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League of Legends |OT9| Stealing Abilities From Inferior MOBAs since 2009

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My ranked matches in this past week have all been wins and the players I had on my team for the most part were friendly =3

Finally, Tizoc rises from the wasteland.


So from playing him on PBE, what are the best items for Ekko?

pretty much, use your q on cooldown for dps and try to be constantly landing stuns to pick people off or for peel. also play very aggressively in lane since your laning is op

but i'm not sure you're quite ready for syndra, dude :>

First time use of champs'd risk me losing but with multiple plays I'll get the hang of her :v


rito is gonna be taking a look at vlad soon, i hope

the rework kind of look

Damn, the Jinx/Sej/Cass nerfs went through. Can't say I'm happy with them but whatever.
wait for official patchnotes before panicking but all of those champions are scaling champions that are also super strong early game, and they're all getting pretty small nerfs for how insanely op they are

I dunno, but I hate seeing decent champs get nerfed instead of weak champs getting buffed.
they're not "decent", they're absolutely overpowered, and not even like slightly "op". it's not that cassi is "strong", is that she's a total lane bully and she's arguably the best scaling champion in the game at once. same goes for jinx and sejuani (and gragas, who's for some reason escaping nerfs)

and it's been said a million times, if one champion's op it's much easier and way less problematic to nerf that champion than to buff everyone else up to their level, specially since champions being op usually means they lack weaknesses to exploit. power creep yo

check the 5.9 patchnotes:

buffs: akali (tho needs bugfixing), nocturne, olaf, renek, trist, trundle, xin zhao
nerfs: annie, heca, kaly, morg, riven, zed, cinderhulk, challenging smite
ashe got reworked, which likely buffed her since she has like a billion playrate and her winrate hasn't dropped a bit.

so 7 buffs, 8 nerfs (including items). the whole idea that riot never buffs champions is ridiculous

also every single of those nerfs was justified

I love Cass. I always thought they went overboard with her passive and E passive when they reworked her. A Tear is enough to keep her permanently in lane because she gets so much HP and Mana from passives. It's a good nerf.
yeah i agree, i think they panicked a bit with all the backlash on her rework. i like this nerf too, winning by sustain isn't what midlane's about

Does the Ardent Censer's damage-on-hit last only for one hit, or for all hits in the entire duration?
all hits afaik

you can't buff yourself tho

i wonder if it works with like azir

imagine a nunu+top lulu+azir with ardent censer comp

So from playing him on PBE, what are the best items for Ekko?
haven't played him but he seems like a morellos into zhonyas/ludens/deathcap (in that order imo) kind of champion. his mana costs aren't too prohibitive so he should be fine without athenes i think. the scaling on his passive, q and ult are really good and his shield also scales so sounds to me stacking ap is a good idea on him for really easy waveclear/poke and to one shot people with his ult. probably stick lich bane in his build lategame, after void staff.

i don't think he's meant to be played as an assassin, more like a mage with tons of mobility. like, there's a lot of incentive for you to apply your passive and your e, but i think that's more cleanup after spamming qs for a while

i'm also wondering if like a tankier build with like roa into zhonyas wouldn't be effective

First time use of champs'd risk me losing but with multiple plays I'll get the hang of her :v
i wouldn't recommend learning her right now as she has so many bugs that it's just frustrating to play her

you get killed or lose kills at least once or twice every game thanks to scatter the weak bugs, and often more


Looking at his kit and how it applies slows, would Liandry be good on him? Both his Q and E can activate its stronger passive.
Also the auto attack from his E will apply on-hit effects so maybe Lich Bane be good on him at least as a last item?


For those of you around G1/Plat5 mmr, i want you to stay safe out there and be careful when you queue up after the next patch drops. I will be spamming ryze jungle.


Looking at his kit and how it applies slows, would Liandry be good on him? Both his Q and E can activate its stronger passive.
Also the auto attack from his E will apply on-hit effects so maybe Lich Bane be good on him at least as a last item?
liandry's is really bad on anyone that doesn't have dot (and even then it's pretty bad if you're not rumble), so pretty much 100% no

lich bane is probably gonna be good on him but i don't think as a first item. looking at the ratios, mana cost and cd on his q i think it's much better to do a morello rush and then just get a ton of ap

maybe morellos into lich bane, i think that's how ppl are building fizz these days?

that's probably gonna be the build i try first


liandry's is really bad on anyone that doesn't have dot (and even then it's pretty bad if you're not rumble), so pretty much 100% no

lich bane is probably gonna be good on him but i don't think as a first item. looking at the ratios, mana cost and cd on his q i think it's much better to do a morello rush and then just get a ton of ap

maybe morellos into lich bane, i think that's how ppl are building fizz these days?

that's probably gonna be the build i try first

What about Nashor? Granted he isn't primarly an auto attacker, but if the auto from his E counts towards his passive it can help do deal a good amount of damage in a single burst.


