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League of Legends |OT9| Stealing Abilities From Inferior MOBAs since 2009

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i'd say always, specially now with the 20% cdr on actives

theres' some preference stuff but i really like 0 9 21 anyways, free ms, free cdr and actives cdr, it's just nice stuff

0 15 15 is not bad but i've been loving 0 9 21 on threshie for instance

That's the thing, utility is so good now but I like oppression on braum D:



A lot of it has to do with the MMR in the match you're in too. Like, I totally wrecked this game with Katarina, but only got an S...


...but on this one had a strong game (not great) with Zyra and got an S+ because of the MMR of my opponents/teammates.



Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
It probably is not MMR based. Your grade is valued vs. the end scores of other people playing the champ.


It probably is not MMR based. Your grade is valued vs. the end scores of other people playing the champ.

It's actually both of those things with a bunch more. This is how I've been explained how it works (based on what we do know).

Champion mastery is based on: KDA, CS, damage dealt to champions, damage dealt, your elo (MMR), and a collective pool of other scores played on that champion. So if you perform better on a champion than most other people at your elo, you'll get a higher grade. That also means that the less played a champion is, the easier it is to get a higher grade, but it's also easy to bomb.

Riot said there are a lot of hidden metrics that they won't disclose because "abuse" (that's always their excuse). So nobody really knows EXACTLY, but that short list of what's been confirmed to be factors.


Pretty sure they hinted at wards placed being one of the hidden metrics but made it so just getting sightstone and spamming wards in base wouldn't effect your grade somehow. Idk i think i remember reading that

Totally forgot Karma changes were live
It's actually both of those things with a bunch more. This is how I've been explained how it works (based on what we do know).

Champion mastery is based on: KDA, CS, damage dealt to champions, damage dealt, your elo (MMR), and a collective pool of other scores played on that champion. So if you perform better on a champion than most other people at your elo, you'll get a higher grade. That also means that the less played a champion is, the easier it is to get a higher grade, but it's also easy to bomb.

Riot said there are a lot of hidden metrics that they won't disclose because "abuse" (that's always their excuse). So nobody really knows EXACTLY, but that short list of what's been confirmed to be factors.

before the last patch there was an easy way to get an S. What you did was buy a support item right before the game ended. I only tried it once in a normal and it totally worked. But from what i was told that was fixed.
I had a real good game on Eve jungle last night, but I got snowballed early. I'm wondering what the best build path would be here, she could actually go any jungle item. I used Warrior, but I feel both Magus and Cinderhulk could work as well. Anyone else have input on this?


What to give up to get Meditation.

Culinary Master, Alchemist and Strength of Spirit? I don't think that works as I will lack one point in order to get to tier 4 utility.

Culinary Master, Alchemist and Bandit? This might be worth it.

edit: It's a tossup between Bandit and Scavenger. The question is which one is worth more. Bandit might generate more gold in the early game.
this is what i got right now


i'm not a fan of either bandit and scavenger, but i dunno how much money you would lose for not taking those. i really like enhanced recalls, so i had to take out the extra range on trinkets which made me sad. maybe i'll take out bandit and put the point into that

i don't know about meditation, i have a bad feeling about % missing mana since the chalice rework

That's the thing, utility is so good now but I like oppression on braum D:
i think 0 15 15 will still be fine if u want to


How is Luden's Echo on Ekko? Does his E charge it up fast?

I had a real good game on Eve jungle last night, but I got snowballed early. I'm wondering what the best build path would be here, she could actually go any jungle item. I used Warrior, but I feel both Magus and Cinderhulk could work as well. Anyone else have input on this?

Eve is weird, I'm used to the trinity+bork and tank build I've known her for before the jungle changes.
Grimløck;165568532 said:
champ suggestions for jungle beginners?

Evelynn, Xin Zhao, and Vi are my top 3 suggestions. Evelynn is always invisible, so you can learn gank routes easier, Xin and Vi both have simple kits, and their ganks usually result in kills, especially Vi's once she hits 6.


I wouldn't recommend learning Eve jungle. She can do things that are fine and even encouraged on her that are bad habits on other jungle champions. Learning her after you have some experience with another champion or two is fine.
I dunno your level, but Eve has a terrible time with early jungling without runes and a decent leash. You'll also get uses to bad habits like mentioned since you'll never learn to get a feel of enemy ward times.


What kind of mana regen/mana pool items are you guys liking on Ekko?

I think Morello's is decent so far - haven't tried a RoA bruiser build yet.


