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League of Legends |OT9| Stealing Abilities From Inferior MOBAs since 2009

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Seems to be common among Corki players. I'd stop using him ASAP.

I'm so worn out on the tank meta that I haven't played in days. Even spectating is kind of annoying right now. Something has to shift, man.

I've been playing with this guy lately and I'm inclined to agree.
0% win rate so far.


Playing against a Jayce is really annoying, so I'm okay with this from the other side. :D
That's true he is annoying to play against. The problems more broad than that though. The most effective strategy is to pick an unkillable meta golem team that will just roll over anyone in team fights by locking down the carries.


Those were the fucking days. 30 minutes in 0/0/0 yi enters teamfight 5/0/0 yi leaves teamfight

I think damage gnar is my new favorite thing to go against top


Auto plus E is half of his hp.

i've been too afraid to try Yi again after my Yi runepage got changed from mega attack speed to some attack speed and AP and I didn't notice for like 10 games. got so dumpstered with that runepage and I still don't even know how it got changed. it happened at the flip of a switch when the new season started.


Jokes aside, this is definitely one of the worst metas. The best chapioms require the least skill.
this is true in almost every meta honestly

God bless lolreddit for their silly videos and plays but that has to be one of the dumbest gaming communities in existence.

I have to stop clicking on shit with comments. If I had a reddit account to argue with those buffoons I'd probably have to throw myself off a cliff.
it's awful

daily threads with awful ideas from ppl that don't know shit about balance/design like making everything build out of brutalizer or have nlr build out of a blasting wand or whatever, and then insane amounts of negativity over EVERYTHING

i wouldn't bother if i wasn't so bored with my life. at least /r/lolfanart has a few good peoples

That's true he is annoying to play against. The problems more broad than that though. The most effective strategy is to pick an unkillable meta golem team that will just roll over anyone in team fights by locking down the carries.
the cycle of life

"tired of all these lee sins!"

"tired of all these sejuanis!"


Lee Sin takes some skill though. At least there's that.

All they need to do is tone down the damage that the tanks are doing and we could probably enjoy this season far more.


Lee Sin takes some skill though. At least there's that.

All they need to do is tone down the damage that the tanks are doing and we could probably enjoy this season far more.

After the Sej nerfs go through hopefully it is just Graggy and Hec being the only tanks that just do too much damage. I actually think Sion is in a better place right now with the nerf to his shield pop timer bc that's actually enough time to break through it. I would honestly rather they put Gragas's %hp damage on his Q or even better E if it is absolutely necessary that he have it bc his W is so fucking strong with the damage reduction and massive damage dealt. If they put it on his E he'd have to choose between leveling dealing damage or damage reduction.


Had a decent Thresh game (although we lost, I was happy with most of my actions) and I got a very nice unintended flash play (not gonna spoil!) which I put on a video. I miss everything except what I didn't mean to do... lol.



Rengar was the typical 1v4 guy. A real piece of work (the typical that is nice when things go well, and an absolute dick when things turned sour. He afk'd by the end).


Lee Sin takes some skill though. At least there's that.

Not really. He's very forgiving.

All they need to do is tone down the damage that the tanks are doing and we could probably enjoy this season far more.

That's fine if Riot would introduce items that would let tanks build damage if they choose to do so, but then most people here bitched and whined about the damage component of Cinderhulk (and celebrated when it was removed, wasn't even the problem) and the changes to Abyssal Scepter.


Lee Sin takes some skill though. At least there's that.
ehh, he does have higher mechanics requirements than say sejuani, but he's also extremely rewarding for very little effort. lee hits a q and it's flash or kill and often it can be flash and kill. throwing a q requires absolutely no commitment and you can always run away with the dash thingie+flash

All they need to do is tone down the damage that the tanks are doing and we could probably enjoy this season far more.
nah, i think they need to nerf the health deathcap thingie now

the dmg on cinderhulk isn't so bad anymore

After the Sej nerfs go through hopefully it is just Graggy and Hec being the only tanks that just do too much damage. I actually think Sion is in a better place right now with the nerf to his shield pop timer bc that's actually enough time to break through it. I would honestly rather they put Gragas's %hp damage on his Q or even better E if it is absolutely necessary that he have it bc his W is so fucking strong with the damage reduction and massive damage dealt. If they put it on his E he'd have to choose between leveling dealing damage or damage reduction.
yeah i'm playing a lot of top sion lately and he feels pretty balanced. the shield popup thing is annoying as hell for the one playing sion but definitely a good nerf.

