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League of Legends |OT9| Stealing Abilities From Inferior MOBAs since 2009

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ehh this game is not that simple

there's tons of stuff on screen you're tracking and ppl have to think of other things than just ekko

i leave my ori ball hanging all the time for people to walk into it, it's just that when mindgaming each other someone wins and someone loses


at that moment in time, the ONLY thing they had to think about and respect was Ekko's ult. the rest of the team was dead or irrelevant. Sometimes the game really IS that simple. Maybe he catches one or two, but you can't let him catch the whole fucking team.

But it's day 1, so I'll accept that they didn't know or didn't respect the damage potential.


Finally done with Physics for the week, time for some league.

Kha' Zix sits in a bush, waiting for an unsuspecting enemy laner to pass by so he can pursue and kill them. After a few minutes, an enemy Teemo passes by with a constant speed of 50 km/h. At the instant the Teemo passes, Kha' Zix begins chasing after his prey with a constant acceleration of 2.0m/s^2. How long will it take for Kha' Zix to catch and kill the Teemo? Assume Teemo dies instantly after getting caught (K6 is fed).


late pbe patch:

Base Magic Resist increased to 32.1 from 30
Magic Resist Per Level increased to 1.25 from 0
Ki Strike (Passive) [ Looks like cooldown is now 9/8/7 at levels 1/7/13 from 9 at all levels. ]
Shadow Dash (E) energy cost reduced to 100/95/90/85/80 from 100 at all ranks.

shen's back i think

Haha, that's fantastic.
i wish it worked more often haha


at that moment in time, the ONLY thing they had to think about and respect was Ekko's ult. the rest of the team was dead or irrelevant. Sometimes the game really IS that simple. Maybe he catches one or two, but you can't let him catch the whole fucking team.

But it's day 1, so I'll accept that they didn't know or didn't respect the damage potential.

was talking more in general, i didn't watch the video


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Lol. Sure he's strong but Annie's ult would have nuked all of them also. The only lick of MR on the whole team was aegis.
lemme know when annie can use her ult to jump thousands of units with a heal.

for all the trouble riot goes through to rework old champions that have little counterplay they sure seem to love making new champs that are so overloaded with shit that you can't do much about them.


yea i think ekko is pretty fucking overtuned lol

no surprises there

edit: meddler on leblanc

Yup, Le Blanc's got some problems. We're doing some work on her at the moment as a result, looking at reducing some mixture of her E's width, her W's travel speed and W's AOE size (unlikely to be all of those at once though). Our goal's to make it easier to react to her casts, whether that's dodging W or E, CCing her as she comes in with W, using defensive abilities on yourself/allies as she W's in or whatever.

i think nerfing leblanc's dash speed is a good idea. my only fear with leblanc is that i don't think she could be in much of a worse place as far as winrate and risk (as in snowball or be irrelevant) is concerned and there just isn't much there for riot to buff to compensate for any nerfs. her mana costs are pretty forgiving already, her dmg can't be any higher, the cc on her e is already really strong and i don't think you can do much more for her passive short of replacing it for one that maybe has a bit more relevance that like one or two jukes every now and then

edit: nvm the winrate part, i thought she had a much worse winrate than she really does


Just lost to an Ekko. fml

But rly, we lost in the dumbest way ever. Had a huge lead and we wanted to group so we wouldn't throw, but people liked to chase after teamfights which let them catch up a little. We stop their Udyr from almost solo killing our nexus and ace them. Then we march down mid and I tank the inhib turrets as Cho, take a Jinx ult to the face and die. All our team had to do was hit the nexus 4 or 5 times to win, but Xin wanted kills and Corki just ran even though he'd die anyways. Lame way to end a crazy game.
yea i think ekko is pretty fucking overtuned lol

no surprises there

edit: meddler on leblanc

i think nerfing leblanc's dash speed is a good idea. my only fear with leblanc is that i don't think she could be in much of a worse place as far as winrate and risk (as in snowball or be irrelevant) is concerned and there just isn't much there for riot to buff to compensate for any nerfs. her mana costs are pretty forgiving already, her dmg can't be any higher, the cc on her e is already really strong and i don't think you can do much more for her passive short of replacing it for one that maybe has a bit more relevance that like one or two jukes every now and then

edit: nvm the winrate part, i thought she had a much worse winrate than she really does

Damn that sucks.
You ever snowball so hard you had a triforce, hydra, and merc treads at 15 mins?

Two good plays at the start of the game and it was just brutal from there.



Couldn't even get a decent game in ranked because of the massive ping spikes, and it was ridiculous. It even spiked up to 1000+. Cost me 13 LP.

Kindly fuck off Riot. Going back to HOTS until they fix their shit.


Treeline is fun :D

Just sucks not having a solo ranked option. I used to play it exclusively but spamming norms is boring to me :-/
been duoing with my plat friend and just the slight uptick in average ELO has made my game experience so much more pleasant

like, people listen to calls and drop deep wards and switch to the blue trinket and its probably the placebo effect but its so NICE

it's been a long time since i went so ham in a game like this and honestly it might have to do with not playing support and playing a freelo champ but even an earlier game where i played braum people were making good calls and shit and cooperating and grouping for objectives


(also i was given an A+ for this game cmon riot slip me that S...)

edit: also yoooo shen buffs on the PBE!
Bought Ekko. Dunno what I was doing. My first game lasted 58 mins. I had Deathcap, Zhonya, Lich, Luden, Morello and Void. I had 890 AP and like 410 MS.


Oh god
THey want to report me, let them I don't care that I get 4 reports
I'm playing aram and my entire team are idiots.
We're against 5 ap CHAmps including Jana and Heimer and these 4 idots can't follow up for shit.