What about Nashor? Granted he isn't primarly an auto attacker, but if the auto from his E counts towards his passive it can help do deal a good amount of damage in a single burst.
doubt that you'll get many autos in fights, most of your passive procs will come from q's and e's, not autoattacks

but maybe not terrible if you're splitpushing, i dunno, but probably not


I haven't watched him at all but his damage scaling is shit except on his passive and ult and his shield is looks unreliable so how does he not get completely blown up or outclassed by other assassins?


I haven't watched him at all but his damage scaling is shit except on his passive and ult and his shield is looks unreliable so how does he not get completely blown up or outclassed by other assassins?
his damage is great imo, but it's like you say, very unreliable. he has really high base and scaling dmg on his main nuke and his ult is kind of insane. he's not leblanc but he has defensive scaling in the shield and heal

the big difference he has with other assassins is the utility. slow on passive and q, poke on q, big zoning area on w that can turn into a stun (and also grants vision), that stuff is really strong. i imagine he can also zone really hard when his ult is up. stuff like ppl not wanting to follow him in the jungle, etc.

i think i said before, he's not really an assassin, he's more like a high mobility mage

he's more ori than leblanc

i think he's gonna be pretty op


Passive sounds super broken, it's just procing it that concerns me. I guess if you get both instances of Q on them then E. After that you can just beat the piss out of them cuz they're slowed to shit and you've hopped on a fucking speedboat


What happens if you cast his W on himself and enemies are in the field's area, will they instantly be stunned?


Passive sounds super broken, it's just procing it that concerns me. I guess if you get both instances of Q on them then E. After that you can just beat the piss out of them cuz they're slowed to shit and you've hopped on a fucking speedboat
i mean, you have a 60% slow that you can chain into a really long stun and you also have two dashes (sort of)

also tbh it's not really worth it to "beat the piss out of them" after proccing the passive since you pretty much are out of tools

you spent your q and e at the very least getting the passive to proc, and since you can't proc the passive more than once every 3s there's not much left there. you're not gonna go hitting autoattacks as a squishy mage, so i think it's there more to help you catch ppl/escape

What happens if you cast his W on himself and enemies are in the field's area, will they instantly be stunned?
yeah, tho the spell has a pretty big delay


I didn't know the passive had a cd... I guess i just don't get him. I'll have to see him in action. Sitting in a bush and ulting when someone walks up sounds fun though.


The cooldown is only 3 seconds on his passive, which isn't a long delay, and heck if you're rushing them the 2nd time you apply the auto passive, they're likely dead :p

OK, crazy idea-
Think about it, you cast the field, you dash in with your E, they get stunned while in the field then you and the other champ waste their ass.


I didn't know the passive had a cd... I guess i just don't get him. I'll have to see him in action. Sitting in a bush and ulting when someone walks up sounds fun though.
the passive is just for moving in and out of fights, and chasing.

if someone's running you can hit them with double q, then land your e and set up your w with the massive slow from passive. or just use it in lane to trade, poking with qs until you see a double q land, then e in and just run away so you don't get auto'd to much. and in teamfights it just lets him get in, deal some damage, and get out.

but he's ap so it's really just a waste to sit there hitting basic attacks, specially since his cds aren't as low as for him to be getting a ton of lichbane procs

The cooldown is only 3 seconds on his passive, which isn't a long delay, and heck if you're rushing them the 2nd time you apply the auto passive, they're likely dead :p

OK, crazy idea-
Think about it, you cast the field, you dash in with your E, they get stunned while in the field then you and the other champ waste their ass.
i mean, magus is pretty shit right now and only good assassin in the jungle ever has been khazix and that was mostly on his opness than anything. doubt it, damage dealers need levels and farm and you get neither from the jungle

he doesn't synergize well with spellthief but i think ppl might try him as a support since he has cc and poke and stuff. probably not gonna be great there either lol

but yea, he's a mid, he's got waveclear and utility and scales really well

that's a mid (or top, but i think non-rumble mages top are ded)

