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League of Legends |OT9| Stealing Abilities From Inferior MOBAs since 2009

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The reason champions get reworked is because they can't be balanced in the first place because their kits make it so if they are good they are absolutely dominant.
Anyways, I think I'm going to take a break from ranked for a bit. ADC just isn't very fun at the moment. Champions like Sion and Gragas building full tank and doing similar damage output just isn't fun to me. Champions like Nunu and Nautilus that just point and click and I'm already fked isn't fun either.
Yes, let the adc hate flow
uh, the company that controls the game? it's not as though they are intentionally going out of their way to ruin the game. efforts to tweak the game in some ways can have ripple effects with so many interdependent systems and variables.

cinderhulk is the answer to an absence of tanks. it fills good gaps but scales too well by being too value efficient. it's impact on the game is more positive than negative. righteous glory is fun and enables champs in a way that's necessary, and without as heavy a siege game it supports the team fights/picks needed to end games.

i feel like there's more variety to adc builds than people realize/let on. criticizing the "false choice" of items on support ignores that the items enable a wide variety of champions in the role. starting item choice doesn't have to be an interesting or strategic decision. there are loads of item builds for lots of champions with a variety of power peak paths. if you are unable to see that i don't know what to tell you.

I gotta agree with you. I think ADC's are really viable in this Tank Meta. I'm not saying it's easier, but if you itemize right and get that creep advantage you can still take on tanks. If you are really getting annoyed by these tanks then here's what you do. Get your supp to ward their jungle and be proactive in taking it from them. Tank meta junglers are more reliant on their farm than most. Kills help, but if they go top and fail to get a kill, they will be really far behind a dmg dealing jungler who is clearing the creeps.

Hell that what I do anyway regardless of position. If all the lanes are pushed then I will just go for the invade and take as much on the neutral jungle as I can, warding as I go. Counter jungleing is so strong right now. The advantage of a duo bot lane should be that you have the ability to push lane and take the enemy jungle.


Neo Member
I did say it might not be real :/

Wonder if the ult is just gonna be a Weaver-like ability where its a position, CD, health and mana reset.

The ability and the description of the spell "Wrath of the chronicle" on the website looks like its more or less how weaver ulti is. However, it has been transitioned to be triggered in a different way.
Blizzard is also releasing a similar hero on their upcoming title overwatch, namely "Tracer"...

Source: Ekko Seconds: League of Legends Reveals New Hero


uh, the company that controls the game? it's not as though they are intentionally going out of their way to ruin the game. efforts to tweak the game in some ways can have ripple effects with so many interdependent systems and variables.

cinderhulk is the answer to an absence of tanks. it fills good gaps but scales too well by being too value efficient. it's impact on the game is more positive than negative. righteous glory is fun and enables champs in a way that's necessary, and without as heavy a siege game it supports the team fights/picks needed to end games.

i feel like there's more variety to adc builds than people realize/let on. criticizing the "false choice" of items on support ignores that the items enable a wide variety of champions in the role. starting item choice doesn't have to be an interesting or strategic decision. there are loads of item builds for lots of champions with a variety of power peak paths. if you are unable to see that i don't know what to tell you.

This is a good post. It's really on point.

I actually think this tank meta is pretty healthy for the game. It's a departure from the "everything must die in seconds" game and starts to really push for better teamwork and itemization. Before teamfights were over in seconds but now there's some real work going on with adc positioning, peeling and target prioritization. Warding is more important than ever. I've actually be having more fun with the game lately than I have in awhile.

This is coming from a guy who loves carry junglers. I still don't play tank junglers that much, instead I've been having fun with the anti-tank jungler Vi and some Kalista cause she's free this week. Itemization is important for her - ruaans doesn't do much against tanks. Botrk better. I actually think Warriors/BC Xin might be a good anti-tank jungler too. Going to give him a shot.

Yeah, it sucks when a super fed unkillable Sion is just wrecking your backline in the later game but I'm still more fond of this than 3 assassins insta-nuking each other.


So Pancakes, what's the story behind



So this Ekko guy is basically Weaver from Dota or Chronos from Smite. How exciting. At least his design is cool.


No heroes with macro except if it's one unit, and even then it's only limited to commanding a unit to auto attack.

Although a complex hero like Invoker would work.


