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League of Legends |OT9| Stealing Abilities From Inferior MOBAs since 2009

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New Abyssal will be great for tanks and might be good against tanks for ap bruisers, 45% magic resist reduction against tanks will be strong.


i'm moe concerned with ap mids losing a viable first item to survive lane vs other apmids than i am tank abuse

i think changing abyssal does more to hurt midlane. athenes for everyone
i'm moe concerned with ap mids losing a viable first item to survive lane vs other apmids than i am tank abuse

i think changing abyssal does more to hurt midlane. athenes for everyone
Mids are supposed to get another MR item to compensate

And considering how Ludens turned out, they will be fine. Also
i'm moe concerned


right now if you're an ap mid, you have a choice. athenes, morellos, abyssal, or rush a high damage spike item.

that's removing one item entirely. now, athenes/morellos comes down to "what do want" while i think abyssal was more of a "what do you need"

edit: go to hell you scum


New Abyssal will be great for tanks and might be good against tanks for ap bruisers, 45% magic resist reduction against tanks will be strong.

30% soon, it'll only stack twice in apparently in an upcoming PBE patch. The current iteration is "maximum", it's going to get tweaked downwards.

The MR reduction really can't be understated as an anti-tank tool. A Tank with Veil and Spirit Visage for example has ~185 MR assuming scaling MR glyphs. Current Abyssal along with Void Staff drops that to ~80. A 4000 hp tank goes from having ~11400 effective hp vs. magic to 7200. Big.

i'm moe concerned with ap mids losing a viable first item to survive lane vs other apmids than i am tank abuse

i think changing abyssal does more to hurt midlane. athenes for everyone

Is that really a concern? It's still solid mid and late game, so which mid laner even rushes abyssal in laning phase? Cursory glance at probuilds shows that even on Diana - the prototype for abyssal rush - pros are building it 3rd item at the earliest for the most part, at which point it's still a solid pick up.


30% soon, it'll only stack twice in apparently in an upcoming PBE patch. The current iteration is "maximum", it's going to get tweaked downwards.

The MR reduction really can't be understated as an anti-tank tool. A Tank with Veil and Spirit Visage for example has ~185 MR assuming scaling MR glyphs. Current Abyssal along with Void Staff drops that to ~80. A 4000 hp tank goes from having ~11400 effective hp vs. magic to 7200. Big.

Is that really a concern? It's still solid mid and late game, so which mid laner even rushes abyssal in laning phase? Cursory glance at probuilds shows that even on Diana - the prototype for abyssal rush - pros are building it 3rd item at the earliest for the most part, at which point it's still a solid pick up.

I see abyssals on almost every short/medium range AP mids from time to time if the matchup calls for it.


I see abyssals on almost every short/medium range AP mids from time to time if the matchup calls for it.

"Almost every" of a subset of mids and "from time to time" don't exactly scream that it's an important 1st or even 2nd buy. It won't be significantly missed.


i disagree. removing viable build paths vs specific matchups does not promote a healthy midlane environment but ok let's just change zhonyas to give no armor too since it's only really viable in specific matchups as a first item too

If the new Abyssal still has that 80 (+5 per level) magic damage and MR shred, then I'm expecting to see it more often on these guys.
Ekko looks cool enough. They say he's isn't a burst mage but that 500 dmg ult with 130% AP scaling says otherwise.

So to today I decided to try out Viktor in the middle lane, boy was he fun.

I played 4 games won 3 and the servers crapped out on my on the 4th one but was already 4-2 against a Zed. Bear in mind that this is normal games and mid Zed was the match up I had more problems until I grabbed zonyas.

Anyways super fun champ, might grab him later one to add to my mid collection that at the moment is Zed, LB and Yasuo :)

Yeah, Viktor is a lot of fun. Played him earlier today. Enemy Lee Sin messed up a gank and I got a double kill in mid. Went back and bought an early Deathcap, then roamed bot and did like 80% to their Jinx with one E, lol.
Sorry this happened to you, particularly with the xenophobic remarks. Yeah I mean, there's not much I can say but just ignore it. The other day we had a Cassio top versus our Garen and he was having a hard time and instead of just being a good sport, Cassio kept on just drilling him in all chat.

Idk, I'm all for having a little competitivity but there's no need to be an ass. Some people just have no class.

