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League of Legends |OT9| Stealing Abilities From Inferior MOBAs since 2009

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Her stealth needs a rework.
That is holding her back, basically.

The moment she gets too strong, it will get abused. And that is it.
But currently, that is far from ever likely happening.

How about W adding stealth, no more always stealth thing?


Eve needs a lot of help. It'd go a long way if they made her ult actually do real damage again and/or make her E do magic damage.
All I want is DFG and AP magic penetration Evelynn back so I can do 60% max health or whatever in a burst, even if it's a tank. I probably don't have fun much in League of Legends, but that was fun.



ryze is an ex con again

Wasn't Q used to stick to enemies with Evelynn? That sounds like it will make it harder to do that.

*edit* Lux buff idea, give her movespeed on Q like Ahri.
no, you don't want to give lux mobility, you want to keep lux's lack of mobility as her core weakness and then give her a lot of tools to work around it

right now she doesn't need much of a buff, tho i would like her passive to be a bit stronger earlier just so she can scrap better in lane

How about W adding stealth, no more always stealth thing?
i don't think so

while it would probably be a lot easier to balance, it just wouldn't be eve

tbh i never thought that ad eve was that bad

as if his E wasn't already a really dumb spell. i mean as long as you click it on someone while out of range, it will still take priority over every other melee ability and activate first.
yea i'm confused why rito keeps buffing singed

singed is not a cool champion

Ziggs buff isn't what he needs. He needs his Q hitbox reverted.
that would be dumb

maybe do the syndra thing and fix it bit by bit but now the bounce actually is a gameplay mechanic that you can fuck up which imo is much cooler

they should just do small buffs to him like this mana thing


Yeah. I really enjoy playing Singed once in a while but fuck him being popular. He's not something that would be fun to deal with on a regular basis.


I'm going to be busy at work until 930 so come in this thread around then for a bunch more codes. (if I'm not held up from customers...)


Yeah. I really enjoy playing Singed once in a while but fuck him being popular. He's not something that would be fun to deal with on a regular basis.
Likewise, Eve and Aatrox wouldn't be fun to deal with regularly. I used to ban Eve all the time just because the stealth was irritating for me and (presumably) teammates.


"Warding totems everyone!"

"Please let this be a normal game."

"In solo queue?!"



Cruisin' down to bot lane

You're relaxed, elixired up

Next thing that you know you're seein'


Surfin' on your mobos

Swingin' past the towers

Take a left at your nexus

Take another right at gromps


Navigate the jungle!

Climb on the MAGIC BARD BUS!

Spank a raptor too!


Raft the river to mid lane!


Such a fine thing to do!

So strap your wards into slot three

Come on in and don't be shy

Just to make your day complete

You might get ganked at level five!


Step inside it's a wilder ride

Come on—ride on the MAGIC BARD BUS!

saw it on kotaku



My nautibro. Not sure about the IBG, but you get the procs constantly. I find the extra mana really helps as well. My only gripe is not really getting full use of the 25% extra health stacking with the 17% from his W.

I'm currently skilling W-E-Q-W then max R,E,W,Q in that order.


Edit: Swiftness because immolate+mobos=sadness. Neither teams I was up against really warranted mercuries either. Especially not when I was as fed as I was.



My nautibro. Not sure about the IBG, but you get the procs constantly. I find the extra mana really helps as well. My only gripe is not really getting full use of the 25% extra health stacking with the 17% from his W.

I'm currently skilling W-E-Q-W then max R,E,W,Q in that order.


Keep doing whatever is working for you I say!


Irelia nerf is pretty irrelevant. They weren't maxing it for damage, they were maxing it for the stun. Late game, it's barely even a damage spell.

Ziggs buff isn't what he needs. He needs his Q hitbox reverted.

Nothing more annoying than your bomb bouncing over a champion harmlessly.


Likewise, Eve and Aatrox wouldn't be fun to deal with regularly. I used to ban Eve all the time just because the stealth was irritating for me and (presumably) teammates.
i actually really like playing against eve

i really like champions that make the game radically different like that

so rengar, tf, shen, all those champions with weird globals you have to keep track of i really like them

i just wish the rest of their kits were properly balanced

Eh. I would rather Eve be a new Eve than a weak old Eve.
And I "mained" her in S4 jungle.
i agree, i just think that making her stealth work like twitch stealth would be a bit of a waste of a unique character

like with kassadin, it may take a million tries but i'd rather he kept the crazy flash thing and some day they'll figure out the right balance


I've actually seen a few decent ziggs recently. A couple buffs could definitely put him back in the fold I think.