Doesn't help that Bard messes up my Sion ults, and that anytime I ping to attack, they don't follow up

I tried to stay calm, but holy hell they just lit my fuse. I don't care that they report me, but fuck's sake at least put some goddamn effort in this. I've lost more entertaining games than this...

No, it had the actual song in the background, and was just a bunch of ingame Taric video with him getting a killstreak pushing top lane solo.

Ah sorry I was at work when i linked that so I didn't see it beforehand.
In case anyone is wondering why I have disappeared from League, my internet has been so shitty lately that I can't even play a single match properly.

hell, even ARAMs are painful.


I know this doesn't help but arams aren't worth getting worked up over tizoc. Most people just go into them to chill. Not saying they shouldn't at least put effort into them but tbh i don't really blame people when they don't


bought a bunch of champions today: nautilus, talon, ekko and kogmaw. i'm thinking of maybe buying gnar too but maybe too many at once

i wanna start playing mid kog, i really enjoy his gameplay


Sure, aram is for fun and relaxed games, but I'm baffled when people do really bad builds and answer "it's fun" when you ask about it. What's the fun in buying useless stats? It's like all those ashe and varus players that build tear; you're not mana constrained, why do you think it's more fun to deal less damage?

I won't get mad at an aram though.


Sure, aram is for fun and relaxed games, but I'm baffled when people do really bad builds and answer "it's fun" when you ask about it. What's the fun in buying useless stats? It's like all those ashe and varus players that build tear; you're not mana constrained, why do you think it's fun to deal less damage?

I won't get mad at an aram though.

I know this doesn't help but arams aren't worth getting worked up over tizoc. Most people just go into them to chill. Not saying they shouldn't at least put effort into them but tbh i don't really blame people when they don't

I get what you mean, but if you want to chill, go play Vs. ai
Even with aram being at most 20 minutes. It is still 20 minutes of one's time.
At least show you knwo what you're doing and don't waste other people's time.
Heck I played a 50 min. aram game with the weakest Malz ever, but I never raged on them because they at least TRIED to do some effort and get kills.
I wonder if I honored those guys >_>;


Sure, aram is for fun and relaxed games, but I'm baffled when people do really bad builds and answer "it's fun" when you ask about it. What's the fun in buying useless stats? It's like all those ashe and varus players that build tear; you're not mana constrained, why do you think it's more fun to deal less damage?

I won't get mad at an aram though.

Well you can blame the pros for the manamune varus. I haven't seen a pro/streamer NOT build tear on varus in forever. It's pretty funny on mid varus bc he's basically ad xerath and never has to approach any kind of harm to farm/harass


Not to mention it's an ARAM. There is absolutely no call to rage in an ARAM ever. The whole concept of the game mode is not serious.

yea like its understandable to get furstrated but youre just in the wrong mindset if ur'e being like verbally abusive towards ppl


Well you can blame the pros for the manamune varus. I haven't seen a pro/streamer NOT build tear on varus in forever. It's pretty funny on mid varus bc he's basically ad xerath and never has to approach any kind of harm to farm/harass
What people don't seem to understand is that you gain a enough extra mana regen in aram to make tear redundant for champs like varus.


tRIED Ekko jungle, and he can work but yeesh he's squishy!

Went Magus>Hourglass>Lich Bane.

His W really needs planning and his ult is gonna take a hiwle to get used to.


Yeah I've never understood when people get worked up over Aram games. It's just a dumb fun mode, I've never taken it seriously


A champion who does 1000 point and click true damage gets tanky as shit with just one RoA. Riot balance team everyone.

130 champions, 6 bans :)


A champion who does 1000 point and click true damage gets tanky as shit with just one RoA. Riot balance team everyone.

130 champions, 6 bans :)

He'll get nerfed. Gotta release him strong so people buy him, it is still a business after all


What people don't seem to understand is that you gain a enough extra mana regen in aram to make tear redundant for champs like varus.
i mean, i don't know how ppl is supposed to know that unless they try or are told as such

i figured the mana was gonna be useless but i wanted to see how his damage was and stuff for midlane

i felt "blue varus" is just boring as fuck tho

A champion who does 1000 point and click true damage gets tanky as shit with just one RoA. Riot balance team everyone.

130 champions, 6 bans :)

i think cho'll get nerfed sooner rather than later


A champion who does 1000 point and click true damage gets tanky as shit with just one RoA. Riot balance team everyone.

130 champions, 6 bans :)

Unless you are roleplaying as a minion or that Cho is level 16 with 500 AP, he ain't doing 1000 true damage to you.


It was late game. He did 1000 true damage. Even if it was 700 or 500 damage, it's pathetic that a champion that is automatically tankier than many actual tanks can do such true damage on top of AoE silence.


Honestly cho's silence is the one of two things i have a problem with but at the same time i think silence is really important to the game so it is kinda whatever. His is just too strong. His sustain needs to be hit too bc it is impossible to push him out of lane

Just had a mid laner rage at our support the entire game for picking janna, saying she is trash support. I honestly preferred Silver when people just parroted whatever the pros did over people acting like they know something that the pros don't just bc they gold/plat
Sure, aram is for fun and relaxed games, but I'm baffled when people do really bad builds and answer "it's fun" when you ask about it. What's the fun in buying useless stats? It's like all those ashe and varus players that build tear; you're not mana constrained, why do you think it's more fun to deal less damage?

I won't get mad at an aram though.

I faced a Kog'maw today who built Hurricane and Deathcap.

Isn't tear Varus actually a thing though?
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