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League of Legends |OT9| Stealing Abilities From Inferior MOBAs since 2009

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Does anyone know if Riot has commented on the fountain faster HP and mana heal rate if you use an ability there? I haven't seen it mentioned on a wiki, and I'm not sure if sirchez was using it on his stream, instead waiting a while in spawn.

I'm kind of concerned that Riot could decide that people taking advantage of it were exploiting a glitch, even though that seems unlikely.


Does anyone know if Riot has commented on the fountain faster HP and mana heal rate if you use an ability there? I haven't seen it mentioned on a wiki, and I'm not sure if sirchez was using it on his stream, instead waiting a while in spawn.

I'm kind of concerned that Riot could decide that people taking advantage of it were exploiting a glitch, even though that seems unlikely.

Are you saying that if you use an ability in fountain your health and mana regen faster?? I didn't know about this, not a chance anyone gets banned for that though.


Are you saying that if you use an ability in fountain your health and mana regen faster?? I didn't know about this, not a chance anyone gets banned for that though.
I just tested it in a custom game and didn't seem to notice an effect, so I was probably just imagining things. I think I saw it mentioned in this thread and there was a small thread on reddit that suggested it wasn't true, so I'm going to just assume I was crazy.


The Chogath is real! I'm having too much success with him. I'm starting to think I'm just on one of those lucky streaks that leads up to losing 8 in a row. It's pretty stupid how many champions he can 1 shot with a QWR combo when your flash is up though. Rumble and Kennen are the main lane opponents that I'm finding annoying as Cho.

Oh and fuck Vlad, I have no idea how I ever did well with him in S4.


The Chogath is real! I'm having too much success with him. I'm starting to think I'm just on one of those lucky streaks that leads up to losing 8 in a row. It's pretty stupid how many champions he can 1 shot with a QWR combo when your flash is up though.

Oh and fuck Vlad, I have no idea how I ever did well with him in S4.

What's the go to Cho'gath build? Frozen Heart>Wit's End>Tank up? Or should Rod of Ages be built first?


I go RoA by default and rush that as my first item because it gives you a bit of everything you need by the mid-game and the catalyst helps a lot in early laning.

After that it's pretty flexible if you're against a full AD team roa->zhonyas->frozen heart is pretty good. Or against a more standard team RoA->Abyssal->Dcap/FH. I don't really see a point in getting wit's end since 90% of your damage in team fights will be from spells and not AA's.

It really depends on what your team comp needs you to be that decides if you go bruiser/tank with average damage or a beefy AP with 1 defensive item and 700 AP.


I go RoA by default and rush that as my first item because it gives you a bit of everything you need by the mid-game and the catalyst helps a lot in early laning.

After that it's pretty flexible if you're against a full AD team roa->zhonyas->frozen heart is pretty good. Or against a more standard team RoA->Abyssal->Dcap/FH. I don't really see a point in getting wit's end since 90% of your damage in team fights will be from spells and not AA's.

It really depends on what your team comp needs you to be that decides if you go bruiser/tank with average damage or a beefy AP with 1 defensive item and 700 AP.
do you max Q first?


Ya you max Q first unless you're up against a melee that you can abuse with a maxed W. Riven/Irelia/Fiora/Fizz are good choices to max W against.


Ya you max Q first unless you're up against a melee that you can abuse with a maxed W. Riven/Irelia/Fiora/Fizz are good choices to max W against.

I tend to max W 9/10 times. If i can hit a Q then most of the time I can follow up with W to get the dmg off. Plus W clears the waves good if you are getting pushed in.
The Chogath is real! I'm having too much success with him. I'm starting to think I'm just on one of those lucky streaks that leads up to losing 8 in a row. It's pretty stupid how many champions he can 1 shot with a QWR combo when your flash is up though. Rumble and Kennen are the main lane opponents that I'm finding annoying as Cho.
Rumble shouldn't really be an issue for Cho'gath. Rumble's early game hasn't been strong enough for a while now to keep Cho in check and he's one of the easiest top laners to land your Rupture on given his massive hurtbox, so you only really need to be mindful about his shield when you're trying to all-in him with a Feast combo. Coincidentally one of the only times where I might consider maxing Q first for that reason alone, because otherwise you could get punished more easily for delayed, non-guaranteed damage. Which also costs more mana than Feral Scream (until its fourth rank at least) during a period of time where Cho has to be mindful about how often he uses his spells. Rod of Ages is also detrimental in that match-up - or rather the majority of the preferable ones in either top or mid lane - since his innate sustain is enough to have a clear edge on Rumble, and the stats it provides (while combined in one convenient package) can be gotten elsewhere on items with more important group utility or personal benefits without hindering your lane presence. Rod of Ages isn't a bad item by any means, but rather than exerting lane dominance against favorable opponents (like Rumble) you just slowly commit to a war of attrition.

You're right about Kennen being an irritating match-up though. Not much you can really do unfortunately; tough to hit with Rupture by virtue of being a little shit, he can stay at a relatively safe distance, pushing him to his tower is ill-advised given how easily he can set you up for a jungle gank et cetera. All you can realistically do against an experienced Kennen is endure the harass, hope you catch a break with a skill rotation or with the CC from your own jungler and bide your time for teamfights.


