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League of Legends |OT9| Stealing Abilities From Inferior MOBAs since 2009

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Just got a ranked game where my team had 2 plat players 3 gold players, and other team had 2 silver players and 3 gold.

..... the 2 silver player got steam rolled in lane.

I mean thanks for the free win, but how on earth is that fair? And I got 23 LP for that... lulz what?


Just got a ranked game where my team had 2 plat players 3 gold players, and other team had 2 silver players and 3 gold.

..... the 2 silver player got steam rolled in lane.

I mean thanks for the free win, but how on earth is that fair? And I got 23 LP for that... lulz what?
They're both silver 1, presumably close to the gold 5's you were playing with once the hidden matchmaking rating is taken into account.


So my early season stats completely reversed my Chogath win rate went in the toilet and I can't stop winning with Vlad for some reason. (lucky streak)
I'm 1-1 in my series right now, I can almost see the light at the end of the tunnel. D5 is pretty frustrating I can see why so many people complain about the massive amounts of toxicity in it.


So my early season stats completely reversed my Chogath win rate went in the toilet and I can't stop winning with Vlad for some reason. (lucky streak)
I'm 1-1 in my series right now, I can almost see the light at the end of the tunnel. D5 is pretty frustrating I can see why so many people complain about the massive amounts of toxicity in it.
Just don't get to master's. It would be sad to lose a division name like "Draven's Dreadborne".
They're both silver 1, presumably close to the gold 5's you were playing with once the hidden matchmaking rating is taken into account.

Yea I know their MMR is better than their rank and the Plat people's MMR is lower than their rank but still that shouldn't happen.


Look at the stats.

The two silver player were Gnar (2-14-5) and Cait (2-9-8), while our two plat players were Vayne (16-5-9) and GP (9-4-20). I mean I would like to pat myself on the back for getting the most assist as the jungler and making more gold than our mid laner, but in reality my job was pretty easy when a Vayne is out csing a freaking Cait by like 50+ and GP turned Gnar into 0-3 by 10 minutes.


Haha that's not a concern of mine. I'll probably never get to D1 again with 70 ping, when I had 25 the game felt like it was on easy mode and I had a big advantage.


Haha that's not a concern of mine. I'll probably never get to D1 again with 70 ping, when I had 25 the game felt like it was on easy mode and I had a big advantage.
I dream of sub-96 ping. The only option for east coast people is the LAN server as far as I know.


Yeah I can imagine. I had 250 ping in season 1-2 then it went down to 180 in season 3.

I never thought about it but that probably played a huge part in me reaching plat.
I dream of sub-96 ping. The only option for east coast people is the LAN server as far as I know.

West coast here with an average of 20 ping. The other day my ping spiked to about 150 for a good 10 minutes. I have no idea how you guys play on that normally (My fps sucks so maybe that also made it worst), but with 40 FPS and 150 ping it felt like I was playing a different game.

40 FPS and 20 ping is fine for me, I've played on 120 FPS (my old P.C), and 20 ping and that was easily best experienced I've ever had. 40 FPS and 20 is fine from my end, anything higher than 100+ ping with that low of FPS is just no fun.


i have this diamond friend of a friend

i hate that diamond friend of a friend

i wish that diamond friend of a friend didn't exist


I did it flawless victory, their team was pretty scary though with the 5 botrk's I'm surprised they didn't pull the win out with assassin power.

That vlad art looks just like crimson elite talon I was so confused

Remember when everyone wanted last whisper nerfed and void staff even more so? This meta would be fucking hysterical if that had happened


I don't know much about drugs, but the latest ranked game had terms I don't recognize at all. Someone was like, they're support Leona, doing a prematch toke. Then they blame "popers" (poppers?) because the "ti" is getting their brain numb, or something like that.

Later they said they're playing really badly, but that they're just being naturally dumb, not because of the drugs -- it's only "dope", not "oil" or something I forgot (slide? crystals?).

I need a cane to wave at the sky.


I don't know much about drugs, but the latest ranked game had terms I don't recognize at all. Someone was like, they're support Leona, doing a prematch toke. Then they blame "popers" (poppers?) because the "ti" is getting their brain numb, or something like that.

Later they said they're playing really badly, but that they're just being naturally dumb, not because of the drugs -- it's only "dope", not "oil" or something I forgot (slide? crystals?).

I need a cane to wave at the sky.



These numbers may not be exact, but in my last 10 ranked games, I think I've had 3-4 AFKs for varying amounts of time. Two of those were AFK the first 5-10 minutes of a game. I even WON won of those games.

It may just be bad luck or internet connections in some cases, but I haven't noticed any AFKs on the other team in that timespan.

