just quickly running by cos i'm bored and ehh, not really back, barely even playing league, but just wanted to post something about ekko and new abyssal i guess...
ekko looks kind of cool, tons of weird skillshots and weird mobility. i don't think the numbers on his ult will stick cos they're pretty dumb. same with the shield, 0.8 scaling is pretty nuts
not a big fan of the passive and i don't really get much theme from him having a random execute on his w, but he sounds fun. ult is kind of underwhelming after all the much more interesting theories ppl had about his time rewinding, but i guess after bard it's better to have something simple for a change
i think he'll be built like athenes/morellos into zhonyas and probably lichbane or something. i can even see him built like roa into zhonyas or something, tho im always wrong at this crap
also yeah +1 for riot adding another black character to the game
(also new karma sounds awesome)
i'm moe concerned with ap mids losing a viable first item to survive lane vs other apmids than i am tank abuse
i think changing abyssal does more to hurt midlane. athenes for everyone
right now if you're an ap mid, you have a choice. athenes, morellos, abyssal, or rush a high damage spike item.
that's removing one item entirely. now, athenes/morellos comes down to "what do want" while i think abyssal was more of a "what do you need"
the "choice" is not really true, not that many mids actually buy abyssal (off the top of my head: diana, ahri, lebonk, kat, lizzy, annie, maybe kassadin?) because of the range getting nerfed like two seasons ago or something. you can't buy old abyssal with ori or ziggs or azir or other long range mages because you can't get the passive effect without potentially mispositioning
now your tanks can shred mr which allows you to be more relevant against tanks who were pretty difficult to deal with, so it's a nice buff for the oris and the syndras. i really like the idea of the item having a more team-oriented focus rather than being a selfish buy, so this change pushing it in that direction is cool to me
for lebonk or ahri or whatever, yeah, it's removing the option which kind of sucks, but it was kind of a weird item anyways. but these champions are already pretty strong so i'm not too worried. basically all the midrange champions i mentioned above except for lizzy (how about reverting them nerfs, rito?) are pretty beast this patch so i don't think it'll be such a big deal.
i'm hoping they'll add a new item, athenes vs morellos feels pretty ok right now, but i'm not a fan of ludens uninspiredness (it's pretty strong, just nowhere near as fun as dfg) and yea, not having dfg, now not having abyssal, doesn't feel great.