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League of Legends |OT9| Stealing Abilities From Inferior MOBAs since 2009

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Yea but, "if you can't beat em, join em" should never be the refrain in a game with 100+ characters to choose from. That's just weak. If I wanted to play those champs I would pick them. Don't force me to feel like I have to play styles of champs I don't enjoy, you know? Oh well.

Well I care about my LP so I give in. =(

I still pick whatever it is that I like for normals though (J4, J4, J4, J4, DEMACIA!)
Well I care about my LP so I give in. =(

I still pick whatever it is that I like for normals though (J4, J4, J4, J4, DEMACIA!)

Yea I definitely understand. When I get back into ranked, I'll have some decisions to make. I'll probably have to limit myself to mid Jayce if I'm going to play it. Otherwise, ADC and Support.


Yeah, it sucks when someone is using a cheat of some kind. They almost never last very long before drawing a ban if they are cheating.


Sitting on a 30 minute wait and lost 10 LP because I drew another troll in champ select. Riot has got to fix this garbage system of champ select. If someone late in the selection decides that they're just going to troll the game, I don't get why I have to be punished for it. I hate this so much.
The way to current system is there's so much incentive to troll.

A you picked a stupid champion I don't like? Better dodge than buddy, oh you're getting a 0/20 Bard on your team.
I don't know what possesses people to be so hateful. I went Zed against a Yasuo in a normal, and I mean, I'm not a great Zed, I just play him because I have fun playing as him. I never said two words to the guy. I killed him in lane. He wasn't a threat at all, but then he picked off so many kills, he ended something like 20/14/7.

We lost, and in post game chat, he told me to get fucked after I said gg. I asked what his problem was, and then he and his jungler started shitting on me, saying I was a horrible Zed and to land more Q's. I said he couldn't beat me in lane, and that just set them off even harder, and then they started making fun of me because of my name. My Summoner Name is LegitViet (I'm Vietnamese, of course), and they started calling me a fucking Nammer and told me to make them pho.

I don't know, I'm normally not affected by insults in League. I mean, they just come with the game. But this situation in particular really offended me. I mean, I didn't even do anything!


Better tank meta than assassin meta or bruiser meta. At least it takes teamwork to kill a tank. Assassin's blow up squishies with 0 counterplay.
Why do you all bring up the shit tanks instead of the Sions or Maokais or any of the cinderhulk junglers or even the urgots? Even in a tank meta, Garen is garbage.


Feels good to be able to slaughter an armor stacking tank. Even if I have to play Jinx to do it.


Holy shit that passive change will be big. You'll just be able to Mantra everything late game

Didn't Rex jungle Karma last season?


I don't know what possesses people to be so hateful. I went Zed against a Yasuo in a normal, and I mean, I'm not a great Zed, I just play him because I have fun playing as him. I never said two words to the guy. I killed him in lane. He wasn't a threat at all, but then he picked off so many kills, he ended something like 20/14/7.

We lost, and in post game chat, he told me to get fucked after I said gg. I asked what his problem was, and then he and his jungler started shitting on me, saying I was a horrible Zed and to land more Q's. I said he couldn't beat me in lane, and that just set them off even harder, and then they started making fun of me because of my name. My Summoner Name is LegitViet (I'm Vietnamese, of course), and they started calling me a fucking Nammer and told me to make them pho.

I don't know, I'm normally not affected by insults in League. I mean, they just come with the game. But this situation in particular really offended me. I mean, I didn't even do anything!

Sorry this happened to you, particularly with the xenophobic remarks. Yeah I mean, there's not much I can say but just ignore it. The other day we had a Cassio top versus our Garen and he was having a hard time and instead of just being a good sport, Cassio kept on just drilling him in all chat.

Idk, I'm all for having a little competitivity but there's no need to be an ass. Some people just have no class.
Wow those Karma changes sound good, especially when playing her as Support. She was the first champ I unlocked when I started playing a couple of months ago and I still use her a lot now in Mid or as a Support so it'll be fun to utilise these changes when co-ordinating with an ADC. Aaaalll the damage and healssss :))))
Just noticed they removed the damage component from the R,E. That kinda sucks since it's handy for clearing waves or scaring the opposition when entering teamfights, but at least the R,W can target minions now, I guess.

The changes might be fun, but I wasn't expecting them to change her anytime soon. I thought she was fine.