Also, I had a Zed on my team in 2 out of 3 ranked games. I couldn't dodge one because it was a promotion game -- they gave up at level 1, and died 12 times. The NEXT time I made sure to check the Zed's record. Oh, I see Zed scores in ranked like 11/3/11, or so I thought. We played...and they died 13 times.
All this hate on the tank meta. I gotta ask, what about the previous meta did you enjoy?

A few patches ago it was all about the assassin meta, then the one combo burst meta... I have not seen such a verity of champs being used in different roles since season 3.

It's a lot of fun seeing champs that aren't usually picked finally see some attention, I only have to mention one champ to prove my point here, urgot.

The tank meta won't last. I know this, but the complaints about tanks getting into the back line and doing huge amounts of dmg is a dumb argument at best. If you are getting hit by tanks, then your team isn't peeling or you are in the wrong place. You need to move and act like the squish champ you are. You shouldn't be allowed to stay in one place and just take on tanks. I'm not saying a tank should beat you 1v1, but you should be taking into account what happens if he get's in range.
All this hate on the tank meta. I gotta ask, what about the previous meta did you enjoy?

A few patches ago it was all about the assassin meta, then the one combo burst meta... I have not seen such a verity of champs being used in different roles since season 3.

It's a lot of fun seeing champs that aren't usually picked finally see some attention, I only have to mention one champ to prove my point here, urgot.

The tank meta won't last. I know this, but the complaints about tanks getting into the back line and doing huge amounts of dmg is a dumb argument at best. If you are getting hit by tanks, then your team isn't peeling or you are in the wrong place. You need to move and act like the squish champ you are. You shouldn't be allowed to stay in one place and just take on tanks. I'm not saying a tank should beat you 1v1, but you should be taking into account what happens if he get's in range.
What variety of picks? Solo Q doesn't count because people pick whatever they feel like, but in competitive the only roles that have any variety are mid and ADC and even those are relative because half of the champions in said role are ignored.
What variety of picks? Solo Q doesn't count because people pick whatever they feel like, but in competitive the only roles that have any variety are mid and ADC and even those are relative because half of the champions in said role are ignored.

Ok, Ignoring Solo Q, I've been Ashe Jungle, Malphite Jungle, I've seen poppy jungle and Urgot top/mid. Alistar top, Zilean top, Leona mid, Sejuani jungle, anni jungle, Thresh Jungle.

Before you call me out on Sejuani, it's only recently she has seen a lot of play. Out almost a year and wasn't picked up by many until recently.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
I've given up any chance of getting past gold/plat with the way the east coast servers are right now. I used to get ~90 ping and now I'm around ~140ms for most games. It's playable but not for ranked.
Ok, Ignoring Solo Q, I've been Ashe Jungle, Malphite Jungle, I've seen poppy jungle and Urgot top/mid. Alistar top, Zilean top, Leona mid, Sejuani jungle, anni jungle, Thresh Jungle.

Before you call me out on Sejuani, it's only recently she has seen a lot of play. Out almost a year and wasn't picked up by many until recently.
Where have you seen any of that in competitive?

I've given up any chance of getting past gold/plat with the way the east coast servers are right now. I used to get ~90 ping and now I'm around ~140ms for most games. It's playable but not for ranked.


I almost feel bad playing skarner. As if carries didn't have it hard enough right now.


I got Skarner twice in ARAM, I went IBG>Black Cleaver>Tanking and in team fights we wreck them.
I'm liking the IBG>Black Cleaver combo.
Where have you seen any of that in competitive?

I'm 100% certain jungle Ashe has been done a few times in LCS and not in throwaway matches. Poppy was usually played in lane but I think she's been played in the jungle before (most likely by UOL). Actually, I remember UOL playing Poppy so well that she was banned on subsequent rounds.

Alistar top was so common until they nerfed W->AA. You'd even see not-so-tanky builds like TF-Shiv rush. Seriously, there was a time where top was just Alistar and Maokai with the occasional Mundo.

Zilean top... eh, hardly a departure from Zilean mid, which was an occasional pick pre-rework.

Never seen mid Leona, jungle Annie and jungle Thresh though.

Urgot top/mid was so common in MSI. He's considered a big flex pick right now, though he's more frequently mid/bot like Corki/Ez.


i feel like playing jungle someday

what's an easy way to build elise

i feel she's the only fun jungler i can think of

cinderhulk, sorc shoes, haunting guise are core. In a lot of cases I even finish sorc shoes before cinderhulk.

From there it's tank. Frozen heart is a good fit for her. Rylia's if you're ahead and feel like it.
I'm 100% certain jungle Ashe has been done a few times in LCS and not in throwaway matches. Poppy was usually played in lane but I think she's been played in the jungle before (most likely by UOL). Actually, I remember UOL playing Poppy so well that she was banned on subsequent rounds.

