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League of Legends |OT9| Stealing Abilities From Inferior MOBAs since 2009

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If anything it's the opposite lol
wouldn't say lizzy counters annie but it's an easy lane for her and after lane they shouldn't interact too much since both will just ult the backline and not bother with each other haha

annie's great against ahri cos annie q range is pretty decent at countering spirit rush, not to mention tibbers. she's prolly pretty decent against zed too since tibbers is quickers than shadow swap tho zed can def dodge it with ult (zed ult so annoying...). laning shouldn't be too terrible but might be a bit of trouble since zed laning is pretty broken

against lebonk it's weird, annie can just tibbers her when lebonk w's in but i imagine annie having a really rough time in lane.

so yeah annie's weird, i'd say she's pretty strong because point and click stuns and tibbers are really good and she's easy to play but her laning is always gonna be rough against people that outrange her, which is basically everyone

No, Annie is a definite counter. Just checked out of curiosity, and yeah, Annie wins that match up most often.


57%? That's pretty definitive. This is for Platinum and higher matches only.
that's reading the stats wrong

annie also has strong winrate against xerath for instance: http://champion.gg/matchup/Annie/Xerath/Middle

that's just champions like xerath or lissandra having a lot lower winrate overall
No, Annie is a definite counter. Just checked out of curiosity, and yeah, Annie wins that match up most often.


57%? That's pretty definitive. This is for Platinum and higher matches only.
That's not really definitive though, you can't really pin lane match ups in a team game with multiple phases on an assortment of statistics.

Like look at this http://champion.gg/matchup/Graves/Jinx/ADC, Jinx has the advantage against Graves because she is a hyper carry and solo Q games will often not end fast enough but as far as the meta goes Graves fucks her up in lane, always has. This isn't a fighting game that you can just analyze win rates and define match ups based on such.


by that logic blitzcrank is the obvious counter to sivir right

Well, no, by that same logic Sivir has the advantage.


Out of all ADCs, Blitzcrank has the lowest tracked win rate vs. Sivir, just as we'd expect: http://champion.gg/matchup/Sivir/Blitzcrank/adcsupport

That's not really definitive though, you can't really pin lane match ups in a team game with multiple phases on an assortment of statistics.

Like look at this http://champion.gg/matchup/Graves/Jinx/ADC, Jinx has the advantage against Graves because she is a hyper carry and solo Q games will often not end fast enough but as far as the meta goes Graves fucks her up in lane, always has. This isn't a fighting game that you can just analyze win rates and define match ups based on such.

Graves is listed as a counter to Jinx on the site despite Jinx having a higher head-to-head win percentage, because it recognizes that her overall win rate drops noticeably below her average when playing against Graves.
Graves is listed as a counter to Jinx on the site despite Jinx having a higher head-to-head win percentage, because it recognizes that her overall win rate drops noticeably below her average when playing against Graves.
So are Sivir and Ashe, but neither are true.

Also the Blitz thing analyzes gold and kill differences between ADCs and supports (????) but still says there is a 0.65% difference in win rate between Sivir and Blitz which as far as laning goes is not the case.

This site has some cool statistics but they are anything but conclusive as far as match ups go lol. You can't put a number on lane match ups in this game because it leads to weird info like this.


i always forget about the stun, but liss ult/zhonyas def blocks the damage if you time it right (remember lizzy ult is 2.5s and morg ult takes 3s to proc)

yea that's a pretty decent build, tho maybe the frozen heart is too much. also don't forget about enchanting your boots with the blue enchant so you can flash more

you bought 0 pinks which is bad bad bad, and also remember you should always have one slot free for pinks

other than that u got boots 5 and upgraded trinket early, so you're better than my friend that gives me a headache every time i press tab and look at his build

also don't call me zkylon senpai there are good supports in this thread much more deserving of that -__-

My main issue with the Purple ward, is even if I were to put it in a convenient place, the enemy team will eventually see it and they earn free 30 Gold :V


So are Sivir and Ashe, but neither are true.

In regards to winning games, it must be. In a 1v1 (or 2v2) lane scenario, maybe not. But if you just want to win the game, maybe Ashe is a good pick against Jinx due to how team fights break down later.

Also the Blitz thing analyzes gold and kill differences between ADCs and supports (????) but still says there is a 0.65% difference in win rate between Sivir and Blitz which as far as laning goes is not the case.

