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League of Legends |OT9| Stealing Abilities From Inferior MOBAs since 2009

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Camped Yasuo. Eventually he got sick of it and quit. Wouldn't have changed the outcome, but it was funny seeing the rage.


Guys, Cinderhulk is some hot BS right now. I jungle like once in every 25 games. I shouldn't be doing this. I guess part of it is Amumu though. He's too strong and super easy too.
hey guys, what is the proper comp/item response right now for this tank meta I'm seeing? Like, late game Cho + Sej + idunno...Leona? I feel like I've tried several combinations of damage items (IE's, Cleavers, LW's, etc.) and I'm only chipping. As in it takes 2 or 3 champs maybe 10-15 seconds to take one down. But then there are 2 more. Now, it wouldn't be a problem, IMO, if they were simply tanks. But Sej and Cho do incredible amounts of damage and they simply cannot be dispatched rapidly.

so how does this all work now.


relies on auto-aim
hey guys, what is the proper comp/item response right now for this tank meta I'm seeing? Like, late game Cho + Sej + idunno...Leona? I feel like I've tried several combinations of damage items (IE's, Cleavers, LW's, etc.) and I'm only chipping. As in it takes 2 or 3 champs maybe 10-15 seconds to take one down. But then there are 2 more. Now, it wouldn't be a problem, IMO, if they were simply tanks. But Sej and Cho do incredible amounts of damage and they simply cannot be dispatched rapidly.

so how does this all work now.
You build the same and pick the same champions


hey guys, what is the proper comp/item response right now for this tank meta I'm seeing? Like, late game Cho + Sej + idunno...Leona? I feel like I've tried several combinations of damage items (IE's, Cleavers, LW's, etc.) and I'm only chipping. As in it takes 2 or 3 champs maybe 10-15 seconds to take one down. But then there are 2 more. Now, it wouldn't be a problem, IMO, if they were simply tanks. But Sej and Cho do incredible amounts of damage and they simply cannot be dispatched rapidly.

so how does this all work now.
The best solo queue adc right now is probably jinx. Kalista is really strong but it's harder to make her work.

Jinx with IE/PD/LW as a core is really strong, and then you add BT and most often a defensive item. Typically lifesteal is good against tanks, but the core build will ensure you have enough damage. With jinx you'll often want a peeling support so the tanks won't be in your face all the time, Janna, nami and thresh are all good choices.

If you want to have enough damage to take down tanks you should have pd over shiv. IE/PD/LW is probably the strongest core on most adcs that use classic builds. Vayne is a really good tank buster if you can survive her laning phase. Kog'maw is often more difficult to pull off in solo queue. Urgot can also be good, but he's a bit unorthodox.

Another alternative is use one of the stronger mid game adcs and try to finish the game early. Naut is really good as a support here.

Among mages, Vlad and Cassio as sustained dps mages are really strong. Vlad oss probably easier to play out of those two. LB is still good, but typically won't kill tanks.
icic. I was sort of speaking more as a top laner (Jayce). Even pumping them in the face with the cannon form W for multiple volleys, it didn't seem like enough. And I had like, lifesteal + 380 AD + crit in a number of those games. I felt fine against say...1 tank. But it's like, damn. You get through Sejuani and she's damn near put your team at half hp just by herself with her combo and dot. then there's a Cho behind her spamming shit and 1-shotting anyone who gets close. Meanwhile, the enemy ADC and mage are just sitting behind them laughing ant autoattacking/casting with impunity. Maybe just having bad ADC's is the issue. They're usually rather underfarmed at most phases of the game.

I guess tanks have always been a thing, but it just feel like every solo queue match I've played has had at least 2 and it's just kinda obnoxious. I like to feel like I'm being out-skilled if I'm going to lose. With all these tanks, I feel like I'm just being outlasted. Feels like you have to work twice as hard compared to tanks do to get the damage out.

I'll give Vlad and Quinn some top run as well.

You build the same and pick the same champions

yea fuck that.


I still say Blade of the ruined king makes a huge difference against tanks. on adcs, anyway. not sure how viable it is on others.


Oh, right, top lane. I'm not as well versed there, but I have seen a bit of Jayce lately. Maybe you should get some lifesteal? Bt/BoRK should help.

Jayce's strength is going to be his poke and siege, still.