dunno how to nerf gragas and heca but they both need a nerf

Not really. He's very forgiving.
yea, if jarvan or reksai miss their dashes they're already committed to an aggressive position which you can punish. not that reksai is balanced either, but just comparing it to lee sin, who can throw q, wait to see if his midlaner landed their cc before following the q, it's riskier.

elise had a similar problem, you go to lane, throw cocoon and if you miss you can just safely walk away

low risk is a bad quality for assassin-like champions to have

That's fine if Riot would introduce items that would let tanks build damage if they choose to do so, but then most people here bitched and whined about the damage component of Cinderhulk (and celebrated when it was removed, wasn't even the problem) and the changes to Abyssal Scepter.
i feel that maybe riot should've nerfed sejuani/hecarim/gragas harder and let cinderhulk survive one more patch

not sure


I don't know if spirit stone and it's upgrades would fix anything, but I can say with some certainty that I had more fun playing junglers last season and I enjoyed the meta and the champions that I was matched up against much more.

It seems like riot's never willing to admit that they made a mistake and need to revert certain changes.


I don't know if spirit stone and it's upgrades would fix anything, but I can say with some certainty that I had more fun playing junglers last season and I enjoyed the meta and the champions that I was matched up against much more.

It seems like riot's never willing to admit that they made a mistake and need to revert certain changes.

riot can't revert it because everyone was already complaining before

riot keeps trying new stuff because it's never fixed, reverting it to the reksai and j4 every game days doesn't really fix anything, just replaces the problem with another problem

whenever i see a lux bot lane i just assume he's really really bad.

lux belongs midlane

with me


I want to play league but I got my wisdom teeth out this morning and I feel like I shouldn't play while drugged up on percocet.

Got a few mystery skins. Debonair Ezreal and Dragonslayer Vayne last night. Traditional Trundle, Warlord Shen, and Vandal Gragas. Ok skins but I have too many grag and shen skins now.

Seconded the meta's garbage this season. I've retired Jayce. What's the point in playing an assassin/bruiser that depends on positioning when there's a 75% chance of the enemy team having 2-3 easy to play CC tank champs like..... Nautilus/Volibear/Maokai/Sejuani/Alistar/Gragas.
I'd sure hate to be an ADC main in S5.

This brings tears to my eyes.


I think it would be hilarious if Lee Sin's Q got changed so that it auto-pulls him. No more delayed dashes, or deciding whether he REALLY wants to dash when he accidentally hits a tank!


how about giving the enemy champion that gets hit with the Q the option whether or not Lee Sin takes it. Lee can always decide not to take it, but the champion it hits could say "nah breh, you're comin whether you like it or not"

i can dream :3


lux is trash :^)

thats why rito tricks everyone into playing her with the precure lux skin
that trick is why i play league of legends

I think it would be hilarious if Lee Sin's Q got changed so that it auto-pulls him. No more delayed dashes, or deciding whether he REALLY wants to dash when he accidentally hits a tank!
prolly not lol

how about giving the enemy champion that gets hit with the Q the option whether or not Lee Sin takes it. Lee can always decide not to take it, but the champion it hits could say "nah breh, you're comin whether you like it or not"

i can dream :3

lol that's hilarious


Never mind I'm with Newt, fuck rito. I finally hit the broken elo curve.

I'm at a 58% win rate over all now and I've always gained a lot more from wins than I lose from losses.... but now randomly in D4 I've started to gain +10-12 and lose 20-25. I'm probably just gonna switch to a different account if they expect people to grind through 2 wins=1 loss.


how about giving the enemy champion that gets hit with the Q the option whether or not Lee Sin takes it. Lee can always decide not to take it, but the champion it hits could say "nah breh, you're comin whether you like it or not"

i can dream :3

That would be hilarious. I've lost count of the times a Lee Sin player saw me playing a non-Meta jungler like Skarner, Nautilus, etc. thinking they can take me only to run away with a shred of hp left.
i want riot to stop putting these mentally challenged men on my team so that for once when i ping someone to do something that doesn't involve flailing their hands like an idiot, they'll follow it.
Failed my promo for gold 3 :/. Didn't play great but didn't play bad either. Got camped but still came out of lane 2-0, but their top lane cass just shitted on our Tryndamere.


