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League of Legends |OT9| Stealing Abilities From Inferior MOBAs since 2009

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Need some runes advice, what are the best runes for tanks

I currently have Leona, Nautilus and Alistar

yo if people post codes, it's courteous to thank them for it.

all of those codes are used up on EUW and I don't see any EUW folks thanking Raegal

for shame

And no one for LAN, tried to catch one for a friend and all were used.


yo if people post codes, it's courteous to thank them for it.

all of those codes are used up on EUW and I don't see any EUW folks thanking Raegal

for shame

probably all lurkers

ppl should probably just post codes in email tags so their generosity isn't wasted in bots and ungrateful, evil bastards

Need some runes advice, what are the best runes for tanks

I currently have Leona, Nautilus and Alistar

for leona i use armor quints, armor reds, hp yellows and flat mr blues

some people do ad reds and like 5 flat mr blues, 4 flat mp5 blues too
probably all lurkers

ppl should probably just post codes in email tags so their generosity isn't wasted in bots and ungrateful, evil bastards

for leona i use armor quints, armor reds, hp yellows and flat mr blues

some people do ad reds and like 5 flat mr blues, 4 flat mp5 blues too

O just post it hidden in quote.


Need some runes advice, what are the best runes for tanks

I currently have Leona, Nautilus and Alistar

I guess u are using Naut for jungling? If so, I like to run 9 AS marks, 9 armor yellows, 3 scaling Mresist blues, 6 CDR blues, 3x movement speed quints.

Combined the CDR from blues with masteries (9/21/0) for 10% free CDR.
I guess u are using Naut for jungling? If so, I like to run 9 AS marks, 9 armor yellows, 3 scaling Mresist blues, 6 CDR blues, 3x movement speed quints.

Combined the CDR from blues with masteries (9/21/0) for 10% free CDR.

for leona i use armor quints, armor reds, hp yellows and flat mr blues

some people do ad reds and like 5 flat mr blues, 4 flat mp5 blues too

Health quints are not worth it? I saw them and are more expensive than the armor one


yo if people post codes, it's courteous to thank them for it.

all of those codes are used up on EUW and I don't see any EUW folks thanking Raegal

for shame

Yeah, I tried Edwardo's first code and didn't work so in PM'd. Don't see how hard it is to claim one by posting!

Also shoutout to Edwardo for it! I don't midlane much but I hope I can work on support Vel, haha! Thanks a bunch!


Yeah, I tried Edwardo's first code and didn't work so in PM'd. Don't see how hard it is to claim one by posting!

Also shoutout to Edwardo for it! I don't midlane much but I hope I can work on support Vel, haha! Thanks a bunch!
No. Bad.


wtf rito lol


and ppl said minion block was only a melee issue lol. the crazy aa canceling is me clicking random places, my screen was aimed at the fleeing lissandra lol

also that was like the normalest of normal games (dem lck comps)


ended up selling my boots for a lich bane which i don't think is something that i'd do again but i wanted to try it

O just post it hidden in quote.

Health quints are not worth it? I saw them and are more expensive than the armor one
you get a 6 more hp and 4 less armor. i prefer the armor


Neo Member
I can't remember why I took a break from Viktor, but the Glorious Evolution has begun anew. He's secretly (not really) OP.


Huh so is there anyway to tell if a player is a pro or an imposter? I just played against a TL Quas that was challenger in s4, but he was god awful and fed/trolled all game. We were pretty scared before our jungle camped top all game.
#KeepKeith, move Piglet to top lane.
Fought against a rengar that always target our adc, one shot him and run away

Whenever it gets to that point, I buy Zhonyas as my defensive item even if I'm ADC. Banshee or Randuin sometimes can't stop him from oneshotting me, while GA leaves me at a few hundred HP.

Looks like a troll build but it worked for me. Not bad if you have AP ratios like Ez and Corki.


Huh so is there anyway to tell if a player is a pro or an imposter? I just played against a TL Quas that was challenger in s4, but he was god awful and fed/trolled all game. We were pretty scared before our jungle camped top all game.
#KeepKeith, move Piglet to top lane.

pretty sure that's actually him and liquid...
i'm guessing he probably got a bit behind early and then started playing bad intentionally to play it off as trolling?


just got flamed for an entire game by a draven for picking mid ezreal lol

ez mid is kind of ok i guess, i managed to 1v1 their not-so-great leblanc and pushed her out of lane so hard that then went on to roam but unfortunately that turned out to be a great idea for her as she ended up murdering everybody and getting super fed. whoops lol

draven was blaming me because our team didn't have damage i guess? and her duo leona was blaming me too, it was weird. i guess not really worth it to put all the idiots in your team on tilt just to play something different, even if after the game i had the most damage out of both teams after leblanc (by a wide margin, but she was fed so w/e, i beat her in lane lol). it was pretty unlucky they had like top vi and jungle j4 so they double dunked draven every teamfight and i was just throwing q's while running away, but so is the way of blind pick, it's random, so it's pretty shit

Weird. Somebody at PAX gave me this wacky email address

Weird. and wacky.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Weird. Somebody at PAX gave me this wacky email address

Weird. and wacky.
I used this on NA. Thanks. Usually if you're hiding codes inside email tags you leave the space between brackets empty. People lurking the thread can see the code by hovering over with their mouse if the email tag is applied to specific text, but it's completely invisible unless quoted if it isn't tied to anything else.