Yeah, thanks for the kind words. I wasn't even doing particularly bad, and I didn't even say anything to the guy. He just decided to be a dick after winning for no reason.

Anyway, why do I have Lord Newt on my friends list? I definitely don't remember adding you.
what "toxic champs" got buffed

literally everyone except for olaf and trundle got nerfed. you sound like every bronze redditor complaining about how zed was 1 shotting them when they didn't buy any defensive items.
what "toxic champs" got buffed

literally everyone except for olaf and trundle got nerfed. you sound like every bronze redditor complaining about how zed was 1 shotting them when they didn't buy any defensive items.

Didn't Akali just get buffed? What exactly is a toxic champ? I always figure it to be those snowball heavy champs like Akali/Kat or anyone with a reset.

Zed got nerfed too =( My ZED! WHY RIOT WHY! He's not even strong in this meta!

P.S Having Lord Newt on my friends list has made me a lot more toxic!


Didn't Akali just get buffed? What exactly is a toxic champ? I always figure it to be those snowball heavy champs like Akali/Kat or anyone with a reset.

Zed got nerfed too =( My ZED! WHY RIOT WHY! He's not even strong in this meta!

P.S Having Lord Newt on my friends list has made me a lot more toxic!

Even though he isn't strong is this meta, he still wins fairly easily against most mids (except for Cho and Urgot) right? I remember watching Bjergs and he shifted to the opinion that zeds wins against ahri, and the list just kept going on and on.



hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
I killed some dragons but I'm pretty sure this game ain't Skyrim. Champion masteries are neat and teambuilder Sona still fun tho.



i disagree. removing viable build paths vs specific matchups does not promote a healthy midlane environment but ok let's just change zhonyas to give no armor too since it's only really viable in specific matchups as a first item too

Zhonya's is significantly more common as a 1st major item buy and the champions who do rush Zhonya's (e.g. Heimer) tend to need the active, not the armor. If all it did was give armor and had a passive that has a good chance of being useless because of the champion in question, then no one would buy Zhonya's either. You're really reaching here.
Even though he isn't strong is this meta, he still wins fairly easily against most mids (except for Cho and Urgot) right? I remember watching Bjergs and he shifted to the opinion that zeds wins against ahri, and the list just kept going on and on.


Oh no doubt his 2 strengths are lane phase, and split pushing. The problem with this meta is that his split pushing isn't as strong when you the enemy top laner is a super tank like Sion/Maokai.

Then in team fights he can't pop anyone because most likely enemy mid laner has Zhoyna and ADC will have QSS.

In season 3-4 the game plan was simple. You win lane then you split push once towers fall. Your teammates group as 4. From there a few scenarios can play out.

A) They 4-4 and you 1v1 whoever they send back to stop your split. Chances are you can 1v1 him even if he's under his turret. Best case scenario your teammates win the 4-4, and you win the 1-1. Okay case scenario your teammates lose the 4-4 but only like 3 for 4 and they can't grab objectives because enemy team only has one alive, you win the 1v1 and take top/bot tower. Still better overall for your team. Worst case scenario your teammates lose 4v4 hard, but you win 1v1 and both side get a tower or 2.

B) They send 2 people back for you and your teams get a 4v3. And if you're good you see it coming so you just run circles wasting those 2 champion's time while your team force a 4v3 fight/dive.

However in this tank meta you're not going to kill the enemy Sion/Mao/XXX Tank under tower. So your only hope is pray your team wins the 4v4 and take objectives. Best case scenario is they win 4v4 and you just waste the enemy top laners time. Worst case scenario they lose the 4v4 and you stand in the side lane with your dick in your hand watching the tank laugh at you trying to take his tower or worst off you dive him under his turret and die like an idiot because you can't kill him under tower.

So where does that leave you? It force you to abandon split pushing duty and group for team fights... where you don't shine and can easily get baited by QSS/Zhoyna.

