reddit. Besides Riot's greed is frustrating me enough to actually make me think about trying DOTA or HoTS.

If you want to try down HotS, lemme know. I mean, I don't have a key, but you can probably get one easily and I'll game with you.

It's....basically in League, I get anxious and frustrated when ranking. I don't really do normals anymore because, well, there's no fun in them, especially when you're losing. It's just the slow burn until the end of the game. In comparison, in HotS it's easy to have fun even when you're losing. Games being quick and objective based are a boon for it. It's like..I'll play League ranked, but I know that I'll end up being frustrated if we lose, if we have a troll, etc. etc. And sometimes you spend 30-50 minutes in a league game and it's like 'OH GOOD, GOOD, ALL THIS TIME BECAUSE YOU DIDN'T SURRENDER'.

I have a love hate relationship with League. Except I don't really have love for it? I like it but not love it.


What's the skill disparity like in really high elo? It just amazes me how challenger players can just blow through D1 even though the divisions are so close.

Like, what's a Master player got that a D1 don't? Or even between like D5-D3?

Just makes me realize how bad I am at this game
Before Master was introduced, the skill gap between the LP ranges of D1 alone was said to be huuuuge.

I didn't really notice much difference between D5-D3. I had a D1-D2 friend who regularly dumpstered me though, even with dumb builds like AP Gunblade Zed.


If DOTA2 is too toxic I can recommend HOTS.

It's like Dominion if Leeg was actually designed for Dominion and instead of being a mere sideshow.

Tbh, just give them all a try. See if you like it. They're all fun games to me. I just have more rl buddies who play League, so I don't see myself going to another game even though I played dota for years and years. I guess it really just depends on what's important for you.

Never tried DOTA before, but I figured my LoL skill set could transfer over decently enough. It would be nice to try HoTS to just have a casual, fun-focused game for a change.

If you want to try down HotS, lemme know. I mean, I don't have a key, but you can probably get one easily and I'll game with you.

It's....basically in League, I get anxious and frustrated when ranking. I don't really do normals anymore because, well, there's no fun in them, especially when you're losing. It's just the slow burn until the end of the game. In comparison, in HotS it's easy to have fun even when you're losing. Games being quick and objective based are a boon for it. It's like..I'll play League ranked, but I know that I'll end up being frustrated if we lose, if we have a troll, etc. etc. And sometimes you spend 30-50 minutes in a league game and it's like 'OH GOOD, GOOD, ALL THIS TIME BECAUSE YOU DIDN'T SURRENDER'.

I have a love hate relationship with League. Except I don't really have love for it? I like it but not love it.

I feel you, League is incredibly stressful even though I'm having fun with it. I can only get in 2 ranked games at most before I feel burned out of playing for the day. I could look for a HoTS key, but I've got loads to do for school, so I might just wait for the full release.


idk, I feel like a lot of the people that I played this game with and enjoyed this game with have moved on and the thread has suffered for that. I don't identify with most of the current set of posters and I feel like a lot of the statements are even more dumb than when I was the new person here and thought I was right about everything. I've found myself gravitating away from the thread for that reason. This thread has been devoid of intelligent discussion for a while.

that's fine I guess but it leads to me posting less.
The first part is true, I suppose.

I don't think the thread has gotten any smarter or dumber, though, imo. The thing I dislike about the current GAF is that there's no-one to play with.


The first part is true, I suppose.

I don't think the thread has gotten any smarter or dumber, though, imo. The thing I dislike about the current GAF is that there's no-one to play with.

I will play with you if you want to lower yourself to gold and carry me :D


idk, I feel like a lot of the people that I played this game with and enjoyed this game with have moved on and the thread has suffered for that. I don't identify with most of the current set of posters and I feel like a lot of the statements are even more dumb than when I was the new person here and thought I was right about everything. I've found myself gravitating away from the thread for that reason. This thread has been devoid of intelligent discussion for a while.

that's fine I guess but it leads to me posting less.

scy and bind


Random League moment of the day: I found out a friend knows the #1 Shen player in NA (possibly now the world). They have diamond 2 and diamond 3 accounts that are mostly Shen.


Random League moment of the day: I found out a friend knows the #1 Shen player in NA (possibly now the world). They have diamond 2 and diamond 3 accounts that are mostly Shen.

Ok, now I have to admit that's impressive. I love Shen's design, but I'm awful at him. He doesn't do nearly enough damage for my liking, the map pressure is awesome but I feel useless in teamfights, especially when I taunt the enemy team and no one dives in with me.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Yeah, and RiddlerShen. 51.6% win rate on one, 58.8% win rate on the other, exactly 182 Shen games on each account (according to lolking just now).

They stream too.
Riddler is in my Diamond League. I want to say he hit Masters at some point and fell back down. He hangs out around vg and that community sometimes.


relies on auto-aim
think about trying DOTA or HoTS.
Honestly it's interesting to see the current meta allow for longer teamfights which remind me more of Dota where you don't get blown up instantly to most older lineups. I like it spectating more. MSI was pretty good.
FNC were pretty gud

Moving to DotA is pretty easy imo since you can click on heroes to see abilities (Mana cost,dmg,range, etc. at all levels), use the in game skill and item guides, watch anyone play in first person mode, get coached, and the advanced descriptions of items/skill interactions were all updated recently to cover almost all interactions (hold alt). I still think Dota is easier to pickup than League.


I like having longer teamfights. Getting blown up instantly is not fun, there's no counterplay to that. I don't want teamfights to be a battle of which bruiser or assassin can get to the other teams ADC first, the longer teamfights make some modicum of teamwork almost mandatory to be able to take down the enemy tank and reach the backline of the fight.
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