Wow Ekko scales completely off AP. That's weird.
Yeah first glance i def interpreted him as an ad thematically
i mean he's a scrawny kid with a magical bat and time travel power

ad is more like guns and swords

thankfully he's ap since ad items are really boring


Why does everyone say magus is bad? It's one of the most gold efficient items in the game

It's a good item that's only desirable on one mainstream jungler


damn, I just had those satisfying games where the team was trailing behind by a long shot, and we ended up making a comeback!
The problem at the start was that, as I was playing ADC, my supp just started supporting top for some bizarre reason and I was left alone with a Vayne and a Teemo to fend off. Not mention the odd jungler who was gaking me all match. I was an easy target. had 3/8 in terms of death and kills respectively. Then they started playing in teams and followed the others around. And me on my own bot lane managed to farm enough to get ID and a Shiv. By the time I joined the others in team fights, I was lv 17 well above everyone else. And then the rest was history.

Maybe the other team was bad, but I wouldn't mind being left alone bot again, I might actually learn a thing or two about positioning. Was playing as Ashe by the way!


Why does everyone say magus is bad? It's one of the most gold efficient items in the game

It's a good item that's only desirable on one mainstream jungler

Magus is Morello 2.0...minus the mana regen and passive :V
Taking the right smite will help too like say taking red or blue smite.
Relevant to the reason why we really don't see jungle mages. The passive man a regen from the Machete line (while in combat with monsters) isn't enough unless you hog blue.


Damn, the Jinx/Sej/Cass nerfs went through. Can't say I'm happy with them but whatever.
I didn't realize Cassiopeia needed nerfed. Practically no one (8-10% apparently, but I can remember maybe 1 in recent memory) plays her in bronze/silver. Glancing at lolking, it would appear that she only hovers around 50% or more winrate in platinum/diamond, and worse below that (which is almost weird since you'd expect lower level games to last longer).

It may make sense on an abstract level to say she was too strong late game or something, but I would suggest this change may have bad results for her. Time will tell I suppose.



You know what? I'll Yolo and go Jungle Ekko :V I can barely Mid as Morde without getting blow up by the opposition at Lvl. 2 and 3, I doubt I'd do better as Mid Ekko :V


which other mages should jungle tho?

like i guess jungle kayle and diana are a thing sometimes and you could situationally go magus on amumu or elise if cinderhulk wasn't as op

not sure if riot wants jungle tf or jungle karma to exist


which other mages should jungle tho?

like i guess jungle kayle and diana are a thing sometimes and you could situationally go magus on amumu or elise if cinderhulk wasn't as op

not sure if riot wants jungle tf or jungle karma to exist

Then why can her W now affect monsters :V


Mana is definitely a gate but i really don't think it's the reason we don't have many mage junglers. Amumu still does just fine as a mana dependent jungler and most people build roa or tear on nid so even in human form mana isn't an issue. It's just that most mages aren't designed to jungle.

Nid is weird because her kit feels so natural in the jungle it's almost strange to think she was never supposed to be there


Mana is definitely a gate but i really don't think it's the reason we don't have many mage junglers. Amumu still does just fine as a mana dependent jungler and most people build roa or tear on nid so even in human form mana isn't an issue. It's just that most mages aren't designed to jungle.

Nid is weird because her kit feels so natural in the jungle it's almost strange to think she was never supposed to be there
It didn't used to be completely this way, though. She didn't have the spear-mark champion/monster, long-distance pounce stuff for instance.


Yeah i mean since they allowed her to hunt monsters. Her kit feels so natural for jungling and the hunting monsters seemed bizarre at the time but it feels right now

I'm sure riot did it to create more ap junglers and i wonder if they aren't thinking the same for karma


Then why can her W now affect monsters :V
Yeah i mean since they allowed her to hunt monsters. Her kit feels so natural for jungling and the hunting monsters seemed bizarre at the time but it feels right now

I'm sure riot did it to create more ap junglers and i wonder if they aren't thinking the same for karma
i think they're removing the empowered w heal so i'm not sure how she'd survive the jungle now

Mana is definitely a gate but i really don't think it's the reason we don't have many mage junglers. Amumu still does just fine as a mana dependent jungler and most people build roa or tear on nid so even in human form mana isn't an issue. It's just that most mages aren't designed to jungle.

