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League of Legends |OT9| Stealing Abilities From Inferior MOBAs since 2009

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hey achtius, how do u choose when to upgrade viktor passive?

only played him once and did this for my build:

hexcore upgrade (e) -> seekers -> hexcore upgrade (q) -> fiendish codex -> sorc boots+morellos -> nlr+hexcore upgrade (w)

wasn't too terrible, i was against yasuo and wasn't 100% sure if just two hexcore upgrades would be enough mana to last until laning phase was over so i could buy an athenes later on. also i was winning lane so figured i'd get the early power spike from morellos and keep punishing him

Yeah, sucks a little. Not the first time this has happened tho.

Edit: going Sivir mid this match, LOL


This Annie is salty she lost to a Sivir mid.



but ashy's op

edit: @morello on mf: "We'll be bundling a small gameplay update with MF's visual update. Details aren't entirely finalized yet, it'll likely include some changes to Make It Rain though."

can't wait!


but ashy's op

edit: @morello on mf: "We'll be bundling a small gameplay update with MF's visual update. Details aren't entirely finalized yet, it'll likely include some changes to Make It Rain though."

can't wait!

Good. Do people even level make it rain?


Good. Do people even level make it rain?

i don't really play mf anymore so can't tell

i want to say putting one point into it can't be so bad but from my little experience mf turns so useless as the game goes on that you might as well not even be able to afford one spell point into something useless like her e lol


1-3 in placements lol. Can't catch a break. Two of the losses I didn't do much to make the team win. But last one the jungler disconnected for half the match.

My previous Gold says no. I'm going for Silver boys. Man I hated Silver.

edit: make that 1-4 lol. This is awful.

Never play on a Saturday. I broke my own rule as well because it's the first time in a month I could play. Five losses in a row, three frustrating because I played well enough to win. Hecarim jungle threw the match in the last one. That last one's got me nice & salty. Every single match had a pre-made of at least 3, none on mine. I get it's only TB and I should brush it off, but I have such a hard time believing Riot can't match all solo TB teams with other all solo teams.

Tried Karma support twice. Not really feeling the changes. She doesn't seem any different. Getting two mantra'd abilities in teamfights is nice though. The mana changes are very nice on Lulu. Could really feel the differences starting around level 4.

Oh, and if anyone wants to ride on the latest freelo train top lane, time to dust off Ryze.


vayne the GOD

and no, she was never DC or AFK at any point

o and our cait said "i don't play ad carry"

we invaded, she got the kill on bard, and recalled saying "im selling my pots for lifesteal" and buys a vamp scepter. then she says "i'm not building crit just lifesteal"

... it worked i guess.


vayne the GOD

and no, she was never DC or AFK at any point

o and our cait said "i don't play ad carry"

we invaded, she got the kill on bard, and recalled saying "im selling my pots for lifesteal" and buys a vamp scepter. then she says "i'm not building crit just lifesteal"

... it worked i guess.

that vayne is pretty unbelievable lol



it's insane how many wards pros place

like holy shit that's such a ridiculous number

for comparison on my last 40m ranked game i placed 6 wards, keane placed 25 lol


Yesterday was such a frustrating day in ranked for me. Most games ended because one or two people would get caught out on their own before we could accomplish anything. It sucks when ppl don't respond to pings. Lost a lot of lp.

But today's a new day. I wanted to get some games in before LCS, but my power went out, so that's not gonna happen.

Oh, and if anyone wants to ride on the latest freelo train top lane, time to dust off Ryze.



