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League of Legends |OT9| Stealing Abilities From Inferior MOBAs since 2009

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i'm looking for something cool that's league-related to ask my friend going to new york to bring me but there just isn't many cool merch

im prolly gonna get the lulu plushie and a poro and i wish i could ask him to get me the ahri nendoroid but that thing goes for 200 usd on ebay, and i don't feel too confident about the chinese versions of it.

and like the shirts and other crap in the store aren't too cool or take it far enough that i wouldn't really wear them like that thresh hoodie. there's not even that many unofficial figures or whatever

why is it so hard for you riot to make a single cute lux thing i can throw my money at

Those Kat nerfs would help if Boots 4 wasn't a fucking thing, who gives a shit about her base HP5?
i dunno feels like a pretty big nerf to me, specially since she also lost a big chunk of base hp

she had a bruiser's hp5 before and now she's almost riven tier

Those Katarina nerfs do almost nothing at all.
50 less hp sounds pretty significant to me

Sweet, time for ryze to shine. Lb and ahri have been dominant for too long. The ryze counterpicks will be real in pro play
it's a pretty decent buff too, 20 more damage at every rank is scary

still prolly gonna be played top lane more than mid but yea pretty good counter to ahri

dunno about lebonk, i don't think i ever played lebonk vs ryze

i'm kinda glad they're buffing him since he's a pretty unique champion, but ryze has never been a champion that was fun to play against when he was strong, so as always i kinda prefer him being bad

Who would be the most broken mana resource champion in the game if the mana gate was completely removed, and they had their base CDs remain the same? Don't say Poppy.
hmm hard to say. i don't think champions like karthus or cassi or kassadin would benefit too much from manaless builds since they don't tend to buy cdr and want the tankiness of roa/seraph

i think anivia would be pretty broken, she'd have insane infinite waveclear that counters ad champions and she could rush morellos and deathcap and oneshot people and get a lot more pick potential thanks to reduced cd on q and w

probably some of the tanky champions too, like amumu or skarner or something, but i don't play those to say exactly

I'm gonna experiment with ap on bard. Only went utility in the games I played currently.
there's not much of a point to get ap on him

your tunnels and your ult don't scale

your w and, in most cases, your q and passive are single target and they're all pretty low scaling

just get mikaels locket fh like you would on nami or sona, maybe righteous glory
I remember Rex saying something along the lines of "When Ryze is in a good state the game is not."

Very unfun champ.

pretty much.

I dunno it doesn't really make a lot of sense to me. They nerfed him because he has an unhealthy kit. They say they're going to rework his unhealthy kit, which is currently happening. Now they're buffing him without any kit changes?

Urgh. I just don't understand it. Prepare for another few patch cycles of Ryze being disgusting in top lane before they realise "oh yeah, there's a reason we nerfed this blue fuck" and the cycle goes on and on.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
I want to post fan art in here once my Cintiq arrives but something tells me that could be potentially embarrassing.
I believe in you, but I like bad art.
I dunno it doesn't really make a lot of sense to me. They nerfed him because he has an unhealthy kit. They say they're going to rework his unhealthy kit, which is currently happening. Now they're buffing him without any kit changes?
Riot went out of their way recently to say that they don't just nerf the unhealthy champions into oblivion. I don't believe them or understand why they think that's a bad thing, but either way they said it.


Ryze is only getting 20 damage. You guys are super overreacting. I see no issue with his Q doing 60 damage level 1.


Isn't Kat already one of the weakest early-game melee champs? This is reminding me a bit of the Yasuo nerfs where they chopped away at his early-game survivability until he's rarely seen anymore.
i think it's less severe cos kat can safely last hit with q and just tank a bit of harass thanks to the many potions in her starting items + 9 defense masteries

it's def hurting her early game, but prolly not as heavily as yasuo, specially because kat doesn't really care about her early game as much as yasuo does

Ryze is only getting 20 damage. You guys are super overreacting. I see no issue with his Q doing 60 damage level 1.
yeah, just another champion with a stronger lvl 1 nuke than syndra
I believe in you, but I like bad art.

Riot went out of their way recently to say that they don't just nerf the unhealthy champions into oblivion. I don't believe them or understand why they think that's a bad thing, but either way they said it.

sure, and I can totally understand that. I'm totally ok with what they're doing with Urgot, even though we know what Urgot is like when it's good. Urgot is a long way out. Giving it a few buffs here and there is ok.

