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League of Legends |OT9| Stealing Abilities From Inferior MOBAs since 2009

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I know this was for comedy, but are there laning champs that want to buy that jungler item (cinderhulk)? Is that really something Garen wants?

Yes. The most common ones are Shyvana and Hecarim, who can be seen in top lane with teleport and smite (Hecarim also sometimes uses teleport and ignite, the smite version is the defensive version). They can counterjungle (sometimes even getting a lvl 1 red buff), buy cinderhulk and use challenging smite which is a strong summoner spell right now; it's like an exhaust mixed with a damage spell.

I dunno if it's something for Garen though. I have seen a couple of jungle Garen lately at least, but only in normals.


I can see it being good on Garen as he scales well with health, helps with trades and the cinderhulk passive helps with pushing waves. Its better on Hec, Shyvanna and Mundo though as they can push waves fast and starve the enemy jungle by taking there camps quickly.
I can see it being good on Garen as he scales well with health, helps with trades and the cinderhulk passive helps with pushing waves. Its better on Hec, Shyvanna and Mundo though as they can push waves fast and starve the enemy jungle by taking there camps quickly.

Don't talk about TP/Smite Mundo. I don't want that shit becoming meta. He's already a damn nightmare to kill, but with Cinderhulk he's just stupid. Plus the Cleaver change lets him farm pretty safe, and if you take Spell Vamp runes on him you actual gain health by farming with your cleavers. It's so dumb.

And by dumb I mean I love it so damn much. But I don't want it to spread because I don't want to have to play against that shit.


Don't talk about TP/Smite Mundo. I don't want that shit becoming meta. He's already a damn nightmare to kill, but with Cinderhulk he's just stupid. Plus the Cleaver change lets him farm pretty safe, and if you take Spell Vamp runes on him you actual gain health by farming with your cleavers. It's so dumb.

And by dumb I mean I love it so damn much. But I don't want it to spread because I don't want to have to play against that shit.

Yea my go to top is Mundo and its pretty ridiculous on him.

Cinderhulk passive + Gromp smite buff + challenging smite + Burning Agony = Unkillable AoE dmg tank of death.
Hecarim with Cinderhulk in the top lane is a got dang menace. I ban him every time.

Yes. The most common ones are Shyvana and Hecarim, who can be seen in top lane with teleport and smite (Hecarim also sometimes uses teleport and ignite, the smite version is the defensive version). They can counterjungle (sometimes even getting a lvl 1 red buff), buy cinderhulk and use challenging smite which is a strong summoner spell right now; it's like an exhaust mixed with a damage spell.

I dunno if it's something for Garen though. I have seen a couple of jungle Garen lately at least, but only in normals.



Won my latest Ranked game as Supp Sona.
Our Vayne was a little TOO gung ho, although she did manage to get a few kills early on.
Our Yasuo carried us, who was against a Top Lee Sin.

We overall got a big kill lead and the opposing team surrendered :p


Blitzcrank is just too good at my level (low silver).
Too good.

I feel bad at even picking him.
Last game: 1/4/24.
I mean, WUT.
And I gave all kills to Jinx, did not even steal anything. And dived 24/7.


Rip the dream. Managed to tie the series up 2-2, before getting people in my last game who insisted they need to play on their main roles over other players and proceed to feed. :\
Our Kennen came 0/5/0 out out of laning against a tank Malphite lol. Mid played well, my adc sadly fed after our first blood. Playing way too reckles, gettin hooked into tower.

Oh well, maybe next time.


Strategic diversity rofl

Blitzcrank is just too good at my level (low silver).
Too good.

I feel bad at even picking him.
Last game: 1/4/24.
I mean, WUT.
And I gave all kills to Jinx, did not even steal anything. And dived 24/7.

Ikr. Played with a Blitz as Lucian against a Kalista/Alistar combo (watched MSI no doubt) Everytime he gets a hook, I just E in and chunk the ADC down before he can react. The hook fear is strong in lower elos because no one knows how to kite or react. Soooo good :^)


I feel like I have either my best or my worst games when I'm in promos. 1-1 rn, almost back into Silver 1 again. -_________-


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Rip the dream. Managed to tie the series up 2-2, before getting people in my last game who insisted they need to play on their main roles over other players and proceed to feed. :\
Our Kennen came 0/5/0 out out of laning against a tank Malphite lol. Mid played well, my adc sadly fed after our first blood. Playing way too reckles, gettin hooked into tower.

Oh well, maybe next time.
Sometimes promos just kind of fall away from you. It's better not to worry about the specifics too much. Good luck on your next try.


Sometimes promos just kind of fall away from you. It's better not to worry about the specifics too much. Good luck on your next try.
Yeah I know I can get into Diamond. Played there last season too. Just gonna take some more time to reach it. Back at 90LP after getting out of the series, so it should be only one win away for my second try.

I'm not really worried about these kind of games. I just like to look back at what went wrong and right after the game. I'm really interested to see if the LP clamping at Diamond V is really that bad.



Cait was upset

but back into Silver 1 for the zillionth time this season.


I know this was for comedy, but are there laning champs that want to buy that jungler item (cinderhulk)? Is that really something Garen wants?
I've only done it with Volibear. He works well with cinderhulk and other HP items.

*edit* Right after I made this post, I noticed that the game I just started has an enemy Shyvana top lane with smite.
*edit2* Got crushed. We had Vayne vs. the smite Shyvana, and Shyvana went like 22-7 or something. With 3-4 people and a tower, we still could barely get Shyvana close to damaging her Guardian's Angel, and she was several levels above anyone else in the game, even a 8-0 LeBlanc.