I don't care that it's aram, I got me a Penta as Urgot :V


...and don't ask if Hextech offered any good sustain/life back cuz I was just mashing Q and hoping for the best :V



it's insane how many wards pros place

like holy shit that's such a ridiculous number

for comparison on my last 40m ranked game i placed 6 wards, keane placed 25 lol[/QUOTE]

Indeed, there's a huge difference in vision control as you rise through the skill brackets.
More on this topic, with some stats:



well that was a lcs game so even that is very different from solo q :p

btw gp rework apparently has a new e and numbers changes to his ult

also some more madoka lux fanart



Damn Newt, that sucks. I remember when I got demoted to Plat last season. Shit sucks. I blame Ghost not carrying you enough.


maybe not use expressions like "little midget"?

also maybe understand something of the game and how hecarim was completely broken before
maybe not use expressions like "little midget"?

also maybe understand something of the game and how hecarim was completely broken before

He's is a little midget you cant argue that it's fact, and Hecarim only broken when you don't ward. I think he is 0 and 3 or 4 in NA LCS this week. All pro teams wards and just move their carries to the center surrounded by the tanks unlike in Solo Q where its tanks in front and carries in back. It's a complete different formation all together, which allows him to tp into the back line.

You see adaptations from top players, instead solo q is just a bunch of kids crying. Maybe I'm just old and come from the fighting game world where we went 20 years without patches. If something was broken you learn a way to play around it and not cry.

See capcom vs snk2, marvel vs capcom 2, street fighter alpha series, street fighter third strike etc..


I've honestly never had a problem with avoiding Ekko's W in lane. It's not that hard tbh, you see the animation cast so you just have to be on your toes and makes sure you're not in range of Ekkos E when it's cast.


Somehow I break the losing streak while a) playing Ashe and b) lagging so hard. Big storm here and it was messing up my internet :( Guess it's a good thing I was playing an auto attacker lol.

Finally had a good support and we wrecked bot lane then proceeded to run over the rest of the team. Felt good. Only deaths was when I was looking at a frozen screen.

2-5 so far. Gold dream is dead I'm sure but let's hope my MMR isn't so badly butchered that I can't get right back into it.
Sometimes I wonder if I'm in gold or bronze. This is like the best/worst game I've ever been apart of. Just reckless fighting everywhere.

This Flarez Hec build though lulz. Man Dyrus look so... washed up.

Hecarim teleports in like 1500 units away and Homeguard ults you. Very not broken. Totally counterable with wards.

Oh it's broken as fuck. I'm just saying this game is full of broken crap.. I just hate the crying. Like man up and play. For example I play Zed. Zed shits on someone like Azir who in meta right now, and sucks against Liss/Kayle who's out of meta. But the next patch they might be in etc...

There's give and take with everything. I just hate the new generation of kids who play games need everything to be on easy mode for them. Ask newt I duo with him and I had to end up laning against Hec. I solo killed him twice. There's always work around and things you can do better, I just wished more people look at themselves instead of crying for a quick fix.


I've honestly never had a problem with avoiding Ekko's W in lane. It's not that hard tbh, you see the animation cast so you just have to be on your toes and makes sure you're not in range of Ekkos E when it's cast.

it has 1600 range and you don't know where he shoots it

i have no idea what riot was thinking

Oh it's broken as fuck. I'm just saying this game is full of broken crap.. I just hate the crying. Like man up and play. For example I play Zed. Zed shits on someone like Azir who in meta right now, and sucks against Liss/Kayle who's out of meta. But the next patch they might be in etc...

There's give and take with everything. I just hate the new generation of kids who play games need everything to be on easy mode for them. Ask newt I duo with him and I had to end up laning against Hec. I solo killed him twice. There's always work around and things you can do better, I just wished more people look at themselves instead of crying for a quick fix.

are you for real


poking nasus

suddenly there's a circle around me

jungle ekko flashes and e's inside the circle



it makes absolutely no sense that you can't tell where a skillshot is gonna land

he's cool, and i think he's now pretty universal too since his laning isn't awful anymore


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
What did they change on Bard recently?
Significantly higher base AD and armor. Better Chime spawns in the early game. Better Chime mana regen. Faster meep respawn. More damage on the bind. Lower gate cooldown that is very noticeable even at rank one.
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