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League of Legends |OT9| Stealing Abilities From Inferior MOBAs since 2009

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nah, we just got legit beaten. i was playing ori so it's not like i didn't have a good champion, we just got outplayed and cho snowballed like a boss

It's still League of Lategame tho. Especially in this meta where you have to win before the 20 min. mark if the enemy has two or more tanks (they will) or it's just lost.

nev u gotta reply my leblanc post, i put so much work into it ;_;

Había que leer mucho. Luego ya mientras salen canciones de relleno en Eurovisión lo hago <3


Gold Member
So I joined a newly made ranked team. Can anybody remind me how rank team works like promos and stuff. It's the first time I joined a ranked team so I don't know anything.


It's still League of Lategame tho. Especially in this meta where you have to win before the 20 min. mark if the enemy has two or more tanks (they will) or it's just lost.
yeah that's true, and they had a shit ton of tanks (leona malph zac and cho). we picked ori and jinx as tank shredders and got gragas and janna to shoot ppl off our carries and figured we'd try and just kite with our great lategame dps. it just went to shit really early when i had to fight a fiendish codex from lvl1 lol while also getting ganked early. good on them, really bad on us

outside of our own game, yea, not sure about the 20 min mark specifically but yea, all these tanks running around are annoying. i like the idea of giving bruisers items like new abyssal and new bc so they can have resistance shred to help their carries as a solution, but it's certainly not enough

Había que leer mucho. Luego ya mientras salen canciones de relleno en Eurovisión lo hago <3

lol wtf

So I joined a newly made ranked team. Can anybody remind me how rank team works like promos and stuff. It's the first time I joined a ranked team so I don't know anything.
it's the exact same as regular ranked, except no ranking restrictions like in duo queue (so your team can have a challenger and four silvers, as is often the case)

so you get lp, when you get 100 lp you play bo3 promos, fifth promo is bo5 to go up a whole tier



My ranked matches in this past week have all been wins and the players I had on my team for the most part were friendly =3



It's still League of Lategame tho. Especially in this meta where you have to win before the 20 min. mark if the enemy has two or more tanks (they will) or it's just lost.

Había que leer mucho. Luego ya mientras salen canciones de relleno en Eurovisión lo hago <3

Isn't this similar to last year, except it moved from Tristania and Kogmaw to Sej and Gragas? I was whining about Trist last year and this year adcs were whining about how Sej is broken (until MSI finals where Gragas/Reksai, with Nunu popping up as a Gragas bully) were priorities and Sej fell the same way Trist did.


So how do you play Syndra? Just stay back and throw shit and cause explosions all day?
pretty much, use your q on cooldown for dps and try to be constantly landing stuns to pick people off or for peel. also play very aggressively in lane since your laning is op

but i'm not sure you're quite ready for syndra, dude :>


petition to literally murder supports in teambuilder for leaving every time

Lol, that would be me and I have no regrets about it. I go into TB and if I see some shit I don't like I move onto the next group. I also do that when I jungle.

If they choose to build damage then they should stop being tanks and become bruisers. A full tank Hecarim/Gragas/Sejuani/Volibear/Chogath 1v1ing adcs with ease is just fucking disgusting.

"With ease"...I don't know how to have a reasonable argument with a group of people that jump on to those terms the moment the meta doesn't suit them. Late game ADC will still beat a late game tank.

The principal problem, to me, is that the lag between when a tank hits their stride and when an ADC hits theirs is too large, and that's not a matter of base damages, abilities, etc. Something that no one is talking about is ADC itemization, and I don't mean the end items, but tier 2, intermediate stuff.

Tanks get Specter's Cowl. Their biggest tier 2 health item (Giant's Belt) builds out of their tier 1 item (ruby crystal). Same applies for their armor and MR items. They get Warden's Mail, Bami's Cinder. Mages also have some nice intermediate stuff. Chalice really helps with mana consumption, but you also have stuff like Fiendish Codex, Forbidden idol. Nice steps along the way to the big ticket items.

