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League of Legends |OT9| Stealing Abilities From Inferior MOBAs since 2009

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Can Shyvanna be played in the jungle still? I do not see why not. Her pre-6 ganks should be abysmal, and the post-6 are not that much better without lack of proper CC, but she will be an endgame tank in the League of Tanks anyway, so... that should totally count, right? :D


i'm thinking it's not gonna be cho, at least not cho alone, since in spanish it's "they're coming"

like plural


also yea i feel cho is at that point in which the meta made him too strong for his kit as it is to exist (i guess those buffs really helped him, eh?). i imagine he'll get a similar treatment to gragas and will be turned into a straight ap bruiser without all the silly scalings and less burst overall and the dmg instead pushed to his e


Anyone been building Brut into Youmuu on certain champs that before, you wouldn't build it on, like say Riven?


The temptation to get Arcade Hecarim is strong. I don't play Hecarim and the nerfs are inbound, but I have 17k in IP waiting for the next rune page sale.


What's with every morgana I see building Rod of ages for?

The temptation to get Arcade Hecarim is strong. I don't play Hecarim and the nerfs are inbound, but I have 17k in IP waiting for the next rune page sale.

Get it for the recall animation :V


What is wrong with people that play this game.

We were up 7k gold and had one of their inhibs open at 20 minutes, easy win. One person gets picked, then it is like a switch flips and everyone is at each others throats spamming surrender votes throwing slurs, our blitz is intentionally feeding, all despite my pleas of "guys we are still up 6 k gold and 4 towers! We are still way ahead!"

The unwinnable games are just really tough to handle after losing two winnable ones before that

On a positive note, like 3 minutes after the game I got a message saying that one of the players I reported got a ban. It was well deserved


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Morg's ult makes her need to be in the middle of the enemy team, so it helps with that.
RoA is pretty junk on Morgana. Takes too long to get going. No CDR. 450 HP doesn't keep you in fights long and the investment into RoA provides limited mana regen and sets you back on Zhonya's which is more important. Might as well just go Morellnomicon into Zhonya's.
Can Shyvanna be played in the jungle still? I do not see why not. Her pre-6 ganks should be abysmal, and the post-6 are not that much better without lack of proper CC, but she will be an endgame tank in the League of Tanks anyway, so... that should totally count, right? :D
I mean you can do whatever you want if you don't care that much. Shyvana is one of the weakest champs in the game right now though. Just real low threat. Decent damage but low CC and not much in the way of mitigation, avoidance, or initiation. If she has no hook there's no reason to play her. Slightly stronger outta the jungle just because her 1v1 is so lousy right now. Shyvana is kind of a design travesty so it's hard to care. I'd rather not see her in the meta 'cause there's nothing to her.

High cheese is the king in the jungle right now if you ask me. Shaco, Nidalee, Eve, Rek'sai. Why pick Shyvana over these? Rek'sai and Trundle are both straight melee with higher utility. Shyvana is too slow to get going and the payoff is rarely worth it.


RoA is pretty junk on Morgana. Takes too long to get going. No CDR. 450 HP doesn't keep you in fights long and the investment into RoA provides limited mana regen and sets you back on Zhonya's which is more important. Might as well just go Morellnomicon into Zhonya's.

Ya that sounds better.



Yeah I figure they'd rush Hydra and LW after getting Brutalizer. It's good to sit on for a while as it offers good armor pen+cooldown.

Speaking of Brutalizer

This is one crazy aram game.
Our Ashe was toxic after I wrote that she doesn't need mana, and then just spammed the chat with curse words. I hadn't notice it was flooded til a minute later and just muted that player.

We were quite ahead but eventually their kennen started picking us off one by one.
At one point Kennen and bRAUM were at the nexus and I revived first just in time to kill them with the nexus being at like 1-2 hits away from exploding!

We then go into one final rush, manage to bait them and get the win.
Thankfully I had a heal with helped me survive kennen's ult who hourglassed, so I finished up GP then wasted kennen.
Ahri was the only one alive by that point but we got the nexus and the win.


so how do you play an immobile mage (say, Vel'Koz) in dominion when you have a 20/10 Trynd, Kassadin, Akali and so on gunning for you?
Can Shyvanna be played in the jungle still? I do not see why not. Her pre-6 ganks should be abysmal, and the post-6 are not that much better without lack of proper CC, but she will be an endgame tank in the League of Tanks anyway, so... that should totally count, right? :D
Yeah she is still good, you can go tanky also when it is late game you seem to always have your ult up.
but I Ain't about that life.


