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League of Legends |OT9| Stealing Abilities From Inferior MOBAs since 2009

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hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Yeah, I guess that's a way to put it. It's easy to avoid not getting angry in normal matches. Not so easy in ranked.

Unless you're in Gold ELO heaven where everyone is terrible and everyone is nice.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
I think everyone should play ranked at least a couple times. Then they realize how meaningless normals are and stop getting pissy over them. People play normals just for practice or for shits and giggles, if people wanna tryhard they should be in ranked. I used to play exclusively normal drafts and take that shit super cereal and get upset at people. There is literally no point, no ELO lost, no ranking drop, nothing worthwhile lost except like 50ip and ego.

In other words...
Normals are way worse than ranked. At least it's kind of understandable to see people acting like petulant babies when there's virtual points on the line.


Ranked is less of a cesspit for me than normals. Usually 4/5 members of a team are somewhat intelligent (relative to elo).


Normals are garbage. People screwing around, big skill disparity all around. But it's good for a low stress, play a champ I'm not as comfortable with or mess around with new builds. Plus I'm off to a rocky start in placements and don't want to continue.


I think everyone should play ranked at least a couple times. Then they realize how meaningless normals are and stop getting pissy over them. People play normals just for practice or for shits and giggles, if people wanna tryhard they should be in ranked. I used to play exclusively normal drafts and take that shit super cereal and get upset at people. There is literally no point, no ELO lost, no ranking drop, nothing worthwhile lost except like 50ip and ego.

In other words...
i mean you say it like elo is this actually important thing

both modes are meaningless if you're talking about getting seriously upset about a videogame, which is what happens to most people

just because you get a pretty medal at one mode doesn't make it more "rage-worthy"


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
i mean you say it like elo is this actually important thing

both modes are meaningless if you're talking about getting seriously upset about a videogame, which is what happens to most people

just because you get a pretty medal at one mode doesn't make it more "rage-worthy"

Silence Zkylewd.

I need my imaginary internet points to validate my existence.


i mean you say it like elo is this actually important thing

both modes are meaningless if you're talking about getting seriously upset about a videogame, which is what happens to most people

just because you get a pretty medal at one mode doesn't make it more "rage-worthy"

It has nothing to do with ranked having a ranking. It has everything to do with the equal balance of teams, more experienced players and overall higher expectations from you and everyone else.

I mean, it's a videogame you're spending 40 minutes on per game. That's why I used to leave games in the past so often.

Anyways, elo is just progression through the game. Isn't that why games are made, to progress? You can kind of make your kinda argument for any hobby or any free time sport.

"I mean catching fish is meaningless, there's no point getting mad if you didn't catch any. You just throw them back into the pond anyways."


i mean you say it like elo is this actually important thing

both modes are meaningless if you're talking about getting seriously upset about a videogame, which is what happens to most people

just because you get a pretty medal at one mode doesn't make it more "rage-worthy"

So true lol. We need Opiate in here he always has good stuff to say on this subject


Ranked games in plat/diamond are certainly of a higher quality (although there may be more rage involved). Not so sure in lower elos, though. Probably not.


Normals are actually serious in my place but we do have more frequent afks and such stuff.

I only play rank when I have a duo. I never play ranked alone. It's very frustrating without somebody to coordinate with even if your lanes aren't the same.


Anyways, elo is just progression through the game. Isn't that why games are made, to progress?

not all games (ex: sports games, minecraft, whatever)

why do you play ranked like 20 a week if you're always in d5?

you play games for fun with friends, for a challenge to surmount, to improve some sort of skills, to pass time, to meet people and belong to a community, to learn about story and characters, etc.

there are tons of reasons to play games that don't involve gaining elo, and all of them are "pointless" in that none of them make it ok being a jerk to other ppl (including the elo grind)

what im saying is basically instead of saying "these normal scrubs get mad when i pick ad teemo" maybe realize that the game doesn't mean the same to everyone and try to think of others' sanity too. just because ranked is "more srs" doesn't mean you shouldn't try to win in normals or whatever
Anyone played Soroka ad top? I've had the chance to play only one game and that was against a Darius. I don't know what it was but I wrecked that guy.

What I found myself struggling against their ap mid. I couldn't get close to the guy, but that might have been my build that didn't help.

