Imo the reason why his passive and ult are great is because he kinda lacks damage in the rest of his kit. His Q is a good skill with a nice 280 base damage and 0.8 AP ratio, but it's hard to hit both parts of his Q with its delayed return damage and it's a skillshot. His W stuns for 2.25s (not 3 lol, way to hyperbole), but it has a 3 sec delay and it's hard to actually catch people in it. His E only does 170 base with a 0.2 AP ratio lol. More a mobility skill with not much damage attached to it.
His ult has a 500 base damage, but a great 1.3 AP ratio. There is a trade off in using it offensively as well as defensively though. Offensively it's hard to time it right, but if it hits you pull off a good amount of AoE damage and defensively u lose all the damage from ur ult, which leaves u with a mediocre damage kit and his great passive, but it's a free get out of jail card. Honestly, his kit without his ult and passive doesn't really do much damage. Maybe they can tone down his passive a bit, since the slow his huge and has a long duration, lower his Q damage a bit or lower his W passive damage if he really gets out of control.