ADCs really don't have much that compares. Brutalizer isn't a massive spike for ADCs who want to pick up Ghostblade. BF Sword is a nice, but it doesn't compare to a Specter's Cowl for example and the defensive side. The other items along IE's built path kinda suck. The big armor negating item requires the full 2600g invested before it does what it's supposed to do. For the ADCs that happen to rush Trinity Force, Phage and Sheen are nice but the items all really get good when combined into TF. Cutlass sucks because it has to be tempered for bruisers who also like to build BotRK.

Fact is, if you gave an ADC and a tank 5000g and let them buy their items, the tank will come out better because the flexibility of his build paths will let him spend much more of that gold.

Want to fix ADCs, an item reliant class? Then give them better items. Give them something in Last Whispers* build path that gives a bit of ArPen. Make Pickaxe build out of Longsword, or BF Sword build our of Pickaxe. Give them an AD+Crit item in IE's build path. Give them an item with a %current health damage that requires stacks to proc (think Silverbolts) in the build path of BotRK.

Nerfing tanks isn't the solution to ADC's problems. The only thing that'll happen when the tanks are gone is instead of bitching about being unable to kill a tank, ADC's will bitch about assassin's blowing up them up in a heart beat. How do I know that? Because it happened before.

*Make Last Whisper affect bonus armor but at a higher percent. Riot talked about this going back to season 2 and still haven't done anything about it.

One last point, there is no such thing as a clear line between a bruiser and a tank in League. There is zero definition. It's a meaningless term. They're either all tanks, or they're all bruisers, they all just lay on different points of the spectrum of what people expect out of that class.


"With ease"...I don't know how to have a reasonable argument with a group of people that jump on to those terms the moment the meta doesn't suit them. Late game ADC will still beat a late game tank.

The principal problem, to me, is that the lag between when a tank hits their stride and when an ADC hits theirs is too large, and that's not a matter of base damages, abilities, etc. Something that no one is talking about is ADC itemization, and I don't mean the end items, but tier 2, intermediate stuff.

Tanks get Specter's Cowl. Their biggest tier 2 health item (Giant's Belt) builds out of their tier 1 item (ruby crystal). Same applies for their armor and MR items. They get Warden's Mail, Bami's Cinder. Mages also have some nice intermediate stuff. Chalice really helps with mana consumption, but you also have stuff like Fiendish Codex, Forbidden idol. Nice steps along the way to the big ticket items.

ADCs really don't have much that compares. Brutalizer isn't a massive spike for ADCs who want to pick up Ghostblade. BF Sword is a nice, but it doesn't compare to a Specter's Cowl for example and the defensive side. The other items along IE's built path kinda suck. The big armor negating item requires the full 2600g invested before it does what it's supposed to do. For the ADCs that happen to rush Trinity Force, Phage and Sheen are nice but the items all really get good when combined into TF. Cutlass sucks because it has to be tempered for bruisers who also like to build BotRK.

Fact is, if you gave an ADC and a tank 5000g and let them buy their items, the tank will come out better because the flexibility of his build paths will let him spend much more of that gold.

Want to fix ADCs, an item reliant class? Then give them better items. Give them something in Last Whispers* build path that gives a bit of ArPen. Make Pickaxe build out of Longsword, or BF Sword build our of Pickaxe. Give them an AD+Crit item in IE's build path. Give them an item with a %current health damage that requires stacks to proc (think Silverbolts) in the build path of BotRK.

Nerfing tanks isn't the solution to ADC's problems. The only thing that'll happen when the tanks are gone is instead of bitching about being unable to kill a tank, ADC's will bitch about assassin's blowing up them up in a heart beat. How do I know that? Because it happened before.

*Make Last Whisper affect bonus armor but at a higher percent. Riot talked about this going back to season 2 and still haven't done anything about it.