Vlad top is really strong right now.

Adcs are indeed really important in the tanky meta.
I still say Blade of the ruined king makes a huge difference against tanks.

I'll keep that in mind if I play a champ that is a natural BoTRK builder. Never tried it on Jayce and I don't think I want to. Might try it next time I see a tank in lane. I usually get an Essence Reaver for some LS,. I just find it...idunno...disappointing that low/mid-skill, high damage output champs are so strong. Or, seems so strong right now. I don't feel as rewarded for buying nice damage items as they seem to be rewarded for buying tank items.


Are you buying one defensive item like a banshee's? Jayce's itemization should be relatively similar to an adc I think, the largest difference is probably that you won't buy a PD... Maybe a full adc build can work? I'm not sure.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
There are lots of damage dealing top laners who are strong right now if that's what you want to do. Wukong, Riven, Fiora, Hecarim, Trynd, Morde, Irelia, Pantheon...some of them are excellent tank killers.


Hm, so Garath I actually tried out Elise, and she feels pretty good.

Edit: Moar Elise

Doesn't she? I'm kind of surprised. I know Nightblue was always a big fan of sunfire on her, I never really liked it. But cinderhulk + haunting guise is pretty solid.

I still rush sorc shoes over completing cinderhulk because I like to gank a lot with Elise but other than that, those items provide a pretty nice power curve for her. Her % health damage skills are pretty good tank busters too with the penetration.

I'm going to keep at her and Vi for now. They're both pretty good against the tank meta that's going on here and not SUPER popular (Elise especially).


It's tough for Jayce when you want to poke the enemies with shock blasts and a couple/few tanks get in the way and basically negate them. I still play him regularly though. You can use his range to your advantage and get some early kills, even if you're up against a tank. I go with ignite instead of teleport because I think it's really important to get a good lead with him. Later on in teamfights, you just need to be smart about fighting. Picking good spots to chunk down a squishy carry is my goal usually. It can get tricky, especially because Jayce isn't exactly tanky, and if you get caught by more than one person then you'll be in trouble if you aren't fed. Black Cleaver stacks probably help a bit too if you can't get through their beef.
yo fuck kalista

gud champ.

Are you buying one defensive item like a banshee's? Jayce's itemization should be relatively similar to an adc I think, the largest difference is probably that you won't buy a PD... Maybe a full adc build can work? I'm not sure.

Yea, I usually buy 2 defensive items. Usually a Veil + Omen or Veil + GA. I don't like building like an ADC because at some point half the kit is going to require you to go in balls deep. I will occasionally do it if I'm snowballing and the team's ADC is underfarmed or otherwise underperforming.

It's tough for Jayce when you want to poke the enemies with shock blasts and a couple/few tanks get in the way and basically negate them. I still play him regularly though. You can use his range to your advantage and get some early kills, even if you're up against a tank. I go with ignite instead of teleport because I think it's really important to get a good lead with him. Later on in teamfights, you just need to be smart about fighting. Picking good spots to chunk down a squishy carry is my goal usually. It can get tricky, especially because Jayce isn't exactly tanky, and if you get caught by more than one person then you'll be in trouble if you aren't fed. Black Cleaver stacks probably help a bit too if you can't get through their beef.
Yea, but with multiple tanks sitting in front of said ADC, it's often an impossible task. One tank is managable, but 2 or 3 of them sommbitches sitting in front of a Jinx or Kalista and it's like...

...idunno. You never want to be in a position where you HAVE TO focus down the tank. Some tank champion designs make sense to me like Leona. The trade off in being able to tank *everything* is that you don't deal damage unless you build damage items (and thus become less tanky). Tank items that give AD/AP are a little more difficult for me to accept because the damage output can be significant enough (say with Sej) to force you to have to deal with them before you can deal with the ADC...and giving an ADC 10 seconds of time to freely autoattack your team is like...that's a tough position to be in. I suppose the answer is like...Rengar or some other invis champ that can get around back and attempt to assassinate.

Just feels like you have to work so much harder to deal with multi-tank comps to win than they have to to win. The tanky nature by default just sort of can push you back while their backline kills all the towers and objectives. You can't fight into a Sej/Cho very easily if they can land their abilities. It's just not clear to me right now what the downside of having 2 or 3 tanks that can build damage+tank items is.

Riot, give Black King Bar.


