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League of Legends |OT9| Stealing Abilities From Inferior MOBAs since 2009

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now that i really think about it wtf were those pokemon types

theres so many and a lot of them make no sense in terms of weaknesses (steel is weak vs bug? wtf)



but everyone knows the only pokemon types are fire, water, grass, bug, normal, ghost, ground, rock, ice, flying, electric, poison, psychic, dragon and fighting.

plant beats water and rock.

Zyra checkmates.

Zyra's true skin is the fire skin anyway, and water and rock both beat fire.


Zyra is the true support queen, but I'm sticking with Annie until they either revert that E buff or I climb back up to my old elo where Annie isn't as effective. Nami is good, but Zyra is the true champ.


Zyra is the true support queen, but I'm sticking with Annie until they either revert that E buff or I climb back up to my old elo where Annie isn't as effective. Nami is good, but Zyra is the true champ.

annie is effective at all elos

she has the highest support winrate at lck even


Meh. My first sejuani jungle loss in ages. I don't even understand what happened that game. Looked like we were winning most lanes and I was getting all dragons but then suddenly their Ez was legendary and their heimer was melting faces. Whatever. Normals suck.




Other team banned riven too.


I won a ranked game earlier with a mid-lane Zed. They got a lot of kills, but it took like 57 minutes with Zed insisting on split pushes. Solo damage attitude I guess, but meant we didn't have much damage for teamfights.

Maybe that was ok because we still won, but the funnier part was that we had a support blitzcrank who was...not good even by silver standards. Their duo partner said blitz didn't speak much English (or spoke it but was rusty)...and the duo partner didn't speak blitz's language. Plus, the blitz kept getting caught, being hugely out of position, and/or grabbing terrifying things (like a Fizz that HAD been out of range of me, or a super tanky Xin).

What resulted was some sort of minigame where we were begging (futilely) blitz to just stop trying to grab anything, and basically treating him as a hazard to our own team.


about to play against an all ad team as blitzcrank. Worth going for thornmail right after SS or would that be a waste?


about to play against an all ad team as blitzcrank. Worth going for thornmail right after SS or would that be a waste?
get frozen heart or randuins or (probably) righteous glory instead

tho still consider a mikaels if they have a support like leona or whatever
about to play against an all ad team as blitzcrank. Worth going for thornmail right after SS or would that be a waste?
build path is ss > frozen heart > face > randuins

leave thornmail for your frontline tanks because they're the ones that are going to take the brunt of the autoattacks.

NCR Redslayer

NeoGAF's Vegeta
How to tell if you have a good support:

1. See if they build Sightstone.

If they do build Sightstone, Next:
2. See if they actually put down wards.

3. See if they replace their totem with an oracle lens.

If your support does all these 3 steps, then you know you have a good support.

May or may not prevent your support from feeding, d/c'ing, self-destructs, etc.


They've got a bard.


Thanks for the help zky and ghost.

btw reasoning would be:

thornmail = you want to receive damage, which you can't really survive on a support's salary. instead, you want to maximize your utility, which is what frozen heart is for. cdr, as reduction aura, more mana, all things that allow you to do your job better while also providing survivability. ranuins can also work because of the active but frozen heart is probably better specially because of blitz's passive/mana costs.

How to tell if you have a good support:

1. See if they build Sightstone.

If they do build Sightstone, Next:
2. See if they actually put down wards.

3. See if they replace their totem with an oracle lens.

If your support does all these 3 steps, then you know you have a good support.

May or may not prevent your support from feeding, d/c'ing, self-destructs, etc.
that's a really low bar for a support, wouldn't say that tells you you have a good support at all

other clear tells of people not really knowing what they're doing: any boots other than boots 5 (maybe except on zyra?), getting red sighstone early, never buying pinks, buying ap (except maybe on zyra lol) and generally the position and the timing of their warding

a bit situational since sometimes buying ap makes sense and someone could be trolling rather than being bad (lol) and someone you don't even get a sighstone for a while, but u know, rule of thumb

but yeah not having your support randomly go do wraiths doesn't tell really you he's good



btw reasoning would be:

thornmail = you want to receive damage, which you can't really survive on a support's salary. instead, you want to maximize your utility, which is what frozen heart is for. cdr, as reduction aura, more mana, all things that allow you to do your job better while also providing survivability. ranuins can also work because of the active but frozen heart is probably better specially because of blitz's passive/mana costs.

that's a really low bar for a support, wouldn't say that tells you you have a good support at all

other clear tells of people not really knowing what they're doing: any boots other than boots 5 (maybe except on zyra?), getting red sighstone early, never buying pinks, buying ap (except maybe on zyra lol) and generally the position and the timing of their warding

a bit situational since sometimes buying ap makes sense and someone could be trolling rather than being bad (lol) and someone you don't even get a sighstone for a while, but u know, rule of thumb

but yeah not having your support randomly go do wraiths doesn't tell really you he's good
Maybe this is bronze v?

