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League of Legends |OT9| Stealing Abilities From Inferior MOBAs since 2009

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pbe nerfs to ludens echo, passive scales with .1 ap instead of .15

probably deserved, but whatever, ludens echo is a shit addition to the game anyways

I hope they don't butcher Ekko. Like he's definitely a bit overtuned, and some of it is people not knowing how to play against him, but he's so much fun to play that I hope he's at least viable after whatever nerfs they do. I really don't want to see him Yasuo'd.

i wish they didnt release champions with numbers this dumb when it was obvious how op he was

they gave an assassin a ton of cc and waveclear... yeah...

How you can say his kit has no counterplay or argue about its counterplay is beyond me. Yes his kit has a lot of upsides but they're not easy to hit. I guarantee you he'll be less overwhelming in the coming days and people calling for his head will look like fools. He's only been out for just over 24 hours.

i think it'll be the just opposite, ppl will find out the optimal build and play pattern and he'll become even worse, just like it happened with yasuo..


dat quality shitposting

What do you want me to say? You're wrong.

People are going to play him better, like Yasuo, and he'll be even more fucking nuts. His skill ceiling is high and the people playing him are only going to get better and better.

What's the counterplay to his ult?

I actually have no issue with his stun. Takes a while to set up. It's his damn passive and ult, combined with the fact that he already has mobility in two abilities that makes him insane.

Sorry, he's broken, and he's just going to get more broken. He's just another Yasuo and he's going to go down the same path.
What do you want me to say? You're wrong.

People are going to play him better, like Yasuo, and he'll be even more fucking nuts. His skill ceiling is high and the people playing him are only going to get better and better.

What's the counterplay to his ult?

I actually have no issue with his stun. Takes a while to set up. It's his damn passive and ult, combined with the fact that he already has mobility in two abilities that makes him insane.

Sorry, he's broken, and he's just going to get more broken. He's just another Yasuo and he's going to go down the same path.

how can you actually ask "what's the counterplay to his ult?"

If you see the clone his ult is up. Don't brainlessly follow the clone? You can literally see at all times when his ult is up and where he will ult back to at any point. It is 100% pure counterplay. If you are playing intelligently you will never get hit by an Ekko ult unless he super outplays you with vision, and if that's the case... you got straight outplayed?

What about his ult has no counterplay?


how can you actually ask "what's the counterplay to his ult?"

If you see the clone his ult is up. Don't brainlessly follow the clone? You can literally see at all times when his ult is up and where he will ult back to at any point. It is 100% pure counterplay. If you are playing intelligently you will never get hit by an Ekko ult unless he super outplays you with vision, and if that's the case... you got straight outplayed?

What about his ult has no counterplay?

I mean in teamfights, not mindlessly chasing him like you would Singed. That's being idiotic. It's nearly impossible to see in teamfights, and if the fight lasts more than a few seconds all Ekko has to do is pop it with very little planning. If you're ranged, sure, but if you're melee? Good luck with that. His ult makes actually punishes you for focusing him. And if you're not focusing the highest damage dealer, what are you doing?

It's a shit ability. When the ultimate of a Dota 2 hero doesn't even do what Ekko's ult does, you know something's wrong.
so if you see his clone and the technique for counterplay is "don't go near it", then he has permazoning as well

It's not "don't go near it"

It's "don't mindlessly follow the clone and stand in its relatively short explosion radius"

I'm almost certain that 90% of you don't actually know what counterplay means.

I mean in teamfights, not mindlessly chasing him like you would Singed. That's being idiotic. It's nearly impossible to see in teamfights, and if the fight lasts more than a few seconds all Ekko has to do is pop it with very little planning. If you're ranged, sure, but if you're melee? Good luck with that. His ult makes actually punishes you for focusing him. And if you're not focusing the highest damage dealer, what are you doing?