Steve I can't play Dota, I always thought the game was just super unresponsive and weird but it turns out I have 300+ ping on every server. Whyyyyy
I can see an invoker work. good luck balancing him.

Steve I can't play Dota, I always thought the game was just super unresponsive and weird but it turns out I have 300+ ping on every server. Whyyyyy
Where are you geographically? I was going to say league players always say Dota is unresponsive and like driving an 18 wheeler, but 300 ping is a lot. I've heard of some huge routing issues in south america, Africa, and the middle east that cause a lot of problems with lag.


I can see an invoker work. good luck balancing him.

Where are you geographically? I was going to say league players always say Dota is unresponsive and like driving an 18 wheeler, but 300 ping is a lot. I've heard of some huge routing issues in south america, Africa, and the middle east that cause a lot of problems with lag.

I'm in Missouri and I have friends in the area that play it just fine. I played Lich and for the most part it wasn't THAT bad but last hitting was really hard and I got massive spikes on top of the already high ping.

I've got 90-100 in league and like 40ish in Smite iirc
I'm in Missouri and I have friends in the area that play it just fine. I played Lich and for the most part it wasn't THAT bad but last hitting was really hard and I got massive spikes on top of the already high ping.

I've got 90-100 in league and like 40ish in Smite iirc

i played in missouri for a year or so and ive never had any problem with ping... thats really weird

USE is usually better than USW but I dunno why you'd get 300 ping.


Well, who's fault is it that the balance gets whack in the first place? How many times have they had to 'rework' the jungle to fit into the meta? And how many times have they had to add or remove 'troublesome' items? Cinderhulk is a major problem. Righteous Glory is a major problem. ADC's builds tend to be shoehorned into one or two different builds unless you're playing a certain champion(IE Ezreal). Junglers have to start the same item and go into similar builds, same with tanks and their end builds. Supports have a false choice between relic shield, the ancient coin, and spellthiefs edge. As an AP, again unless you're a certain champion(Vlad, Morde, etc.) you're shoehorned into going through 2-3 different builds. Alot of the items are false choices, they're something you'd never take. Atmas was probably the biggest offender in the past. Now a days they've managed to condense alot of the items, but you sitll have one or two offenders-Banner of Command is considered a 'greedy' item to build, archangels is never seen in competitive play, manamune only works on a few champions.

You cite riven, but riven is a pub stomper. In teamplay she tends to get shut down quite easily. And as a rule of thumb, riot should never balance around the lowest common denominator, they should balance around the highest level of teamplay.

Instead of digesting the balance for a year or so, they constantly patch up and down for everything, not letting it simmer and sit. They can balance bad things in a game constantly, but it'll always be bad. But if they gave it some time..let it simmer...see how the meta played for months through....I'd say they'd be in a better spot.

True enough, I haven't really seen Twitch and Eve I've seen here and there. Veigar....I shed a tear for him. That's another thing-Sejuani invalidates alot of picks single-handedly. They need to balance horizontally, not vertically.

Eve and Twitch used to be...something magical. Eve could stack Sunfire capes and slowly burn down enemies. It was hilarious. Twitch just use to blow people up and stealth for a minute at a time before they nerfed him the first time..

Solo or competitive? We did just see Reksai beast while Sej fell off. A jungle that is weak until 6 was fairly useless as Reksai and Gragas were making level 2 or level 3 plays.


I just had the most frustrating game

I was playing the game of my life, built a tank with Sejuani and ganking like a mofo. Got called? I was there like a flash. Never felt so.... useful. We were leading 5-0. Untill our mid, Fizz starting feeding cassiopia, and then she started ganking from mid. Our bot were in control untill Cassiopia got fed hard. Anyway, I was still doing good, and then all of the sudden they got 3 dragons, and the other teamemates never came to help one another. Just went on their business....

and then we got beaten because 3 of us were just trolling around.

Fuck that shit!


My match history is looking awesome! :D Got into the promotion series to Diamond. 3 wins to go. ;_; Also played 9 different champs in the last 10 games. AD Malphite is so much fun. Deleted the enemy Twitch every time he was in my screen. :d Elise is still working for me, even though she has the lowest winrate of all junglers. Rest are support games #supportmain. 8)


My match history is looking awesome! :D Got into the promotion series to Diamond. 3 wins to go. ;_; Also played 9 different champs in the last 10 games. AD Malphite is so much fun. Deleted the enemy Twitch every time he was in my screen. :d Elise is still working for me, even though she has the lowest winrate of all junglers. Rest are support games #supportmain. 8)

You're an inspiration friend. Elise is like my all time favorite jungler. I've actually won with her every time I played her recently (like months ago) but I have noticed it's a lot harder than it used to be.