Yea, I usually buy 2 defensive items. Usually a Veil + Omen or Veil + GA. I don't like building like an ADC because at some point half the kit is going to require you to go in balls deep. I will occasionally do it if I'm snowballing and the team's ADC is underfarmed or otherwise underperforming.
The hard part is often that you want sustained damage if you actually want to kill tanks, which means phantom dancer is one of the best items. Jayce is bursty by nature and his standard builds, which makes it difficult. I don't know Jayce well enough to be able to say what's best though. I think he should still have a large impact in siege situations if he can hit his poke on the squishies.


The hard part is often that you want sustained damage if you actually want to kill tanks, which means phantom dancer is one of the best items. Jayce is bursty by nature and his standard builds, which makes it difficult. I don't know Jayce well enough to be able to say what's best though. I think he should still have a large impact in siege situations if he can hit his poke on the squishies.

This is the key here and why so many people are struggling with the "tank meta". Teamfights actually require teamwork, good positioning and peel for these sustained fights. Everyone was so used to things dying quickly, just doesn't happen anymore. An ADC can still rip up a tank but not solo and not as fast.

Poke comps are going to have the worst time in this meta I think. Tanks heal up nice with warmogs and stuff and take so little initial damage. It's part of why I just haven't bothered playing Nidalee jungle anymore.


Jayce top is the worst. I hate dealing with all those shock blasts.


The hard part is often that you want sustained damage if you actually want to kill tanks, which means phantom dancer is one of the best items. Jayce is bursty by nature and his standard builds, which makes it difficult. I don't know Jayce well enough to be able to say what's best though. I think he should still have a large impact in siege situations if he can hit his poke on the squishies.

I'd like to hear Seigo's opinions on the Defender of Tomorrow, if he's around.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
If she gets a little ahead, she's overbearing and impossible to handle. If she gets a bit behind, she's total garbage and worthless. I don't really enjoy playing against her that much, to be honest.
It's less painful if she's behind now that people stopped doing the Hurricane/Rend thing. I like when people play her because Kennen is one of the most fun supports in the game right now.
The hard part is often that you want sustained damage if you actually want to kill tanks, which means phantom dancer is one of the best items. Jayce is bursty by nature and his standard builds, which makes it difficult. I don't know Jayce well enough to be able to say what's best though. I think he should still have a large impact in siege situations if he can hit his poke on the squishies.

shock blast deals pain to mids and ADCs. tanks laugh it off. it's actually fairly discouraging. late-game Jayce is all about the cannon form W for as long as you can, then the leap and home run hammer form E to finish (or help peel) when the opportunity presents. His hammer form E is baller against tanks because it deals a % of max HP. The problem of course is you have to put yourself in harms way to use it.

idk man. i just love me some jayce and want to better understand this sort of meta. the actual issues may have been more related to my teammate's execution in those situations than my own. i'm usually carrying the team so maybe just more effective positioning and play from the adcs and mages are all that's needed. idk.


It's less painful if she's behind now that people stopped doing the Hurricane/Rend thing. I like when people play her because Kennen is one of the most fun supports in the game right now.

I should try Kennen support. I'm pretty good with him mechanically, but I have not tried supporting. I have a hard time straying from my standard AP supports though. I love playing Nami, Zyra, Morgana, and Annie.

Being annoying is my favorite League of Legends pastime.

It's essentially synonymous with being good.


Hey guys, have been lurking here for a while but now I have a question :)

I have been having good fun in the jungle with gragas and shyvana, so I bought myself Malphite.

Is is a good option for jungle? if yes, what would be the skill order to go for?

Thanks in advance!


Hey guys, have been lurking here for a while but now I have a question :)

I have been having good fun in the jungle with gragas and shyvana, so I bought myself Malphite.

Is is a good option for jungle? if yes, what would be the skill order to go for?

Thanks in advance!

