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League of Legends |OT9| Stealing Abilities From Inferior MOBAs since 2009

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Deleted member 77995

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Started playing Yasuo tonight and team fights are literally just me mashing q + e in rapid succession.


Most damage, most gold in all three games. It's not skin time yet but I'm having quite a bit of fun with him.
That's exactly how you play LB. Mash buttons, snowball, win.

I play LB and that isn't how it works buddy she's not kat. Your R is very situational, for example if let say their adc is face checking you in a bush you want to mimic your Q and blow him up.

If you're ariving late in a team fight hoping to clean up mimic the W for AOE. Or if someone if ganking for you you would want to 2 chain so they can land their lee sin q, j4 eq, vi q etc..

And in team fights you have to make sure you know what you're going for. Is it aoe damage and get out? Is it assassinate the adc etc..


what is a plat player doing in my gold match
he was a bitch to deal with but we won in the end. i did way too many mistakes and feel like i got carried.


what is a plat player doing in my gold match
he was a bitch to deal with but we won in the end. i did way too many mistakes and feel like i got carried.

I remember getting this dude in my promo


fuck you vileroze


I play LB and that isn't how it works buddy she's not kat. Your R is very situational, for example if let say their adc is face checking you in a bush you want to mimic your Q and blow him up.

If you're ariving late in a team fight hoping to clean up mimic the W for AOE. Or if someone if ganking for you you would want to 2 chain so they can land their lee sin q, j4 eq, vi q etc..

And in team fights you have to make sure you know what you're going for. Is it aoe damage and get out? Is it assassinate the adc etc..

Sounds like mash to win.


That's exactly how you play LB. Mash buttons, snowball, win.
nope, i won't say her combo is difficult to pull off but since chains and dash are skillshots you can't mash all the buttons on top of your enemy like you would with katarina

Sounds like mash to win.

leblanc is actually a pretty cool character to play, it's just that playing against her is awful because she can 100-0 any squishy with a 30s cd if fed

and if she's not fed she can still chunk them pretty hard


My rule is if I am matched with someone just truly awful or toxic I wait 5-10 minutes after to requeue.
I thought I tried that last time I had a Riven who seemed to be intentionally feeding (rushed homeguard mobility boots, after dying top lane started coming mid lane to kill CS and die a couple of times as well).

Maybe I didn't wait long enough, because after I'd waited to avoid them in queue, they showed up in the next ranked lobby. We called our roles, and they called "troll". I banned Riven on purpose and they said lol, they'd go Teemo. I selected Teemo for a while too, but ended up playing my normal champion. I told people about the last game and we basically agreed that we'd play anyway to have a chance to report them again.

They proceeded to go Lee Sin jungle, do well, and possibly never die. It was a fairly easy victory. I guess it goes to show, you never know.


So Kobe just said on LCS that Bjerg does Lissandra combo correctly, without wasting any damage. I didn't hear him clearly, but how can you fuck up a lissandra combo? Cant you just spam everything? Bjerg just did R and then spammed everything after that it seemed like.


So our LB during chara select was typing in all caps and raged, I told them I would be supp and they calmed down lol.
I checked them on op.gg and it seems they're good in mid and luckily they got the role.


Akali kept getting kills off our LB but we still got to waste her from mid game onwards; they also started raging on chat to report their team lol. It's funny because Akali would charge in blindly, and I'd activate Red Trinket or place a purp ward and we waste her ass.

At one point they were getting rid of a purp ward i placed near the brush on the far right middle inhibitor; we got a free kill off her there too.
Garen held his own really well against top Liss and was tanked as eff, they even chased him all the way to his top turret, got killed then we wasted the rest of them with Panth. Panth's ults were really good too.

NCR Redslayer

NeoGAF's Vegeta
So Kobe just said on LCS that Bjerg does Lissandra combo correctly, without wasting any damage. I didn't hear him clearly, but how can you fuck up a lissandra combo? Cant you just spam everything? Bjerg just did R and then spammed everything after that it seemed like.
From my experience with terrible lissandra players, you can fuck up anything if you try hard enough. Usually its when they miss their E and just can't get in range for their W and Q.


So Kobe just said on LCS that Bjerg does Lissandra combo correctly, without wasting any damage. I didn't hear him clearly, but how can you fuck up a lissandra combo? Cant you just spam everything? Bjerg just did R and then spammed everything after that it seemed like.
E itself does damage, so maybe in some situations Bjergsen is managing to let the E do damage, then warping on top of the far side of the enemies to continue the combo.

Otherwise Lissandra would stop short without the extra E damage.


E itself does damage, so maybe in some situations Bjergsen is managing to let the E do damage, then warping on top of the far side of the enemies to continue the combo.

Otherwise Lissandra would stop short without the extra E damage.

Yea I'll have to rewatch the VOD and listen to what he said. He made it sound like it's possible to waste spells on the enemy or something. Not sure..


Woah that Janna placed twice as many wards as me, but that's likely cuz we were steamrolling and I'd be in the fight to heal and stuff, but even then it's funny when you place dozens of wards and does you no good lol.


Woah that Janna placed twice as many wards as me, but that's likely cuz we were steamrolling and I'd be in the fight to heal and stuff, but even then it's funny when you place dozens of wards and does you no good lol.
Bronze lyfe.