Ryze is weird. He has a rework in production that is ostensibly not too far out considering it has been mentioned in their monthly (bi-monthly? who knows at this point, it's so inconsistent) post about upcoming reworks.

Returning almost all the damage that was removed, particularly in early levels is going to make him relevant again and all the same issues will crop up. I don't know if, as bokn mentioned, this is part of some quaint idea that he'll suddenly become a mid lane counterpick and won't warp the top lane meta to an absurd degree again but I'm not seeing that sticking.

oh well. rant over I guess.

Ryze is only getting 20 damage. You guys are super overreacting. I see no issue with his Q doing 60 damage level 1.

because it was 60 damage before it was nerfed and it was too strong. It's a low cooldown, targeted, ranged ability in a lane where it will be used mostly against melee champions. It was oppressive before and it will be again.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Ryze is only getting 20 damage. You guys are super overreacting. I see no issue with his Q doing 60 damage level 1.
It doesn't seem like a lot but Q gets spammed so much that it's a pretty decent buff. I find it unlikely that Ryze will just blow up all of the sudden, but with double AP comps being so prevalent he has a chance.

Also, I bet Ryze rework is not close at all.


because it was 60 damage before it was nerfed and it was too strong. It's a low cooldown, targeted, ranged ability in a lane where it will be used mostly against melee champions. It was oppressive before and it will be again.

It doesn't seem like a lot but Q gets spammed so much that it's a pretty decent buff. I find it unlikely that Ryze will just blow up all of the sudden, but with double AP comps being so prevalent he has a chance.

Also, I bet Ryze rework is not close at all.
He gets 20 damage per level. It's not the same as his old scaling which was 25 per level.

Ryze is still probably gonna be worse than average toplane.


The Katarina nerfs are only meaningless if they're careless in early levels. Most good Katarina players know to be a little more cautious and play for opportunity (either via roaming or after a gank has taken their opponent's summoners spells). By the time you're getting into more dangerous situations, you'll have an item or two built and your health will be scaling up.

They just need to buff her Q damage to minions, give her mana so she can't spam abilities, and take away resets on her ult while lowering resets on her Q, W, and E. Make her a hyper mobile champion in team fights that deals good damage, but not hyper mobile AND a nuke.

Katarina is the most fun champion in the game to play, I feel. It sucks that she's in ban prison. This won't get her out.
dunno about these suggestions, but i do agree that kat shouldn't be a burst champion

if i was reworking her i'd only keep resets, the whole shunpoing all over the place and the "gotta stop her ult!" gameplay

but other than that i think nothing's sacred, q and w are pretty lame and i would like to see big changes to her ult

number one thing should be making her outplayable

That's what happens when shoehorn all of a champion's damage into their ultimate.
if the damage of her ult being too high was a problem wouldn't they'd nerf her mid game damage, not her lvl 1 damage?

all that happened to syndra is rito making a mistake

also all her damage being on her ult is a problem only when you actually nerf her other strengths, which is what rito randomly did for no good reason


Who would be the most broken mana resource champion in the game if the mana gate was completely removed, and they had their base CDs remain the same? Don't say Poppy.

Anivia for sure. Perma Blizzard spot would be bonkers.

Swain is a close second with perma birdform.


lots of cool bard fanart: http://boards.na.leagueoflegends.com/en/c/fancreations/pQXILjzm-awesome-bard-fan-art


also the champion mastery guide thing: https://support.riotgames.com/hc/en-us/articles/204211284-Champion-Mastery-Guide

apparently it'll show up in the loading screen like this:


and during kills like this:


only visible to your own team

also cool new post-game lobby stuff:


(post game lobby stuff is prolly just a mockup cos the mastery thing is for normal games only but w/e)
I'm not looking forward to the toxicity this will introduce when you see that your teammate doesn't have many games on a champion.

Granted, it might be understandable in some cases where people are taking champs they've never played before into ranked, but it's going to lead to the game being unhealthy from the start instead of a little later down the line when they're feeding.


Ryze is still missing 20 damage from his Q and won't be as amazing as he was before.

Especially now with Liss and sion around.

Perhaps they should've just increased the mana scaling instead of base damages.

