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League of Legends |OT9| Stealing Abilities From Inferior MOBAs since 2009

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like always you can play whatever you want, tho obviously some champions are more effective in some metas than others

current meta is big on health stacking so there's somewhat less early jungle pressure but adcs are more important than ever with all the tanks running around, specially jinx since she's pretty op, and apparently vayne if winrate matters for something..

i think draven's supposed to be really good now?

there's also lots of fighting and deathball comps now which makes sivir pretty strong

but yea play whatever you like, i would advice against playing low mobility adcs like mf because it's pretty frustrating right now because of all the cc

roger that.


I haven't seen Lord Newt playing ranked in like, a day. I feel like there's something wrong with the universe when I log in and there's no Newt in a ranked game.


Forgive the late question, but when did Urgot really become a thing? I thought I was being trolled so I dodged a few matches, but now I'm spectating some high-level matches (Dyrus, xPecake, LemonNation) and...here he is.

He's solid now?

Urgot's popularity is really funny to me because he still has one of the lowest win rates in the game, but everyone wants to play him now. Sure win rate isn't always a good metric, but he's anywhere between 5th and 10th from the bottom in win rate depending on your criteria. I'm sure it's just that low elo people don't know how to play him, but he's still not one I'm thrilled to see on my team.


Urgot's popularity is really funny to me because he still has one of the lowest win rates in the game, but everyone wants to play him now. Sure win rate isn't always a good metric, but he's anywhere between 5th and 10th from the bottom in win rate depending on your criteria. I'm sure it's just that low elo people don't know how to play him, but he's still not one I'm thrilled to see on my team.

not necessarily that ppl don't know how to play him (champion.gg says 46% and that's plat+), but he doesn't scale so well afaik so he's generally not that effective in solo queue where people aren't as good in snowballing advantages like in competitive

but actually he has pretty bad winrate in competitive too i think, with like 40% in msi or something, so maybe he's kind of overrated

roger that.
i really don't get when ppl talk like "you can't play x or y champion"

sejuani or jinx might be super op but you can play whatever you want in this game, we're not pros


relies on auto-aim
Ended up watching 4 videos of Ekko. Interesting to see how they handled the Ultimate and scaling on skills. Actually really would like to play him, oh well RIP my sub 30 account with no RP/IP.
Urgot's popularity is really funny to me because he still has one of the lowest win rates in the game, but everyone wants to play him now. Sure win rate isn't always a good metric, but he's anywhere between 5th and 10th from the bottom in win rate depending on your criteria. I'm sure it's just that low elo people don't know how to play him, but he's still not one I'm thrilled to see on my team.
He doesn't even seem fun.



the bitter feeling of reaching your skillcap
Well, I was diamond 2 last season. It could be explained as meta shift, but I do not believe the system is not functioning completely properly.

Also was diamond 4 many times this season itself. Anyways, riot did mention it's a problem that's going to be addressed next patch.


The things Diamond 5 does to you man. I don't think anyone enjoys winning 8-12 LP per win and losing 25+ for loss.
That only happens if your MMR is way lower though. If you have diamond MMR then you should get balanced gains and losses, correct? I thought only super high (masters / challenger?) games have clamping near 100 LP.

Was out at the bar with friends.

Don't drink and play.
You should totally play. Specifically Gragas.


relies on auto-aim
That only happens if your MMR is way lower though. If you have diamond MMR then you should get balanced gains and losses, correct? I thought only super high (masters / challenger?) games have clamping near 100 LP.
Nah, apparently D V is a cesspool of people who only care about being diamond and there are giant anchors and the climb to get out is like D IV to D I.
I mean why are people in D V getting matched vs Golds, like actually what. Something about hidden MMR vs rank disparity. My friend was talking about it to me since he's D V.

Also Reddit likes complaining about this weekly.
That only happens if your MMR is way lower though. If you have diamond MMR then you should get balanced gains and losses, correct? I thought only super high (masters / challenger?) games have clamping near 100 LP.

You should totally play. Specifically Gragas.

Diamond 5 is a unique case. It's not like Plat, Gold, or Silver 5.






That only happens if your MMR is way lower though. If you have diamond MMR then you should get balanced gains and losses, correct? I thought only super high (masters / challenger?) games have clamping near 100 LP.

You should totally play. Specifically Gragas.

Nah, apparently D V is a cesspool of people who only care about being diamond and there are giant anchors and the climb to get out is like D IV to D I.
I mean why are people in D V getting matched vs Golds, like actually what. Something about hidden MMR vs rank disparity. My friend was talking about it to me since he's D V.

Also Reddit likes complaining about this weekly.
Nah, Blizzard has the correct idea. The difference is that there is a slightly larger MMR gap from P1 to D5 than from say P2 to P1 (200-300 MMR instead of 100 MMR is the current estimation). Many of the people with shit LP gains should have never made it out from P1 if the LP clamping was still there in P1. I think a rioter once said some minority of D5 players had some bug where they got low LP, but most of the people get shit LP due to their low MMR. I don't have a link, sadly.