Grimløck;165568532 said:
champ suggestions for jungle beginners?

Amumu, Warwick, and Pantheon are training wheels for junglers that actually remain viable as you get better. Amumu is strong at all levels. Volibear isn't bad to learn on either, because his passive can save you if you really screw things up early on.


he's really squishy and the shield and stun are super hard to land

but i bet his ult will get nerfed

that thing is super dumb


Lol. Sure he's strong but Annie's ult would have nuked all of them also. The only lick of MR on the whole team was aegis.

I've watched a couple streams. He's a littler over tuned for sure but rewards some good mechanical play. Enemies have to start watching for that clone.

Yeah this. If there was a fed Orianna in that clip who got a 5 man Q > R > W the result would have been the same. Imo while Ekko is strong, he is easy to deal with if you watch out for the clone and make sure you don't get hit by his Q on the way back.


it's actually pretty similar to ori ult except shockwave isn't nearly as easy to land and it's not like ridiculously op for dueling like this thing is

like heals you, deals a shit ton of instant dmg and makes you untargeteable

he's fun to play but i don't know about this ult...


he's really squishy and the shield and stun are super hard to land

but i bet his ult will get nerfed

that thing is super dumb
Well, his ult is the big nuke in his kit and he's an assassin. I recall seeing the dev talk about how the rest of his kit had low base damages, so they could give him a big ulti damage.


it's actually pretty similar to ori ult except shockwave isn't nearly as easy to land and it's not like ridiculously op for dueling like this thing is

like heals you, deals a shit ton of instant dmg and makes you untargeteable

he's fun to play but i don't know about this ult...

I know that video made it look really easy to land but you ult where you were 4 seconds ago and its hugely telegraphed. Once people start paying attention its going to be super easy to dodge.

We'll have to see where he settles after a week or so. He's very complex mechanically and everything he does except his E has a massive delay.


Well, his ult is the big nuke in his kit and he's an assassin. I recall seeing the dev talk about how the rest of his kit had low base damages, so they could give him a big ulti damage.

he doesn't really have low dmg, his passive and q are really strong dmg and ratios and his e combined with lich bane is pretty huge

I know that video made it look really easy to land but you ult where you were 4 seconds ago and its hugely telegraphed. Once people start paying attention its going to be super easy to dodge.

We'll have to see where he settles after a week or so. He's very complex mechanically and everything he does except his E has a massive delay.
i feel like it's gonna be the same as how you play ori, you just kite back and leave the ball/clone hanging there so ppl walk into it. except it's instant, tho obviously puts ekko in much more danger than ori ult

just poking around against bots but my impression is that like once ppl figure him out he's gonna be pretty op


Time to be a troll.

Pick Ekko. Don't lock. Watch as people beg for Ekko. Wait until 0. Switch to anyone besides Ekko. Enjoy the rage.

It's the most wonderful time of the year~
Nah they can

But still, this dude's kit is really fun and strong and also broken as hell ;__;

it's probably just that new champion smell but maaaaaaan he seems quite powerful

okay. if you're retarded enough to GROUP UP for the Ekko ult, you deserve what you get. I assumed they were grouped at the tower because they couldn't see the shadow. Now I'm just irritated at their stupidity.


Time to be a troll.

Pick Ekko. Don't lock. Watch as people beg for Ekko. Wait until 0. Switch to anyone besides Ekko. Enjoy the rage.

It's the most wonderful time of the year~

reminds me of my friends' normals technique

we four pick vayne, yasuo, zed and riven and tell the fifth person they can pick whoever they want and we'll fill with sensible champions/roles after they pick

okay. if you're stupid enough to GROUP UP for the Ekko ult, you deserve what you get. I assumed they were grouped at the tower because they couldn't see the shadow. Now I'm just irritated at their stupidity.
ehh this game is not that simple

there's tons of stuff on screen you're tracking and ppl have to think of other things than just ekko

i leave my ori ball hanging all the time for people to walk into it, it's just that when mindgaming each other someone wins and someone loses


okay. if you're retarded enough to GROUP UP for the Ekko ult, you deserve what you get. I assumed they were grouped at the tower because they couldn't see the shadow. Now I'm just irritated at their stupidity.

I dunno if his ult is even the biggest problem

He brings a wicked amount of aoe dmg, poke, mobility, single target/execute dmg, an aoe stun, all with a shield with a .8 ap ratio.

That said, with the games I've played him, he takes some practice. I dunno if the skill floor is high as it should be, though.
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