As fun or unfun you may think ryze is, an instant speed snare is necessary to this game. There's too many dashes and blinks that render skillshot snares too unreliable in countering them. Perhaps they should put it on a support's ult.

Or perhaps they should make ryzes rune prison break on the next spell he casts


I'm not looking forward to the toxicity this will introduce when you see that your teammate doesn't have many games on a champion.

Granted, it might be understandable in some cases where people are taking champs they've never played before into ranked, but it's going to lead to the game being unhealthy from the start instead of a little later down the line when they're feeding.
ppl already have similar information on sites like op.gg or whatever, and it's not like people need that much of a reason to be toxic anyways

i like that this will make me play more lux just to have her on the top 3

Ryze is still missing 20 damage from his Q and won't be as amazing as he was before.

Especially now with Liss and sion around.

Perhaps they should've just increased the mana scaling instead of base damages.

As fun or unfun you may think ryze is, an instant speed snare is necessary to this game. There's too many dashes and blinks that render skillshot snares too unreliable in countering them. Perhaps they should put it on a support's ult.

Or perhaps they should make ryzes rune prison break on the next spell he casts
i dunno if that's the problem with ryze

maybe if he didn't hyperscale and was just a natural bruisery mage he would be better, i dunno

i don't like any hyperscaling champion anyways, except maybe kogmaw
Ryze is still missing 20 damage from his Q and won't be as amazing as he was before.

Especially now with Liss and sion around.

Perhaps they should've just increased the mana scaling instead of base damages.

As fun or unfun you may think ryze is, an instant speed snare is necessary to this game. There's too many dashes and blinks that render skillshot snares too unreliable in countering them. Perhaps they should put it on a support's ult.

Or perhaps they should make ryzes rune prison break on the next spell he casts

Rune Prison isn't my issue with Ryze.

My issue with Ryze is that he's a low skill champion whose build allows him to hyperscale off tanky items that provide the resource he not only uses to sustain from a health perspective, but also allows him to spam spells that scale off said resource.

He's also incredibly binary from a laning standpoint. Do I out-range him? Yes, I win. No, he's oppressive to lane against and not fun at all to play against.

He will never be balanced in the top lane, and that's where people will put him if he's good at the time from a balance perspective. He has too much ranged, guaranteed damage for him to be healthy in the top lane. Maybe if he wasn't a hyperscaling tank mage too he would be ok.


i mean he's getting a rework in which his q will be a skillshot so that'll help a bit

the way i was thinking about ryze is that he should get like a ramp up damage with like his spells stacking and dealing more damage as he gets stacks that are lost after a few seconds he's not hitting someone, like a combo or whatever

so his lane harass is weak, but if he gets many spells in he still wrecks teamfights

something like that


I have embraced the dodge. Team select was full of insane fighting with us going to end up with a top Leblanc and a Mundo support. Nope, not doing that.


Agreed, if only to expose the folks lying about having put hours into playing X champion ... only to find out they have zero points put into that champ.
It doesn't expose them because they'll just do what they already do -- "My main is challenger and I'm just playing on my brother's account".


Agreed, if only to expose the folks lying about having put hours into playing X champion ... only to find out they have zero points put into that champ.

champion mastery doesn't take into account previous games (so it's from whenever they add it onwards) and also doesn't take into account ranked games, so not gonna be too useful for that


I forgot what ranked promo games were like. Hadn't had any AFKs in quite a while that I recall.

First promo game for both me and the ADC? Jungler disconnects at level 2 due to a Mac client beta crash, for the first 5-10 minutes of the game...against an early game Xin jungler who takes the free jungle and aggressively ganks lanes.

The top laner also never typed anything all game that I'm aware of, or cooperated with pleading from our team (stuff like please don't build sunfire cape, or please don't keep trying to build botrk when we need a tank and you are not getting anywhere close to autoattack someone and your tower is gone, or please help defend our mid inhib tower).

One might argue that this is bad luck and will even out over the course of 100+ ranked games, but in REALITY I think it's pretty clear this is a vast conspiracy targeted at me. :p


I forgot what ranked promo games were like. Hadn't had any AFKs in quite a while that I recall.

First promo game for both me and the ADC? Jungler disconnects at level 2 due to a Mac client beta crash, for the first 5-10 minutes of the game...against an early game Xin jungler who takes the free jungle and aggressively ganks lanes.