7 game losing streak lol, not even playing that bad but games just go to shit for one reason or another

depressing lol

here's an unrelated star guardian jinx


Morg's ult makes her need to be in the middle of the enemy team, so it helps with that.
i think cdr like morellos/athenes is more worth it

morg is like lissandra, they may go in but they use zhonyas to survive, a few hundred more hp aren't gonna save them

a lot of cdr is really good tho, gives you more binds and more shields and more tormented soil spam, just really good on morg


Well that's a new one. My game was stuck at 100% so I tried reconnecting. Now instead of the classic firewall warning, I get an endless "Network Warning" saying your game has disconnected, please check your internet connection. Of course internet is working, ipconfig /flushdns does nothing, and restarting the client does nothing. Is there anything I can do or am I stuck with a leave?

*edit* A bunch of client relaunches and reconnection attempts fixed it I guess.


Well that's a new one. My game was stuck at 100% so I tried reconnecting. Now instead of the classic firewall warning, I get an endless "Network Warning" saying your game has disconnected, please check your internet connection. Of course internet is working, ipconfig /flushdns does nothing, and restarting the client does nothing. Is there anything I can do or am I stuck with a leave?

*edit* A bunch of client relaunches and reconnection attempts fixed it I guess.

I've had quite a few games where it looks like its stuck at 100% for everyone. Takes upwards of 5 min additional to get into the game. Been happening a lot lately.


I've had quite a few games where it looks like its stuck at 100% for everyone. Takes upwards of 5 min additional to get into the game. Been happening a lot lately.
I was trying to reconnect because I've also had someone see that, but everyone ELSE connects. So we end up with no ADC for 5 minutes or something.


2-0 again. Gonna take a break and play the rest later. Hopefully the league gods can take me to the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.
I just realized I spent 200USD on RP in the last 2 months. :S

I bought champion packs because it's too tedious to grind them again. I already miss my old account. I think I only had less than 10 champs to buy because either they're very new or unappealing (Fiora).
I just realized I spent 200USD on RP in the last 2 months. :S

I bought champion packs because it's too tedious to grind them again. I already miss my old account. I think I only had less than 10 champs to buy because either they're very new or unappealing (Fiora).



Damn. Nautilus support is broken. I haven't played him in like a year and I still felt like a boss.

Mystery gifted myself. Got Amathyst ashe. Just what I needed. A 5th Ashe skin!


ok i got back home from buying groceries and my lulu doll was on the floor

i'm starting to have suspicions of she being alive
Damn. Nautilus support is broken. I haven't played him in like a year and I still felt like a boss.

Mystery gifted myself. Got Amathyst ashe. Just what I needed. A 5th Ashe skin!
When I last mystery gifted myself I got skins for all the champs I hardly use or free champs.

I got 2 Alistar skins last time, and two of the ugly fnatic skins even though I don't follow the competitive scene. I was so annoyed. Luckily since then I've started using Alistar on occasion but the Clan skins are so nasty.


Thanks everyone. Luckily I went 3-0 this time. I was afraid in the third game that I was going to lose the next 3, like I did a couple days ago, when my team started bickering for pretty much no reason.

Just said screw it rn and bought 3 mysery skins. Panda Annie, Augmented Singed, and French Maid Nidalee.


Thanks everyone. Luckily I went 3-0 this time. I was afraid in the third game that I was going to lose the next 3, like I did a couple days ago, when my team started bickering for pretty much no reason.

Just said screw it rn and bought 3 mysery skins. Panda Annie, Augmented Singed, and French Maid Nidalee.
Those are pretty good. Panda Annie recall is adorable.
So I tried out Syndra today and she feels really strong. But it was a Katarina I was pooping on, so not the best lane opponent by any stretch. Are there any matchups she struggles with?



fucking Jayce players

stupid shock blasts and mixed magic shit

we won the game anyway but shit just irks me man

sorry for the shit posting I just had to vent

one shock blast to the face like deletes your health



fucking Jayce players

stupid shock blasts and mixed magic shit

we won the game anyway but shit just irks me man

sorry for the shit posting I just had to vent

one shock blast to the face like deletes your health
I can sympathize with this, but quite recently I saw this diamond player comment:

Seconded the meta's garbage this season. I've retired Jayce. What's the point in playing an assassin/bruiser that depends on positioning when there's a 75% chance of the enemy team having 2-3 easy to play CC tank champs like..... Nautilus/Volibear/Maokai/Sejuani/Alistar/Gragas.
I'd sure hate to be an ADC main in S5.

So, imagine a world where the meta changes and Jayce becomes stronger again!


Thanks everyone. Luckily I went 3-0 this time. I was afraid in the third game that I was going to lose the next 3, like I did a couple days ago, when my team started bickering for pretty much no reason.

Just said screw it rn and bought 3 mysery skins. Panda Annie, Augmented Singed, and French Maid Nidalee.

panda annie is awesome

reverse annie is the best but panda annie is close
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