It's a shit ability. When the ultimate of a Dota 2 hero doesn't even do what Ekko's ult does, you know something's wrong.

again... stop being bad and watch where the clone is? I really don't know what you want.


so if you see his clone and the technique for counterplay is "don't go near it", then he has permazoning as well

Well, it IS behind him. Unless he's running circles to set it up and you don't do something about it, it's hard to get caught in the ult. Most champs don't try to zone behind themselves...


Well, it IS behind him. Unless he's running circles to set it up and you don't do something about it, it's hard to get caught in the ult. Most champs don't try to zone behind themselves...

he creates a visible (this is very important) danger zone between you and whoever's chasing you when you kite back

it's the dream of any mage

he creates a visible (this is very important) danger zone between you and whoever's chasing you when you kite back

it's the dream of any mage

How wide do you think the ult is? You can chase someone without literally trying to follow in a straight line.

Unless you're trying to chase an Ekko through a corridor, in which case you deserve to die.

it's not a lane wide move.


How wide do you think the ult is? You can chase someone without literally trying to follow in a straight line.

Unless you're trying to chase an Ekko through a corridor, in which case you deserve to die.

it's not a lane wide move.
so you have to waste time circling around his clone

i play orianna a lot, leaving the ball behind you to zone ppl off is a very common move, forces ppl the very shitty options of: retreat, risk going through the ball or circle around it. this guy just has that zone all the time, which is awesome for him

personally i think he has way too much damage in his basic spells/passive (i would look into his passive or the absolutely random execute on his w) and i wish his ult animation was slower. i don't think the health restore needs to be nerfed as it's really low base, and i don't mind the ult dmg being that high if it can be lb distorted out, but since it's nearly instant i don't like it


He's a melee champ though, so he's not kiting anybody.

he's an assassin/mage, he's gonna be kiting a fair bit until the right moment to strike comes, specially since he's got a kit mostly dedicated to zone control (q, w and ult clone all create zones of danger)

his kit basically gives you a lot of the benefits of a control mage with the reliable dmg of an assassin

some things might be hard to land, specially his w stun, but as ppl get used to him i think he'll be pretty dumb


some things might be hard to land, specially his w stun, but as ppl get used to him i think he'll be pretty dumb

I agree with that at higher elos, but I think it's also true that as people learn to read him better than he'll be more effectively countered. I think he's going to be a pick/ban champ in the LCS though.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
saying a champion has no counterplay the day after his release when people don't know how to play him is a farcical statement. Play him yourself and you'll see how much you get away with simply because your opponent doesn't know what to do. People just stand around and wait to get stunned, they don't look for the telltale signs of an ekko jumping towards you to jump on you, they don't really attempt to dodge the second hit of the Q, they don't pay attention to the clone for his ult etc.
I can't think of a single new champion that got weaker over time because people learned to counter them. Instead the players picking up the champion learn the ins-and-outs and find better build paths to become more successful over time. In other situations ideal builds don't emerge until well after a champion has been released.

It's not that Ekko is literally impossible to make a play against. His kit is another instance of power creep in action. He gets a dash...but it's also a free use escape/wall hop with a targeted non-conditional dash on the end of it that works on minions and champions. No piece of his kit lacks damage, but the amount of crowd control he's able to keep is absurd.

It takes an iota of mental effort to understand how broken he is. Look at his passive. An 80% slow that lasts for three seconds, has a three second on-target cooldown, provides a speed up equivalent to its slow, and deals damage with 70% AP scaling. Meanwhile champions like Twitch can auto six times for 216 true damage over six seconds with absolutely no scaling. What is there to even say about shit like this? Anyone that defends a champion with 130% AP ratios should be ashamed. He doesn't even need the ult most of the time. The safety provided by the massive amounts of mobility/CC in Ekko's kit means in the worst case scenario he can Chronobreak away from fights.


I agree with that at higher elos, but I think it's also true that as people learn to read him better than he'll be more effectively countered. I think he's going to be a pick/ban champ in the LCS though.

i can't think of a single champion that had their naturally winrate go down as ppl learned to "counter " them.

it's way more common for ppl to discover the right builds for champions, etc.


i can't think of a single champion that had their naturally winrate go down as ppl learned to "counter " them.

it's way more common for ppl to discover the right builds for champions, etc.