The top laner also never typed anything all game that I'm aware of, or cooperated with pleading from our team (stuff like please don't build sunfire cape, or please don't keep trying to build botrk when we need a tank and you are not getting anywhere close to autoattack someone and your tower is gone, or please help defend our mid inhib tower).

One might argue that this is bad luck and will even out over the course of 100+ ranked games, but in REALITY I think it's pretty clear this is a vast conspiracy targeted at me. :p
The vast conspiracy promptly swung the other way the next promo game. I gave up first blood...and ended up going 12/2/10. Our team was 38 kills ahead by the end.

Our team had a top-lane Zac go 13/0/15 with a pentakill.


Zac is weird, how does he manage to have so much HP by the end game o_O
Regardless good Zacs can win you matches.

Also, when your team chooses to go in a team fight and your Top laner joins in but was feeding a lot early on


Wow, how brain dead is your ADC when you go Supp Annie?

Support Annie is awesome. If you have a good ADC, you just get the stuns and let them have the kills. If your ADC is terrible, you crush the lane yourself, like I had to in my last match when our Vayne was feeding hard early on and had no concept of safe play. You can adapt how you're playing her to the situation so well. Also, for team fights, her stun/Tibbers combo is godly and it just turns so many fights in your favor.


Support Annie is awesome. If you have a good ADC, you just get the stuns and let them have the kills. If your ADC is terrible, you crush the lane yourself, like I had to in my last match when our Vayne was feeding hard early on and had no concept of safe play. You can adapt how you're playing her to the situation so well. Also, for team fights, her stun/Tibbers combo is godly and it just turns so many fights in your favor.

I'm still on placements but not long ago I posted about this Vayne (last pick, mind you) and I'm fairly sure if I had picked something else, our lane wouldn't have gone even (thanks to Xerath roams too, my ult and his sogood.gif).

I really hope they don't nerf her though, I think she's in an ok spot.

What do you usually build when supporting with her, Jeff? I've lately been experimenting with Rylai's but I don't like the buildpath that much and the passive is not that engaging. I've yet to try Luden's although it seems a bit underwhelming, coming from DFG.


What do you usually build when supporting with her, Jeff? I've lately been experimenting with Rylai's but I don't like the buildpath that much and the passive is not that engaging. I've yet to try Luden's although it seems a bit underwhelming, coming from DFG.

Lately I've been going Spellthief > Sightstone > Sorc's boots > Morellinomicon, and then it gets situational. Rylai's is actually pretty great for a variety of reasons, but so is going Deathcap for huge damage. I almost always finish off my Frost Queen's Claim as well. Sometimes a good slow can make for a very reliable Tibbers stun.


I'm still on placements but not long ago I posted about this Vayne (last pick, mind you) and I'm fairly sure if I had picked something else, our lane wouldn't have gone even (thanks to Xerath roams too, my ult and his sogood.gif).

I really hope they don't nerf her though, I think she's in an ok spot.

What do you usually build when supporting with her, Jeff? I've lately been experimenting with Rylai's but I don't like the buildpath that much and the passive is not that engaging. I've yet to try Luden's although it seems a bit underwhelming, coming from DFG.
she has a nerf to tibbers aoe damage on pbe, tho it's minor, all things considered.

as for items get the shurelyas+righteous glory combo pretty much every game. also get the flash enchantment (the blue one) asap

Lately I've been going Spellthief > Sightstone > Sorc's boots > Morellinomicon, and then it gets situational. Rylai's is actually pretty great for a variety of reasons, but so is going Deathcap for huge damage. I almost always finish off my Frost Queen's Claim as well. Sometimes a good slow can make for a very reliable Tibbers stun.
ehh, i think that build is pretty crap

your'e going sorc shoes on a support and getting fqq on annie

no good :I


ehh, i think that build is pretty crap

your'e going sorc shoes on a support and getting fqq on annie

no good :I

You wouldn't finish the item when you have the gold later on? Also, I'm building to carry right now, because I'm sick of this elo. Otherwise I would probably go mobility boots, Rabadon's/Morellinomicon, Void Staff, FQC, Zhonya's (or Rylai's), and my Sightstone.

And yes, Spellthief's on Annie is the way to go. You get so much gold from her range and poke. I'm not sure what other support item you would start with...


