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League of Legends |OT9| Stealing Abilities From Inferior MOBAs since 2009

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I honestly don't like Ashe new changes. She was already one of the most squashiest ADC with virtually no escape, which made her a risk to play as if your positional and map awareness was not up to snuff, now, even her speed and gold intake is getting nerfed, making her even more obsolete. Not only that, the fact that her only pro, which was her crit growth have been tinkered with makes her less attractive than I imagine she will ever be. Too bad, because her style was vastly different to many ADCs out there.

Also, Riot is really trying their best diminishing Morgana as a mid champ even more. Lame!
Uhh, her speed didn't get nerfed. They cut off some of her attack speed because now she has an steroid and last thing Riot wants is another Tristana.

And crit growth being a pro? She scaled just like any AD with crit, now she gets a permanent crit steroid and all the advantages it brings from guaranteed Shiv procs to a permanent +15% attack speed from masteries. She'll do less damage per crit but she will crit every single time and with IE + PD she will do normal crit damage on every auto.


I honestly don't like Ashe new changes. She was already one of the most squashiest ADC with virtually no escape, which made her a risk to play as if your positional and map awareness was not up to snuff, now, even her speed and gold intake is getting nerfed, making her even more obsolete. Not only that, the fact that her only pro, which was her crit growth have been tinkered with makes her less attractive than I imagine she will ever be. Too bad, because her style was vastly different to many ADCs out there.

Also, Riot is really trying their best diminishing Morgana as a mid champ even more. Lame!

Nerfed her Gold intake?
Far as I know, only she, Draven, Gangplank and TF have a passive that lets them get bonus gold from killing units.

The removal of the old E passive just made her gold intake be as much as your average ADC.



Nice build Rengar....

Newt definitely approves.


Nerfed her Gold intake?
Far as I know, only she, Draven, Gangplank and TF have a passive that lets them get bonus gold from killing units.

The removal of the old E passive just made her gold intake be as much as your average ADC.

Which was one of the few advantage she had over other ADCs

Although, I jut played against an Ashe and she as quite power :/

Uhh, her speed didn't get nerfed. They cut off some of her attack speed because now she has an steroid and last thing Riot wants is another Tristana.

And crit growth being a pro? She scaled just like any AD with crit, now she gets a permanent crit steroid and all the advantages it brings from guaranteed Shiv procs to a permanent +15% attack speed from masteries. She'll do less damage per crit but she will crit every single time and with IE + PD she will do normal crit damage on every auto.

Yeah, I just realised that. But her crit will be missed.
What steroid are keep talking about? for that every 5 hits she gets a bonus something?
It was 3 gold per CS

You'd get like an extra CS or two per minute and you'd likely only grab E at level 4. Any AD could get an Avarice Blade and match her E passive.
Yeah, I just realised that. But her crit will be missed.
What steroid are keep talking about? for that every 5 hits she gets a bonus something?
Her Q gives her 40% attack speed for it's duration at max rank. With 5 Focus stacks it also increases her AD by like 30%


I'm gonna try and play more Ashe after work, just to get a feel for her Q. It's long cooldown is surprisngly long.


I'm always in favor of bringing Zyra into play, but I haven't lost with Nami yet all season. I've always been more on Team Zyra, but I might be swinging to Team Nami.

Nami is clearly the superior pick in general, but Zyra can be an ok niche pick I think.


Nami is clearly the superior pick in general, but Zyra can be an ok niche pick I think.

Zyra can save you from a boneheaded ADC or mid. If either is failing to pull their weight, you can just blow up the other team yourself. I love having Liandry's and Rylai's completed on Zyra and just watching everybody burn in slow motion.


When do you go bortk first and when do you go bt first on kalista? On probuilds it seems like you can go either way with it but I'm guessing it's dependent on the enemy team comp/situation that you are in.


When do you go bortk first and when do you go bt first on kalista? On probuilds it seems like you can go either way with it but I'm guessing it's dependent on the enemy team comp/situation that you are in.

Not the best kalista player, but it would probably depend on my first/second back. If I can get a bf sword on the first back I get the bf sword.


Gold Member
Man I really hate it when my team gets complacent. I was 9-2 as riven and our mid was 17-6 kata. Team was arrogant when they tried to 3v5 the enemy team while me and the adr was away from them. This resulted in our loss.

5.9 is around the corner and I'm really excited for the ashe revamp as well as the renek buff.


Man I really hate it when my team gets complacent. I was 9-2 as riven and our mid was 17-6 kata. Team was arrogant when they tried to 3v5 the enemy team while me and the adr was away from them. This resulted in our loss.

5.9 is around the corner and I'm really excited for the ashe revamp as well as the renek buff.
Yeah, I hate that too. I tend to threaten afk for team-mates who don't group. Thankfully I only have to afk in maybe every 1/5 of these scenarios.


Gold Member
Yeah, I hate that too. I tend to threaten afk for team-mates who don't group. Thankfully I only have to afk in maybe every 1/5 of these scenarios.

What made my situation worse was that all of my team mates was actually playing right beside me literally and trash talking the enemy team. I tried to warn them because you know how riot keeps reminding us how players with bad attitude lose 20-something percent more games. We got our just desserts.

I'm not really updated on the new hero so I don't know what roles he fit in but I'd really like him to be a top laner since I main top.

Hmmm we're still at patch 5.8 and seeing all the above comments makes me optimistic since Ashe is the only adc I can play decently or at all.


