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League of Legends |OT9| Stealing Abilities From Inferior MOBAs since 2009

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The thing about Cho is that unlike other high damage tanks he has actual drawbacks

He's kiteable, punisheable early and you can actually itemize properly against him regardless of which role you are playing. He's strong but hardly a problem.

Those weaknesses are apparent in lane (if you're not using a melee champ), but in team fights he wrecks the scene. He soaks up endless damage and he can flash/combo whoever he wants.
The thing about Cho is that unlike other high damage tanks he has actual drawbacks

He's kiteable, punisheable early and you can actually itemize properly against him regardless of which role you are playing. He's strong but hardly a problem.

hence, the "cho is more manageable than Sej" comment. but he still presents the general problem of "extremely tanky with extreme burst damage" that Riot has allowed to exist. I don't really care what anyone says: a champ should not be able to build just 1 damage item and be able to dish out more damage than an equivalently farmed carry (who by design is building to deal nothing but damage) in an exchange. I shouldn't have to work 3x as hard to kill a Cho as he has to work to kill me at the 40 minute mark. That's a concept flaw, in my opinion. I have no problem with a champ being a tank that can't quite be ignored but can't be prioritized...where if you ignore them too long, their DoT will come back to bite you in th eass. That's where they should be...and if they want to be more respected in team fights for their damage output, they should have to build more damage items like everyone else.

Dealing tuns of damage in just a couple of seconds while having 4000hp and requiring several seconds of sustained damage output from damage dealers will never sit well with me. If it gels with you, don't let me stop you. Just feels like bad design to me and I'm pleased that with Sej they're getting it right.


hence, the "cho is more manageable than Sej" comment. but he still presents the general problem of "extremely tanky with extreme burst damage" that Riot has allowed to exist. I don't really care what anyone says: a champ should not be able to build just 1 damage item and be able to dish out more damage than an equivalently farmed carry (who by design is building to deal nothing but damage) in an exchange. I shouldn't have to work 3x as hard to kill a Cho as he has to work to kill me at the 40 minute mark. That's a concept flaw, in my opinion. I have no problem with a champ being a tank that can't quite be ignored but can't be prioritized...where if you ignore them too long, their DoT will come back to bite you in th eass. That's where they should be...and if they want to be more respected in team fights for their damage output, they should have to build more damage items like everyone else.

Dealing tuns of damage in just a couple of seconds while having 4000hp and requiring several seconds of sustained damage output from damage dealers will never sit well with me. If it gels with you, don't let me stop you. Just feels like bad design to me and I'm pleased that with Sej they're getting it right.

I agree with all of that. I honestly think that the only people who are enjoying the high damage tanks are the people who are playing as the high damage tanks.


After 5-6 ranked losses, the wheels of balance in the universe slowly ground into place.

The next ranked game, I had an Order of the Banana, max mastery level, blue Great Mentor ribbon support Soraka.

The other team had Bard. We won that one.


Can one truly throw if one's team is never ahead, though?

(Technically Bard's team had a 130 gold lead in the first 6 minutes, but that was it.)

I mean you could argue it's a champ select throw but I don't believe Bard is that bad anymore. He's just not easy to play correctly.

I played against a bard in ranked last weekend. We were ahead against the enemy team but it was still a somewhat even game. That is, until we had a team fight about to start, Bard uses his magical journey and the enemy Jinx accidentally goes through the portal right into our team.

That was a good "Bard is helping" moment.


having nunu run into your jungle and take all your camps and run away is by far the worst thing in this game

Nune is frustrating to face as a jungler. Best advice is to ward the entrances of your jungle and ping the crap out of him invading. There's a good chance your team can collapse on him and you can punish him for it. Also if you know where he is, you can take his camps in response.

Vision is really key for protecting your jungle against an aggressive counter jungler.


Nune is frustrating to face as a jungler. Best advice is to ward the entrances of your jungle and ping the crap out of him invading. There's a good chance your team can collapse on him and you can punish him for it. Also if you know where he is, you can take his camps in response.

Vision is really key for protecting your jungle against an aggressive counter jungler.

When I'm mid, I always help ward our jungle and will ping the enemy jungler if he's in our camps so that we can collapse. I wish that was a more common thing though. So many times I try go get help when jungling and mid or top is totally disinterested.

How do you peeps even handle a Riven, it's one thing to damage her, it's another to catch her with all that movement from her abilities @_@

Depends on the match up. Who are you running against her that's giving you issues?


When I'm mid, I always help ward our jungle and will ping the enemy jungler if he's in our camps so that we can collapse. I wish that was a more common thing though. So many times I try go get help when jungling and mid or top is totally disinterested.

Depends on the match up. Who are you running against her that's giving you issues?

I usually go Malph which doesn't cause me problems, but it depends on the champ as you said, so I guess...overall?


I usually go Malph which doesn't cause me problems, but it depends on the champ as you said, so I guess...overall?

If they pick Riven first, and you know you're going top, you have three main options. First, you can pick a ranged champion and laugh at her (or someone like Pantheon that can poke and stun). Secondly, you can pick someone who can play safe until they tank up. If you're not ranged, just get tanky and don't feed her. For the love of all that is good and holy, don't feed her. The third option is to pick someone that can actually fight her, like Wukong, Darius (early), Irelia, or Fiora. Option three is the scariest though, because if you get outplayed and feed a kill or two, things get really hard. I wouldn't suggest fighting a Riven unless you know the match up well and are confident you're not going to help her snowball.