Question: How much Magic Pen is too much Magic Pen?
Say I use the M. Pen runes: I get 8 M. Pen early on. The Magic pen boots earn me +15, so that ups it to 23 Magic Pen. Would also getting Abyssal+Void Staff be more than needed MAgic pen?
Question: How much Magic Pen is too much Magic Pen?
Say I use the M. Pen runes: I get 8 M. Pen early on. The Magic pen boots earn me +15, so that ups it to 23 Magic Pen. Would also getting Abyssal+Void Staff be more than needed MAgic pen?

How much magic resist does the enemy team have? Also does your champion scale off AP? Does X champion have good AP ratios (upon leveling or buying items)?

There's a reason champions like Rumble build magic pen over straight up AP. Or old Ryze built mana etc...There is math behind it and you can dig around for actual numbers or always do them yourselves.


Question: How much Magic Pen is too much Magic Pen?
Say I use the M. Pen runes: I get 8 M. Pen early on. The Magic pen boots earn me +15, so that ups it to 23 Magic Pen. Would also getting Abyssal+Void Staff be more than needed MAgic pen?

Depends. If the other team is stacking MR, get %Magic Pen (Void Staff), if not, get flat pen (Abyssal Scepter). You should be able to look up how much MR the enemy has by clicking on them and getting a quick read.

It's probably best to combine the two, since MR reduction happens in this order:

Magic reduction, flat.
Magic reduction, percentage.
Magic penetration, percentage.
Magic penetration, flat.


If you're a Vi or Gragas or something on the opposite side of the pit, if you jump to that corner brush over the wall can you be seen by a ward while between walls?


Well, had to dodge my first attempt to play. Our last pick was supposed to take ADC and took Gangplank with smite and teleport. So yeah,dodged that one. I hate that trolls essentially force someone else to take the LP hit.
Well, had to dodge my first attempt to play. Our last pick was supposed to take ADC and took Gangplank with smite and teleport. So yeah,dodged that one. I hate that trolls essentially force someone else to take the LP hit.

My friend and I use to run team pirates MF/GP bot lane....

But he was Diamond....

I guess this is one way to deal with multiple tanks. Get 1300 crits on every auto attack. Stay patient in cannon form busting them in the face with W's until you can't wait to go hammer form anymore.

I've only done it with Volibear. He works well with cinderhulk and other HP items.

*edit* Right after I made this post, I noticed that the game I just started has an enemy Shyvana top lane with smite.
*edit2* Got crushed. We had Vayne vs. the smite Shyvana, and Shyvana went like 22-7 or something. With 3-4 people and a tower, we still could barely get Shyvana close to damaging her Guardian's Angel, and she was several levels above anyone else in the game, even a 8-0 LeBlanc.

Yea today I learned that smite does damage to champs now. ok...


Riot said:
looking at buffing late game, as well as changing mantra for w and e. more details when she's on pbe

the goal is to make her feel better as a support, so hopefully stronger!

We all know what this means...buffs to Karma mid!


Is it that easy to cheat in this game? Fiora apparently has an auto-riposte cheat. It would only go off if I auto'd her. If I auto'd a minion right next to her, she would never use it.

Ruining the game.
You can do some hilarious things with Leblanc and the new ARAM summoner spell.

Hit someone with a snowball, create distortion, reactivate summoner to teleport to them, QRE or whatever then W again back to safety. I'm guessing Zed can pull similar shenanigans.


Is it that easy to cheat in this game? Fiora apparently has an auto-riposte cheat. It would only go off if I auto'd her. If I auto'd a minion right next to her, she would never use it.

Ruining the game.
It's somewhat common, but really easy to detect and ban for.
Ikr. Played with a Blitz as Lucian against a Kalista/Alistar combo (watched MSI no doubt) Everytime he gets a hook, I just E in and chunk the ADC down before he can react. The hook fear is strong in lower elos because no one knows how to kite or react. Soooo good :^)

As a fellow silver shitter, I think the worst part is the opposing support. In this hell of an elo, blitz is basically the most annoying champ after a fed kat, but the real problem is that it takes both bot members to know what to do. Even if I'm not afraid of the hook, if my support plays passive as hell there's a limit to how often I can put myself out there.


Is it that easy to cheat in this game? Fiora apparently has an auto-riposte cheat. It would only go off if I auto'd her. If I auto'd a minion right next to her, she would never use it.

Ruining the game.

Yeah, it sucks when someone is using a cheat of some kind. They almost never last very long before drawing a ban if they are cheating.


Sitting on a 30 minute wait and lost 10 LP because I drew another troll in champ select. Riot has got to fix this garbage system of champ select. If someone late in the selection decides that they're just going to troll the game, I don't get why I have to be punished for it. I hate this so much.
You can do some hilarious things with Leblanc and the new ARAM summoner spell.

Hit someone with a snowball, create distortion, reactivate summoner to teleport to them, QRE or whatever then W again back to safety. I'm guessing Zed can pull similar shenanigans.

Fizz is cancerous in ARAM with the snowball.
It's whatever with me. I've learn best way to deal with bull shit meta is learn the meta picks themselves. During bruiser meta, I learned bruiser. During assassin meta I learned assassins, and during tank meta you betcha I learned me some tanks.

Yea but, "if you can't beat em, join em" should never be the refrain in a game with 100+ characters to choose from. That's just weak. If I wanted to play those champs I would pick them. Don't force me to feel like I have to play styles of champs I don't enjoy, you know? Oh well.
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