I went IE, PD and BotRK and Static Shiv. I got a triple kill in that game, but I think the Attack Speed wasn't good enough to beat the burst of that mid.

Is there anyway to counter this?


not all games (ex: sports games, minecraft, whatever)

why do you play ranked like 20 a week if you're always in d5?

you play games for fun with friends, for a challenge to surmount, to improve some sort of skills, to pass time, to meet people and belong to a community, to learn about story and characters, etc.

there are tons of reasons to play games that don't involve gaining elo, and all of them are "pointless" in that none of them make it ok being a jerk to other ppl (including the elo grind)

what im saying is basically instead of saying "these normal scrubs get mad when i pick ad teemo" maybe realize that the game doesn't mean the same to everyone and try to think of others' sanity too. just because ranked is "more srs" doesn't mean you shouldn't try to win in normals or whatever
Nothing wrong with trying to win in normals. Just remember that something like AD Teemo is something that most players would agree belongs in normals.

Anyways, I myself play ranked to progress. Of course there was some weird LP issue for d5 that's been fixed now, but I mean progression isn't always just a change in numbers. Yes you can progress in normals, and that's perfectly fine. Just remember that a lot of people in normals won't have the same goal as you do in that case.

There's a reason that ranked exists beyond the whole division system. It's used to differentiate games that are meant to be competitive, and games that are meant to be casual.


Nothing wrong with trying to win in normals. Just remember that something like AD Teemo is something that most players would agree belongs in normals.
that's where it gets muddy tho

faker played mid irelia in lck last week, which he probably tried a lot in ranked smurfs

should he have practiced it in normals instead lol?

Anyways, I myself play ranked to progress. Of course there was some weird LP issue for d5 that's been fixed now, but I mean progression isn't always just a change in numbers. Yes you can progress in normals, and that's perfectly fine. Just remember that a lot of people in normals won't have the same goal as you do in that case.

There's a reason that ranked exists beyond the whole division system. It's used to differentiate games that are meant to be competitive, and games that are meant to be casual.
i mean, im not arguing that ppl should tryhard every game, or pick meta every game. everything but

the thing is that even because riot says "ranked mode is srs mode" doesn't mean it ppl don't take normals seriously, and when i see ppl being like "aww look at them tryharding in normals" or something like that a) i laugh because it's like the oldest excuse to hide behind when you're mad and b) i feel bad for their teammates cos some random dude lost their lane or whatever and figured "this doesn't matter" and just ruins the game for everyone

if you're not gonna go super tryhard mode who cares, the problem like always are the outliers that ruin shit by being too extreme about something. like ppl taking normals too casually and giving up two minutes in, or ppl taking ranked too seriously and telling you to kill yourself


that's where it gets muddy tho

faker played mid irelia in lck last week, which he probably tried a lot in ranked smurfs

should he have practiced it in normals instead lol?
Well Faker is obviously an extreme case, but most players would probably agree that a regular player should play Irelia mid in a normal game first before doing it in ranked for the first time.


I am just a freaking silver, but if LoL taught me anything, it is this: the moment I underestimate someone based on the pick, that is the moment I lose the fight.

You have to assume that the opponent will use all the tools given to them as well. Even if you think that that is not working.

For exmaple, what about mid irelia that makes her weak? It certainly wont be her dueling ability, so scratch that. It is lack of burst? Or not being "fotm"?


I am just a freaking silver, but if LoL taught me anything, it is this: the moment I underestimate someone based on the pick, that is the moment I lose the fight.

You have to assume that the opponent will use all the tools given to them as well. Even if you think that that is not working.
Champion picks were just an example.
If Faker - or any pro player that isn't qtpie for that matter - plays something unusual you roll with it since you know the guy is actually good so there might be something worthwhile about it that you don't know

If XxxXX_Sephirot420_XXxxX does something unusual in Silver it's far easier to assume the guy is just trying to be a special snowflake and will likely waste 40 minutes of your time in a very, very stressfull manner.
Anyone played Soroka ad top? I've had the chance to play only one game and that was against a Darius. I don't know what it was but I wrecked that guy.

What I found myself struggling against their ap mid. I couldn't get close to the guy, but that might have been my build that didn't help.

I went IE, PD and BotRK and Static Shiv. I got a triple kill in that game, but I think the Attack Speed wasn't good enough to beat the burst of that mid.