You definitely can jungle him and do fine, but your pre-6 ganks are essentially slowing someone then walking up and slapping them a few times and hope your laner does some damage. His clears are also surprisingly slow for the amount of aoe he has. Even after 6 his ulti cd is pretty high but you can get a lot out of it if you use it well. I played Malph jungle the other day and it felt pretty ok. His Q makes it easy to sit on people and roast them with cinderhulk. I'm sure a lot of people will tell you he's not the best option, which is true, but as long as you're in low elo he'll do just fine. People tend to bunch up and beg for ults in gold and below at least
Jayce has better options than a lot of poke/burst centric champions to deal with massive tanks thanks to his cannon W which with Last Whisper/Muramana/BT (IE? Ghostblade? Black Cleaver?) can cut through all but the heaviest opponents. The problem is that if he goes pure damage he can't afford to make a single mistake or he'll be mincemeat for the enemy mages/bruisers. The right way to play it depends on what your teammates can do (unless they're totally useless and need carried, then you probably have to try to everything yourself).


Hey guys, have been lurking here for a while but now I have a question :)

I have been having good fun in the jungle with gragas and shyvana, so I bought myself Malphite.

Is is a good option for jungle? if yes, what would be the skill order to go for?

Thanks in advance!

He's not bad, but he's going to be outclassed at low elo by the easier junglers (Amumu, Pantheon, Sejuani) that have very reliable pre-6 stuns. If you like Malphite's kit, he's pretty good in the top lane and I've seen him do well as support. Maybe he's a good champ to use to start learning other lanes.
It's less painful if she's behind now that people stopped doing the Hurricane/Rend thing. I like when people play her because Kennen is one of the most fun supports in the game right now.

I haven't tried that since they last buffed him, maybe I should. They had made playing him top lane so much easier and stun was easier to get.

Hey guys, have been lurking here for a while but now I have a question :)

I have been having good fun in the jungle with gragas and shyvana, so I bought myself Malphite.

Is is a good option for jungle? if yes, what would be the skill order to go for?

Thanks in advance!

He's not bad, but not terribly great either. He works decently in the jungle and top, and kind of as a support but I don't really like it too much.

Make sure to get either Righteous Glory or Frozen Heart early on, he's pretty mana hungry.

I play HotS every once in a while with some Gaffers. Pretty fun moba. Teamfighting all the time.

There's a HotS GAF? Probably should get in on that. I got in not long ago and am enjoying the game quite a bit. It's different enough from League to be fun.


You definitely can jungle him and do fine, but your pre-6 ganks are essentially slowing someone then walking up and slapping them a few times and hope your laner does some damage. His clears are also surprisingly slow for the amount of aoe he has. Even after 6 his ulti cd is pretty high but you can get a lot out of it if you use it well. I played Malph jungle the other day and it felt pretty ok. His Q makes it easy to sit on people and roast them with cinderhulk. I'm sure a lot of people will tell you he's not the best option, which is true, but as long as you're in low elo he'll do just fine. People tend to bunch up and beg for ults in gold and below at least

Thanks a lot for that feedback, After playing two games with him that also how I felt regarding the clear I thought that his E would grant me a faster clear.

He's not bad, but he's going to be outclassed at low elo by the easier junglers (Amumu, Pantheon, Sejuani) that have very reliable pre-6 stuns. If you like Malphite's kit, he's pretty good in the top lane and I've seen him do well as support. Maybe he's a good champ to use to start learning other lanes.

Thank you for the input mate, I have pantheon and I really like him as a jungler, but I always feel that if the game drags on I start being useless. Maybe its the way I build him
Thank you for the input mate, I have pantheon and I really like him as a jungler, but I always feel that if the game drags on I start being useless. Maybe its the way I build him

With Panth, that's kind of how it's supposed to be. He has a really strong early to mid game than falls off heavily later. Which is why the ideal stats he wants to build are Armour Pen>CDR>Tank.


The hard part is often that you want sustained damage if you actually want to kill tanks, which means phantom dancer is one of the best items.

This is my line of thinking as well. If Jayce's orthodox shock blast/poke centric builds aren't working in this meta, switch it up.

Looking at Jayce's abilities, I see some interesting stuff:

- Thundering blow is a 20% max health magic damage nuke on a 10s cooldown
- Hypercharge essentially acts as an attack speed steroid on a short cooldown with enough CDR and the damage modifier from it does crit.
- Lightning field deals some really respectable damage if he can live long enough to use it a few times
- Jayce has really solid kite potential not only for himself between Thundering Blow and Transform, but for his team as a whole using Acceleration Gate. Saving it for use as a disengage and later as a chase tool, it becomes a poor man's Sivir ult. There's real value in that.