Garbage. If this shit makes it to live I'm uninstalling forever. Try to fix outdated irrelevant champions like Gangplank and Nunu and stop ruining the ones who are fine.

Nunu is probably a top 3 jungler in the game right now (probably the best imo just due to ease of use) and GP rework is the next to be released, but I don't really think you care about either of those things lol
Enough with the hyperbole. Katarina rattling off quadras and pentas on your team like it's nothing is not fun at all.

But like, that happens in a split second. Tanks are just in your face for extended team fights being a nuisance. And I specifically mentioned Garen because he's especially obnoxious, not that he's OP or anything.


But like, that happens in a split second. Tanks are just in your face for extended team fights being a nuisance. And I specifically mentioned Garen because he's especially obnoxious, not that he's OP or anything.

That's kinda the problem tho, because you don't really have a chance to react.

I think pretty much any meta has merits though. Assassins were interesting because everyone was squishy and teamfights were super fast, but was bs because you could be dead before you know it.

Tanks are interesting for pretty much the opposite reason in that team fights are really drawn out which creates fun scenarios, but they're bs because they do too much of everything.

I bitch about the tank meta too but that's just because we all want this dream world where all 126 or whatever champs have a 50% win rate and that just won't happen ever


Enough with the hyperbole. Katarina rattling off quadras and pentas on your team like it's nothing is not fun at all.

All you do is wait for her to ult and interrupt it. After that she's 100% useless in a fight. If at any point she gets CC'd, the team can just murder her since she's so squishy. I don't understand why people struggle against Katarina. I hate seeing her banned because she's so easy to play against. The enemy mid laner should always save their interrupt for her.

That said, because people are bad at interrupting her ult, I take her any time she's open and it's freelo.

But guys, seriously, just interrupt her ult and she's easy to deal with.
No damage on RE is like whatever, RQ waveclear has always been better and RE was always used for the utility, not the damage.

Depending on your positioning or how defensive you're being, it can be handy to pop it on a minion in the middle of a wave to ensure you get max CS since the fireball will detonate on the first target hit. I never really use the R shield to do that anyway but occasionally has its uses if you're getting poked hard.
Trinity Force podcast with Lyte and Ghostcrawler.

They discuss player behavior related topics.

Lyte reveals that supports tend to be the most positive players and adcs tend to be the most toxic, but the podcast as a whole is really interesting.

There was a reddit post from a good while back showing which champions were most likely to leave games. At the top was Riven, followed by Vayne and other high damage, short-range champions and assassins. In the middle were the mages, lower-damage ADCs, and bruisers. At the bottom were all the supports and support-tanks (like, Shen, Nautilus, Maokai, Amumu etc.). I think Thresh and Leona were the supports most likely to leave (I guess because they're most likely to be played by non-support mains when stuck with the role).
I'm a support main, and I'm toxic 100% of the time- it's just that I never say anything in chat.

I get toxic since as a support, you have to have a team around you to kill people (unless you're Zyra, in which case you can just 1v5 them), and people hate grouping up/forcing objectives so for minutes at a time I'm reduced to twirling my thumbs watching our 4k HP Sejuani farm wraiths instead of teamfighting while the ADC is splitpushing.
It's a buff for support Karma. Solo lane Karma I don't know, but Nev didn't seem to like it and he's probably the gaffer that plays the most solo lane Karma.

She's losing damage and the surprise burst heal that was so good in solo lane trades, so I would also agree it's a significant nerf to solo lane Karma. great buff to support Karma though. I'm a little disappointed because I always preferred playing Karma top but she always felt to me like she was designed to be more of a support with the ability to be a solo lane mage if you wanted, and they have decided they don't want the split identity anymore and think she's more suited to support.

I can totally see why they are doing it, part of me is a little disappointed though.


That new champ looks interesting. That W of his looks hard as fck to hit though. The delay seems even longer than Veigar's Event Horizon. His ult also seem hard to use, since u do damage at the end instead of at the beginning of his ult. Doesn't seem to be a free get out of jail card, so I guess he will needs his passive to escape.

Interesting kit nonetheless.


You think building attack speed on Ekko might be worth it? His passive reminds me of Vayne and Gnar's W passives.

His E is interesting and can be a neat escape ability; dash to get close to a jungle camp, then attack a jungle creep to get more distance away.

His Q is like Sivir's Q I guess?

I don't understand his ulti tbh :V
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