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League of Legends |OT9| Stealing Abilities From Inferior MOBAs since 2009

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i think leblanc's q should silence again


So should Talon's E.

overall not sure if i would jungle again, i like objective control and having like more shotcalling but elise felt a bit out of my league and i can't think of many other junglers that i would like playing

like maybe lee sin but that's like the same thing

If you enjoy assassins like Ahri and Leblanc, I'd recommend Kha'zix. He's not the strongest jungler atm, but he's still super fun to play. Jumping around everywhere and using Q+Hydra active mid-air for instant massive burst and then getting the reset feels so satisfying. Levelling your ult is extra exciting cause you feel a nice power spike from evolving one of your basic abilities. The isolation mechanic adds another fun layer of depth.

ugh, I love that bug.


If you enjoy assassins like Ahri and Leblanc, I'd recommend Kha'zix. He's not the strongest jungler atm, but he's still super fun to play. Jumping around everywhere and using Q+Hydra active mid-air for instant massive burst and then getting the reset feels so satisfying. Levelling your ult is extra exciting cause you feel a nice power spike from evolving one of your basic abilities. The isolation mechanic adds another fun layer of depth.

ugh, I love that bug.
i don't like khazix

tbh he has kind of the same problems of elise in that his kit is basically "if you're in range - press all the buttons" but at least elise has a skillshot and a fun jump thing and also she's a cute girl which i appreicate
i don't like khazix

tbh he has kind of the same problems of elise in that his kit is basically "if you're in range - press all the buttons" but at least elise has a skillshot and a fun jump thing and also she's a cute girl which i appreicate

Kha'zix W and E are skillshots, and his jump is way funner cause resets. But k :(

Also, ew @ the last bit. Even in human form Elise is half spider. You have issues!


So should Talon's E.
I keep staring at this comic and I can't figure out what's happening in the second panel. Where did the bunch of grapes come from? What does the strike symbol indicate? Why are the knees pointy? etc.

In ranked tales tonight, my first game of the evening, I asked for ADC...and someone else promptly pasted my ADC stats, compared to their own ADC stats (like KDA), telling me I was terrible, etc.

They then went duo queue bot lane, had 9 deaths between the two of them, never took a single tower, and their only kill was from the support.


i love leblanc, such a fun champion to play, i wish they just tweaked her to be a little less annoying to play against

This makes no sense unless you're one of these sad tryhards I don't think you are. You know, those people who enjoyed abusing things like sunfire Garen or oneshot WW. I guess they enjoy it because they're bad at the game and it's during times like these that they can get undeserved scores that stand out in their miserable collection of shitty performances.
This makes no sense unless you're one of these sad tryhards I don't think you are. You know, those people who enjoyed abusing things like sunfire Garen or oneshot WW. I guess they enjoy it because they're bad at the game and it's during times like these that they can get undeserved scores that stand out in their miserable collection of shitty performances.

I think LeBlanc is a bunch of fun to play, though I rarely if ever play her. When I do in AI games it's always a bunch of fun. Any champion with lots of dashes and mobility where you can 100-0 someone super quickly is fun to play, just rarely fun to play against.


This makes no sense unless you're one of these sad tryhards I don't think you are. You know, those people who enjoyed abusing things like sunfire Garen or oneshot WW. I guess they enjoy it because they're bad at the game and it's during times like these that they can get undeserved scores that stand out in their miserable collection of shitty performances.

im confoosed

are u saying leblanc isn't fun to play as? or that she's op?

for the former i really don't know what to tell you, i don't pick her every game or pick her because i think she's op (i actually played her ever she got the rework since i really felt maxing w first would make her a lot more fun) but i don't see how she's not fun. outside of the "visceral" enjoyment of one shotting someone, she has ton of mobility which is not really one of the things i value the most but on leblanc i do because the whole swapping back juking thing feels really satisfying when you really mindfuck with people. outside of that i enjoy that she's a bit tricky to cs with (at least trickier than what i'm used to), i really like her e (very nice payoff for landing it tho forces you to be close to people which puts you at risk) and i really like the decisionmaking around her ult, although i wish they pushed this harder

something like make w deal less dmg to single targets and more dmg the more ppl it hits would be interesting i think, so that double w is for aoe/mobility, double q for assassination. also maybe make double e insta-proc her previous e, or maybe extend the final duration, or something, although i imagine this might be kind of awful. i just really like the idea of double chaining someone for tons of extended cc, but obviously just one shotting people is easier.

