Does team builder work for the Gangplank skin? Is there Riot confirmation co-op vs. AI works for it too? That seems almost too good to be true.
Anything asides from custom games worksDoes team builder work for the Gangplank skin? Is there Riot confirmation co-op vs. AI works for it too? That seems almost too good to be true.
Does team builder work for the Gangplank skin? Is there Riot confirmation co-op vs. AI works for it too? That seems almost too good to be true.
Thanks! That's a good point that it may be tough to get him in co-op vs. AI.It's confirmed. A rioter said so.
There are other things we've chosen to prioritize over sandbox mode because we think those will have a larger impact on a larger playerbase. From your feedback, maybe that's not the case and it's worth having another conversation. But right now, it's not on the list.
The other thing we wanted to do was make it firm. This was where I really screwed up. To me, replays have been an ongoing conversation for a while, and I've argued that it's because we haven't taken a firm stance on it. Re-prioritizing and shifting takes months at a time when you want to work at scale, so it was a conversation I wanted to put to rest (even if it meant getting punched) and then we could re-surface it if we realized it didn't philosophically align with our future goals.
Both of these things made this statement far more 'firm' than it really needed to be, and it was because we were going for an end result "no sandbox for now" rather than actually engaging on the topic. Talking about sandbox mode and its incredible potential for unlocking higher levels of pro play is important to acknowledge, but I think where we got quagmired was this:
An idea can be good and compelling for a group of players, but it can also not be a priority.
That requires you to talk about why you're doing all of these things and not this thing, but we didn't want to come out defensive and now we're... probably in a worse position. We chose our firmest stance and said "okay this is why we're not doing it" when really we should have just said "we aren't doing this because we have these other things that are very important to the longevity of League and its foundational structure. We still think it's a good idea." Totally our bad and something to learn from. Your feedback makes it a bigger thing that probably helps in conversations, so that's good.
"Yeah but here's this ugly new HUD that everyone bitched about! And the impact is minimal since it's not really important and our previous HUD conveyed the needed information anyways."
So yesterday was my first day as a writer at Riot Games.
It's been an incredibly exciting process joining the company. Won't go into too much details on what I'm doing, but it's a project I'm incredibly excited about and one that fits me as a writer and League player. I'm sure you guys will see it when it hits.
I'm bad at being sentimental but I wanted to thank you guys for making me feel welcome (most of the time) in this community. It's been awesome interacting with you folks and helping to write the last few threads.
You guys are going to need to find someone to help Dobe with the next thread!
For obvious reasons I probably won't be posting in this thread much if at all, but I'll be reading.
You can always hit me up on Twitter or in-game (Rango Knife Cat) on EU West if you want to play.
They buffed him with the itemization pass but no one remembers Brand fucking exists
That's the pocket Sion ult right?Dead Man's Plate from BMB is coming to SR, so the assumption that lots of people made that the mode was a testing ground for new stuff is likely correct. It'll be neat to see what else comes out of it.
Every Brand I've played with going back about 9 months now has beat the snot out of the opposing team.
And that Tahm Kench buff is disgusting, love it.
Not going to complain but why buff Volibear?
I'm surprised Brand doesn't seem to get more play. He's got crazy damage even from the support position.
Do you mean his shield no longer decaying? It means he will be even harder to kill, but was that ever the problem with Tahm Kench? I thought the problem was there was very little REASON to try to kill him until everyone else is dead.Every Brand I've played with going back about 9 months now has beat the snot out of the opposing team.
And that Tahm Kench buff is disgusting, love it.
Situational stun+Absolutely no escape means they're going to have a bad time
Swain has healing, a slow, and a 1-ability root. Brand requires a 2-ability combo to CC, has no slow, and has no healing.So like Swain then? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
So like Swain then? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Swain has healing, a slow, and a 1-ability root. Brand requires a 2-ability combo to CC, has no slow, and has no healing.