I've gotten +18 to +24 and -14-20 during my time in D5, which isn't that bad. That's still after failing my promos to D5 once or twice, so my MMR couldn't have been stellar.


relies on auto-aim
Nah, Blizzard has the correct idea. The difference is that there is a slightly larger MMR gap from P1 to D5 than from say P2 to P1 (200-300 MMR instead of 100 MMR is the current estimation). Many of the people with shit LP gains should have never made it out from P1 if the LP clamping was still there in P1. I think a rioter once said some minority of D5 players had some bug where they got low LP, but most of the people get shit LP due to their low MMR. I don't have a link, sadly.

I've gotten +18 to +24 and -14-20 during my time in D5, which isn't that bad. That's still after failing my promos to D5 once or twice, so my MMR couldn't have been stellar.
Right, but the focus is on your team being anchors which probably feels worse. Maybe just play 1v5 snowball champ in D V or something idk


Right, but the focus is on your team being anchors which probably feels worse. Maybe just play 1v5 snowball champ in D V or something idk

That's what everyone who believes they are in "elo hell" believes. It's just a bunch of crap. Sure there are some people who don't want to climb higher but the same is true in gold, plat, silver etc. There can be only 4 of those on your own team and 5 on the enemy team even if we were to speak about some imaginary place where nobody but you wants to win.


Calling this loss.

That's what everyone who believes they are in "elo hell" believes. It's just a bunch of crap. Sure there are some people who don't want to climb higher but the same is true in gold, plat, silver etc. There can be only 4 of those on your own team and 5 on the enemy team even if we were to speak about some imaginary place where nobody but you wants to win.
Well, I dunno. LP losses are messed up. It's a diamond 5 issue. I was in diamond 4 too at one point, but it literally took me 10 games in a row to get there. It's not a system impossible to climb out of, it just takes too many games to do it.


Well, I dunno. LP losses are messed up. It's a diamond 5 issue. I was in diamond 4 too at one point, but it literally took me 10 games in a row to get there. It's not a system impossible to climb out of, it just takes too many games to do it.

You still get good LP if you have a half-decent MMR. I think the problem in general is that there's no clamping in P1 so people get into D5 with low mmr already.

a Rioter response to some guy thinking the LP gains sucks:
Looking over your match history (assuming you are Resta on EUW) it looks like you had a number of periods where you had large strings of losing games at 0 LP. This dropped your MMR way below the average in diamond 5.
There are a few ways we could handle situations like this. We could either demote the player sooner to keep their point gains healthy at the cost of the bad feels of demotion, or we could let them go into MMR debt and keep their current tier. We consider the bad feels of demotion is worse than the experience of low LP gains for a period of games. Also since the player has already proven capable of earning the tier, they will likely climb back to a position where they are playing at that level, so we let them keep the current tier.

More on the issue:
Hey all, have seen a few posts on this recently. While we know there is an issue with low LP gains in diamond 5, looking at the number of players with 0 and low LP scores doesn't show there is an issue with LP gains. If you look at any division you will see a similar pattern. In fact, 25% of players in every division are at 0 LP and all those players experience healthy gains. There is two reasons this pattern occurs:

1. Players are driven by standards. This dictates engagement patterns around reaching new divisions. In other words, nobody is setting a goal of reaching 97 LP then taking a break. The goal is always the next division or tier. Similar groupings appear in most systems structured in this way (for example, grading systems with minimum pass criteria).

2. The system is very lenient about demotions, and players cannot fall below 0 LP except by dodging. This means that any player who is technically below 0 LP will still be displayed at 0 until they fall far enough to be demoted. This also means that players climbing back out of an MMR technically below the amount expected for 0 LP will get smaller gains while they climb back up.

Why is this important? While we do have a fix on the way in the coming patches for this issue, it won't change the number of players who are at 0 LP in diamond 5 or any division. That isn't the problem or really even a symptom of it. I want to make sure the community understands the actual issue being discussed here.
The real issue is that LP calcs work differently d5 to challenger. Right now it's tuned too aggressively, so if you're out of sync from going on a losing streak after getting in it can feel really painful to climb out. The change we're implementing smooths out the gains over all of diamond instead of just immediately hitting full force in diamond 5, so it's less noticeable in any given game.

So, there's some "aggressive" LP calculations in D5 and onward, but mostly it's just because people have low MMR.


Well, I was diamond 2 last season. It could be explained as meta shift, but I do not believe the system is not functioning completely properly.

Also was diamond 4 many times this season itself. Anyways, riot did mention it's a problem that's going to be addressed next patch.
just teasing, you dumbo

I looooove the new damage counters.
i thought i was gonna love this but i played today and didn't even notice it

tho i played two games as support and a sion game, but didn't really tell when playing syndra

i hope they somehow make her ult be a big fat number even if it's like multiple spells
I first noticed it when I used Morgana's W.

But it's really pronounced when doing flurries with Ashe, specially if you're taking baron/dragon. Seeing the big fat 4 digit number is so satisfying.


How come Hextech isn't built on Urgot? No i'm serious, you spam his Q all the time, so when you land your Q, you recover a little health and as it is followed by an auto you get a little bit of health back as well.
Just a thought :V
Miss Fortune and Twitch are total garbage in this meta.