on the op thing, i don't really think she's op, but she does have pretty big issues. she's too safe, farms really well, and has insane, undodgeable burst on a very short cooldown. she also suffers from a similar thing to zed, in that if the enemy team builds correctly she can be kind of useless. some ppl say that's a good thing about zed but tbh i think it's pretty bad that a) he forces mids to rush zhonyas/seekers or give out a few kills (and this is kind of unavoidable if the zed is decent, look at faker vs febiven) and b) he ends up being useless for his team after he gets countered by zhonyas/qss. i personally don't think that's good balance, champions shouldn't be countered by a single item and shouldn't have that as an excuse for being completely broken in lane. leblanc isn't as bad as zed but if the enemy team has a few tanky members and mid and adc buy banshee's veil then it's really tough to feel like you're contributing anything unless you and your team play teamfights really well

i don't think she's op simply because the tank meta right now makes it kind of difficult for her to be very effective, with the unkillable alistars and sejuanis running around with all that easy to land cc and how games are being more teamfight oriented rather than pick-based. also some of the strong midlaners right now like cassi kind of shit on her. she's not weak but she's harder to be effective with than just playing ori since you can pretty much freefarm now that no one plays warrior junglers/elise, get athenes sorc shoes deathcap and qw anyone out of 60% of their life while being completely safe.

overall i just want leblanc to be less annoying, i'm tired of ppl whining about her when she has like 43% winrate and can be countered pretty effectively by buying banshee's veil, but also because i find champions more enjoyable to play as when i know they're not "toxic" and because i think some parts about her could be made more fun, specially her ult

Looks like I have to take up a new champ!
most fun support imo, at least one of the most rewarding if you put the time into "mastering" him. leona and nautilus are much easier to play and can do his pick stuff much more easily (and nautilus can also peel really well) but i think there are few champions in the game that have moves as satisfying as the whole lantern in jungler into flay into hook thing

thresh is amazing, easily one of my favorite champions in the game


The change to Abyssal Scepter makes LeBlanc more annoying to play against though. Mids lost a good counter there.

that's just not true, abyssal is useless for most long range mages (aka most mages) becaue they never get anything out of the passive

in fact among the few that bought abyssal was leblanc so if anything it's a nerf to her



most fun support imo, at least one of the most rewarding if you put the time into "mastering" him. leona and nautilus are much easier to play and can do his pick stuff much more easily (and nautilus can also peel really well) but i think there are few champions in the game that have moves as satisfying as the whole lantern in jungler into flay into hook thing

thresh is amazing, easily one of my favorite champions in the game

Thanks. Now, I am gonna start invest in sometime on him now. I have gone a bit more accustomed in playing support with Morgana and would love to start a new supp champ to just get into new grooves.

The fact that he is hard to master, sort of makes me worried but I'll try him!


that's just not true, abyssal is useless for most long range mages (aka most mages) becaue they never get anything out of the passive

in fact among the few that bought abyssal was leblanc so if anything it's a nerf to her

She can still build damage and her mobility keeps her more safe than, say, someone like Katarina who will suffer big time in that 1v1 match up.


Thanks. Now, I am gonna start invest in sometime on him now. I have gone a bit more accustomed in playing support with Morgana and would love to start a new supp champ to just get into new grooves.

The fact that he is hard to master, sort of makes me worried but I'll try him!
some newbie tips:
- play with tanky masteries (0/21/9 or 0/16/14 or something like that) and runes (i use a few mp5 blues i think but you can just have flat mr there)
- start relic shield and pots. generally build supporty/tanky (mikaels/aegis/fh/righteous glory)
- you can max e first for more trading in lane, or q if you're planning on roaming and making picks or something like that. i usually get e at lvl 1 if there are no invade shenanigans, in which case i may start any of the three depending on the situation. after q/e you can either max the other one or even lantern in some cases (i'm actually maxing w second now but i'm not sure if this is better, i just like q then w max best)
- laning isn't terrible but it isn't great, specially if you're not good at hooking, which takes some getting used to.
- remember that you're ranged so use your e empowered autos whenever you can
- like blitz there's a lot of mindgames around his hook so you can just walk up to someone to zone them out without really doing anything
- also like blitz it's often easier to go and apply the easy cc first (flay) and then hook than trying to madlife it
- hook has a bit of a delay so a lot of people try to mindgame doing like looking in one direction, then hooking the other way, specially like looking at the support then crossing the hook towards the adc.
- also like blitz and morgana too, the threat of the hook/bind is usually a pretty strong deterrent so you know, don't throw the hook every time it's on cd
- whenever you're pushing lane or get the support gank sixth sense thing just stay back so you can quickly lantern out your adc
- you don't have to go in on every hook. don't go in on every hook
- in teamfights you're more of a peeler like janna than an initiator like leona. so just stay with carries and throw box and flay ppl out and be a nuisance. you can still grab enemy carries but remember you're supposed to protect your own
- helping last hit with threshie under turret is a bitch, so no advice there, i always fuck up my adc's cs when i try to help them lol
- last hitting minions with relic shield is also a bitch, specially if you don't have empowered e. for cannons i usually just flay or hook them