Nid is weird because her kit feels so natural in the jungle it's almost strange to think she was never supposed to be there
most champions aren't designed to jungle really, cos adcs/assassins/supports/mages all have trouble in the jungle unless something's overpowered (like old devourer) or they have really strong built-in sustain (fiddle/yi/nidalee)

I didn't realize Cassiopeia needed nerfed. Practically no one (8-10% apparently, but I can remember maybe 1 in recent memory) plays her in bronze/silver. Glancing at lolking, it would appear that she only hovers around 50% or more winrate in platinum/diamond, and worse below that (which is almost weird since you'd expect lower level games to last longer).

It may make sense on an abstract level to say she was too strong late game or something, but I would suggest this change may have bad results for her. Time will tell I suppose.

well winrate doesn't always tell the whole picture

you can look at the pick/ban status she has in competitive to get an idea of how strong she is at the hands of a strong player.

cassi is a cool champion, but she has too much lane presence for how strong she is late. like, sometimes in lane you just gotta flash out from a w because if it landed you're pretty much dead. and she has a ton of sustain thanks to her passive and e passive and how quickly she can stack tear

these nerfs aren't so bad, she'll still be good i think


well winrate doesn't always tell the whole picture

you can look at the pick/ban status she has in competitive to get an idea of how strong she is at the hands of a strong player.

cassi is a cool champion, but she has too much lane presence for how strong she is late. like, sometimes in lane you just gotta flash out from a w because if it landed you're pretty much dead. and she has a ton of sustain thanks to her passive and e passive and how quickly she can stack tear

these nerfs aren't so bad, she'll still be good i think
I am okay with certain champions being strong in 1v1.

Championships are cool, but I feel like there are millions more players who are not championship skill level. I am interested in seeing what will happen to Cassiopeia after this, for them.


I am okay with certain champions being strong in 1v1.
well, cassi's a monster in laning, dueling and teamfights, and early and lategame

i don't think that's ok

Championships are cool, but I feel like there are millions more players who are not championship skill level. I am interested in seeing what will happen to Cassiopeia after this, for them.
passive nerf will punish players that take bad trades since dmg taken will stick longer, and e nerf probably won't hurt her much

Where's the gragas needs?
yup, weird gragas and nunu aren't getting nerfed

edit: and nautilus..

Star Guardian Ashe! :')

but tsundere lux is cute

here, have an actual good star guardian drawing :>



well, cassi's a monster in laning, dueling and teamfights, and early and lategame

i don't think that's ok
A "monster" is a bit of an imprecise term, but I would expect a champion that were a "monster" at laning, dueling, teamfights, early, and lategame (that covers most categories of the game I think?) would have a much higher pick rate and/or a much higher win rate than Cassiopia does now.

zkylon said:
passive nerf will punish players that take bad trades since dmg taken will stick longer, and e nerf probably won't hurt her much
Maybe, but I'm interested in what time will tell, especially for average players.


A "monster" is a bit of an imprecise term, but I would expect a champion that were a "monster" at laning, dueling, teamfights, early, and lategame (that covers most categories of the game I think?) would have a much higher pick rate and/or a much higher win rate than Cassiopia does now.
not really, leblanc also has many of these characteristics but she's hard to play as so her winrate is shit. that's what happens to cassi, she's just hard to play, so her winrate isn't heimer levels of insanity despite being pretty op

also cassi has roughly the same playrate as ori and has a pretty decent winrate if you consider only champions with a sensible playrate (so like, not mordekaiser).

Maybe, but I'm interested in what time will tell, especially for average players.
? ok


We often cite win rate just cuz it's all we have to go on, but it doesn't always tell the whole story to say the least.

Pretty sure before they removed lb's silence her win rate was like 46 but nobody was arguing whether she was broken


We often cite win rate just cuz it's all we have to go on, but it doesn't always tell the whole story to say the least.

Pretty sure before they removed lb's silence her win rate was like 46 but nobody was arguing whether she was broken
yeah, some champions because of the nuance of their kits are always gonna have low winrates despite how strong they are and if they didn't that probably means there's something wrong

Is it possible that Ekko will be released this week?

i have it in my head that new champions are usually enabled later than the patch, althuogh i don't really know why
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