I'm going to try her again. Gotta put that bloodmoon skin to work. I do like the cinderhulk->Haunting guise build. Might give that a shot.


You're an inspiration friend. Elise is like my all time favorite jungler. I've actually won with her every time I played her recently (like months ago) but I have noticed it's a lot harder than it used to be.

I'm going to try her again. Gotta put that bloodmoon skin to work. I do like the cinderhulk->Haunting guise build. Might give that a shot.

As bad as she's claimed to be now, I really don't think I've lost with an Elise on my team in a while. I don't see her picked often, but still.


As bad as she's claimed to be now, I really don't think I've lost with an Elise on my team in a while. I don't see her picked often, but still.

Probably because the people that pick her now really know how to use her. She still has a strong kit, just low numbers. The cocoon can make a gank or turn a teamfight, good use of rappel can close a kill or do a strong tower dive, she's still really healthy in the jungle (if a bit slower to clear).

Just hope it doesn't get too far into late game with her. I think that's going to be the hardest way to win with her now.


I've been seeing quite some Ziggs lately. Is the stall master returning? :(

I managed to get back to 60% winrate with Nami today. It has been a good streak.


I've been seeing quite some Ziggs lately. Is the stall master returning? :(

I managed to get back to 60% winrate with Nami today. It has been a good streak.

Buffs to Athene's and Luden's Echo being a thing has brought him back, yeah. He still has mobility issues, but he's back to near what he once was.


You're an inspiration friend. Elise is like my all time favorite jungler. I've actually won with her every time I played her recently (like months ago) but I have noticed it's a lot harder than it used to be.

I'm going to try her again. Gotta put that bloodmoon skin to work. I do like the cinderhulk->Haunting guise build. Might give that a shot.

Yeah I like the Cinderhulk -> Haunting Guise build. Fits in the tanky meta while still being able to dish out damage. Also Frozen Heart's attack speed slow aura + Liandry's doubling the burn passive! :D
The meta is tank heavy. No one can really argue that. However I'm liking the fact that it is. I always felt in the past that the meta felt awkwardly heavy towards these insta bursts champs that sucked the fun out of everything. I like that you players now have to play together to take down enemies. I think it adds to the gameplay, not take away. In the past it always felt like you could just ignore the tanks.

Now the tanks are actually a threat. One that needs to tackled carefully. They are no longer a null factor in teamfights.

I think ciderhulk gets a lot of undue blame. I think the item had to be created to offer some sort of diversity to the jungle. Do you guys remember the beginning of season 5? WW, J4, Lee just stomped everyone. It was pretty much just them, because while the others could jungle, these three were the ones that actually prospered from the jungle. You couldn't build tank because the jungle was too strong.

Riot had a difficult decision, either make the jungle easier or add an item that can benefit the junglers. They did make it marginally easier but added an item that could help tanks junglers. There is a huge amount of diversity in the jungle right now, just because of this item. I have played Mundo/Malphite/Shen/Nasus in the jungle. Champs that haven't been junglers worthy since season 3.

Everyone hating on Sej needs to realise that she has always been this strong. It's just Cinder finally gives her some decent clear.

The game is at a really good place right now, but I recognise that there has to be change. They can't change the jungle any further. Doing so would let those that benefit become op from it. I wouldn't add anymore items. I feel adcs especially are really underestimating Black Cleaver, I've seen MF's, Vayne and even Quinns wreck tanks with that item.

All the same tanks are too strong and I feel a lot of that has to do with the loss of DFG. AP carries took a hit when that item was removed and Ludens, while a good item, doesn't offer an adequate replacement. I want to see a change or item that allows AP champs to pressure the game a bit more. Doesn't even need to be that strong, just something scales into late and causes dmg based on the health of an enemy.


I prefer this meta to the warrior/early game jungler one we had a while back, but yeah tanks are a bit overtuned at this point. I don't want to see Cinderhulk gutted but it's just way too easy to stack health right now.
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