hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
source of that adorabru sona plss
Random 4chan drawing based on what google is giving me.
source of that adorabru sona plss
Hold up how come you can damage and destroy Shaco's funboxes without the need of a purp ward, etc., but can't do the same with on Teemo's Shrooms?
Hold up how come you can damage and destroy Shaco's funboxes without the need of a purp ward, etc., but can't do the same with on Teemo's Shrooms?
Right, that was it.That was part of her old kit still. Her old kit went like this:
Passive - Damage reduction from minions
Q - More or less the same but it wasn't a line, it just hit the 2 closest things to you
W - Stealth, first attack leaving stealth was a stun, could stun 2 targets with her Q, nerfed into a slow until her rework
E - More or less the same but it was just one hit
R - AS/MS steroid with a passive that restored HP on kills and I think it reset the CD on her ult?
No, he was legit trash directly after his rework. He only became strong because of his recent buffs.Wait, people are only now realising that the Ryze remake is broken?
I knew it from the moment I read the notes. His passive is stupid as shit. 4 seconds of low cooldown snares when it goes off at level 6.
Can't believe they actually got rid of the duration level scaling. 6 seconds at level 1 smh
It was so stupid how people were still maxing Q first and complaining about losing trades in lane.
Does anyone else think LeBlanc isn't all she's made out to be? IMO, there are mid laners that are much more oppressive than she is.
Leblanc is a trash solo q pick.Does anyone else think LeBlanc isn't all she's made out to be? IMO, there are mid laners that are much more oppressive than she is.
Maybe, I'll try that, I dislike W max. What's the build for Q max?Q max kalista is disgusting. There's so much damage at range, especially when used to follow up a support trade for the W proc.
BT -> runaan -> BoRK, typically, so it's pretty much the same as the more common E max. Sometimes you will have to get Lw instead of BoRK as third item.Maybe, I'll try that, I dislike W max. What's the build for Q max?
Well I'm a little bias since I play her but she's very very strong, you can't deny that.
I just had a normal game where it was mirror LB vs LB. I won lane pretty decent. I had 6 ITEMS and the other LB had 2inish items + Large rod + Wand (no dcap yet) and we both Q,R each other same time and both of us died.... and I had a Abysall for MR.
That's straight bull shit lol.
Q max kalista is disgusting. There's so much damage at range, especially when used to follow up a support trade for the W proc.
Haha, qtpie knows what's up.
Funny i remember people maxing Q first on kalista when she first came out but apparently doublelift was all about the E max.
Does anyone else think LeBlanc isn't all she's made out to be? IMO, there are mid laners that are much more oppressive than she is.
Random 4chan drawing based on what google is giving me.
duno if more oppressive, but she's definitely not as op or frustrating to play against as ppl make her out to beDoes anyone else think LeBlanc isn't all she's made out to be? IMO, there are mid laners that are much more oppressive than she is.
I saw a decent Daimond LB mid lose against a morde
that should tell you alot
morde es #1
also someone mentioend soraka/sona fanart. that person came to the wrong neighborhood
BT -> runaan -> BoRK, typically, so it's pretty much the same as the more common E max. Sometimes you will have to get Lw instead of BoRK as third item.
It's nice that it is possible to waveclear properly with Q.
Q max kalista is disgusting. There's so much damage at range, especially when used to follow up a support trade for the W proc.
Am I the only person that plays Kalista that doesn't like Ruaans? I feel like I'm hitting like a wet noodle. I really prefer the BT start on Kalista. I used to max Q as I saw Qtie do it and thought it looked good but so many pros still did E that I switched back. I actually prefer Q as well. It's not the easiest skillshot to land (very skinny) but it hits hard with some AD.
Pre-detonate on Lux E is something we've got on our backlog and will add at somepoint. It will add a bit of power, but should give a clear feel improvement and help out players with higher pings. Should be a pretty straight forward change, I'll see where it's up to, that's one we should have got in previously.
