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League of Legends |OT9| Stealing Abilities From Inferior MOBAs since 2009

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So is 21/0/9 completely bad on mages now? I used that fairly often for Malzahar, but with only +75 mana and losing the mana regen, it feels rather painful now.
Does anyone have opinions on this, such as for Malzahar? 75 mana is almost one extra spell, but I think I can feel the lack of mana regen now and it is kind of painful.

I know in theory you can get mana back from Malzahar's E, but I'm very bad, especially with high ping, at properly timing that early game.


ricklessabandon said:
should be some caitlyn and malphite changes in the next pbe update, btw

ah, sorry—for those curious the changes are focused on making caitlyn feel better about her passive and malphite better about brutal strikes

and also making it so caitlyn doesn't get her ult cast canceled when the target dips into fog of war before the channel begins
and apparently are looking too into the cait aa bug

sounds like fun changes

Does anyone have opinions on this, such as for Malzahar? 75 mana is almost one extra spell, but I think I can feel the lack of mana regen now and it is kind of painful.

I know in theory you can get mana back from Malzahar's E, but I'm very bad, especially with high ping, at properly timing that early game.
duno about malz, but i don't see a reason not to go 21/0/9

3 mp5 scales better but it's really not all that much and 75 mana at lvl1 and 2 is really nice, and also interacts better with chalice

but yea you're gonna miss the summoners cdr, the extra hp5, the biscuits, the enhanced recall (or the ms)

21/0/9 is too nice
Also if you have Dorans and you're not a total scrub when it comes to csing I much rather have the 75 mana because Doran going to allow you to get mana back.


Also if you have Dorans and you're not a total scrub when it comes to csing I much rather have the 75 mana because Doran going to allow you to get mana back.
it's a bit less cost efficient (3mp5 = ~180g from faerie charm, 75 mana = 150g from sapphire crystal) and scales worse, but i don't think the change makes much of a difference for mids

i just don't like 9 defense at all


Gold Member
Man, I almost got on tilt after going 0-3 on darius as renek because of some stupid stuff me and my team mates did but good thing I remembered those youtube advises about playing defensively and stuff. Went from 0-3 to 7-4.

Just keep calm everybody. Don't let the opponent get to you. In my case, even my team mates was blaming me. Just tell them to concentrate on the game and do their best. Blaming junglers for your own mistakes isn't gonna work.


Really? I thought a 3 sec AoE stun and an ultimate that saves you from any situation doing 800 AoE damage is pretty balanced. Everybody at Riot thought so too during these months.

Stealing 70% of a champs movespeed for hitting em 3 times is pretty nice too


rioters replied on the skillshots thingie, tho it's not super clear if things like invisible skillshots will be fixed, the idea is that probably skillshots are no longer coded as minions and that they'll be less buggy overall

everyone was asking about syndra so hopefully rioters will look into fixing her many many many bugs

Really? I thought a 3 sec AoE stun and an ultimate that saves you from any situation doing 800 AoE damage is pretty balanced. Everybody at Riot thought so too during these months.

to be fair it's usually one or the other on the ult

if you're ulting to save yourself from a bad situation you're probably not gonna be ulting towards somewhere with enemies in it and if you use it offensively well then even if you deal a crapton of dmg you're getting in the thick of it

definitely a strong spell that i have issues with, but lets be fair here :p


Imo the reason why his passive and ult are great is because he kinda lacks damage in the rest of his kit. His Q is a good skill with a nice 280 base damage and 0.8 AP ratio, but it's hard to hit both parts of his Q with its delayed return damage and it's a skillshot. His W stuns for 2.25s (not 3 lol, way to hyperbole), but it has a 3 sec delay and it's hard to actually catch people in it. His E only does 170 base with a 0.2 AP ratio lol. More a mobility skill with not much damage attached to it.