Is there anyway to counter this?

AD Soraka top.....



hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
that's where it gets muddy tho

faker played mid irelia in lck last week, which he probably tried a lot in ranked smurfs

should he have practiced it in normals instead lol?

If you watch challenger streams you see people trying all sorts of new stuff in ranked (ex: fabbyyy draven jungle) and that's okay because they're so high ranked people will give them the benefit of the doubt because they're actually good at the game already. Sometime tries to pull that shit in lower ELO games for the first time and you know things won't end well.


Higher ranked players have a much better understanding of the game, and can get away with trying out new ideas without throwing the game away most of the time.
Anyone played Soroka ad top? I've had the chance to play only one game and that was against a Darius. I don't know what it was but I wrecked that guy.

What I found myself struggling against their ap mid. I couldn't get close to the guy, but that might have been my build that didn't help.

I went IE, PD and BotRK and Static Shiv. I got a triple kill in that game, but I think the Attack Speed wasn't good enough to beat the burst of that mid.

Is there anyway to counter this?
Aside from picking something else, no. Your kit doesn't benefit from AD so you're just stuck with walking to your targets.


There's beauty in picking off meta champs. The opponents don't know how to deal with them.

They just tank up and farm safely. That generally works.

I need to start playing ranked again. I haven't enjoyed this meta much, so I've mostly screwed around in ARAMs or spectated, but I want to get back to gold. Can't do that if I don't play.


speaking of arams, rex and i had an amazing aram last night. just so good. a hard engage team that gets rekt early because of a sustain/poke comp that keeps their ish together until they are equipped and ready to hard engage is a beautiful thing.

we had galio(rex), corki (me), zilean, draaaaaven, and fiddlesticks vs heimer, sona, darius, ezreal, and lux. the zilean was a god with his speedups to allow rex to engage, and his speedups on me. i was literally in and out doing a ton of damage while no skillshots hit me due to my speed. and the galio ults. glorious. they just got run down so hard.
Ranked is like that boil that's just sitting there, that you keep pinching. It's a nasty pus filled sac, that you really really want to pop. But you know the second you go in to pop it, it starts exuding it's nasty drip all over your face because it anticipates your fingers.

That's how rank feels like.


Ranked is like that boil that's just sitting there, that you keep pinching. It's a nasty pus filled sac, that you really really want to pop. But you know the second you go in to pop it, it starts exuding it's nasty drip all over your face because it anticipates your fingers.

That's how rank feels like.

Ryze not nerfed :lol.

Also, those Shen buffs are pretty relevant.

Riot said that they were planning on nerfing him next patch. What's his winrate? I'm sure if it was something insane like 60% they'd hotfix him.

I'm glad to see Kha'Zix is getting buffed. He's one of my favorite champions.



Interesting. Some pretty good changes in there.

The Ashe nerfs make me a little sad but you guys are right, she'll probably still be relevant.

Having just played jungle Kha'zix again, I'm happy for the small buff. I really like playing him. He's fun.

Malphite jungle is going to continue to be secretly strong. The W change will be great.

The Ekko nerfs are needed and I like that they are small. I still don't think he's this OP god like people are claiming, just a little overtuned.

I want to play Shen again now too.


AP Malphite secret OP gonna be more OP.

Wonder how long it'll take before it's not a secret anymore. He's an absolute monster against most top laners.


Overall, I like the patch. Buffs to a couple not often used champions, some better buffs than others. QoL fix for Brand (he still has other issues to address, glad they're acknowledging it).

Most excited about being able to spam ctrl+6 over the corpse of an enemy though. Newt should be happy with the change, anything that lets him get a rise out of his opponents.

AP Malphite secret OP gonna be more OP.

Wonder how long it'll take before it's not a secret anymore. He's an absolute monster against most top laners.

He's also actually INCREDIBLY strong against LeBlanc in mid. She can't distort into his direction in lane without taking free damage. Especially if his passive is up.


Overall, I like the patch. Buffs to a couple not often used champions, some better buffs than others. QoL fix for Brand (he still has other issues to address, glad they're acknowledging it).

Most excited about being able to spam ctrl+6 over the corpse of an enemy though. Newt should be happy with the change, anything that lets him get a rise out of his opponents.
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