I'm at the International
I met the one artist that works on Dota
the one artist
the current team is less than 30
like wtf is not adding a sandbox and telling everyone to go play real modes
that's the dumbest thing I've ever heard
you can't just dump someone in a local server with nothing on the map with some dev cheats?
how on earth are you that inefficient with your workforce?
and not doing it at all? not even like a hey we want to do this in the future?
how the fuck are you ever expected to improve your jungling especially with how important timings are without just shitting up tons of games
also congrats costy! <3
I'll still invite you to dotes with me all the time tho
Don't insult Swain by comparing him to Brand.
That's the pocket Sion ult right?
Do you mean his shield no longer decaying? It means he will be even harder to kill, but was that ever the problem with Tahm Kench? I thought the problem was there was very little REASON to try to kill him until everyone else is dead.
I'm surprised Brand doesn't seem to get more play. He's got crazy damage even from the support position.
why don't streamers and shit just mess around with new stuff and show people what's up?Ummm, yes? Not sure, I don't play BMB when it was out, actually. It's the one that gives stacking movement speed and you can expend the stacks to deal damage with autos.
If people would stop doing stupid shit on Tahm like building RoA, etc. they'd see damage isn't his problem. Just build health. Foor for though: having a Giant's belt at level 6 effectively gives Tahm a BF swords worth of magic damage on his autos, and a Needlessly Large Rod's worth of AP for his Q and W. For 1000g.
While it's true that the shield won't make him any more of a threat in teamfights starting mid-game onwards, it's a huge change for his laning phase in both support and top. He's obnoxious enough to kill already bot lane when he devours a teammate to save them, now it's even worse (or better if you play Tahm). Ditto top. It's going to help his pre-6 survivability immensely and that's just what he needed because once he's there, he's a dangerous as any other top lane tank to fuck with, perhaps even more than most.
Yep. Community has such a hard-on for whatever is being played in LCS don't know how much potential there is in all the other champions.
why don't streamers and shit just mess around with new stuff and show people what's up?
they should be looking for new things anyway just to innovate and come out ahead against predictable teams someone say anime mobas
did someone say anime mobas
did someone say anime mobas
that sounds awfulThey need to do away with Bo1 in NA and EU LCS. It just makes for teams scared to do anything because every game carries so much weight
ehh touhou, pass
They need to do away with Bo1 in NA and EU LCS. It just makes for teams scared to do anything because every game carries so much weight
there's talks of going to a bo2 formatthat sounds awful
like pocket strat heaven
no reaction can occur from one game to another
you'd never be able to get a actual gauge of team strength
um isn't the same true for regions like china and korea that have bo2/3?
I must be missing something. How are you calculating that?If people would stop doing stupid shit on Tahm like building RoA, etc. they'd see damage isn't his problem. Just build health. Foor for though: having a Giant's belt at level 6 effectively gives Tahm a BF swords worth of magic damage on his autos, and a Needlessly Large Rod's worth of AP for his Q and W. For 1000g.
I just did the difference between buying a Giant's Belt and buying a B.F. Sword, all other things being the same. The price mentioned was 1000g (exactly the cost of a Giant's Belt) so other stats/runes/items/masteries shouldn't factor into it.did you include runes and masteries
wouldn't want the expectation of grindingdid you include runes and masteries
touhou is the best thing ever.what's touhou
I just did the difference between buying a Giant's Belt and buying a B.F. Sword, all other things being the same. The price mentioned was 1000g (exactly the cost of a Giant's Belt) so other stats/runes/items/masteries shouldn't factor into it.
*edit* The math doesn't work for the Needlessly Large Rod Q and W mentioned, either. A Giant's Belt would give you a 15 magic damage boost for each, while a Needlessly Large Rod would give you a 36 and 42 magic damage boost respectively, over double in each case.
it's called custom mode and farming! otherwise blizzard would feel obligated to spend hundreds of hours if there was a sandbox mode!if only there was some way you could test this blizzard
wouldn't want the expectation of grinding