I'm thinking a CDR heavy build to maximize use of Thundering Blow for anti-tank and peel, increased uptime of Hypercharge (which will act as an attack speed boost, freeing up the need for attack speed so we can concentrate on the other physical DPS stats, AD, crit, and armor pen/reduction).

Frozen Mallet (HP and peel)
Black Cleaver (HP, AD, CDR, Armor Reduction, synergy with Transform's armor reduction, improved kill power for the ADC)
Infinity Edge (AD and solid crit, principal dps item)

Pair that with choice boots. You'll be above 3200 hp, so defensive items should focus on armor or MR if possible, and CDR in those slots would be welcome. Additional offensive items could include Ghostblade (CDR, crit chance, attack speed, kite, armor pen) and Trinity Force but at this point the build is getting very costly. In a pinch you can dump IE and start tanking up after FM and BC.


Thank you for the input mate, I have pantheon and I really like him as a jungler, but I always feel that if the game drags on I start being useless. Maybe its the way I build him

Early armor pen on Pantheon goes a long way to keeping him relevant. Prior to the reworked black cleaver, I'd suggest warriors, last whisper then tank. However, BC might be a pretty good item on him.

I would suggest not building hydra or really any lifesteal. I don't think cinderhulk would be a good item on him at all either.

Good items:
Last whisper
BC (maybe)
banshee's veil


Wow. Elise's win rate is 43% in the last month. Only Ryze is lower.

Early armor pen on Pantheon goes a long way to keeping him relevant. Prior to the reworked black cleaver, I'd suggest warriors, last whisper then tank. However, BC might be a pretty good item on him.

I would suggest not building hydra or really any lifesteal. I don't think cinderhulk would be a good item on him at all either.

Good items:
Last whisper
BC (maybe)
banshee's veil


Wow. Elise's win rate is 43% in the last month. Only Ryze is lower.


You know, you're probably right. BC probably would be really good on him, as Heartseeker would easily be able to stack the Cleaver. And I can't imagine the Phage passive being bad on him.

Though with that, I could maybe also see Cinderhulk working for him. Something like Cinderhulk>LW>BC into standard tank. Or maybe switch the LW and BC. I don't play him a ton so I'm not too sure. I'd still go with the Warrior build but I could see Cinderhulk working out.

As for Elise, people still aren't totally sure what to build on her, I think. Her problem is worse than someone else with that issue, like Evelynn, though, because at least Eve has her Passive so no matter what she's a strong ganker. Elise's ganks, though, were weakened a lot with the Rappel nerf.


You know, you're probably right. BC probably would be really good on him, as Heartseeker would easily be able to stack the Cleaver. And I can't imagine the Phage passive being bad on him.

Though with that, I could maybe also see Cinderhulk working for him. Something like Cinderhulk>LW>BC into standard tank. Or maybe switch the LW and BC. I don't play him a ton so I'm not too sure. I'd still go with the Warrior build but I could see Cinderhulk working out.

As for Elise, people still aren't totally sure what to build on her, I think. Her problem is worse than someone else with that issue, like Evelynn, though, because at least Eve has her Passive so no matter what she's a strong ganker. Elise's ganks, though, were weakened a lot with the Rappel nerf.

I can't really see Cinderhulk being a good fit for Pantheon. His strength is such a super strong early/mid game. The biggest problem I had with him last season was taking too many kills and making my team weak lol.

With Elise, I'm content if they leave her where she is for now. Don't need her contested and running rampant again. She's secretly effective with a cinderhulk + haunting guise and some good use of her kit. Though TheOddOne is doing his best to bring her back. Her base numbers are low but her kit is still strong. Yeah, the rappel nerf hurt but she still hangs in there. That small adjustment they made to her damage against monsters was a little boost. It's just shocking to see the winrate THAT low.
I can't really see Cinderhulk being a good fit for Pantheon. His strength is such a super strong early/mid game. The biggest problem I had with him last season was taking too many kills and making my team weak lol.

With Elise, I'm content if they leave her where she is for now. Don't need her contested and running rampant again. She's secretly effective with a cinderhulk + haunting guise and some good use of her kit. Though TheOddOne is doing his best to bring her back. Her base numbers are low but her kit is still strong. Yeah, the rappel nerf hurt but she still hangs in there. That small adjustment they made to her damage against monsters was a little boost. It's just shocking to see the winrate THAT low.