She really struggles with ranged champions though.


apparently papasmithy's gonna be the new chobra at ogn

that's pretty cool, he's really knowledgeable of the game and he's not an asshole like monte

kind of lame for lpl, tho, since he was the coolest caster for that region. wish riot was a bit more hands on with china but i'm guessing it's a really weird region since tencent and everything..

the other china casters aren't bad but they're not really as entertaining as doa/kobe/riv/quickshot or as knowledgeable as monte/jatt/papasmithy/deficio, so it makes watching lpl kind of boring since it's a really long season with like a billion teams so games don't feel like they matter all that much


5 game loss streak, I swear if I lose this one, I am not playing for few days!
Ragnar was sniping people up and down!#
what a cowardly champ


Just watched a game my friend was playing with his brother.
His brother was talon and the first item he maxed out was Maw of M. =_=

This guy will never learn not matter how many times I keep repeating to him how he should invest his gold.


I only watched LPL if PapaSmithy was casting it. Probably just tune in for EDG vs. good teams from now on. He's been my favourite caster ever since he cast the StarsWar league back in season 2 - very knowledgeable, fair minded, and, importantly, knows when to shut up (most LoL casters seem to think good casting is about making sure the audience never hears a single in-game sound).

Edit: That is some gorgeous Irelia splash art there.
How do you peeps even handle a Riven, it's one thing to damage her, it's another to catch her with all that movement from her abilities @_@

Don't trade with her when her cool downs are up. Freeze lane when you can, wait for ganks.

Riven is very strong once she has some AD and cdr. But before that so easily abused. If you can get an early kill via gank or whatever just freeze the lane. If she wants to get cs she has to take hard harass, if she forgo the cs then it delay her core items making her forever behind.

Watch where she is in team fights because her only job is to get to your back line, and of she can't do that then she's useless.
Yes gawwwwwd at that new Irelia splash. The others look fab as well.

Sailor Moon Lux is also so fab and fun to use. Glad I picked it up and it's got me using Lux again.


there's something to be said for hecarim being a cool champion but yeah, still broken

Yes gawwwwwd at that new Irelia splash. The others look fab as well.

Sailor Moon Lux is also so fab and fun to use. Glad I picked it up and it's got me using Lux again.



I just played what may have been the best thresh game of my life but we still lost

it just sucks when you feel like you're playing it right but the other team is so far ahead that even doing it right means you lose


so zky was it worth the wait when it's possible it could've been lower quality a year or two ago compared to what it turned out to be now?

also they should do a team of them and make Irelia one :3
don't you just love it when you mute a toxic player, unmute them 25 minutes later and they're still complaining about the same thing?

And in post game when we win?

"keypie20: hard to carry this vlad"


Those weaknesses are apparent in lane (if you're not using a melee champ), but in team fights he wrecks the scene. He soaks up endless damage and he can flash/combo whoever he wants.

i really doubt he can kill anyone with a combo if build around "soaking endless damage"

if you can constantly hit your skillshots hooray for you have fun rising but enemies are gonna abuse you while your abilities are on cooldown because hes a walking dummy without hitting his Q or W
I can't tell if Amumu is really good right now or if the people I'm playing against just don't respect the Bandage Toss range.

He's really good in the current state of the game, he's currently my favorite jungler and for a good reason: he punishes bad positioning during teamfights hard.


don't you just love it when you mute a toxic player, unmute them 25 minutes later and they're still complaining about the same thing?

And in post game when we win?

"keypie20: hard to carry this vlad"

Or when those who are toxic just report you for no reason.


lol my entire team disconnected

love how you dc and then slide into a random position and see other champions slide next to you and your life slowly fades away lol

it's like, i can only imagine the horrors i must be going through

anyways they super pushed and won and enemy morg kept spamming "suck it" which isn't nice haha

I just played what may have been the best thresh game of my life but we still lost

it just sucks when you feel like you're playing it right but the other team is so far ahead that even doing it right means you lose
yeah, i hate losing when i'm doing good, specially when i get one of those 220cs at 20 games

when that happens i know that's it for tonight

so zky was it worth the wait when it's possible it could've been lower quality a year or two ago compared to what it turned out to be now?
hmm i mean, it was worth the wait cos it has like a ton of cute extra things like the whole striking a pose when standing still and like the music on the back and the awesome dance and all the pink and everything but i still wish it had come sooner (also pleated skirt damn it riot)

also they should do a team of them and make Irelia one :3
totally for this

irelia is a good choice, and obviously diana

i feel like adcs would be kind of lame since they have guns tho, so it's totally like a mage thing

Shut up. They already nerf him so many times!

Pls let me ride the Pony express to Plat before they nerf him to hell PLS RIOT
i mean, i like aspects about him but yeah, easy to play and low counterplay are two very annoying things when combined.

like him charging with homeguards and pretty much oneshotting carries is not fun, specially when he's on like a tanky build + triforce


Love the use of different time signatures in Ekko's theme. Obviously fits well with his identity.

Most of the song is a 6/4 bar followed by a 5/4 bar.

NCR Redslayer

NeoGAF's Vegeta
So I fianlly lost as Brand in a ranked match. That was saddest throw ever. We lost to an urgod.
But I won the next game and got even.

Now I need one more win and im out of bronze.





That Rex carry, tho. ;)

Where's Rex, btw?

Taking a break, my man.

Butt loads of work for the past few months and I only play Killing Floor 2 (Fuck, I love this game) in my spare time (plus a few aram games here and there)

I might never fully get back into ranked again. I quite like chilling when I'm on the computer instead of internally screaming at scrubs.

I'll come back if the "next generation" of players try to assemble a ranked 5s team or something (which will inevitably end in rage and tears).

I quit ranked at a good stage though. I'm earning 20-30lp per win and losing 15-18ish per loss so if I ever want to destroy my mental state, I can ease into it.

One of the last few ranked games I had, a pro EU player decided to try out his 300 ping on NA so I had to pretty much 1v2 at bot lane. I got trash talked by Liquid and it left a salty as fuck taste in my mouth after that.
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