I would play Cho'Gath, but I'm not a big fan of the tank up and get huge champions in general. Nasus is the only champion I've ever refunded my purchase on because I was so bored out of my mind farming up. Cho seems a bit more interactive at least and has some actual skill in combo execution, so maybe he wouldn't be so bad.


I would play Cho'Gath, but I'm not a big fan of the tank up and get huge champions in general. Nasus is the only champion I've ever refunded my purchase on because I was so bored out of my mind farming up. Cho seems a bit more interactive at least and has some actual skill in combo execution, so maybe he wouldn't be so bad.

Cho has a lot of team fight presence a lot earlier than nasus with his knockup and silence. Also hitting R and watching an enemies health go from half to a tenth is very satisfying.
Cho is favoured against Rumble, at least in my experience. Rumble is too weak to bully Cho in the early levels, and he can't do anything to him once he gets some MR. Cho's cs-ing and sustain power is much greater than Rumble's. Cho's Q will flip Rumble around mid Flamespitter. Worst case scenario, Cho farms into a monster while Rumble keeps up as well as he can. More commonly Rumble gets pushed out by frequent harass, and even killed by Cho's all-in with Feast. Only way Cho can lose is if he doesn't run MR runes, doesn't buy MR and gets killed before tanking up (or gets ganked repeatedly). He'll get snowballed on then if Rumble can freeze the wave towards his side of river.


hey guys, if I am playing Liss against Morg, and Morg ults me, will my ult cancel hers? Or will hers continue to channel
i always forget about the stun, but liss ult/zhonyas def blocks the damage if you time it right (remember lizzy ult is 2.5s and morg ult takes 3s to proc)

yea that's a pretty decent build, tho maybe the frozen heart is too much. also don't forget about enchanting your boots with the blue enchant so you can flash more

you bought 0 pinks which is bad bad bad, and also remember you should always have one slot free for pinks

other than that u got boots 5 and upgraded trinket early, so you're better than my friend that gives me a headache every time i press tab and look at his build

also don't call me zkylon senpai there are good supports in this thread much more deserving of that -__-

Ya you max Q first unless you're up against a melee that you can abuse with a maxed W. Riven/Irelia/Fiora/Fizz are good choices to max W against.
q max? interesting

i wonder how he works mid, i used to play him a lot there
I've been looking for new, reliable mid and top champions to play. I used to play Gnar a lot and really liked it, but lately I've been beaten hard with champs like Diana and Irelia. I might go back to Riven or try out Cho. I play Yasuo mid but I'd rather not rely on him, so maybe I can try out Annie.


The enemy team will just AFK out of boredom.

That'd be an Ez/Morg lane.

I've been looking for new, reliable mid and top champions to play. I used to play Gnar a lot and really liked it, but lately I've been beaten hard with champs like Diana and Irelia. I might go back to Riven or try out Cho. I play Yasuo mid but I'd rather not rely on him, so maybe I can try out Annie.

Annie is good, easy to pick up, very straightforward kit, but strong enough to go against most champs on even ground or better once you get comfortable against em. Good support botlane in a pinch too.
I've been looking for new, reliable mid and top champions to play. I used to play Gnar a lot and really liked it, but lately I've been beaten hard with champs like Diana and Irelia. I might go back to Riven or try out Cho. I play Yasuo mid but I'd rather not rely on him, so maybe I can try out Annie.

I recently picked up liss, she can go mid and top.

My reliable top will always be renekton since he such a lane bully. Obviously he gets out scaled but i know i won't ever feed.

My mid champion pool is zed, leblac, ahri, ori, liss, and lux.


I've been looking for new, reliable mid and top champions to play. I used to play Gnar a lot and really liked it, but lately I've been beaten hard with champs like Diana and Irelia. I might go back to Riven or try out Cho. I play Yasuo mid but I'd rather not rely on him, so maybe I can try out Annie.

Check out Sion in top lane. He's not quite as overbearing after the slight nerf to his e but he's still good. Tough to feed after you get one armor/mr item depending on the matchup.


I started playing a non support role for the first time, and I'm really struggling. Anyone have any tips on landing Nasus q on minions more consistently? I probably just need more practice, but it's frustrating not being able to land them consistently. I can get minions fine, but I can't for the life of me consistently hit my q especially when one minion is grouped up with a bunch and the champ.


I started playing a non support role for the first time, and I'm really struggling.
From my experiences with supp mains, both friends and random people in ranked, try to avoid this.

For the Nasus farming thing, try to use attack move. Farming takes a lot less effort.
Thanks for the suggestions, guys. I notice that I tend to like playing champs that people really hate having on their team (Yasuo, Riven, Vayne, and now I kinda want to try Zed). I'll practice playing Annie and Zed mid. Top I'll probably play Riven, Garen, or Cho. I keep hearing building some attack speed on Cho is good so your damage comes from using your aoe autos, but I'm seeing otherwise here.


annie's pretty good midlane, she can handle ahri pretty easily

yasuu's pretty crap atm

She's great mid lane right now. If someone picks Lissandra, she's essentially a hard counter to that madness. Xerath and LeBlanc are the only ones I really don't like seeing in mid when I pick Annie.


I hate brain dead passive ADCs who go and fucking farm solo while the team is together doing something else.


She's great mid lane right now. If someone picks Lissandra, she's essentially a hard counter to that madness. Xerath and LeBlanc are the only ones I really don't like seeing in mid when I pick Annie.
annie is not a counter to lizzy by any means
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