Thanks for the info, but why not rush Hourglass or abysal first? RoA gives you good health chunk, buff that with Abyssal or Hourglass and you'll be surviving a lot longer in battles.
Because you would delay the living crap out of your power spike.
You have to remember you're off on the island known as top lane. These guys are pros and not low elo. They farm really well so their gold income is a lot different then let say your average gold player or whatever. They can get the 15 minute RoA off farming alone in a 0-0 game.
You rush the hour glass in top lane it's pointless even in mid lane it's pointless most of the time unless you're against Zed/Talon. A) if gives you 0 kill pressure, and B) it does give you safety, but what if you get 3 man ganked? or mis played? If you think about it the only time any Rumble goes Hourglass before Haunting Guise is when they back and have 1600 gold for large rod. For Ryze it's not the haunting Guise but it's the Roa/Tear. The faster you get your RoA the faster you get the clock to tick on the time of stacking. The faster you get your tear the faster you can start to stack yourself.
You get both early and let say you finish at around 25-30 minutes you get a power spike. You throw a heavy AP item on top of that (Luden, Deathcap, Hourglass) now you have 2 stacked items + a 120 AP item that's your window somewhere around 30-35 minutes.
Let say you don't go RoA or Tear first but Hourglass push your RoA back to say 25-30 minutes, your tear at around 20-25 minutes. Your window and your power spike we looking at around 40 minutes or even more.
Same goes for champions like Ezreal and Corki. Even bruiser such as Renekton, and Hecarmin or Jarvan. Everyone has a window where they are stronger than someone else. You want to find that window and abuse that window.
Right? Vlad at level 4 can be all-in in lane very easy, Vlad at level 9 with 5 points into Q, that's another story. Nasus with sub 300 stacks = punching bag, Nasus with 500+ stacks = FML.
Learn your windows/power spikes. Learn your opponents window/power spike. That's also a general tip on dealing with champions like Riven, Floria, Yasuo etc..