NCR Redslayer

NeoGAF's Vegeta
that's a really low bar for a support, wouldn't say that tells you you have a good support at all

other clear tells of people not really knowing what they're doing: any boots other than boots 5 (maybe except on zyra?), getting red sighstone early, never buying pinks, buying ap (except maybe on zyra lol) and generally the position and the timing of their warding

a bit situational since sometimes buying ap makes sense and someone could be trolling rather than being bad (lol) and someone you don't even get a sighstone for a while, but u know, rule of thumb

but yeah not having your support randomly go do wraiths doesn't tell really you he's good
Well bronze players never set the bar to begin with, it would be godsend if any support I played with did all that.
Maybe this is bronze v?
Bronze 2 life. Bronze 5 dont do jack


The dodge queue penalty is stupid. Last pick decides to lock in Alistar despite the fact that I had taken support 2nd, gave it up to the next pick, and then we are going to have to play with no jungle as he says, "I support or feed."

So I have to take the LP hit and wait because of a dickhead in champion select. This is the 3rd night in a row.
yeah malphite is pretty easy to deal with

dont clump up and ignore him when his ult is down. he can't really deal damage without it. unless he's ap rofl.


they'll get 300g when your teammate works through a ward and gets picked off

or they'll get a dragon steal cos you didn't break their wards

or whatever

always buy pinks, as support or otherwise

That might work in your Platinum elo, but I'm still in Bronze Hell :V

So what should I get other than Frozen Heart on Annie?


Maybe this is bronze v?
maybe? i don't really notice all that much of a difference between plat and silver tbh, outside of the plat players being almost as obnoxious as the diamonds

i mean mechanics are hard to learn but item builds are really easy, you just go to probuilds.net and copy that. even if it's not ideal to copy it every game it's likely to be a big improvement from whatever you can come up with and you're already at an advantage over the 5 people on the enemy team that are just building off a mobafire ashe mid guide :p

Well bronze players never set the bar to begin with, it would be godsend if any support I played with did all that.
it's just not really a support thing, laners and junglers build like crap or don't buy wards just as well, and that's all the way up to diamond from my experience, tho i rarely get matched with high diamonds, and when i do they just troll in normals lol

The dodge queue penalty is stupid. Last pick decides to lock in Alistar despite the fact that I had taken support 2nd, gave it up to the next pick, and then we are going to have to play with no jungle as he says, "I support or feed."

So I have to take the LP hit and wait because of a dickhead in champion select. This is the 3rd night in a row.
yeah, really sucks you can't report ppl in champ select or after the post-game lobby. would make taking those dodge penalties sting much less, cos when you dodge you don't only feel like you wasted time and lp, but that also you didn't actually do anything to prevent that guy from trolling again

the queue penalty itself is fine because if you didn't have that then ppl would just choose their matchups or just agree to dodge with their duo if they don't get their role or whatever

everything has to always be balanced with the douchebags in mind because apparently ppl can't keep themselves from being douchebags

Spam Distortion.
i have a video of this coming up heh

let me say it now, 6 item luden echo on lebonk is bonkers

Is there anything you can do once a Malphite gets tanky? Is there any way to even kill him?
haven't played malph in a long time but he never felt to me like a champion that's hard to deal with. stay out of ult range or don't clump together and just forget about him once he ults. it's not like he has all that much cc or damage or even tankiness. i mean he's not gonna go oneshot your adc like reksai or whatever

That might work in your Platinum elo, but I'm still in Bronze Hell :V

So what should I get other than Frozen Heart on Annie?
i mean i was never in bronze but i was in low silver and i didn't really play anything different to get out of silver, just build something that makes sense, pick something reliable (no vaynerino pls) and don't rage, i can't imagine something "not working in bronze" because if ppl have terrible map awareness or keep overextending then they need you to ward twice as good, not walk around with 150 ap, 3 levels below everyone and getting blown up every time you try to guess how much damage you had -__-

i don't think u should get frozen heart on annie. get boots 5, upgraded trinket, a pink slot, the last coin upgrade and righteous glory, and if you still have gold to buy something else then ur probably winning the game pretty hard already so really just get whatever you want

edit: forgot about sighstone! lol of course get sighstone


Spam Distortion.


Is there anything you can do once a Malphite gets tanky? Is there any way to even kill him?

Kite and bait his ult, then go all in on his ass. Armor Pen+BoRK and magic pen waste his rocky ass.

i mean i was never in bronze but i was in low silver and i didn't really play anything different to get out of silver, just build something that makes sense, pick something reliable (no vaynerino pls) and don't rage, i can't imagine something "not working in bronze" because if ppl have terrible map awareness or keep overextending then they need you to ward twice as good, not walk around with 150 ap, 3 levels below everyone and getting blown up every time you try to guess how much damage you had -__-

i don't think u should get frozen heart on annie. get boots 5, upgraded trinket, a pink slot, the last coin upgrade and righteous glory, and if you still have gold to buy something else then ur probably winning the game pretty hard already so really just get whatever you want

I always get Sightstone as my first item as a Support.
...and no matter how well I ward my ADC can still blindly farm and push bot even with them enemy team being a flash away from wasting their lame ass.


Our mid laner asks for a LB ban, our first pick bans Rek'Sai instead. LB gets picked on their team and proceeds to annihilate us.

Why even ask for ban suggestions and then ignore them?
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