Well, I had people asking me if I even knew what I was doing with him. Tons of people in chat were asking about what was going on with his abilities and that he made no sense. I think he's very confusing visually right now.


ludens also got the charges gotten from spells reduced by half

Luden's Echo (Summoner's Rift Version)
AP ratio on unique passive reduced to 10 % from 15%
Charges gained from casting a spell reduced to 10 from 20.

that last change really feels like a pretty big nerf to the item, specially on the fun champions like ahri that could get multiple procs in one combo, tho i guess it's mostly there to tone down cassi

i just hate everything about this shitty item. i don't think riot could've possibly made a more boring replacement for dfg if they tried

Well, I had people asking me if I even knew what I was doing with him. Tons of people in chat were asking about what was going on with his abilities and that he made no sense. I think he's very confusing visually right now.


with some time ppl will understand him and get better at playing him

but league isnt a game in which counters are common enough that ppl realize that getting x item just counters someone 100% or picking y chamion or whatever so it's not like people can actually learn so much about playing against him

even someone like zed you can rush zhonyas against but it still has pretty negative effects on your own build so it's not like it's that simple

and i don't feel ekko even has any real meaningful weaknesses tbh. he's squishy and he's low range, but i don't think that's enough since he's got more than enough ranged tools to contribute before going in and enough escapes and mobility and cc to cover for his mistakes


apparently rito rewrote skillshot code or something to fix the whole skillshots going through people

they made a very poorly explained post about it here

i hope this works, nobody likes bullshit hitboxes and lux snares going through people


saying a champion has no counterplay the day after his release when people don't know how to play him is a farcical statement. Play him yourself and you'll see how much you get away with simply because your opponent doesn't know what to do. People just stand around and wait to get stunned, they don't look for the telltale signs of an ekko jumping towards you to jump on you, they don't really attempt to dodge the second hit of the Q, they don't pay attention to the clone for his ult etc.

I legit wonder how many people calling for his head and saying he has a broken kit have actually played it. Chances are if you played against an Ekko and got slaughtered it was your own dumb mistake.

His Q takes a while before it returns and you know it's going to do more damage to second time around so it's your job to avoid it.

The stun requires a 3 second activation with both Ekko and the enemy in it.

His ult literally has a clone following him that shows exactly where he'll be when he ults.

How you can say his kit has no counterplay or argue about its counterplay is beyond me. Yes his kit has a lot of upsides but they're not easy to hit. I guarantee you he'll be less overwhelming in the coming days and people calling for his head will look like fools. He's only been out for just over 24 hours.

Hasn't it been historically the opposite? Reksai, Azir, Yasuo, Gnar and Kalista all seemed pretty weak but once the initial teething period passed they were ridiculous. Like the champions are coming out with numbers based upon people not being used to playing them.


gp vu and gamplay update is next, as well as a minor vu for mf planned

mf really needs it, i hope they do the skins too so i can use mad max mf more often

arcade mf is the best but mad max mf is also too awesome not to wear

what about invisible gated jayce q's, mundo cleavers, and nid spears?

not sure

i asked the rioter in the thread but no response yet

i don't know why htey made such a shitty post about it when it's like such a big issue with the game

like post a couple examples of things that got fixed or detail exactly what "rewriting all the skillshots" means

like to me as a programmer it sounds like they redid the algorithm that calculates collisions but what does that mean exactly is really weird since the whole "everything is coded as minions" shit. does it mean they finally have like a better code for collisions in general? cos it could also mean they just did like a general clean up of the hitboxes. which would mean that maybe a lot of spells will have different skillshot width now?


it's just a really bad post and i don't know why they bothered if they weren't gonna say anything :T


Is Age of Rod good on Sijuani?
I have always build him as a tank and I wanted to change it up a bit by making him an AP guy. What are the common items?
who said that ekko was hard to play

his passive deals such ridiculous amounts of damage that tagging anyone with the slow portion of his q basically means they lose all trades/die.
I've had to log-in twice every time I wanted to play because it would always close the client after the first log-in attempt because of "connection issues."



