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League of Legends |OT9| Stealing Abilities From Inferior MOBAs since 2009

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Hey guys need some help.

Gold player here.

I Usually jungle with Master Yi, Sej or Udyr. They usually have been my go-to's for quite a while. But i just recently decided to start playing Lee sin, i find that some games i tend to do really well or some i just absolutely fail across the board. That being said i think it may have to do with my items, across all the guides i see usually they always say to go stalkers blade with warrior attachment. (which makes sense) and then mobi boots. After that is where it gets a little odd... most guides i see tend to say go for Black cleaver which is good and i understand why but others say Rav hydra... then tank, or sometimes another damage item then randuins and banshees... it seems all over the place. I understand the idea of building around the situation but i just cant seem to get rolling most of the time. Is there generally a good build path for him thats a good safe start? Or what....


I've been playing Udyr today and holy shit the gates strat works in silver
Hey guys need some help.

Gold player here.

I Usually jungle with Master Yi, Sej or Udyr. They usually have been my go-to's for quite a while. But i just recently decided to start playing Lee sin, i find that some games i tend to do really well or some i just absolutely fail across the board. That being said i think it may have to do with my items, across all the guides i see usually they always say to go stalkers blade with warrior attachment. (which makes sense) and then mobi boots. After that is where it gets a little odd... most guides i see tend to say go for Black cleaver which is good and i understand why but others say Rav hydra... then tank, or sometimes another damage item then randuins and banshees... it seems all over the place. I understand the idea of building around the situation but i just cant seem to get rolling most of the time. Is there generally a good build path for him thats a good safe start? Or what....
I don't play him a lot but pretty sure Warrior->Hydra->full tank is a pretty standard build path. Maximizes his early/mid game power then keeps him relevant late game with tank stats.

However, if you get super behind, going full tank after Warrior isn't bad either.
Black Cleaver is terrible on Lee.

The typical build path I see from Lees who play well is Warrior->Sightstone with T1 boots somewhere there. Straight tank afterwards. Hydra/LW/Hexdrinker for carry builds.


Man, Cho'Gath is DISGUSTING.


I'm Maokai, my brother was Cho'Gath. We 2v4'd successfully more than once. Madness.
Hey guys need some help.

Gold player here.

I Usually jungle with Master Yi, Sej or Udyr. They usually have been my go-to's for quite a while. But i just recently decided to start playing Lee sin, i find that some games i tend to do really well or some i just absolutely fail across the board. That being said i think it may have to do with my items, across all the guides i see usually they always say to go stalkers blade with warrior attachment. (which makes sense) and then mobi boots. After that is where it gets a little odd... most guides i see tend to say go for Black cleaver which is good and i understand why but others say Rav hydra... then tank, or sometimes another damage item then randuins and banshees... it seems all over the place. I understand the idea of building around the situation but i just cant seem to get rolling most of the time. Is there generally a good build path for him thats a good safe start? Or what....
first dont read guides

all of them are actual garbage.

second the standard lee sin build ive come across is jungle item with warrior into sightstone into tank items

black cleaver is bad on the lee sin because its passive is really hard to proc fast enough compared to champs like urgot or wukong because he relies heavily on his ult, his autoattacks and his q in order to stack it since his e is magic damage.


Well, I lasted 2 full days of playing.

The constant smurfs dominating make it impossible to feel like I'm getting anywhere learning this game. I'll have a couple of good close games, then get destroyed for 4 or 5 in a row, I think I'm done.

I'll still enjoy watching streams, so at least there's that!


first dont read guides

all of them are actual garbage.

second the standard lee sin build ive come across is jungle item with warrior into sightstone into tank items

black cleaver is bad on the lee sin because its passive is really hard to proc fast enough compared to champs like urgot or wukong because he relies heavily on his ult, his autoattacks and his q in order to stack it since his e is magic damage.
Well, some guides are good.

This Sivir guide here is amazing.


Hey guys need some help.

Gold player here.

I Usually jungle with Master Yi, Sej or Udyr. They usually have been my go-to's for quite a while. But i just recently decided to start playing Lee sin, i find that some games i tend to do really well or some i just absolutely fail across the board. That being said i think it may have to do with my items, across all the guides i see usually they always say to go stalkers blade with warrior attachment. (which makes sense) and then mobi boots. After that is where it gets a little odd... most guides i see tend to say go for Black cleaver which is good and i understand why but others say Rav hydra... then tank, or sometimes another damage item then randuins and banshees... it seems all over the place. I understand the idea of building around the situation but i just cant seem to get rolling most of the time. Is there generally a good build path for him thats a good safe start? Or what....

lee is garbage in anything below diamond unless you can close the game out quick. either do well or very bad ? because he falls off hard as fuck. theres no middle ground for this guy you either get fed or feed. hes extremely strong if fed and completely harmless if not.

good luck if you get into lategame because youre gonna be nothing more than a utility machine


Nothing like first game of the day playing Blitz and carrying a mechanics/metagame ignorant adc to victory with le godhookz.


