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League of Legends |OT9| Stealing Abilities From Inferior MOBAs since 2009

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Woo back to gold 2! Exactly where I was almost 2 months ago...now I need to be careful and not fuck it up and drop again. Was a hard climb back from 4.


But that means you're at the right Elo.


Anyway, had one of my best matches just now. The game is so much fun when you have friendly team-mates who actually cooperate and shit. Everyone knows what he is doing, top doing not so good, mid helps out, us bot is being pushed Yi as a jungler is always there.

Also Morgana as Supp with defensive Runes and Masteries is amazingly good to play as!


Page 2? For shame!

I really hope the update to MF's E is a good one. Hoping they take a look at her ult while they are at it, but the E fix has been a long time coming.


She's horrible right now. I hope that she can cast her E without stopping and that it has some decent damage. Not lots of damage, but at least SOMETHING.

Lowering the mana cost (80 at rank one is DUMB for what it does) and letting her cast while moving would be great.

Proper damage scaling on her ult would be great too, I have no idea why they per-emptily nerfed it into the ground last time.

They said the changes are small though, so not sure how much they will do.


She's horrible right now. I hope that she can cast her E without stopping and that it has some decent damage. Not lots of damage, but at least SOMETHING.

Her and Thresh had me (Alistar) and Ezreal pushed back to out turret just farming for like the first 10 minutes and a shitty little early trade that me and Ez took way too much damage from. We basically couldnt do anything but farm and have me spam E to keep us there until Amumu came down to releive a lil pressure. After that, we had full bars with some items and MF was useless from then on.


Why is jayce getting nerfed so hard or at all D:

Tentative but it looks like they are nerfing base damage of every one of his abilities. There has to be another change that isn't posted yet. He's not even super strong right now
Why is jayce getting nerfed so hard or at all D:

Tentative but it looks like they are nerfing base damage of every one of his abilities. There has to be another change that isn't posted yet. He's not even super strong right now

He can now put 6 points into his QWE and only has one point in R, so there's likely another level of damage coming.


Oh kewl

Headshot (Passive) Now ignores 50% of the targets bonus armor (Champion only)
Ace in the Hole (R) Now gives vision at the start of cast (when you press the button) instead of at the start of channel
Shunpo (E) damage reduced to 40/70/100/130/160 from 60/85/110/135/160

Ethereal Chains (E) width reduced to 55 from 70

Brutal Strikes (W):
Passive Changed: Malphite gains 10/15/20/25/30% additional armor from [Basic Attacks gain 30/38/46/54/62% splash damage]
Active Changed: Basic attacks deal an addional 25/40/55/70/85 (+15%AP) physical damamge to the target and nearby units from [Malphite gains additional armor and attack damage]
[CLARITY] Brutal strikes now displays a visual effect that indicates the effective area
[CLARITY] Basic attaks made while under the effects of Brutal Strikes will no use Malphite's critical strike animation
[Note: Context tweet from ricklessabandon]

Burnout (W) new effect: "25% of the damage is applied again when Shyvana basic attacks an enemy with Burnout Active."


So his damage will be the same at each ability's max level tho? So is it just a QOL change? You never leveled his ult til the end anyway

Edit: Nope damage will be higher
Jayce is now old Karma. Hopefully his skills won't be as bad as old Karma. Her rank 6 spells dealt as much damage as regular rank 5 spells.

an early indication:

  • To the Skies ( Hammer Q)
    damage is now 20/60/100/140/180/220 from 20/65/110/155/200
    cooldown is now 16/14/12/10/8/6 from 16/14/12/10/8
    Slow is now 30/35/40/45/50/55 from 30/40/45/50/55

  • Shock Blast (Gun Q)
    damage is now 60/100/160/210/260/310 from 60/115/170/225/280
Full numbers:

To the Skies ( Hammer Q)
damage is now 20/60/100/140/180/220 from 20/65/110/155/200
cooldown is now 16/14/12/10/8/6 from 16/14/12/10/8
Slow is now 30/35/40/45/50/55 from 30/40/45/50/55

Shock Blast (Gun Q)
damage is now 60/100/160/210/260/310 from 60/115/170/225/280

Lightning Field (Hammer W)
damage now 100/160/220/280/340/400 from 100/170/240/310/380

Hyper Charge (Gun W)
% bonus damage now 75/80/85/90/95/100 from 70/80/90/100/110
cooldown now 14/12/10/8/6/4 from 13/11/9/7/5

Thundering Blow (Hammer E)
Damage now 8/10.4/12.8/15.2/17.6/20% from 8/11/14/17/20%
Cooldown now 14/13/12/11/10/9 from 14/3/12/11/10

Acceleration Gate (Gun E)
Movespeed bonus now 30/35/40/45/50/55% from 30/35/40/45/50%



Blew their load too soon


Remember release Jayce that had 300 something base damage on his E in addition to the % health?

Those were the cheesy times.


leblanc nerf seems acceptable tho chains were a pretty slim spell already so 55 width is gonna be painful

i don't understand if new cait passive replaces the old one or if it's an added effect. if it is it sounds pretty insane lategame, but i guess it's only one out of 5 attacks so not that crazy. maybe it'll be more impactful earlier then, getting the passive procs in lane will hit even harder

and uhh no idea about jayce, he seems nerfed from all the changes but at least they're interesting changes? seems like he'll take a lot longer to ramp up which i guess is ok.

i dunno, i don't like jayce...