His ult has a 500 base damage, but a great 1.3 AP ratio. There is a trade off in using it offensively as well as defensively though. Offensively it's hard to time it right, but if it hits you pull off a good amount of AoE damage and defensively u lose all the damage from ur ult, which leaves u with a mediocre damage kit and his great passive, but it's a free get out of jail card. Honestly, his kit without his ult and passive doesn't really do much damage. Maybe they can tone down his passive a bit, since the slow his huge and has a long duration, lower his Q damage a bit or lower his W passive damage if he really gets out of control.


NA LCS - Week 1 - Day 1


Cloud 9 vs Team SoloMid
Team Dragon Knights vs Team Liquid
Counter Logic Gaming vs Team Dignitas
Team 8 vs Team Impulse
Gravity vs Enemy E-Sports

Please use the LCS Thread for further discussion. Let's keep this thread spoiler free.



I keep being afraid my winrate will die as I face better players. I'm dying too much and probably not contributing to kills enough, but at least the wins are still there for now. I got promoted and reached Malzahar level 5 mastery today.



I keep being afraid my winrate will die as I face better players. I'm dying too much and probably not contributing to kills enough, but at least the wins are still there for now. I got promoted and reached Malzahar level 5 mastery today.

Nice. I have a bunch of champs at level 3. I just like playing too many different champions, so its been harder to level em up.


since riot is looking into gp and mf vus i hope they do like a bilgewater patch and maybe make a few pirate skins for the gang :>

Imo the reason why his passive and ult are great is because he kinda lacks damage in the rest of his kit. His Q is a good skill with a nice 280 base damage and 0.8 AP ratio, but it's hard to hit both parts of his Q with its delayed return damage and it's a skillshot. His W stuns for 2.25s (not 3 lol, way to hyperbole), but it has a 3 sec delay and it's hard to actually catch people in it. His E only does 170 base with a 0.2 AP ratio lol. More a mobility skill with not much damage attached to it.

His ult has a 500 base damage, but a great 1.3 AP ratio. There is a trade off in using it offensively as well as defensively though. Offensively it's hard to time it right, but if it hits you pull off a good amount of AoE damage and defensively u lose all the damage from ur ult, which leaves u with a mediocre damage kit and his great passive, but it's a free get out of jail card. Honestly, his kit without his ult and passive doesn't really do much damage. Maybe they can tone down his passive a bit, since the slow his huge and has a long duration, lower his Q damage a bit or lower his W passive damage if he really gets out of control.
i think the ult dmg is fine (ish) but i think saying "outside of his ult and passive he doesn't have all that much dmg" is a bit disingenous

the guy kind of IS his passive, as riot chose to gate his dmg behind it. you can't just ignore it and say he doesn't have much dmg. and honestly, even without the passive and the ult i think he still deals a lot of hurt because of the e interaction with lich bane and the high base and scaling on q. obviously not as much as leblanc but he has a spell dedicated to cc and a scaling shield, so obviously won't be the same

i think passive dmg, w passive dmg, ult timing and ult cd are the things to look into right now. not all of them but probably what they could change without destroying him and mostly keeping his strength

So I started playing again, please carry.

Also no touching Ahri, it isn't cool when I am there man.

my ahri gift to u



1-3 in placements lol. Can't catch a break. Two of the losses I didn't do much to make the team win. But last one the jungler disconnected for half the match.

My previous Gold says no. I'm going for Silver boys. Man I hated Silver.

edit: make that 1-4 lol. This is awful.


kind of always?

he does engage and peel and has a fair bit of lane presence

don't play him like mid kennen tho, with support kennen you're mostly just using his ult like nunu to zone ppl off the carries


I didn't even take the mana/regen masteries as malz before the change and I run 21/0/9. I may actually try the flat mana.

Movement speed and summoner cdr is much more useful.