So Kobe just said on LCS that Bjerg does Lissandra combo correctly, without wasting any damage. I didn't hear him clearly, but how can you fuck up a lissandra combo? Cant you just spam everything? Bjerg just did R and then spammed everything after that it seemed like.
there's a few things

if you can get in with flash you don't telegraph your engage so you can ult right away and nobody can escape. you can also use e for damage (you max it last but it's a pretty decent damage for a one point spell since it's .6 ap ratio). this is minor tho

main thing that you can see bad lizzy players (like link and some top laners that aren't used to playing her) is doing exactly what you say, mashing. as lizzy you want to space out your ult and your w so that you get the most lockdown possible (up to 4s!), which lets you to get two q's in. so basically the idea is you ult, you q, you wait a second for ult to be almost over, then you w and then you q again. q base cd at lvl 9 is 3s, and with some cdr it's 2~ seconds, so you should be able to get the two q's off. while waiting for the w you can get your e off if you flashed in. it's a tight window cos there are cast times in all her spells except w

if you're a bad player you'll just mash everything and your enemy will flash away because you overlapped your cc and won't get the second q off in time

so yeah should be ult q e w q ignite

duno if that's what bjerg did but you know, if you mash everything ppl can get away, specially with qss/mikaels
bleh just lost another game.. my win streak was so nice. This time losing while going 11-4-3..... well at least if I keep this up I should win majority of games.
Had a toxic cait that went 1/9 and blamed the entire team for losing, she was Bronze 5 and somehow in our group. She literally kept running into the entire enemy team, it was not fun.

She then told me to go watch my replays to see how it really was.


I have some more codes for arclight vel'koz from PAX East for anyone else who needs them.




So what's the full path on Viktor now? I'm not sure if I should be maxing the core first or something else.

I have some more codes for arclight vel'koz from PAX East for anyone else who needs them.



Grabbed the first. Thanks!
I have some more codes for arclight vel'koz from PAX East for anyone else who needs them.



The second and third codes are apparently invalid, are you sure you entered them right?
I have some more codes for arclight vel'koz from PAX East for anyone else who needs them.



1 and 4 are taken on NA. 2nd and 3rd are incorrect.

Just won a game where we traded baron for 5th drag.

5th drag is better!
And another game where I start off 9 and FUCKING 1 where teammates all of a sudden dc. Come back and try to fight down 5 levels and feed to no end.


there's a few things

if you can get in with flash you don't telegraph your engage so you can ult right away and nobody can escape. you can also use e for damage (you max it last but it's a pretty decent damage for a one point spell since it's .6 ap ratio). this is minor tho

main thing that you can see bad lizzy players (like link and some top laners that aren't used to playing her) is doing exactly what you say, mashing. as lizzy you want to space out your ult and your w so that you get the most lockdown possible (up to 4s!), which lets you to get two q's in. so basically the idea is you ult, you q, you wait a second for ult to be almost over, then you w and then you q again. q base cd at lvl 9 is 3s, and with some cdr it's 2~ seconds, so you should be able to get the two q's off. while waiting for the w you can get your e off if you flashed in. it's a tight window cos there are cast times in all her spells except w

if you're a bad player you'll just mash everything and your enemy will flash away because you overlapped your cc and won't get the second q off in time

so yeah should be ult q e w q ignite

duno if that's what bjerg did but you know, if you mash everything ppl can get away, specially with qss/mikaels

Cool thanks for this. I do try to always wait a little while before I W in order to combo the CC. If I use W a second too early (while they are still in the tomb from ult) will the CC from W carry over after they come out of it? Or will the stun from W only apply if I do it after the ult stun is completely over?

And anybody else have a spare Arclight Velkoz skin?? T_T


Cool thanks for this. I do try to always wait a little while before I W in order to combo the CC. If I use W a second too early (while they are still in the tomb from ult) will the CC from W carry over after they come out of it? Or will the stun from W only apply if I do it after the ult stun is completely over?

And anybody else have a spare Arclight Velkoz skin?? T_T
yeah, waiting a bit is the right idea. getting the full 4s is pretty unusual i guess so just feel it out. we're not playing against lcs people so the reaction times we play against give us a bit more room to be "suboptimal" too

about the cc, basically it stacks, and it gets applied immediately.

so easy examples would be (applies to all types of cc and all champions):

you ult and w at the same time: both stun and root apply, but since stun > root the root doesn't really do anything extra. after 2.5s your enemy is stun and root free

you w and then ult a second later: you root for 1s, then you stun for 2.5s

you ult, wait 2s and then w: enemy is stunned for 2.5s, then rooted for 1s

that's why you always hear casters talk about correct layering of cc, because if you just throw all the cc at the same time you give people time to flash/escape, although if you probably waste 3 ults on someone or whatever they're dead anyways

usually the way i see it you should always lead with the easiest cc to land and layer it a little bit later so people stay cc'd as long as possible. so say, if you're lux you can let the easy cc land first while you line yourself up for a 100% bind
yo if people post codes, it's courteous to thank them for it.

all of those codes are used up on EUW and I don't see any EUW folks thanking Raegal

for shame
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