Alistar top was so common until they nerfed W->AA. You'd even see not-so-tanky builds like TF-Shiv rush. Seriously, there was a time where top was just Alistar and Maokai with the occasional Mundo.

Zilean top... eh, hardly a departure from Zilean mid, which was an occasional pick pre-rework.

Never seen mid Leona, jungle Annie and jungle Thresh though.

Urgot top/mid was so common in MSI. He's considered a big flex pick right now, though he's more frequently mid/bot like Corki/Ez.
No I mean where are those picks right now, in this meta?

Of course I've seen stuff like Ali and Zilean - plus Urgot is basically part of the meta. But the rest of that? Well there was that one Poppy pick from UOL, doesn't mean she adds variety to the meta if she's not something other people also do. Same as Shaco, for example.

Just looking at the MSI picks:

When a handfull champions are picked 70% of games this isn't variety, and that's ignoring bans that stopped stuff like Urgot, Leblanc and Hecarim from being 100% picked. We're not looking at Renekton meta levels of stagnation here but it's still pretty bad as far as competitive goes with mid being the exception.
No I mean where are those picks right now, in this meta?

Of course I've seen stuff like Ali and Zilean - plus Urgot is basically part of the meta. But the rest of that? Well there was that one Poppy pick from UOL, doesn't mean she adds variety to the meta if she's not something other people also do. Same as Shaco, for example.

Just looking at the MSI picks:

When a handfull champions are picked 70% of games this isn't variety, and that's ignoring bans that stopped stuff like Urgot, Leblanc and Hecarim from being 100% picked. We're not looking at Renekton meta levels of stagnation here but it's still pretty bad as far as competitive goes with mid being the exception.

Problematic indeed. I'm sure Riot will eventually get to a place where most champs can be run at the professional level of play with a reasonable expecation of victory. Eventually. I think Dota2, by contrast, is in a state where all but maybe 5-10 of its 100+ heroes are expected to be picked in the upcoming qualifiers for The International Championships. Took a long time to get here. But even then, I don't think I've ever seen the kind of stagnation in the top and bot lanes in Dota2 as I'm usually seeing in Leeg. Part of the problem, however, will be the strict adherence to the 1-1-1-2 laning setup, which by nature reduces team composition options and creativity.


i really doubt he can kill anyone with a combo if build around "soaking endless damage"

if you can constantly hit your skillshots hooray for you have fun rising but enemies are gonna abuse you while your abilities are on cooldown because hes a walking dummy without hitting his Q or W

I want to come back to this. Cho'Gath absolutely can 100-0 someone even if he's building tanky. With an early Rod of Ages, he pretty much gets what he needs to burst and tank from there. His Feast deals true damage plus AP. It's pretty silly.

The thing is, he can hit you with his W, which is a HUGE area so it's easy to land, and then it's way easier for him to hit his Q because you're silenced. If he lands both of those, Feast is basically an execute at that point. He can do all of this under tower too, so it's pretty hard to run from.

He's overtuned right now. Way too much burst for a champion that can build mega tanky.

Edit: Oh, and he has fast wave clear. Late game his W pretty much wipes a wave.


Taking a break, my man.

Butt loads of work for the past few months and I only play Killing Floor 2 (Fuck, I love this game) in my spare time (plus a few aram games here and there)

I might never fully get back into ranked again. I quite like chilling when I'm on the computer instead of internally screaming at scrubs.

I'll come back if the "next generation" of players try to assemble a ranked 5s team or something (which will inevitably end in rage and tears).

I quit ranked at a good stage though. I'm earning 20-30lp per win and losing 15-18ish per loss so if I ever want to destroy my mental state, I can ease into it.

One of the last few ranked games I had, a pro EU player decided to try out his 300 ping on NA so I had to pretty much 1v2 at bot lane. I got trash talked by Liquid and it left a salty as fuck taste in my mouth after that.

Sounds good, man. I plan on reaching diamond and then casually play with my friends or maybe some ranked 5s as well. Not sure if I would leave ranked entirely behind (like I do when season ends), but yeah, many other games to play. I should take a look at Killing Floor 2.


Man jungling gets frustrating sometimes. It is just such an easy target for blame. I was 4/1/1 when we were down 8-5 and mid started flaming me because "we have no jungle presence". 100% kill participation, that guy clearly isn't doing shit. AARRRGGGHHHH

They got carried by a top lane tristana though that we killed twice pre level 6 so idk what that was about


Man jungling gets frustrating sometimes. It is just such an easy target for blame. I was 4/1/1 when we were down 8-5 and mid started flaming me because "we have no jungle presence". 100% kill participation, that guy clearly isn't doing shit. AARRRGGGHHHH

They got carried by a top lane tristana though that we killed twice pre level 6 so idk what that was about

Jungler gets blamed the most by people who don't understand how the game works. Mid keeps pushing the lane, wonders why they can't get a gank. Bot can't trade properly, so they're always at low HP and mana, wonders why the jungler isn't eager to rush into that scenario. Top loves to ping for ganks nonstop, but again, rarely sets up the lane.