But that hit box is definitely atrocious.


i actually really like playing against eve

i really like champions that make the game radically different like that

so rengar, tf, shen, all those champions with weird globals you have to keep track of i really like them
I dislike them for the same reason. More to keep track of, more to depend on low-level teammates keeping track of if you don't use it yourself, wards being somewhat useless unless you're clever and ward an enemy jungle camp (pinks reveal Eve but give her free gold and then a followup gank and the question is whether your team will use the map advantage) etc.

I suppose I don't like that it changes the game significantly.

Nothing more annoying than your bomb bouncing over a champion harmlessly.
I would suggest that older Ziggs waveclearing endlessly with E and Q, or poking with Q, was more annoying.


I would suggest that older Ziggs waveclearing endlessly with E and Q, or poking with Q, was more annoying.

He was, and is still, one of the easiest champions to gank in the game though. Yeah, he can push waves, but he's so insanely slow that he's dead if he's caught out of position.


additional eve buff:

Shadow Walk (passive) re-stealth time reduced to 6/5/4/3 at levels 1/6/11/16 from 6 seconds at all levels.
Dark Frenzy (W) [ Passive changed to -"Passive: Evelynn's spell hits on enemy champions reduce Dark Frenzy's cooldown by 1 second" from granting movement speed for 3 seconds on spell hit]


He was, and is still, one of the easiest champions to gank in the game though. Yeah, he can push waves, but he's so insanely slow that he's dead if he's caught out of position.

he's just as slow as any other mage but has an escape

he's much safer than xerath or syndra

so no, sorry, but there are much easier champions to gank

I dislike them for the same reason. More to keep track of, more to depend on low-level teammates keeping track of if you don't use it yourself, wards being somewhat useless unless you're clever and ward an enemy jungle camp (pinks reveal Eve but give her free gold and then a followup gank and the question is whether your team will use the map advantage) etc.

I suppose I don't like that it changes the game significantly.
well i personally like that sort of mechanics, i feel that uniqueness is something league kind of lacks a whole deal when basically lots of champions are essentially the same with different skillshot types and shit

that's why i like yasuo even if he's annoying as hell, or thresh, or karthus or whatever. ryze is like my most hated champion and i still agree he has a niche that's worth keeping, it's just that he needs to be balanced correctly

I would suggest that older Ziggs waveclearing endlessly with E and Q, or poking with Q, was more annoying.
yup, a million times more annoying

also it makes no sense to complain about the bouncing thing, i think that makes it much cooler since before that it was essentially a syndra q. now it has a unique mechanic. i wish they would push that more

it's neat



My nautibro. Not sure about the IBG, but you get the procs constantly. I find the extra mana really helps as well. My only gripe is not really getting full use of the 25% extra health stacking with the 17% from his W.

I'm currently skilling W-E-Q-W then max R,E,W,Q in that order.


Edit: Swiftness because immolate+mobos=sadness. Neither teams I was up against really warranted mercuries either. Especially not when I was as fed as I was.

You only really need minimum 20% so that at max rank, your E is at 4 seconds.
Replace Frozen heart with Sunfire for example.


he's just as slow as any other mage but has an escape

he's much safer than xerath or syndra

so no, sorry, but there are much easier champions to gank

His escape isn't that great. Most mobile junglers can close that gap fairly easy. Xerath and Syndra have stuns and move faster. They have way better burst too, so they are overall more dangerous to approach.

I would much, much rather try to escape a gank with Syndra or Xerath than I would with Ziggs.


His escape isn't that great. Most mobile junglers can close that gap fairly easy. Xerath and Syndra have stuns and move faster. They have way better burst too, so they are overall more dangerous to approach.

I would much, much rather try to escape a gank with Syndra or Xerath than I would with Ziggs.
if j4 is walking towards you as syndra or xerath and you're overextended you're just as fucked as if you were playing ziggs

the only impossible to gank midlaner is and will forever be heimerdinger


if j4 is walking towards you as syndra or xerath and you're overextended you're just as fucked as if you were playing ziggs

the only impossible to gank midlaner is and will forever be heimerdinger

Leblanc. She can get out of any situation. She can also get into any engagement she wants.