This site has some cool statistics but they are anything but conclusive as far as match ups go lol. You can't put a number on lane match ups in this game because it leads to weird info like this.

You can view those extra stats for what you want, but win percentage will ultimately be the most important metric and they have that dialed in.

Edit: Patch 5.5 increased Katarina's win rate. http://champion.gg/champion/katarina

That nerf probably won't get her back to normal, but it's a start.


use your head, jeff, why would lizzy get countered by annie? in which way do they interact that it benefits annie?

also winrate is a really bad statistic to derive counters cos the game is determined by way more than laning. lebonk and zed both have mediocre winrates despite being lanestompers, as did syndra when she wasn't balanced around noot.

those sites are really useless for this kind of thing because they don't have the information that matters because all they read is end-of-game stats.

you can even see that the counters to annie in her page are malzahar, katarina, heimer, swain, kennen, talon, etc. all champions that have nothing in common with each other outside of having really high winrates

and who does annie counter? veigar, akali, kassadin, azir, yasuo, ryze...

it's useless

shut up zky.


In regards to winning games, it must be. In a 1v1 (or 2v2) lane scenario, maybe not. But if you just want to win the game, maybe Ashe is a good pick against Jinx due to how team fights break down later.
that's not how the game works dude

Edit: Patch 5.5 increased Katarina's win rate. http://champion.gg/champion/katarina

That nerf probably won't get her back to normal, but it's a start.
i think the nerf will hit her pretty hard, probably go down all the way to 51% or whatever


We are talking lane match ups here, are we not?

Uh, kind of. I mean I killed a Lissandra big time with Annie earlier this week. Laning wasn't tough at all, but late game it was super noticeable who had a bigger impact on fights. Annie won the late game so heavily. Maybe it had to with the fact that I crushed her in lane and she never got going, but she was limp in the late game.

Bard's highest win percentage vs. another support is against Braum: http://champion.gg/champion/bard

It's a sizzling 34.77%
You can view those extra stats for what you want, but win percentage will ultimately be the most important metric and they have that dialed in.
You mean the 50.65% win rate I just commented on? You do realize that Blitz is a joke against Sivir as far as laning goes and that would never mean a basically even win rate if it were properly measurable, right?

There is literally nothing special that Annie can do against Lissandra as a short ranged mage. There is plenty Lissandra can do as a lockdown mage against a short ranged, no escape, no CC between passive downtimes mage in a meta filled with heavy damage junglers. Annie might win more games overall since as far as teamfights go Lissandra and Annie have similar jobs but Annie does it better but lane-wise there is nothing that supports that win rate. Liss might not be a counter but this lane match up is not in her disadvantage.


My main issue with the Purple ward, is even if I were to put it in a convenient place, the enemy team will eventually see it and they earn free 30 Gold :V
they'll get 300g when your teammate works through a ward and gets picked off

or they'll get a dragon steal cos you didn't break their wards

or whatever

always buy pinks, as support or otherwise

Uh, kind of. I mean I killed a Lissandra big time with Annie earlier this week. Laning wasn't tough at all, but late game it was super noticeable who had a bigger impact on fights. Annie won the late game so heavily. Maybe it had to with the fact that I crushed her in lane and she never got going, but she was limp in the late game.

Bard's highest win percentage vs. another support is against Braum: http://champion.gg/champion/bard

It's a sizzling 34.77%
that's anecdotical

i lost a ranked 5s game against an annie mid with lizzy the other day and she ended up 4 12 10 and i was 8 6 9 with a 100cs difference and we lost because our bot lane kept overextending and gave up the lead we had from mid, jungle and bot crushing their respective lanes.

i can tell you i beat her in lane really hard and i picked lizzy onto annie because i believe lizzy to be much better in teamfights (which is kind of the opposite of what you're saying) because of her cc and spammable aoe damage, better build paths, etc.

doesn't mean lizzy is a counter to annie or that annie is a counter to lizzy, they're champions that are picked for different

don't trust those sites, just play what you find strong and use your head


You mean the 50.65% win rate I just commented on? You do realize that Blitz is a joke against Sivir as far as laning goes and that would never mean a basically even win rate if it were properly measurable, right?

One lucky hook in the late game, man. Blitz can change things at any point, rendering a rough laning phase almost entirely moot. There's a lot of factors that go into winning, sure. Yes, you might win your lane in bot as Sivir, but as soon as that breaks down you can't spellshield your teammates in fights.