I feel like boosting her utility could be in order. Maybe extending the stun on her cocoon (it's 1 second, I could see boosting it to 2 like a rank one Morg Q), or adding a slow and/or vision to her explosive spiderling. Actually, having her spider provide vision to enemies hit by the explosion would probably be pretty awesome, but not OP.

As far as we know, though, nothing is planned for her, so she'll probably stay UU for a while, at least until the LCS starts back up.


I feel like boosting her utility could be in order. Maybe extending the stun on her cocoon (it's 1 second, I could see boosting it to 2 like a rank one Morg Q), or adding a slow and/or vision to her explosive spiderling. Actually, having her spider provide vision to enemies hit by the explosion would probably be pretty awesome, but not OP.

As far as we know, though, nothing is planned for her, so she'll probably stay UU for a while, at least until the LCS starts back up.

They have to be deathly afraid of buffing her. She has been a solo queue and competitive terror for so so long. Even the smallest buff could tip her over again.


With Panth, that's kind of how it's supposed to be. He has a really strong early to mid game than falls off heavily later. Which is why the ideal stats he wants to build are Armour Pen>CDR>Tank.

Early armor pen on Pantheon goes a long way to keeping him relevant. Prior to the reworked black cleaver, I'd suggest warriors, last whisper then tank. However, BC might be a pretty good item on him.

I would suggest not building hydra or really any lifesteal. I don't think cinderhulk would be a good item on him at all either.

Good items:
Last whisper
BC (maybe)
banshee's veil


Wow. Elise's win rate is 43% in the last month. Only Ryze is lower.


You guys are super helpful thanks a lot, I'll keep this in mind next time I pick him up.


Multiple rumors going around that ekko is a melee (obv), passive let's him auto while moving and his ult is a double cast, hit it once to activate, and again in the next 10 seconds to return to that spot

Could be be but sounds plausible


Multiple rumors going around that ekko is a melee (obv), passive let's him auto while moving and his ult is a double cast, hit it once to activate, and again in the next 10 seconds to return to that spot

Could be be but sounds plausible
That sounds similar to Zed ult or LeBlanc jump though, and potentially as annoying as those skills.
This is my line of thinking as well. If Jayce's orthodox shock blast/poke centric builds aren't working in this meta, switch it up.

Looking at Jayce's abilities, I see some interesting stuff:

- Thundering blow is a 20% max health magic damage nuke on a 10s cooldown
- Hypercharge essentially acts as an attack speed steroid on a short cooldown with enough CDR and the damage modifier from it does crit.
- Lightning field deals some really respectable damage if he can live long enough to use it a few times
- Jayce has really solid kite potential not only for himself between Thundering Blow and Transform, but for his team as a whole using Acceleration Gate. Saving it for use as a disengage and later as a chase tool, it becomes a poor man's Sivir ult. There's real value in that.

I'm thinking a CDR heavy build to maximize use of Thundering Blow for anti-tank and peel, increased uptime of Hypercharge (which will act as an attack speed boost, freeing up the need for attack speed so we can concentrate on the other physical DPS stats, AD, crit, and armor pen/reduction).

Frozen Mallet (HP and peel)
Black Cleaver (HP, AD, CDR, Armor Reduction, synergy with Transform's armor reduction, improved kill power for the ADC)
Infinity Edge (AD and solid crit, principal dps item)

Pair that with choice boots. You'll be above 3200 hp, so defensive items should focus on armor or MR if possible, and CDR in those slots would be welcome. Additional offensive items could include Ghostblade (CDR, crit chance, attack speed, kite, armor pen) and Trinity Force but at this point the build is getting very costly. In a pinch you can dump IE and start tanking up after FM and BC.

I've been trying very similar combinations. Combinations with IE's, LW's, Cleavers, Muramana's...blahblahblah. It's not enough to kill real Tanks (Sion, Sej, Cho are examples) fast enough to shut them down before they and/or the enemy adc shits all over your team's critical damage dealers.

I think it's possible that at the end of the day, Jayce just isn't a good pick into a comp with multiple tanks unless your team has a really good one in the jungle position. Just something I'll have to remember. Maybe I'll try one last effort if I run into a comp like that with the forzen mallet and Cleaver. Nothing about trying to outlast a tank like the above sounds ideal.
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