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League of Legends |OT9| Stealing Abilities From Inferior MOBAs since 2009

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Woulda had a penta but god damn fizz is annoying and couldn't kill him fast enough

I prefer FH and Visage over Randy and Lockett.

Fh gives you armor, CDR and mana for Q spams. Visage gives you health, CDR and MR.

That right there is 30% for you to make sure the ADC and APC never get their shit off un team fights.


I prefer FH and Visage over Randy and Lockett.

Fh gives you armor, CDR and mana for Q spams. Visage gives you health, CDR and MR.

That right there is 30% for you to make sure the ADC and APC never get their shit off un team fights.

Annie and Fizz were shitting on my team, definitely wanted locket.


Lol half and half probably.

The thing I'm having difficulty with on Talon is, with him being a Mid champ, what does he build first if against an AP champ? Hexdrinker or Brut?
Now granted Brut builds only into Youmuu and Talon isn't exactly the auto attacking champ, but it's CDR and Armor Pen is good for him. If anything I can see selling off Brut to finish making Black Cleaver.
The thing I'm having difficulty with on Talon is, with him being a Mid champ, what does he build first if against an AP champ? Hexdrinker or Brut?
Now granted Brut builds only into Youmuu and Talon isn't exactly the auto attacking champ, but it's CDR and Armor Pen is good for him. If anything I can see selling off Brut to finish making Black Cleaver.

Basically can talon snowball the lane? If so go Brut, if not go Hexdrinker. It's the same for Zed. You want to avoid hexdrinker if you can, but sometimes the other mid laner is good, or even flat out better than you and you just need it.

But if possible Zed/Talon would rather avoid the hexdrinker because it delays their core items.


Basically can talon snowball the lane? If so go Brut, if not go Hexdrinker. It's the same for Zed. You want to avoid hexdrinker if you can, but sometimes the other mid laner is good, or even flat out better than you and you just need it.

But if possible Zed/Talon would rather avoid the hexdrinker because it delays their core items.

Thanks for the info, looking at his kit, Talon would really need a gank if he wants to get snowball early.
Thanks for the info, looking at his kit, Talon would really need a gank if he wants to get snowball early.

For Zed the core was Botrk/Ghostblade/LW then whatever you need. And of course Boots are situational between Mobi/CDR/Ninjas/Mercs.

Talon is the same way but it was Brut (Into BC but now I don't even know anymore), Tiamat (into Hydra obviously only choice...), and LW. Then situational from there.

Sometimes you get more damage, sometimes you get XXX defensive items.
Is Shaco used a lot in high elo? He seems to be really good for ganking and getting an early kill.

I've not seen him much. Strong preference seems to be tanky front liners who can deal enough damage to make you respect them without having to explicitly build multiple damage items. Shaco just wants to get pickoffs and split push.


I see, I tried him out a bit vs. CPU and went AP.
Nope def. AD with this guy.
Champion.gg lists Statik as being core on him, but should PD be built instead for the higher crit %?

I figure Armor Pen. Jungle Item+Inf. EDGE+Last Whisper+Hydra+A little tanking maybe would be a better build on him?


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
I see, I tried him out a bit vs. CPU and went AP.
Nope def. AD with this guy.
Champion.gg lists Statik as being core on him, but should PD be built instead for the higher crit %?

I figure Armor Pen. Jungle Item+Inf. EDGE+Last Whisper+Hydra+A little tanking maybe would be a better build on him?
People build Shiv for the burst/wave clear. Shaco is only as good as he can split/control early objectives.
Is Shaco used a lot in high elo? He seems to be really good for ganking and getting an early kill.

If you understand the concept of split pushing then yea. He's pretty much the same as Tryn. You want to snowball early and split your way to victory.

Problem with low elo is people don't understand that's his win condition (or win conditions in general).

I played 2 normals this week! Yay first normals in like months I forgot how fun this game could be when you're not stress out about dumb teammates costing you LP!
He's good because he requires very little skill to play early.

Yeah, once I added Shaco to my jungle pool, I noticed laughably easy it is to get FB. Once you get you red or blue, all you have to do is just run to the opposite side and steal the other buff and/or kill the jungler.

Also, it's such a shame that Tier sets got so ugly in WoW. If only everything looked as good as T2...


relies on auto-aim
That's what everyone who believes they are in "elo hell" believes. It's just a bunch of crap. Sure there are some people who don't want to climb higher but the same is true in gold, plat, silver etc. There can be only 4 of those on your own team and 5 on the enemy team even if we were to speak about some imaginary place where nobody but you wants to win.
This is the smart response and same thing I apply to dota in games where you playing better over time = moving up. Sometimes it just sucks really bad though.
You still get good LP if you have a half-decent MMR. I think the problem in general is that there's no clamping in P1 so people get into D5 with low mmr already.

a Rioter response to some guy thinking the LP gains sucks:

More on the issue:

So, there's some "aggressive" LP calculations in D5 and onward, but mostly it's just because people have low MMR.
I'm obviously not Diamond 5 but my friend is pretty analytical and level headed and is pretty damn good at League so even when he tells me it's entirely different I believe him.

Either way Rito doesn't want to dump people in D5 into Gold even if they play like Gold yet.
This is the smart response and same thing I apply to dota in games where you playing better over time = moving up. Sometimes it just sucks really bad though.