It's such a weird feeling spamming a bunch of Ashe games, then playing someone like Tristana. BAM 500+ damage crit, I forgot what real crits felt like!


played ranked teams, lost flash and ignite on a failed invade and enemy mid got triple kill

then got ganked and towerdove at level 4 since my flash was down and enemy mid got his fourth kill

what a fucking depressing game
how about giving the enemy champion that gets hit with the Q the option whether or not Lee Sin takes it. Lee can always decide not to take it, but the champion it hits could say "nah breh, you're comin whether you like it or not"

i can dream :3

This would actually be beautiful.


played ranked teams, lost flash and ignite on a failed invade and enemy mid got triple kill

then got ganked and towerdove at level 4 since my flash was down and enemy mid got his fourth kill

what a fucking depressing game

I was four man ganked mid at level 4 in my last ranked game. Luckily Thresh couldn't hit a hook to save his life.

who even does that.....


played ranked teams, lost flash and ignite on a failed invade and enemy mid got triple kill

then got ganked and towerdove at level 4 since my flash was down and enemy mid got his fourth kill

what a fucking depressing game
I miss the days where people in premade team games would put 4 or 5 people in a random lane bush and just jump out for cheesy first blood.

I assume that first blood changes made that not worth it, or it was never worth it, but it used to be funny.


see nev, this is not like an amazing highlight play or anything, but leblanc's just so satisfying to play because she's a constant stream of plays like these

and the other side of the scenario is two frustrated people that got "outplayed" by not much mechanical effort, just a little foresight to predict the malph ult and fast fingers

I was four man ganked mid at level 4 in my last ranked game. Luckily Thresh couldn't hit a hook to save his life.

who even does that.....
yeah that's kind of rare at least in low elo like us

I miss the days where people in premade team games would put 4 or 5 people in a random lane bush and just jump out for cheesy first blood.

I assume that first blood changes made that not worth it, or it was never worth it, but it used to be funny.
first blood is worth a lot now (400g+200 among assisters) so it is worth it, just not on lane since people don't randomly walk in lane now.

we were invading enemy red and wrapped around golems and they were bush camping on red buff. really bad invade but the game was just awful, even if i never really had a chance in that lane i played like shit. wasn't in the mood for ranked teams, should've stuck to normals
Gold is worst than Silver. Just had a Vlad who left the game because he got mad at our Garen.

Straight up left when 2 inhibs down.

Nah, Silver is where all the laptop gangsters are. I once had a guy AFK for 15 min because he didn't like my pathing when I came in to counter gank for him, even when he got the double kill.


Gold is worst than Silver. Just had a Vlad who left the game because he got mad at our Garen.

Straight up left when 2 inhibs down.

People seem to be satisfied (having qualified for the rewards) and don't really care about matches anymore. I had a Yasuo/Sion bot the other day and the game was jokes. In all honesty, I'd rather play with them on those champions over the Thresh main with 200 games on the champion this season who still hasn't figured out how he's played post laning phase.

He flamed me for suggesting he play simpler champions while learning the fundamentals and that he wouldn't have been low elo if he was capable of using the kit properly. lol
petition to literally murder supports in teambuilder for leaving every time


I take blame for all supports who leave during Team Builder.

My internet has been a total mess today, I've had perfectly normal games surrounded by games where both me and my brother have been unable to do anything. telus pls



I take blame for all supports who leave during Team Builder.

My internet has been a total mess today, I've had perfectly normal games surrounded by games where both me and my brother have been unable to do anything. telus pls

I think he refers to supports that leave in champ select, which is reasonable since supports are in high demand.


That's fine if Riot would introduce items that would let tanks build damage if they choose to do so, but then most people here bitched and whined about the damage component of Cinderhulk (and celebrated when it was removed, wasn't even the problem) and the changes to Abyssal Scepter.

If they choose to build damage then they should stop being tanks and become bruisers. A full tank Hecarim/Gragas/Sejuani/Volibear/Chogath 1v1ing adcs with ease is just fucking disgusting.

played ranked teams, lost flash and ignite on a failed invade and enemy mid got triple kill

then got ganked and towerdove at level 4 since my flash was down and enemy mid got his fourth kill

what a fucking depressing game



nev u gotta reply my leblanc post, i put so much work into it ;_;

League of Lategame.
nah, we just got legit beaten. i was playing ori so it's not like i didn't have a good champion, we just got outplayed and cho snowballed like a boss
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