One last point, there is no such thing as a clear line between a bruiser and a tank in League. There is zero definition. It's a meaningless term. They're either all tanks, or they're all bruisers, they all just lay on different points of the spectrum of what people expect out of that class.
the problem is that something like another mid tier arpen item are just huge boons to ad assassins and jayce

i almost feel like the adc class as a whole is fucked thanks to zed, talon, riven, pantheon and jayce (prolly forgetting someone)

and something with crit might just have to be balanced around master yi, gp, yasuo, etc.

ad itemization is really hard to do well because unless you make the item ranged only (which could a pretty inelegant solution), you're always gonna be have trouble balancing it because of how op it is for champions to be essentially mages with the extra that they can melt turrets and farm without spending mana

edit: the other idea would be making more items with on-hit passives like bjork that don't give much ad.

I haven't seen Syndra in a game since the nerfs, oddly enough. She was really popular last season. :eek:
well she got destroyed by nerfs and riot broke her e completely (newest bug is shit bouncing fucking backwards)

like, i only play her cos i think she's a lot of fun and because i invested dozens on games on her, but i wouldn't recommend anyone playing a champion this broken

As melee support how do you deal with Zyra poke :|
use your relic shield charges wisely (as in not waste them as soon as you get to lane and wait until you and adc need hp) and wait for her to waste her e or seed (say she used a seed to check a brush) and jump at her. ask for ganks too, zyra lane pushes a lot and she's super slow and doesn't have many ways of dealing with multiple enemies pre-6 (unless all of you run in a straight line)


Lol, that would be me and I have no regrets about it. I go into TB and if I see some shit I don't like I move onto the next group. I also do that when I jungle.

"With ease"...I don't know how to have a reasonable argument with a group of people that jump on to those terms the moment the meta doesn't suit them. Late game ADC will still beat a late game tank.
Nope. Thornmail.
You'll be fine with BT, LW and some MR. You'll probably have about 100 MR late game from runes, Locket and SV/Banshee which cuts TM to half.


Lesson learned. Don't first pick Volibear.

Enemy picks: Ashe, Sion, Lulu, Kayle. Slows for DAYS.

This'll be fun. At this rate I'll be placed silver. I absolutely hated my time in silver.


some newbie tips:
- play with tanky masteries (0/21/9 or 0/16/14 or something like that) and runes (i use a few mp5 blues i think but you can just have flat mr there)
- start relic shield and pots. generally build supporty/tanky (mikaels/aegis/fh/righteous glory)
- you can max e first for more trading in lane, or q if you're planning on roaming and making picks or something like that. i usually get e at lvl 1 if there are no invade shenanigans, in which case i may start any of the three depending on the situation. after q/e you can either max the other one or even lantern in some cases (i'm actually maxing w second now but i'm not sure if this is better, i just like q then w max best)
- laning isn't terrible but it isn't great, specially if you're not good at hooking, which takes some getting used to.
- remember that you're ranged so use your e empowered autos whenever you can
- like blitz there's a lot of mindgames around his hook so you can just walk up to someone to zone them out without really doing anything
- also like blitz it's often easier to go and apply the easy cc first (flay) and then hook than trying to madlife it
- hook has a bit of a delay so a lot of people try to mindgame doing like looking in one direction, then hooking the other way, specially like looking at the support then crossing the hook towards the adc.
- also like blitz and morgana too, the threat of the hook/bind is usually a pretty strong deterrent so you know, don't throw the hook every time it's on cd
- whenever you're pushing lane or get the support gank sixth sense thing just stay back so you can quickly lantern out your adc
- you don't have to go in on every hook. don't go in on every hook
- in teamfights you're more of a peeler like janna than an initiator like leona. so just stay with carries and throw box and flay ppl out and be a nuisance. you can still grab enemy carries but remember you're supposed to protect your own
- helping last hit with threshie under turret is a bitch, so no advice there, i always fuck up my adc's cs when i try to help them lol
- last hitting minions with relic shield is also a bitch, specially if you don't have empowered e. for cannons i usually just flay or hook them