I'm obviously not Diamond 5 but my friend is pretty analytical and level headed and is pretty damn good at League so even when he tells me it's entirely different I believe him.

Either way Rito doesn't want to dump people in D5 into Gold even if they play like Gold yet.

They created division so they could hide people's MMR and let you lose like hell once you already achieve certain MMR.



got my s+ with ori, dealt 70k dmg this game lol

played a bit of new ashe too, she's pretty fun, i feel like she might be a bit op

huh why isn't there a tier 3 lol

This is the smart response and same thing I apply to dota in games where you playing better over time = moving up. Sometimes it just sucks really bad though.

I'm obviously not Diamond 5 but my friend is pretty analytical and level headed and is pretty damn good at League so even when he tells me it's entirely different I believe him.

Either way Rito doesn't want to dump people in D5 into Gold even if they play like Gold yet.
the problem is that ppl are thinking of ranking like it's still elo and it doesn't work like that

it's just a list of accomplishments for you to get, that's why there's no decay in gold and it's really hard to get demoted

if that's good or bad is debatable, i personally like it but i'm not really competitive


Also, Elise still feels good.

Yeah. She kinda does.

This honestly wasn't even a particularly inspired game for me. My mechanics are still a little rough on her. Her build path is not ideal. Prior to haunting guise, she's lacking a bit of burst and the cinderhulk by itself isn't exactly tanky. But once she finishes cinderhulk, sorc shoes and haunting guise, she's in good shape even without snowballing. If you get some early kills though she can be a midgame monster still. This was not one of those games.

I should have gone frozen heart over randuins this game though. Only mistake in the build path imo. Rest was pretty good. I debated a thornmail vs warmogs for awhile too but wasn't unhappy with warmogs. Could have gone either way with that.


In memory of Panda, I have a Sion support in my current game.

*edit* NA server seems to be dead. Was lagging with 200 or so ping, but abilities and chat were taking much longer than that. Finally it spiked to 400+ again, and completely disconnected. I can't even get the client to start now.
In memory of Panda, I have a Sion support in my current game.

*edit* NA server seems to be dead. Was lagging with 200 or so ping, but abilities and chat were taking much longer than that. Finally it spiked to 400+ again, and completely disconnected. I can't even get the client to start now.

Happened to me for about a good 10 minutes but it was also happening to like 8 out of the 10 people in the game, then it went away.

Got my smurf from Bronze 4 to Silver 2 in a month! Woot lol might actually hit gold with it.
yeah what the fuck happened to panda

did he forget how to type the shitty characters in front of his name

scratch that he's just part of the my little pony OT now apparently

played normals. supported an Ezreal that only had 100cs after 43 minutes.

blames my Blitz support who had the same net worth as him at the end of the game, despite ample wards and room to farm. he just chose to fight all the time.



Well, I was diamond 2 last season. It could be explained as meta shift, but I do not believe the system is not functioning completely properly.

Also was diamond 4 many times this season itself. Anyways, riot did mention it's a problem that's going to be addressed next patch.
I get between +15 to 19, and -20 to -25ish on this account. http://na.op.gg/summoner/userName=kyugesu
Gains seem a bit off but not terrible so far. I do have a small amount of games played on it though.


I find Twitch more surprising. He was like bottom 10 win rate overall somewhat recently IIRC.

Still needs more buffs. I figure this is because team play is better in Diamond than below, and the lower elos are dragging him down. Twitch needs a lot of team help to hyper carry due to his weak lane presence IMO.
Second time I lose my promo out of bronze, due to a aggro bot lane that fails to understand the concept of farm and thinks the game objective is about getting kills.
And then blame the support for not being aggro enough.
I cry everytime.


So posting my regular diamond winrate champion stats. Everything is mostly the same but...QUINN???

Not surprised in the slightest. For all the whining that ADCs are being marginalized by tanks, it's the opposite that's happening. Outside of a few heavy dps mages (e.g. Cass) busting tanks is the ADCs job. From a pure theory standpoint, AA reliant ADCs should be trending upwards while caster/burst reliant ADCs (who fit better in an assassin meta) should be trending downwards. That's pretty much what we've seen. AA reliant ADCs are tank busters. More tanks on the enemy team? Get more tank busters.

Her performance in the top lane is entirely responsible for her overall win rate. Also notice where her upward win rate trend starts - just after 5.5. Her builds always incorporate BotRK and Last Whisper.


Been watching Aphromoo's stream to level up a bit and him, scarra, santorin, qtpie, and dyrus started doing rank 5s against random dudes for trolls and has been pretty entertaining, LCS get ready for scarra katarina in fine form.
Been watching Aphromoo's stream to level up a bit and him, scarra, santorin, qtpie, and dyrus started doing rank 5s against random dudes for trolls and has been pretty entertaining, LCS get ready for scarra katarina in fine form.

The LCS saw Scarra's Katarina and it did nothing.... Scarra is an awesome dude, and pretty smart guy but he may be one of the most overrated players I have ever seen in my life. His track record of predictions, play, coaching all fell flat on its face when you think about it.

Even when Scarra left Dig, Shipter who took his place tried to make Katarina work in LCS and failed miserably.
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