When is that freaking Fiora rework going to finally hit? I've been hearing about it ever since I started playing League and it's still getting pushed off.


i don't understand if new cait passive replaces the old one or if it's an added effect. if it is it sounds pretty insane lategame, but i guess it's only one out of 5 attacks so not that crazy. maybe it'll be more impactful earlier then, getting the passive procs in lane will hit even harder

It should be added to the passive, or it wouldn't make sense. It's only bonus armor so I doubt it will be very impactful in lane, it removes 5 armor at most. It will probably be amazing mid/lategame though. If the enemy has bought a single armor item in midgame, the proc will be strong.


Hmm, dunno what to think about the Jayce stuff yet. I like to get a nice big early lead with him so when mid game comes, I can poke away at squishes for a third of their health.


It should be added to the passive, or it wouldn't make sense. It's only bonus armor so I doubt it will be very impactful in lane, it removes 5 armor at most. It will probably be amazing mid/lategame though. If the enemy has bought a single armor item in midgame, the proc will be strong.
yea you're right, wouldn't make sense otherwise

not sure how big of a buff it is


i forget, when WW was priority last split preseason, did he get nerfed or did other junglers get buffed?

They nerfed him and the enchantment that made him op in the same patch iirc, and they've nerfed the smite again since then. He's in a bad spot imo


Is that laugh GP? Wonder what direction they're planning on taking him. The weird ADC/fighter hybrid thing isn't working so well.

edit: or could it be my man zac getting dat legendary skin


They nerfed him and the enchantment that made him op in the same patch iirc, and they've nerfed the smite again since then. He's in a bad spot imo

Yeah in a terrible spot...with a top 10 win rate out of the jungle.

His kit is archaic and he needs to be changed to brought up to modern LoL standards for kit design, but let's not pretend he's objectively bad. There isn't anything preventing a player from picking him up and doing well right now.

In a tank heavy meta, a tanky champion who can neutralize the opposing team's tank buster has a lot value.


Yeah in a terrible spot...with a top 10 win rate out of the jungle.

His kit is archaic and he needs to be changed to brought up to modern LoL standards for kit design, but let's not pretend he's objectively bad. There isn't anything preventing a player from picking him up and doing well right now.

In a tank heavy meta, a tanky champion who can neutralize the opposing team's tank buster has a lot value.

I mean, I'm not sure what about saying "imo" makes you think I'm making an objective statement but OK lol

Tank meta also means everybody has cc for his ult which does no damage now. Just my opinion. I just haven't seen one do anything at all. Plus he's prob the most boring champ in the game now


the only real fighting game i choose to acknowledge is street fighter 2 hd remix

i could've been on that soundtrack too but i got lazy


i don't think jayce needed any changes

he had clear early/mid strengths and weaknesses that were mostly defined by his item pickups

tear first? your damage is going to take a little to scale (but not long)

brut first? you've got the damage, grats, but have to be choosey with your mana.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Tear takes a very long time to be relevant on any champion. Jayce is pretty poop right now. Not strong enough early and super weak late, with a kit that is p. busted and provides no entry into the early or late game. To say that he doesn't need changes seems to ignore where the game is at. Without adequate waveclear Jayce lacks any defensive edge when he falls behind.
Tear takes a very long time to be relevant on any champion. Jayce is pretty poop right now. Not strong enough early and super weak late, with a kit that is p. busted and provides no entry into the early or late game. To say that he doesn't need changes seems to ignore where the game is at. Without adequate waveclear Jayce lacks any defensive edge when he falls behind.


As one of the resident Jayce players, any nerfs to his early game in particular are devastating. With these changes, a tear build makes him even less of a threat to an enemy top laner who is usually going to be some sort of tank (Irela, Jax, Nasus, Garen, etc.). He would also no longer be a threat to high damage dealing tops (Fiora, Trynd) because he can't trade with them very well. Going brutalizer build was never the most ideal for him anyway, especially with the build path change that goes to Ghostblade (which he doesn't want).

By the time he gets the items and levels he needs to be relevant, it won't be any easier for him to dispatch the enemy tank(s), so to me it feels like a straight up nerf to a champ that wasn't a problem to begin with. He was at best slightly above average.

I guess I'll go back to rushing Soul Reaver or something.



Cho might be a bit strong. Not worth a ban IMO but still a fearsome laner.

Just tried maokai for the first time top lane. I actually felt good as a top laner for once. He will definitely be my go to if I have to top.

Since I'm playing ranked more, I'm trying to focus in on one or two champs for every role. I'm struggling with solid mid and jungle picks. I'm much better in the assassin meta as a jungler. I think Vi and Wukong and maybe Elise for jungle. Mid I've been talon and cassio. Tried pantheon to mixed success.


Cho might be a bit strong. Not worth a ban IMO but still a fearsome laner.

Just tried maokai for the first time top lane. I actually felt good as a top laner for once. He will definitely be my go to if I have to top.

Since I'm playing ranked more, I'm trying to focus in on one or two champs for every role. I'm struggling with solid mid and jungle picks. I'm much better in the assassin meta as a jungler. I think Vi and Wukong and maybe Elise for jungle. Mid I've been talon and cassio. Tried pantheon to mixed success.

Panth mid or jungle? I've been jungling with him and top as well with some good, and not so good results. i think the bad games were just me having bad games though.
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