Mama regen on malz is easy. You just have to use your voidlings. Charge q at start and then you can easily farm with e starting at level 2.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
When is it a good time to pick Kennen as a support?
It's not very universal, to be honest. Works better with the hard CC you get from stuff like Kalista/Ashe though. Sivir is okay too.
also like support morg pls dont rush zhonyas haha
The reason you don't rush Zhonya's on support Morg is primarily because it doesn't offer mana regen. Kennen doesn't have this problem, and Zhonya's provides the biggest utility/damage/defensive power spike available.


The reason you don't rush Zhonya's on support Morg is primarily because it doesn't offer mana regen. Kennen doesn't have this problem, and Zhonya's provides the biggest utility/damage/defensive power spike available.

I usually rush Zhonya's on Morg, but I use mana regen blues too.



really liking the "double shurelyas" build with the 5.10 support changes, you have speedbuffs all the damn time, it's super annoying to play against i bet

starting coin is a bit risky so better to only do it against passive lanes like in this game. like, don't build coin against like annie or caitlyn or whatever lol

i wonder if like starting relic shield then switching for coin after laning phase wouldn't be alright too.

previous game i played naut and got 820~ gold with the passive, while got 245+779~ with thresh. both at 30m finishing the gold items right after boots 5 and sighstone.

so a bit of a gold difference, might be worth it to keep relic shield until laning phase ends then sell it for coin 2 or something. i duno, probably not

The reason you don't rush Zhonya's on support Morg is primarily because it doesn't offer mana regen. Kennen doesn't have this problem, and Zhonya's provides the biggest utility/damage/defensive power spike available.
ah that's true, you're right


nice, congrats

never look back


The climb to Bronze 1 will be difficult. Had a mix of wins and losses in ranked.
My last victory had involved a flaming Udyr, and in another a Vayne player that got ticked off at the overall team performance.


That is three times in a row that it has put a level 30 teammate on my team when I'm one win from promos. STOP IT, RIOT!

And eff off with the losing 22 LP on a loss like that.


That is three times in a row that it has put a level 30 teammate on my team when I'm one win from promos. STOP IT, RIOT!

And eff off with the losing 22 LP on a loss like that.
...everyone in ranked is level 30, what do you mean? Someone who's in placement matches?


When is a good time to rush a lifesteal weapon on an adc? Most of the time it's best to invest in crit and armor pen right, with Lifesteal should be the 5th or 6th item I should build?

NCR Redslayer

NeoGAF's Vegeta
When is a good time to rush a lifesteal weapon on an adc? Most of the time it's best to invest in crit and armor pen right, with Lifesteal should be the 5th or 6th item I should build?
Lifesteal is like second or third item with Phantom dancer. Crit is first and armor pen is last.


When is a good time to rush a lifesteal weapon on an adc? Most of the time it's best to invest in crit and armor pen right, with Lifesteal should be the 5th or 6th item I should build?

I don't play him so I dunno for sure but some people go bt first on Draven I think. Sometimes on Kalista too

Otherwise, it's usually your 4th or 3rd item (IE/PD or shiv/LW/BT). I personally sometimes grab a vamp scepter earlier for the extra sustain.
Damn trying to get my smurf out of silver but keep getting 4v5!

My main been hit or miss lately. Stomp either way..... someone getting stomped. But at least I'm getting to play Hec on it. A lot of random shit though like people lane swapping against me, and even a 1v2 lane swap. WHAT THIS AINT THE LCS!


Well Ekko fed and ruined the game. I hate these morons that try characters out in ranked. Riot shouldn't let you play a character in ranked unless you have at least ONE game on them in a normal or custom.


Lifesteal is like second or third item with Phantom dancer. Crit is first and armor pen is last.

I don't play him so I dunno for sure but some people go bt first on Draven I think. Sometimes on Kalista too

Otherwise, it's usually your 4th or 3rd item (IE/PD or shiv/LW/BT). I personally sometimes grab a vamp scepter earlier for the extra sustain.

Thing is Vamp S. gives you 10 AD+8% lifesteal
Pick axe gives you 25 attack damage, so if you wait for an additional 100 gold, you get a good attack boost, and can then get that built into Last Whisper.
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