But it's the jungler's fault!


I'm 100% certain jungle Ashe has been done a few times in LCS and not in throwaway matches. Poppy was usually played in lane but I think she's been played in the jungle before (most likely by UOL). Actually, I remember UOL playing Poppy so well that she was banned on subsequent rounds.

Alistar top was so common until they nerfed W->AA. You'd even see not-so-tanky builds like TF-Shiv rush. Seriously, there was a time where top was just Alistar and Maokai with the occasional Mundo.

Zilean top... eh, hardly a departure from Zilean mid, which was an occasional pick pre-rework.

Never seen mid Leona, jungle Annie and jungle Thresh though.

Urgot top/mid was so common in MSI. He's considered a big flex pick right now, though he's more frequently mid/bot like Corki/Ez.

Poppy was played against Mundo top, because of the passive laning phase allowing her to smoothly transition.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Sounds good, man. I plan on reaching diamond and then casually play with my friends or maybe some ranked 5s as well. Not sure if I would leave ranked entirely behind (like I do when season ends), but yeah, many other games to play. I should take a look at Killing Floor 2.

Play Witcher 3 you nerds. It's good.
There's like 80 hours of gameplay between me and Witcher 3

Fucking Witcher 1. Shitty-ass game, how'd you turn into a good franchise is beyond me


Please don't. She's my main.
don't worry, they won't

All this hate on the tank meta. I gotta ask, what about the previous meta did you enjoy?

A few patches ago it was all about the assassin meta, then the one combo burst meta... I have not seen such a verity of champs being used in different roles since season 3.

It's a lot of fun seeing champs that aren't usually picked finally see some attention, I only have to mention one champ to prove my point here, urgot.

The tank meta won't last. I know this, but the complaints about tanks getting into the back line and doing huge amounts of dmg is a dumb argument at best. If you are getting hit by tanks, then your team isn't peeling or you are in the wrong place. You need to move and act like the squish champ you are. You shouldn't be allowed to stay in one place and just take on tanks. I'm not saying a tank should beat you 1v1, but you should be taking into account what happens if he get's in range.
personally i really enjoyed end of s4 meta. mid, top and support had the most variety, with mids being a mix of ad and ap assassins and mages, top had mages and tanks and support had more nami than now

also there was no ziggs

overall was much more enjoyable for me

tank meta isn't terrible but some tanks like gragas are pretty broken which is the really annoying thing

obviously it's solo q so you can play whatever you want but it felt like the balance was in a much more enjoyable place, at least for the classes i like to play

cinderhulk, sorc shoes, haunting guise are core. In a lot of cases I even finish sorc shoes before cinderhulk.

From there it's tank. Frozen heart is a good fit for her. Rylia's if you're ahead and feel like it.

No I mean where are those picks right now, in this meta?

Of course I've seen stuff like Ali and Zilean - plus Urgot is basically part of the meta. But the rest of that? Well there was that one Poppy pick from UOL, doesn't mean she adds variety to the meta if she's not something other people also do. Same as Shaco, for example.

Just looking at the MSI picks:

When a handfull champions are picked 70% of games this isn't variety, and that's ignoring bans that stopped stuff like Urgot, Leblanc and Hecarim from being 100% picked. We're not looking at Renekton meta levels of stagnation here but it's still pretty bad as far as competitive goes with mid being the exception.

it's pretty interesting that mid is always the lane that has the most variety. like, trying to think what the reasons are i think comes more to how wide the mid position is in how little requirements it has so it supports pretty much everything

like, as a mid, the only thing that's expected of you is to be able to kill minions quickly, but since all mids kill minions quickly it's all about the other things they do. how ziggs has the best stalling in the game, how kassadin can run over teams in the lategame, ori's utility and teamfight strength, zed's splitpushing, etc.

compared to other classes like jungle and ad that i feel have way higher requirements to succeed because "you have to be able to clear the jungle and duel" and for adc "you have to be able to take turrets quickly and scale". top used to be "you have to be tanky as fuck" but then mages showed up and kind of fixed the lane but tank meta kind of killed that and top is kind of lame again, at least in competitive.

support is fine because again like mid it has pretty few requirements and it's generally a well balanced class.

i'm guessing also amount of champions for midlane makes it so that there are more possible ops, but it's interesting how the jungler who has as much of an impact as the midlaner has so very few champions to pick from, even when the jungle was weak that requirement to be a duelist was so oppressive that there could never be much variety
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