might not be 100% correct since i barely get to play support nowadays but sounds pretty ok to me

btw if you're looking for other supports nautilus is pretty op right now and imo lots of fun to play. also gonna be discounted to 4800 when ekko's released. leona is also the easy suggestion since she's really easy to play and perfect for solo queue and stuff. also janna, i think she kind of fell out of flavor but she's super strong anyways imo

She can still build damage and her mobility keeps her more safe than, say, someone like Katarina who will suffer big time in that 1v1 match up.
oh yeah, not saying it's a meaningful nerf, i'm just saying the whole abyssal thing being an indirect buff to leblanc is very wrong. but removing abyssal limits leblanc's buildpaths (and ahri's and diana's), while having zero effect on ori/azir/ziggs/etc.

also fuck katarina lol. i played with a top katarina yesterday and i was trying to play the game and she tp'd bot, got a triple kill and won the game on her own. i was so bored i tried to steal red buff with no mana and died lol


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
RIP Stone Ocean, mobile games thread is a graveyard.


God bless lolreddit for their silly videos and plays but that has to be one of the dumbest gaming communities in existence.

I have to stop clicking on shit with comments. If I had a reddit account to argue with those buffoons I'd probably have to throw myself off a cliff.
Playing ARAM as Sona, Vayne flames me for building support. We had 2 ADC's and a Malphite going AP. I guess with no peel and free initiation I could've gone full AP instead, especially with Riven building full tank and Vayne rushing Hurricane.

Oh well, we could've won that game if it wasn't for Teemo stealthing our nexus and then Sion ulting to backdoor.

Looking forward to trying out new Karma after the buffs.


does teemo stealthing/pantheon ulting/tf ulting backdooring/kassadin xpeke even work in ARAM anymore

like if you see those champions you instantly know it's a decent chance of happening if you have no nexus towers lol


Jokes aside, this is definitely one of the worst metas. The best chapioms require the least skill.
Seconded the meta's garbage this season. I've retired Jayce. What's the point in playing an assassin/bruiser that depends on positioning when there's a 75% chance of the enemy team having 2-3 easy to play CC tank champs like..... Nautilus/Volibear/Maokai/Sejuani/Alistar/Gragas.
I'd sure hate to be an ADC main in S5.


So uh...I played 2 Ranked games, in the 2nd one I got 23 LP and now I have 99 LP o_O I guess I get LP based on how performed in other games? Weird...


Seconded the meta's garbage this season. I've retired Jayce. What's the point in playing an assassin/bruiser that depends on positioning when there's a 75% chance of the enemy team having 2-3 easy to play CC tank champs like..... Nautilus/Volibear/Maokai/Sejuani/Alistar/Gragas.
I'd sure hate to be an ADC main in S5.
Playing against a Jayce is really annoying, so I'm okay with this from the other side. :D


That's what I'm guessing. I've never had problems before, even though I'm on a shitty ISP (AT&T U-verse) ;__;

Wonder if there's anything I can do router-side.

edit: seems I'm not alone http://boards.na.leagueoflegends.co...e-un-official-59-laghigh-pingserver-dc-thread

Seems to be common among Corki players. I'd stop using him ASAP.

I'm so worn out on the tank meta that I haven't played in days. Even spectating is kind of annoying right now. Something has to shift, man.


Seems to be common among Corki players. I'd stop using him ASAP.

I'm so worn out on the tank meta that I haven't played in days. Even spectating is kind of annoying right now. Something has to shift, man.

Dude I was even playing Corki mid in my last game

Went fine in lane then we started grouping and oh god h e l p

vv team too heavy gg i deserve challenjour
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