I think there's a lot of value in looking at win percentages and compared percentages. It's not the tell all story, but neither is looking at 1v1 match up considerations. Point is, even with a Sivir on your team, you still only beat Blitz's team 49% of the time.


oh forgot to mention about that lizzy vs annie game, they had a challenger d5 bot lane playing against our two worst players

winrate = jack shit when talking about matchups



Cosmic Binding (Q) damage increased to 80/120/160/200/240 from 75/110/145/180/215
Magical Journey (E) cooldown lowered to 20/19/18/17/16 from 26/24/22/20/18

Movement Speed (Spider form) increased to 355 from 345
Movement Speed (Human form) reduced to 325 from 335
Cocoon (Human E) missile speed increased to 1600 from 1450

Overload (Q) damage lowered to 55/75/95/115/135 from 60/80/100/120/140 [Note: Still a buff vs live as the current live value is 40/60/80/100/120]

Flail of the Northern Winds (W) [Need to look into this one to confirm - I believe the bonus magic damage might now be 4%/5.5%/7%/8.5%/10% of max health from 4/6/8/10/12%]
Permafrost (E) base damage increased to 60/95/130/165/200 from 60/90/120/150/180
Glacial Prison (R ) slow lowered to 30% at all ranks from 90%

Baleful Strike (Q) cooldown reverted back to 7/6.5/6/5.5/5 from 5 at all ranks [Note: Q's cooldown is now reverted back the current live values]

elise buffs sound boring

also wtf dat sejuani ult nerf
You want to talk matchups Vs win rates then you have to ask yourself, ok Annie has a 57% statistical advantage, why is that?

Does Annie bully Liss out of lane? No, she doesn't
Does Annie make Liss easier to gank? Without flash not really, no
Does Annie make Liss's job in team fights any harder? Can Annie stop Lissandra from flash ulting your ADC by whatever means? No and neither can Liss stop her from doing the same

So why does Annie win? Easier to play, harder to fuck up with, AoE stuns, I don't fucking know, it happens but it's not because she beats Lissandra. It's the same with Sivir vs Blitz, Sivir can just negate Blitz's presence in lane but she can't do that when it's 5v5. Cait makes Graves' life a living hell in lane but Graves still wins more games. That's just how the game works and you can't define a match up by win rates.

This fucking site says Eve has a 54% advantage against Jarvan for fuck's sake.
Movement speed nerf on Elise's human form is yet another slap to her top laning.

Thanks for the suggestions, guys. I notice that I tend to like playing champs that people really hate having on their team (Yasuo, Riven, Vayne, and now I kinda want to try Zed). I'll practice playing Annie and Zed mid. Top I'll probably play Riven, Garen, or Cho. I keep hearing building some attack speed on Cho is good so your damage comes from using your aoe autos, but I'm seeing otherwise here.
Going for attack speed on Cho is only really worthwhile when he's jungling or against very specific top lane match-ups. Wit's End is alright-ish on him for example, but only situationally so and by no means is it an early purchase. Plenty of higher priority statistics to pick up instead regardless of his role.
It's not like she's that interesting regardless of that

I really wish Riot would just rework Elise into what she was supposed to be if they didn't rush her damn kit with whatever crap they had around for Halloween


I think a 45-50% slow is more appropriate than a 30%, considering there are so many champions that can dash away these days. 90% was just way too much though.
I think a 45-50% slow is more appropriate than a 30%, considering there are so many champions that can dash away these days. 90% was just way too much though.
She already has an extra 50% slow from Permafrost if it hits you with the missed ult, in hindsight that thing shouldn't slow at all to begin with


Voli disagrees. He's one of the few that can actually take a bite out of crime.

There's a new crime biter in town.




As I'm reading this thread, one of my team picked Blitz agains Sivir and Leona.

That belongs to 'please uninstall the game V' division.

Wish me luck -.-



As I'm reading this thread, one of my team picked Blitz agains Sivir and Leona.

That belongs to 'please uninstall the game V' division.

Wish me luck -.-

Honestly, at lower elos (gold and down), these things matter so much less than they do at higher elos. Yes, you have a natural counter with Sivir's spell shield, but it's not like superior play and patience can't overcome it.


You want to talk matchups Vs win rates then you have to ask yourself, ok Annie has a 57% statistical advantage, why is that?

So why does Annie win? .

Because Ice is weak to fire
I'm sorry, the only "counters" in silver are dumb countered by less dumb
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