You wouldn't finish the item when you have the gold later on? Also, I'm building to carry right now, because I'm sick of this elo. Otherwise I would probably go mobility boots, Rabadon's/Morellinomicon, Void Staff, FQC, Zhonya's (or Rylai's), and my Sightstone.

And yes, Spellthief's on Annie is the way to go. You get so much gold from her range and poke. I'm not sure what other support item you would start with...

u should start spellthief, sit on it until mid game, sell it and get shurelyas. if u think fqq sets up good ults wait until you see shurelyas!

also sorc shoes are not worth it either cos the way u carry as support annie is tibbering their carries, not killing them, specially since with the nerfs and the removal of dfg it's not nearly as easy as it was a while ago

edit: also you're presenting builds that require you to have ridiculous amounts of gold that supports never get. you'll rarely get two full items on top of upgraded gp10, sightstone and boots, and you're also not leaving room for pink wards and not talking other key support stuff like the flash enchantment on annie or just upgrading your trinket. it's just not a realistic build and you'll be way more useless than if you built correctly, and it's probably something that mostly works if you're already winning the game, so doesn't really matter.


Support Annie is awesome. If you have a good ADC, you just get the stuns and let them have the kills. If your ADC is terrible, you crush the lane yourself, like I had to in my last match when our Vayne was feeding hard early on and had no concept of safe play. You can adapt how you're playing her to the situation so well. Also, for team fights, her stun/Tibbers combo is godly and it just turns so many fights in your favor.
I'll give it a try later today, but imho, your suggestion for items is OK, and while Rylai would be helpful for having Tibbers stick to enemies, I'd recommend Rabadon more.

ehh, i think that build is pretty crap

your'e going sorc shoes on a support and getting fqq on annie

no good :I

Yet that crap build is giving him wins :p
Regardless I do think one could build better items on her, Morello being a cheap quick item isn't a bad option though.

WTF is shyrelyas?


I'll give it a try later today, but imho, your suggestion for items is OK, and while Rylai would be helpful for having Tibbers stick to enemies, I'd recommend Rabadon more.
how are you gonna afford deathcap on a support's salary

Yet that crap build is giving him wins :p
Regardless I do think one could build better items on her, Morello being a cheap quick item isn't a bad option though.

WTF is shyrelyas?

shurelyas used to be the item that the biggest upgrade of ancient coin's replaced. forget what it's called. it's the one that has the active that has a team wide movement speed buff that along with flash and/or righteous glory allows annie to set up great tibbers and win teamfights

morellos isn't great imo cos it doesn't do anything for annie. annie is supposed to do her shit in one burst, she can't poke or help waveclear or anything, so all that cdr isn't that great. shureylas/righteous glory/boots 5 gives her initiate which wins fights.

annie is basically the same as leona, she has a long range aoe stun to aim at the enemy carries, and then she's kind of useless.


annie is basically the same as leona, she has a long range aoe stun to aim at the enemy carries, and then she's kind of useless.

Tibbers can stick now. She's not bad in longer team fights. The E on Tibbers really makes him hurt, and Q cooldown is so short that you'll get another round of bursts off in a fight after the initial one. You should get the first stun/burst, another E, Q, W, and then one last big stun/burst in a big fight.

The E buff to Annie changed her a lot more than I thought it would. Tibbers is pretty mean now.


how are you gonna afford deathcap on a support's salary
By getting triples while your adc is farming another lane :V

shurelyas used to be the item that the biggest upgrade of ancient coin's replaced. forget what it's called. it's the one that has the active that has a team wide movement speed buff that along with flash and/or righteous glory allows annie to set up great tibbers and win teamfights

morellos isn't great imo cos it doesn't do anything for annie. annie is supposed to do her shit in one burst, she can't poke or help waveclear or anything, so all that cdr isn't that great. shureylas/righteous glory/boots 5 gives her initiate which wins fights.

annie is basically the same as leona, she has a long range aoe stun to aim at the enemy carries, and then she's kind of useless.

I see, that'd require good team communication though and I think at Jeff's elo that's almost non-existent at worst >_>;


I'm not going to run support Annie in gold. When I get back, I don't plan on doing a ton of support anyway. It's been something a whole lot easier to do in silver, so screw it, I'm going to carry support.
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