You want to see an example of this? Look at the SKT vs FNC game where Faker's Azir got solo kill by Zed twice and still out play him in team fights. Why? Because Zed sucks in team fights unless he's extremely far ahead (which the commentator kept mentioning)

Now don't get me wrong I'm not saying he's bad because of his kit he will always be strong. I'm just saying he's not strong enough to get a nerf to his R. I would say he's average or slightly above average just due to how strong his laning phase is.


right now if you're an ap mid, you have a choice. athenes, morellos, abyssal, or rush a high damage spike item.

that's removing one item entirely. now, athenes/morellos comes down to "what do want" while i think abyssal was more of a "what do you need"
I see abyssal enough that I think it will hurt midlaners that it will be removed. It's not that uncommon for me to see an abyssal rush. It's often (always) in AP vs AP situations, but not in all AP vs AP situations.


just quickly running by cos i'm bored and ehh, not really back, barely even playing league, but just wanted to post something about ekko and new abyssal i guess...

ekko looks kind of cool, tons of weird skillshots and weird mobility. i don't think the numbers on his ult will stick cos they're pretty dumb. same with the shield, 0.8 scaling is pretty nuts

not a big fan of the passive and i don't really get much theme from him having a random execute on his w, but he sounds fun. ult is kind of underwhelming after all the much more interesting theories ppl had about his time rewinding, but i guess after bard it's better to have something simple for a change

i think he'll be built like athenes/morellos into zhonyas and probably lichbane or something. i can even see him built like roa into zhonyas or something, tho im always wrong at this crap

also yeah +1 for riot adding another black character to the game

(also new karma sounds awesome)

i'm moe concerned with ap mids losing a viable first item to survive lane vs other apmids than i am tank abuse

i think changing abyssal does more to hurt midlane. athenes for everyone
right now if you're an ap mid, you have a choice. athenes, morellos, abyssal, or rush a high damage spike item.

that's removing one item entirely. now, athenes/morellos comes down to "what do want" while i think abyssal was more of a "what do you need"
the "choice" is not really true, not that many mids actually buy abyssal (off the top of my head: diana, ahri, lebonk, kat, lizzy, annie, maybe kassadin?) because of the range getting nerfed like two seasons ago or something. you can't buy old abyssal with ori or ziggs or azir or other long range mages because you can't get the passive effect without potentially mispositioning

now your tanks can shred mr which allows you to be more relevant against tanks who were pretty difficult to deal with, so it's a nice buff for the oris and the syndras. i really like the idea of the item having a more team-oriented focus rather than being a selfish buy, so this change pushing it in that direction is cool to me

for lebonk or ahri or whatever, yeah, it's removing the option which kind of sucks, but it was kind of a weird item anyways. but these champions are already pretty strong so i'm not too worried. basically all the midrange champions i mentioned above except for lizzy (how about reverting them nerfs, rito?) are pretty beast this patch so i don't think it'll be such a big deal.

i'm hoping they'll add a new item, athenes vs morellos feels pretty ok right now, but i'm not a fan of ludens uninspiredness (it's pretty strong, just nowhere near as fun as dfg) and yea, not having dfg, now not having abyssal, doesn't feel great.
Been watching some PBE videos of Ekko. He definitely has way too much damage for all the utility and mobility in his kit (dash,speed boost, multiple slows, stun, heal, shield, waveclear, demolishes turrets). He looks like a lot of fun though when you see all his abilities interacting with each other.


Gave Ashe a try and damn is her Q freakin' good, does every subsequent flurry deal more damage? Cuz it looked like that to me.
From the patch notes I don't see why each subsequent flurry would deal more damage. What exactly do you mean?

If you are talking about the stack activation, 5 stacks should do a fixed amount of damage for the flurry.


^Maybe the higher damage was crit damage?

The description of Ashe's Q has me wondering
If Ashe has 5 stacks of Focus.png Focus on activation, Ranger's Focus will also cause each of Ashe's basic attacks to fire a flurry of five arrows. Each arrow deals modified damage that stacks multiplicatively with Frost Shots and benefits from life steal. The flurry will trigger on-attack effects five times but on-hit effects are only applied once.
What counts as on-attack effect? Does BorK's passive count as on-attack?


Man fuck the haters Bard is amazing

Hell ya. He's tons of fun to play. Seeing the enemy group under your ult and then having your Sej get them all in her's is a beautiful thing.

That lee skin is actually excellent

Great skin. I like so many Lee Sin skins, but I dont like playing him that much. It's a damn shame.

Same here, I think he's one of those spammer bots.

Damnit I knew it!
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