My GOD, I thought I'd never say this but Ekko needs a god damn nerf.
...what an odd thing to say.
My GOD, I thought I'd never say this but Ekko needs a god damn nerf.
Second Ekko game
This is probably my favourite champion in a long time. So much fun. Ezreal is annoying to lane against. Hard to catch him in the sphere for a stun cos he just uses Arcane Shift.
Of course, the one fucking ranked game me and my team are doing pretty damn well is the one where the EUW server shits itself and now we're stuck with a firewall error and at best will get a loss prevented.
The previous losses? Perfect service.
Sometimes I wonder why I even bother with this garbage.
The salt is real tho.
If you get a bugsplat you won't reconnect unless you restart the client, at least that's how it is for me. It's garbage that you're forced to do that anyways. 600m $ a year; can't make a working client. Better release new Renekton/Irelia/Lee Sin skins.
Remember when you had to worry about people invading jungle at the start of a game? You used to have to be nervous when you went to your second buff because lee could be there waiting to kill you?
So glad those days are mostly over. Someone invaded in a game I played the other day and I was just like jesus who does that what season is this.
Remember when you had to worry about people invading jungle at the start of a game? You used to have to be nervous when you went to your second buff because lee could be there waiting to kill you?
So glad those days are mostly over. Someone invaded in a game I played the other day and I was just like jesus who does that what season is this.
I hope they don't butcher Ekko. Like he's definitely a bit overtuned, and some of it is people not knowing how to play against him, but he's so much fun to play that I hope he's at least viable after whatever nerfs they do. I really don't want to see him Yasuo'd.
Who were you jungling with? Certain junglers are still good to invade early.
edit: just checked and noticed that lucian has the lowest winrate for ADCs. Is he really that bad now?
Putting balance numbers aside for the actual balancers, I would tone down the Ult healing to half at least, it's ridiculous to get that much AoE damage on something that has (potential) zero committal (worded it wrong but you probably get it), and I would make the stun area always be visible when in the area like shaco jump, the potential to stun a huge area for nothing is way too high.
Putting balance numbers aside for the actual balancers, I would tone down the Ult healing to half at least, it's ridiculous to get that much AoE damage on something that has (potential) zero committal (worded it wrong but you probably get it), and I would make the stun area always be visible when in the area like shaco jump, the potential to stun a huge area for nothing is way too high.
ARAM is pretty much the only PVP situation where I feel like I can try crazy dumb builds if I want to. 20 minutes is minor, and it's nice to do it against humans instead of bots. It's also not a balanced mode as far as I know, so I'm not super worried about that.Sure, aram is for fun and relaxed games, but I'm baffled when people do really bad builds and answer "it's fun" when you ask about it. What's the fun in buying useless stats? It's like all those ashe and varus players that build tear; you're not mana constrained, why do you think it's more fun to deal less damage?
I won't get mad at an aram though.
The size/vision does matter for the stun, regardless of the three second delay, it's an insane zoning tool for objectives, the vision change doesn't change it that much, it just prevents situations like a Baron steal, it's hard to counterplay a stun that reach the whole pit that you only see at last second. Ekko as he is not probably has the most options around baron than I can think of a champ.
Sorry, Ekko's kit is just unreal. He's gonna get Yasuo'd. You simply cannot have that much CC with that much damage and mobility.
garath said:but we're acting like he has no counterplay to this kit
And all garen has is:it's probably pretty tough to balance a champion that has:
a dash and a blink on one ability
movement speed buff
time rewind teleportation
probably best not to give one champion all that stuff
Nail. Hammer. Head.
Almost as bad as acting like he has tons.
it's probably pretty tough to balance a champion that has:
a dash and a blink on one ability
movement speed buff
time rewind teleportation
probably best not to give one champion all that stuff
I dunno man. Every example that's been posted so far (video, text example, etc) is hugely telegraphed and people either : don't understand what Ekko does or don't respect what he can do i.e. late game no MR, stand in his shadow, group up in a pit with an Ekko within range, etc.
wiki said:Enemies do not gain vision of the target area until the last 0.5 seconds.
wiki said:and is slowed by 40 / 50 / 60 / 70 / 80% for 2 / 2.5 / 3 seconds[...]Ekko also gains bonus movement speed equal in strength and duration to the slow .
Speaking of Ekko, which is a better 2nd item: Hourglass or Lich Bane?
It's hard to hit the stun. It is. Not only do you have have a long cast time, they can see it for half a second to react. On top of that, you have to get into the bubble to trigger the stun so even if you're using it to set something up in a team fight, you have to be on top of the other team. It's all a bit dangerous.
I do think that his ult does too much damage though. Being able to ult back to a couple of pursuing enemies and 100-0 them when you're below half health is a little silly.
It's fine to give a champion that stuff, particularly if you want to try your hand at a utility assassin, but despite what Riot said, neither Ekko nor the Ashe rework suffer from lack of damage to balance it all out. I'm always on the lookout for a utility heavy champion in my off-roles because that's what I'm comfortable with, but there's no point in buying him knowing he's probably months out from being in the right spot.
Ekko's potential as a counter initiator on the defensive side of a siege is absolutely disgusting. Makes Zyra look like a complete chump. Such counter play...
I don't go by hand selected gifs. I go by what I've seen in the roughly eight plat+ matches I've spectated with Ekko. He doesn't ooze counter play like lots of you claim, he can position himself and his abilities into lose/lose situations for his opponents. He's actually quite safe.
So much counterplay.
I said dat counterplay!
How often would you the opportunity to ult and damage enemies even come up?
I've only ever seen his ult used for escapes so far
I guess it's a good sign that people are calling for pitchforks already. I'd rather a champ be over tuned and fun and bring him down than underpowered and boring from the get go.
How can this statistically be the case though? Surely people can't be on the non-Ekko team 80% of the time. It's going to be closer to 50-50, right?Biggest problem with this is that 80% of the time you're not the one on the "fun" end, you're the one being styled on.
How can this statistically be the case though? Surely people can't be on the non-Ekko team 80% of the time. It's going to be closer to 50-50, right?
Oh I see what you mean, blind pick so there will always be one on the other team, and it's hard to get him for yourself.I mean you personally. Everyone wants to play Ekko at the moment, so 80% of the time you're not gonna get him. I mean, it's not exactly 80%, but I have yet to play a game where people aren't instalocking him.
I just mean blind pick, not ranked. Ranked is for suckers.
Ranked is for suckers.
What are you building first? Luden's? I would actually go Lich Bane first or at least get the Sheen before Luden's. My final build on him last night in the two I played went Sheen > boots > Lich Bane > finish Sorc's boots > Luden's > Rabadon's > Zhonya's > Morello's (but I think Abyssal should work well too). It may not be the best build, but man, I was dealing sick damage.
Why not get Morello/Grail first though? Also would cooldown
When I was Jungle Ekko there was a point where I ran out of mana after a few engages lol.
Does Luden charge up faster when using his E?
Why not get Morello/Grail first though? Also would cooldown