Thanks, Riot. I DC'd at loading. Came back to see my midlane oppenent was level 5 and I was level 1. I still end up with the most CS on my team because they were incapable feeders.
Just lost a game on Hecarim where I was like 15-2.... because our jungler decided to go AP Malphite...

Then waste his ult on their tank 1v1... in the middle of the jungle. Dies... and we lose baron which leads to total destruction of towers/inhibs. Jesus christ some people are fucking dumb.

I literally 1 shot their ADC then kill their mid lane APC and watch the other 4 struggle in a 4v3. So I decided in the next fight to peel back for them but now their APC/ADC is free firing on us.

Either way I'm fucked. Gold is even worst than Silver!


Of course it's completely inappropriate, but I do think it serves as a pretty good insult.

What I mean is, it serves it's purpose to offend someone.


Thank goodness they let Katarina through. Whenever I need a win, like, really need a win, she's my go to. She came through.

Played against an Eve for the first time in a really long time. She wasn't too effective. Seems that she just runs in to get blown up.


spirit rushed out of ez ult, spirit rushed out of nidalee spear, but nidalee spear landed on a minion so the ludens bounce killed me

i really don't get why riot thought ludens was a good item for the game, it's literally rewarding you even if you miss your skillshots

at least dfg was cool cos it could turn pretty much anyone into an assassin

NCR Redslayer

NeoGAF's Vegeta
spirit rushed out of ez ult, spirit rushed out of nidalee spear, but nidalee spear landed on a minion so the ludens bounce killed me

i really don't get why riot thought ludens was a good item for the game, it's literally rewarding you even if you miss your skillshots

at least dfg was interesting
With DFG, you press the item hotkey and the spell and they would die.

Its just one less step with Ludens.


so lizzy's e is apparently a dash?


With DFG, you press the item hotkey and the spell and they would die.

Its just one less step with Ludens.
i mean, they're really different items but mid game as an assassin it really does make it even more braindead than before

And was overtuned for assassins.
maybe, but it was a cool item

ludens is so freaking bad

OTOH currently enjoying all the scrubbers going for Ludens over Rabaderps.
i mean, if you're snowballing ludens is much better than deathcap, specially on like leblanc or ahri

it's not great on utility mids like lulu and ori and azir tho
spirit rushed out of ez ult, spirit rushed out of nidalee spear, but nidalee spear landed on a minion so the ludens bounce killed me

i really don't get why riot thought ludens was a good item for the game, it's literally rewarding you even if you miss your skillshots

at least dfg was cool cos it could turn pretty much anyone into an assassin
And that was exactly why it wasn't cool lol. It gave massive burst to champions that didn't deserve it. By that logic Luden's is cool because it gives anyone wave clear.

Nidalee didn't get rewarded for missing skillshots because she actually hit something. Luden's is a similar problem to DFG on targeted champions though - lolkatarina - so it's pretty dumb, I agree, but at least the extra burst is gated by spell cooldowns as opposed to having an active nuke and you don't get CDR from it.


I have to stop playing normal draft. I've said this before but it's just mind numbing. Such a huge disparity of skill all the time. It's rare to get a really good game. Like a game with both teemo and Master Yi on my team, both wanting to split push. Fine, so me (adc), support (naut) and midlane should group right? No. Naut is farming the jungle, the midlaner is wandering around aimlessly and I'm killing super minions at our base because we keep losing inhibs.

I just need to suck it up, realize it doesn't matter if I'm not playing as much as I used to and just hit the ranked button every time. The best game I've had all week was when I accidentally queued ranked.

Need more junglers than just Vi and Elise though. Sejuani is always banned, I used to like Zac but I just don't feel like playing him lately. Had a rough time with Xin and Rek'sai. Dunno. Might just buy Volibear.