might not be 100% correct since i barely get to play support nowadays but sounds pretty ok to me

btw if you're looking for other supports nautilus is pretty op right now and imo lots of fun to play. also gonna be discounted to 4800 when ekko's released. leona is also the easy suggestion since she's really easy to play and perfect for solo queue and stuff. also janna, i think she kind of fell out of flavor but she's super strong anyways imo

oh yeah, not saying it's a meaningful nerf, i'm just saying the whole abyssal thing being an indirect buff to leblanc is very wrong. but removing abyssal limits leblanc's buildpaths (and ahri's and diana's), while having zero effect on ori/azir/ziggs/etc.

also fuck katarina lol. i played with a top katarina yesterday and i was trying to play the game and she tp'd bot, got a triple kill and won the game on her own. i was so bored i tried to steal red buff with no mana and died lol

Thank you so much for the write up. When I accumulate, I will get a thrash and hopefully, I adhere enough patience to actually be good at it.

re/reading the thread, more Seju hate.


and no, in late game, I have more difficulty against many champs 1v1. Tank are the best in team fight only or when champs have half HP!


Alright, so Fantasy League of 8 is done. Sorry if you wanted but in didn't make it, I did prioritize people part of the last league. Lets decide on a time for draft. I feel like ideally it should be around 12:00 to 4:00pm Pacific. Let me know when you guys are available.


noticed something cool in the skt game yesterday (i think it was skt, might been koo tho)

skt was rushing dragon with the enemy reksai on the other side of the pit they cleared it first with pink wards, and sbenu kept placing wards inside the pit as it always happens, right?

well what skt did was instead of clearing those new wards, they waited until the dragon was getting in the "final burst" zone (so like 1400~ hp?) and then red trinketed the dragon and rushed it in that 6s timeframe

that way they disable all those wards for six seconds and it doesn't really matter if the enemy team has wards or whatever, the enemy jungler has no idea of when she should go in for a steal (unless they place a pink ward or use blue trinket)

i dunno if that's something new only to me, it's the first time i've noticed it in competitive play but i thought it was a really creative use of red trinkets that people usually don't pay much attention to

Alright, so Fantasy League of 8 is done. Sorry if you wanted but in didn't make it, I did prioritize people part of the last league. Lets decide on a time for draft. I feel like ideally it should be around 12:00 to 4:00pm Pacific. Let me know when you guys are available.
pacific means pst?

or pdt?

american times are weird


I'm on the fast road back to silver. 1-2 in my placements. Lol. I hated silver with a passion. Silver I was the most obnoxious raging assholes per capita. Probably rivaled only by plat. Gold is elo heaven in comparison.
Damn, the Jinx/Sej/Cass nerfs went through. Can't say I'm happy with them but whatever.

I love Cass. I always thought they went overboard with her passive and E passive when they reworked her. A Tear is enough to keep her permanently in lane because she gets so much HP and Mana from passives. It's a good nerf.

Does the Ardent Censer's damage-on-hit last only for one hit, or for all hits in the entire duration?


yes...why would riot nerf late game powerhouse champions that have too many free stats to shore up their weak early game? what a confusing choice.

I dunno, but I hate seeing decent champs get nerfed instead of weak champs getting buffed.


I dunno, but I hate seeing decent champs get nerfed instead of weak champs getting buffed.

Jinx, Cass, and sej decent...

Pawnce has a vid that explains why riot prefers to nerf the strong instead of buff the weak but I'm on mobile. Basically if you have one champ in a role that's too strong it is way easier to bring them down rather than bring 20 champions up. Too many variables that way. Much safer to alter one champ than a bunch just to bring them even. Also if u buff everyone in a role to match the strongest in that role then they tend to be so strong they spill into other lanes, take over the game, and u then have to buff the other 100 champs just to make them match the one champ that was too strong initially. A bit of hyperbole but then again riot's tendency to exclusively nerf rather than buff is greatly exaggerated too

Besides, taric is getting buffed what more do you animals want?
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