Shield application at end of cast's currently intended functionality, rather than a bug. Having said that I do agree that there's a noticeable feel cost there, given almost every other shield in the game is immediate. I'll pass that suggestion on to the balance team, see if they've got any concerns about bundling it with the pre-detonate change.
One is an ult and the other is a basic ability.
are you guys posting cropped hentai again...
last one looks like talesofvaloran...
Back when they did the "mash button to pop" thing for Gragas they were doing it for Lux as well, I don't understand why they went back on that onemeddler on lux buffs
would be nice and harmless
i like it
Thank god for the E change. Feels so clunky and awkward now. I might actually start playing her when that goes live.meddler on lux buffs
shaco's boxes attack you which reveals them from invisibility
teemo mushrooms don't attack you
How do you do the Sion camp thing? I tried it with wolves and I just wouldn't die and the whole thing ended up taking way too long and probably wasn't even worth the tp.
Zkylewd pls.
yeah i always thought it was strange that they didn't give that to lux as wellBack when they did the "mash button to pop" thing for Gragas they were doing it for Lux as well, I don't understand why they went back on that one
i start with no items (so don't use pots and don't have any resistances) and don't stun the acmp monsters with q (just tap it for aoe dmg) and go for the big one wolf/wraith rather than the small ones so you get slaughtered quicklyHow do you do the Sion camp thing? I tried it with wolves and I just wouldn't die and the whole thing ended up taking way too long and probably wasn't even worth the tp.
it's not that bad imo, but specially the shield buff would be niceThank god for the E change. Feels so clunky and awkward now. I might actually start playing her when that goes live.
they go right for your dignityThey attack you mentally
Her needing extra power was such a silly reason considering they gave it to fucking prenerf, prerework fatmanyeah i always thought it was strange that they didn't give that to lux as well
their reasoning was something like "she doesn't need the extra power" or whatever but cmon, what difference does it make
you can't balance a champion around ping...
shaco's boxes attack you which reveals them from invisibility
teemo mushrooms don't attack you
maybe you bought an item like doran shield?
Yeah I think I bought doran's shield. No wonder I was too tanky. Thanks for the tips.i start with no items (so don't use pots and don't have any resistances) and don't stun the acmp monsters with q (just tap it for aoe dmg) and go for the big one wolf/wraith rather than the small ones so you get slaughtered quickly
i generally go for cloth armor + flask when i back and i think you have enough for a few pots?
I don't know if it's a ping thing or what but I often have trouble activating it fast enough. It's a minor annoyance, sure, but even that is pretty bad when it's on every cast of your main damage's not that bad imo, but specially the shield buff would be nice
riot is kind of very risk adverse with lux for good reason, actuallyHer needing extra power was such a silly reason considering they gave it to fucking prenerf, prerework fatman
i DON'T care man, let me damage the damn things.
haha yeahYeah I think I bought doran's shield. No wonder I was too tanky. Thanks for the tips.
it's def a ping thing, that would be the whole point of that qol changeI don't know if it's a ping thing or what but I often have trouble activating it fast enough. It's a minor annoyance, sure, but even that is pretty bad when it's on every cast of your main damage spell.
I saw a decent Daimond LB mid lose against a morde
you can't damage shaco boxes until they fear you so it's the same thing
No use getting angry in normal matches. Half the people are just trying out new champions they haven't played before.So my first S+ game is on Bard and it's like the most frustrating match ever. I seriously underestimated Ziggs' ability to stall. 4v5 and it drags on for 50 minutes. The fact I had more gold than everyone but the adc, dealt more damage than the full damage Olaf... never been so angry at my own team before. I don't think I want to play League ever again.
Ranked pretty much has higher expectations and an entirely different tone to it. You'll understand when you try it.There is no point getting angry full stop! Plus you are playing as Bard go do so magical journeys and enjoy the Rift![]()