You only really need minimum 20% so that at max rank, your E is at 4 seconds.
Replace Frozen heart with Sunfire for example.

Except sunfire and cinderhulk doesn't stack. I'd argue that you get plenty extra DPS from the 1 second shaved from E as well.


Except sunfire and cinderhulk doesn't stack. I'd argue that you get plenty extra DPS from the 1 second shaved from E as well.

Oh yeah I meant Sunfire mainly for armor+health :p Well there is also Ohmwrecker which should now work on destroyed turrets too IIRC.
That new Eve W is bad bad bad bad

If she can't stick to targets with the extra MS what the fuck is the point of the cooldown reduction? Does Riot think Eve will be able to use Q like 10 times without it, specially after they fucked the missile speed?
Her stealth needs a rework.
That is holding her back, basically.

The moment she gets too strong, it will get abused. And that is it.
But currently, that is far from ever likely happening.

How about W adding stealth, no more always stealth thing?
So you want Eve to go back to her old, god awful version which is what got her reworked in the first place?

Making Eve balanceable is pretty simple: add that radar ward thingy to the game
That new Eve W is bad bad bad bad

If she can't stick to targets with the extra MS what the fuck is the point of the cooldown reduction? Does Riot think Eve will be able to use Q like 10 times without it, specially after they fucked the missile speed?

Its more like a suicide for her if she wont kill the tatger in time right?



My nautibro. Not sure about the IBG, but you get the procs constantly. I find the extra mana really helps as well. My only gripe is not really getting full use of the 25% extra health stacking with the 17% from his W.

I'm currently skilling W-E-Q-W then max R,E,W,Q in that order.


Edit: Swiftness because immolate+mobos=sadness. Neither teams I was up against really warranted mercuries either. Especially not when I was as fed as I was.

While it's obviously working for you, I would highly recommend not the ICB, as you suspect :p if you're against heavy AD (like the Randuins and FH suggest), add an Ohmwrecker or Warmogs for more defense. Against AP make sure to actually build MR obviously.

The ICB proc just works out to not stack with his actual abilities very well.


played a bit of ahri with the new item

i don't know if that thing's overpowered but looking at the stats i dealt a shit ton more damage than anyone else on both teams, tho i was pretty fed (i wish i had realized i had that many kills during the game, would've probably played a bit less recklessly)

dunno how i feel about the item in general, i built it second since zhonyas was pretty useless this game and because i felt like the ms would be nice against nidalee and vayne but i'm not convinced it's better than just buying a deathcap

seems like it would be cos ahri synergizes stupidly well with it (each cast of her ult counts as 20 stacks and also each dash counts as displacement which also adds x stacks), but seems like your waveclear suffers from it and that probably your single target damage does too

i dunno, it's weird, it's a lot less noticeable than statik that does the whole lighting effect and is suddenly a big burst of aoe damage, this is just a lot more muted

i need to try it on lux


If Riot ever gets around to nerfing Sejuani (which is inevitable at this point), I'm guessing they're going to hit the mana cost on her W. It's absurdly low for the power it brings to the table.


So you want Eve to go back to her old, god awful version which is what got her reworked in the first place?

Making Eve balanceable is pretty simple: add that radar ward thingy to the game

I did not play LoL pre-Eve rework, so I have no idea how she played before it.
I did not play LoL pre-Eve rework, so I have no idea how she played before it.
Her W was her stealth and the first move leaving stealth would stun. Then they removed the stun and she was the worst champion in the game for two years, even more useless than she is right now.


I really should've recorded this recent match
I really should've
If Warwick ganked bot Vayne would've gotten kills but nooooo he just farms to buff up his devourer, so many times my team would leave our base unprotected and we'd lose inhibitors while they chase kills.

At the very last minute our Nexus was 1 hit away from Riven destroying it literally 1 hit, the others try to rush us but no dice, our team aces tem then rushes their nexus.

We should've lost this game lik 10 times, but somehow we won.



Go hog wild. You have 29 minutes to redeem them.



Go hog wild. You have 29 minutes to redeem them.
Those deadlines are lies btw.
These are worth millions.

Also, for noot:


Everything is moe to me

Go hog wild. You have 29 minutes to redeem them.

thanks! claimed /EXZluVL.jpg


Gotta win one out of my next two games to get back to silver.

Pray for me brehs.

I've had two shithead teams out of two tonight. Luckily I was able to pull one win out of the two somehow.
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