This is fucking unreal. I always thought scripting just let you hit skillshots and dodge them for free but it basically plays the game for you. Skip to 5 min for the good stuff

yea these kinds of things have been known for a while

im guessing they're not too wildspread since they must be from some shady looking sites and stuff but it's super depressing this type of shit exists


My MMR must be bad...mid-silver, gaining 17 LP per win, but losing 20 LP.

That's immediately after a 15-5 win streak and with a 50% overall win rate, too.
I don't think Ekko is that bad. Maybe remove the unnecessary slow on his passive and tone down the scaling on his ult a wee bit. And his ability to two-shot towers late game.

His Q and stun are dodgeable. That's more than can be said about other assassin's who can 100-0 you faster and more reliably.


I don't think Ekko is that bad. Maybe remove the unnecessary slow on his passive and tone down the scaling on his ult a wee bit. And his ability to two-shot towers late game.

His Q and stun are dodgeable. That's more than can be said about other assassin's who can 100-0 you faster and more reliably.
i mean, other assassins don't have this much cc, that's the tradeoff

if he can't deal dmg he can still put out cc from a distance until he sees the opportunity to go in. which tbh isn't so unreliable since q is a simple skillshot, at least to apply one stack of the passive, e is targeted, ult is telegraphed but instant, etc.


I don't think Ekko is that bad. Maybe remove the unnecessary slow on his passive and tone down the scaling on his ult a wee bit. And his ability to two-shot towers late game.

His Q and stun are dodgeable. That's more than can be said about other assassin's who can 100-0 you faster and more reliably.

Leblanc has far less counter play than Ekko does and her burst is way harder to dodge.
i mean, other assassins don't have this much cc, that's the tradeoff

if he can't deal dmg he can still put out cc from a distance until he sees the opportunity to go in. which tbh isn't so unreliable since q is a simple skillshot, at least to apply one stack of the passive, e is targeted, ult is telegraphed but instant, etc.

I don't know if it was you who said it, but I think making his ult less instant would be a fair nerf.

I spotted a low health Ekko farming his lane as Leblanc earlier. I thought I'd double distortion on him for an easy kill. He ults to dodge it and one shots me from like 80% with the AoE. lmao

NCR Redslayer

NeoGAF's Vegeta
I don't know if it was you who said it, but I think making his ult less instant would be a fair nerf.

I spotted a low health Ekko farming his lane as Leblanc earlier. I thought I'd double distortion on him for an easy kill. He ults to dodge it and one shots me from like 80% with the AoE. lmao
Reminded me of what Kassadin once was.


Played Jinx for the first time since her nerf. Went 10-5-20, but it was MUCH harder than it needed to be because our top fed the other team's Nasus so hard that he could 1v5 the team pretty much. It's crazy when you have a Yi on your team to just soak up kills and you end up with 20 assists as an ADC.

I definitely noticed the lower attack speed on Jinx early. By the end game I was still unstoppable though. Their poor team, save Nasus, would just melt under my fire and it comes out so fast. I don't think the nerf meant much, to be honest.

What happened to the featured matches to spectate? I liked watching those...and they're gone now?


get caught

press r

triple kill

(◕‿◕✿) #justekkothings (◕‿◕✿)

(also when did stone get banned ;_;)

I don't know if it was you who said it, but I think making his ult less instant would be a fair nerf.

I spotted a low health Ekko farming his lane as Leblanc earlier. I thought I'd double distortion on him for an easy kill. He ults to dodge it and one shots me from like 80% with the AoE. lmao
i think his ult cd is too short too, i can't imagine any mids that would be able to duel him if he has his ult up

it's only been like a couple of days to be asking for nerfs this hard, but i think his ult is way too dumb, too much shit in a single spell and it's too much deterrent to engage on him and too strong a counterengage if you do

Reminded me of what Kassadin once was.
not quite as bad, because ekko is more gated by cooldowns
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