If you're going to play draft then play ranked. Normals are for practicing mechanics and trying out new characters IMO. Even if you wanted to do that, I use team-builder anyway so I'm sure to get the champ and role I want.


yay got promoted to silver. :) http://na.op.gg/summoner/userName=nbraun80
currently 27 and 17 in ranked, i think thats a pretty good ratio, and so it took me 44 games(provisionals included I believe?) to go from bronze 3 to silver. Those damn promos give me anxiety though, been avoiding playing them the last couple days just cause of the pressure involved. Was 2-1 in the them, then played a game where the guy locks in Sion, proclaims he's going full ad top. One guys asks nicely if he'd build at least a tanky item or two and he says he did last time and it was the worst mistake of his life, and don't worry he's a smurf. lol And so he proceeds to feed a riven top, then a some points ult down my mid lane, past me, past my opponent, past their first tower, stopping at their second tower where riven kills him. Some people get me so angry sometimes. ha

But alas in the 2-2 decider promo, sej was left open, I asked the first pick to take it and i'll trade if he doesn't play her. He traded, ganked all my lanes, make sure their fed and not crying, and sailed to a pretty easy last game. :)

Twas really my first real season of playing ranked, started playing lol last year around this time(when braum was about to come out), and made the mistake of going into ranked shortly after turning 30. since then, I've gotten just over 800 normal wins, mostly just doing normal drafts with 3-4 friends, and feel I've finally got a pretty good understanding of the game, how most champs works, rotations, etc. Just need to implement it and get to gold this season. :)


If you're going to play draft then play ranked. Normals are for practicing mechanics and trying out new characters IMO. Even if you wanted to do that, I use team-builder anyway so I'm sure to get the champ and role I want.

That's pretty much the thing with me though. I'm always rusty, I don't play consistently and I'm always trying out new champs and roles. I've been on an adc kick for a bit and I'm not nearly as good at that role as I am say jungle, support or even mid. But it's fun. I AM getting better. Little things like getting more in the habit of attack-move so if I miss clicking directly on a creep I don't move into harass/CC range while trying to CS, working more on keeping max range when trying to farm, harassing and playing more aggro in lane, etc.

But that said, I can still play on a gold level. Just probably not climb too much. Just need to do it.

Teambuilder is pretty crappy. Those games are even worse than normal drafts. I only do that if I'm hell bent on getting a particular champ.

edit: Dammit Riot! Give me the Kalista sale! I have enough IP for her now but I want Volibear too :/ I'd rather buy Kalista with RP when she goes on sale and buy the cheaper IP Voli but waiting is hard :/
That's pretty much the thing with me though. I'm always rusty, I don't play consistently and I'm always trying out new champs and roles. I've been on an adc kick for a bit and I'm not nearly as good at that role as I am say jungle, support or even mid. But it's fun. I AM getting better. Little things like getting more in the habit of attack-move so if I miss clicking directly on a creep I don't move into harass/CC range while trying to CS, working more on keeping max range when trying to farm, harassing and playing more aggro in lane, etc.

But that said, I can still play on a gold level. Just probably not climb too much. Just need to do it.

Teambuilder is pretty crappy. Those games are even worse than normal drafts. I only do that if I'm hell bent on getting a particular champ.

edit: Dammit Riot! Give me the Kalista sale! I have enough IP for her now but I want Volibear too :/ I'd rather buy Kalista with RP when she goes on sale and buy the cheaper IP Voli but waiting is hard :/

buying heroes with RP?

sir, I do not approve.
Eh, when you have more money than time I don't see the problem. Now buying them full price and not on sale? That's just dumb.

Only on sale friend, only on sale. The ~$3 for the champ is such a small fraction of time invested compared to 6300 IP.


I guess it's because I have all but maybe 7 of the champs now. Even when I *think* about buying a champ, I'm like "but dude...you have 100 other champs you barely even play. why do you need a new one? just buy it when you have the IP."

ATM I have I think...15k IP. Still deciding if I want the Rek Sai or whatever her name is, Kalista or the new support dude that can stop the action with his ult. I know I'll be picking up the new guy when he launches. The rest...meh. I'll get them when I can. I'll probably get Kalista because I enjoyed playing her when she was free. So probably Kalista and the new dude when he launches. Then the support and the jungler when I have the IP for it. Just no rush. I enjoy the champs I play now.
there are only 2 champs I don't own and that's by choice

the only heroes I don't own by choice came out between December and now because I wasn't playing LoL. The rest (5 or 6) I simply don't want. Every time I think about them, I think about the other 10 champs I'd rather play in their roles. Why waste the IP.


Ghostblade on Ashe is just insane now. The active plus a fully stacked q lets you take towers faster than Jinx or Trist.
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