I don't recommend using movement speed quints on Nautilus. His low base movement speed means that you won't be getting the same benefit as Skarner for example.

4.5% bonus movement speed on Nautilus results in having a starting movement speed of ~340. You've sacrificed your quints to move as fast as Jarvan and you're still slower than Vi, Pantheon, Udyr, Xin Zhao, Trundle...pretty much every single jungler who would love to smack you around in the early game. Even when against junglers who are averse to dueling early, Naut still doesn't get that much benefit from movement speed.

I'm not a fan of MS quints on most junglers frankly. In the case of tank junglers, I think using MS quints is a call back to season 2 when most laners started boots+3pots and junglers almost all started cloth+5pots. Junglers could justify that extra movement speed in order to reduce the MS gap when ganking (which started early and didn't let up in those days). Nowadays it's very common for the jungler to pick up boots a fair amount of time before most laners do, so that MS gap justification is gone. There's the odd jungler like Rammus and Hecarim who seem to gain much more out of MS quints for various reasons (one being that their movement speed abilities aren't additive but rather gain even more out of +MS% summoners, items, quints, etc.) but for the most part I've felt stronger going with quints that improve clearing camps, either through more damage or durability.

(For sake of comparison, probuilds.net shows that most junglers are split on MS quints. Some have kept them on tank junglers, most have gotten rid of them).

For Nautilus, try armor quints. The extra armor will allow you to get in extra hits with your shield up with will result in clearing camps faster (which ends up making your clears just as fast as with MS quints - the time you save moving between camps with MS quints roughly the same as the time you save actually clearing the camp) and you'll be more sustained which means more time in the jungle, which means more opportunities for ganks, objectives, etc.


Yeah, I don't understand why people are raging in normal games. Like if you want to go Yasuo support, go Yasuo support. Ez mid is almost meta anyways. That's what normals are made for, experimenting and having fun.


Yeah, I don't understand why people are raging in normal games. Like if you want to go Yasuo support, go Yasuo support. Ez mid is almost meta anyways. That's what normals are made for, experimenting and having fun.
i mean it's pretty shit in our server cos we don't have draft pick normals to like have a more tryhard mode that you can premade as 3 or 4, so it ends up being a mix of games like i posted above of support maokai against support sion and then draven raging because i didn't blind pick thinking about our "comp"

i usually try to give it my all but, you know, i'm trying a new champion, that's what normals are there for -__-

it's also funny how people never take responsibility of being caught out overextending. it's always my fault that i didn't match leblanc's roams when you're pushing tier 2 with no vision

i wonder what makes people so incapable of just keeping quiet


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Definitely worth it imo. For tank supports I prefer running 9 armor marks and seals, 9 mresist glyphs and 3 HP quints.
If you're using a set up like this you're way out of date. For bot lane you get way beefier with HP yellows and armor quints. There is statistically no reason to not do this.
I don't recommend using movement speed quints on Nautilus. His low base movement speed means that you won't be getting the same benefit as Skarner for example.
Movespeed quints are atrociously bad on Skarner. Heavy item gating shuts him out from building offensively outside of jungle item upgrade/Trinity Force, so you need the power AS quints give.


Huh so is there anyway to tell if a player is a pro or an imposter? I just played against a TL Quas that was challenger in s4, but he was god awful and fed/trolled all game. We were pretty scared before our jungle camped top all game.
#KeepKeith, move Piglet to top lane.
He's Trundle, he can't help but be a TROLL. *canned laughter*


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
man late night stream options are usually pretty garbage

Saint sometimes streams but other than that it's pretty barren

Voyboy is the king of late night streams. QT, NB3, and DL/Aphro own the day.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
I can't think of an instance where you'd want to run flat magic pen bot lane.

For weird AP stuff like support Vel'Koz I guess.

MIxed pen is way better on ranged supports imo. Armor/AD marks for melee supports.


I guess u are using Naut for jungling? If so, I like to run 9 AS marks, 9 armor yellows, 3 scaling Mresist blues, 6 CDR blues, 3x movement speed quints.

Combined the CDR from blues with masteries (9/21/0) for 10% free CDR.

I use Atk Spd reds+armor yellows+mgr Blues+Atk Speed quints IIRC.
Yours sounds OK though, might try it for Naut, 20% cooldown early sounds nice.

Whenever it gets to that point, I buy Zhonyas as my defensive item even if I'm ADC. Banshee or Randuin sometimes can't stop him from oneshotting me, while GA leaves me at a few hundred HP.

Looks like a troll build but it worked for me. Not bad if you have AP ratios like Ez and Corki.

That doesn't sound too bad, various ADCs have abilities that scale with AP so Hourglass doesn't sound too bad.

This is the generic support rune page you folks want.

I use something juuuuuuuuuust like that...well with AP Quints and Blues instead of defensive Runes =X


pretty sure that's actually him and liquid...
i'm guessing he probably got a bit behind early and then started playing bad intentionally to play it off as trolling?
Ya he was 1-5 before he decided to start going into a suicidal split pushing mode. And he backdoored a tower that was at 25% without any creep support.
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