An ADC can make up any of its weakness when working in conjunction with their team.


just teasing, you dumbo

i thought i was gonna love this but i played today and didn't even notice it

tho i played two games as support and a sion game, but didn't really tell when playing syndra

i hope they somehow make her ult be a big fat number even if it's like multiple spells

The way it's supposed to work is the number should get bigger each time a ball of her ult hits but idk if it's working or not
Twitch is all right. The meta doesn't favor him but that doesn't make him bad, specially since laning is a bit easier with the lane bully nerfs.

Now MF is straight up ass.


I mean, she needs a complete rework, but her ult is so irrelevant jesus christ, make it scale in damage much faster and she might be usable for a while.


I mean, she needs a complete rework, but her ult is so irrelevant jesus christ, make it scale in damage much faster and she might be usable for a while.
her damage is all weird too. Q does physical damage, scales on both ap and ad. W passive scales on AD but applies magic damage. E scales on AP, R scales on AP applies physical damage but applies your W magic damage. The W active steroid needs to have its mana cost taken off like trist's Q. E needs to do something interesting, the little tickling slow is just underwelming. I mean even with out a full rework they could do something where if some is slowed your Q damage is amplified or slowed targets take more damage from your ult. But yeah a trist/ashe level rework is needed,
I think MF doing magic damage is okay. It lets her deal damage mid game once tanks get one or two armor items.

W should get its mana cost removed, or at least reduced. The ramp up of W passive could also be given a Warwick passive treatment (faster ramp, less stacks).

Increase the slow on E, and maaaybe even add a slow to her ult.
MF having mixed damage is ok, the problem is when said mixed damage dictates how she scales for no reason. She's not Corki who can get by with just his magic damage, her primary source is still almost entirely physical. Her ult which should be the reason you'd pick her does pathetic damage once people get some MR because of that, not to mention several inconsistencies with her kit like W costing mana, her passive getting denied by minions, among other things that shouldn't matter but in her state add up to making her really bad.

E already has a decent slow, the problem is that the spell is clunky as shit.


Won 2 ranked games in a row and am at 50 LP atm.
Both as Supp Sona, 2nd game enemy team surrendered as one of their players became afk :/
First one had 2 top who really messed the flow for enemy Mid and Bot.


I didn't know that riven's ult was a problem

I agree that the ult speed was a bit brain dead but overall doesn't affect people's riven problems at all so a bit of misplaced nerf there, back to the projectile speed though, it's pretty bad, the ult wave is like a morgana binding now a little too much, a half way between pre-post patch would probably be good.

I don't know what they should do with Riven, personally I think her W/E are boring as shit, and ult speed as it is makes her combo fluidity kinda feel like shit as well. Balance aside, I would like to see W/E revamped, having E having a higher cooldown not instant shielding but parrying only when hit mid dash animation and proccing the shield or other dash after a successful parry or refresh or something would be cool.


I played AP Lucian in a custom and it was really fun. Early game is garbage but late game that damage is comparable to regular Lucian. Hits like a truck lol.

Might break it out next time I play ARAM.
Jayce now level 5 or whatever. That was hard fuckin work. Dunno why but every match was really, really hard. Comparatively, these Ashe matches have been cake.

Also, loving this new Q on her. So much work done.


Well, I was diamond 2 last season. It could be explained as meta shift, but I do not believe the system is not functioning completely properly.

Also was diamond 4 many times this season itself. Anyways, riot did mention it's a problem that's going to be addressed next patch.

That Rex carry, tho. ;)

Where's Rex, btw?


The way it's supposed to work is the number should get bigger each time a ball of her ult hits but idk if it's working or not

probably is, i just didnt notice

was pretty busy trying to not get one shot by the severely behind jungle wukong because u know, it's wukong and wukong is a lot of fun to play against lol

I mean, she needs a complete rework, but her ult is so irrelevant jesus christ, make it scale in damage much faster and she might be usable for a while.
tbh, yeah, kinda

i really like some things about her (aa reset and bouncy q thingie, free boots 5 and i still remember when the ult actually felt like it did some dmg), but her slow is so lame ppl don't even level it until lvl13 sometimes and the on-hit thingie on her w is not the most fun either

would be nice if she gets some changes to make her like the best adc at like wombo comps again, i want curse of the sad bullettime again

MF having mixed damage is ok, the problem is when said mixed damage dictates how she scales for no reason. She's not Corki who can get by with just his magic damage, her primary source is still almost entirely physical. Her ult which should be the reason you'd pick her does pathetic damage once people get some MR because of that, not to mention several inconsistencies with her kit like W costing mana, her passive getting denied by minions, among other things that shouldn't matter but in her state add up to making her really bad.

E already has a decent slow, the problem is that the spell is clunky as shit.
yea agreed with all of this

The Riven ult nerf is pretty hilarious. It's slow enough to outrun it if you aren't up close
yea, probably a bit too slow, specially cos it looks really bad now lol

When Shyv turn into SSJ4 goku was awesome
i thought comic was hilarious, tried my best at translating it, sad some parts ended up weird cos he didn't like my translation ;_;
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