Man I really hate it when my team gets complacent. I was 9-2 as riven and our mid was 17-6 kata. Team was arrogant when they tried to 3v5 the enemy team while me and the adr was away from them. This resulted in our loss.

5.9 is around the corner and I'm really excited for the ashe revamp as well as the renek buff.

Yeah, I hate that too. I tend to threaten afk for team-mates who don't group. Thankfully I only have to afk in maybe every 1/5 of these scenarios.

That game I linked about Rengar had this going on. I really thought my team was going to lose at one point because they just kept running around the enemy jungle like a bunch of dingalings then doing nothing after getting a kill or two. I'd literally just have to keep the lanes pushed myself as graves and wait around for the entire enemy team to chase after my teammates.

I go, "Let's push and end the game. It should've been over 10 mins ago.."

Rengar: "Then why isnt it."

It got to the point where Rengar would jump into a pile of people and just die because of his 2k hp build.

3 barons later we finally push and win. I guarantee we would've lost if it wasnt for me taking inhibs and the other team being dumb. Both probably went hand in hand.
The way you make people group is to play jungle and randomly push every lane until they have no outers. Then your shitbrained teammates are on their own.


Hah, I hate teams that won't group. Last night we had a Shaco and a Tryndamere that both wanted to wander when we clearly had a major advantage and we just needed to group and win. Both of them were starting to feed and it was making me really nervous about the game. Luckily we won a 3v5 (Nami + Kalista is OP in team fights) and we were able to convince them that it was time to end the game. Next team fight was a 5v5 and we aced them and won.

But man, the game went 10 minutes longer than it should have, and their Cho'Gath was just about to the point where we had no chance. I think if we didn't finally get them to group with us that we would have lost the game for sure.


When do you go bortk first and when do you go bt first on kalista?

At least from what I've seen, it's personal preference. I think a some of it has to do with how the lane is going / first back. If you've got the money to get BF, I'd consider going for BT first. Whereas if you're punished early and back with just enough for some components, BotRK makes a little more sense. With that being said, there are plenty of builds that go Vamp Scepter first back and still end up BT first...


Not the best kalista player, but it would probably depend on my first/second back. If I can get a bf sword on the first back I get the bf sword.

At least from what I've seen, it's personal preference. I think a some of it has to do with how the lane is going / first back. If you've got the money to get BF, I'd consider going for BT first. Whereas if you're punished early and back with just enough for some components, BotRK makes a little more sense. With that being said, there are plenty of builds that go Vamp Scepter first back and still end up BT first...

Thanks fellas. I've been typically going bt first but these explanations make sense for why you might go bork first


I think if your matchup is against a character with no escape, and scenario complements it a cutlass can secure a lead and make the matchup hell for the other player, that said if you already have the money for BT it's probably the better safer option.


Rito pls.
I can buy the 3000 RP thing, but I would then be 80 RP short of getting the SSW Team bundle.
Rito pls.



He's going to be an absolute monster in the LCS, isn't he?

Edit: What happens if Shen casts his ult at the same time on Ekko? Would he get left behind if his channel ended before Ekko showed up in the other lane, or would he go along for the ride? If Kalista ulted Ekko and Ekko popped his ult, what happens there? I want to see people try and break things.


I am getting tired of playing with random people who are there to flame when they, themselves, aren't doing good.

I just played Morgana as Supp with an ashe who was just swearing left and right. Later he accused me of not playing good despite having half of the number of the kills as assist...



Counter pick Heimer with Ziggs. If he goes top instead of mid, lane swap. If you know he's going top, pick Vladimir and troll pool every time he goes ham with his ult.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
I mean, I would camp the shit out of his lane too if I knew it was Huni.

Edit: LOL the classic mute your whole team.


Yay Karma buffs on PBE. Her mid-late game needed improvement.

Yup. I think the passive buff might be a bit pf an overkill but I love the other stuff, especially the empowered W.

Just don't pull a Ziggs on her later Riot, my heart will be crushed.

where's the link

unless you mean the old ones


Gathering Fire (Passive)

CD Refund on spell hit increased to 2/2.5/3/3.5 at levels 1/6/11/16 from 2 at all levels

CD Refund on Basic Attack still at 50% of spell hit value

Focused Resolve (W)

Can now target monsters in addition to champions

Renewal (Mantra + W)

Reworked - both healing and bonus damage removed.

Now debuffs target for duration of tether + root.

All damage dealt to target is increased by 10% (excludes true damage)

All damage dealt to target heals Karma for 20% of the damage dealt

If the damage source is a champion on Karma's team (excluding Karma) they are also healed for 20% of damage dealt

Inspire (E)

Cooldown reduced to 10/9/8/7/6 from 10 seconds at all ranks

Mana Cost lowered to 60/65/70/75/80 from 60/70/80/90/100

Shield amount lowered to 80/110/140/170/200 from 80/120/160/200/240

Defiance (Mantra + E)

No longer deals damage

Now increases target's shield by 30/90/150/210 (+.3 AP)

Aoe Shield amount is now 50% of primary target's shield amount from 30/70/110/150

Dat empowered W is AMAZING and has counterplay since she has to stay kinda close to pull it off (tanky karma builds?).

Her base shield strength took a hit for the ability to use it more, overall buff i think since the movespeed is great for roams.

Really excited about these buffs, she's bawsically my main but her late game is mediocre at best as support.
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