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League of Legends |OT9| Stealing Abilities From Inferior MOBAs since 2009

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Our mid laner asks for a LB ban, our first pick bans Rek'Sai instead. LB gets picked on their team and proceeds to annihilate us.

Why even ask for ban suggestions and then ignore them?

More like why did your mid laner goes mid if he knows he can't beat LB? People need to be honest with their skill level.


Our mid laner asks for a LB ban, our first pick bans Rek'Sai instead. LB gets picked on their team and proceeds to annihilate us.

Why even ask for ban suggestions and then ignore them?

People who don't know who just how strong some characters can be.
I hate people who cries for bans when they aren't FP. If you honestly can't lane against a particular champion then go train before you go into rank. If there's a match-up you can't win no matter what you do then don't go that fucking lane until you learn how to win.

Learn to go even. Learn to turn your lane into a farm lane even if you lose by 20 CS but go 0-0 it's okay. Learn to roam....


I won a ranked game earlier with a mid-lane Zed. They got a lot of kills, but it took like 57 minutes with Zed insisting on split pushes. Solo damage attitude I guess, but meant we didn't have much damage for teamfights.

Maybe that was ok because we still won, but the funnier part was that we had a support blitzcrank who was...not good even by silver standards. Their duo partner said blitz didn't speak much English (or spoke it but was rusty)...and the duo partner didn't speak blitz's language. Plus, the blitz kept getting caught, being hugely out of position, and/or grabbing terrifying things (like a Fizz that HAD been out of range of me, or a super tanky Xin).

What resulted was some sort of minigame where we were begging (futilely) blitz to just stop trying to grab anything, and basically treating him as a hazard to our own team.

I can't be the only one that spotted this! I thought it was funny but I am starting to enjoy a lot the very "old man/dad jokes" even just for being below 30 lol.

Also, fuck everything, I will buy Bard when it goes to 6300, and I will feed carry with it! I love the character design too much ._.!

I will only dare to do it with my friends and even then I feel they will vanish me to never speak to me ever again. I'm too much of a pussy to play him with anons.


it's not league so i'm not quoting it here but this exactly is what i want out of lux skin

a skirt, a bow, school girl shoes, she fucking looks like sakura from sakura card captors

i fucking need that

I always get Sightstone as my first item as a Support.
...and no matter how well I ward my ADC can still blindly farm and push bot even with them enemy team being a flash away from wasting their lame ass.
yeah, that's unfortunate, but can't dwell too much on that. my friend made the same mistake as u probably did of jumping into ranked as soon as you reached 30 and he landed on bronze 3 i think. he eventually got all the way to plat 3 by just playing reliable champions. he saw he was doing consistently well on like not the most flashy or "carry" champions like shen, caitlyn or morgana, and he just played that and steadily climbed up

took him a ton of games and i still have to drill him not to buy fucking sunfire cape on thresh but u know he got his free skins

I hate people who cries for bans when they aren't FP. If you honestly can't lane against a particular champion then go train before you go into rank. If there's a match-up you can't win no matter what you do then don't go that fucking lane until you learn how to win.

Learn to go even. Learn to turn your lane into a farm lane even if you lose by 20 CS but go 0-0 it's okay. Learn to roam....
i just banned fizz every game while he was still ap :>



btw reasoning would be:

thornmail = you want to receive damage, which you can't really survive on a support's salary. instead, you want to maximize your utility, which is what frozen heart is for. cdr, as reduction aura, more mana, all things that allow you to do your job better while also providing survivability. ranuins can also work because of the active but frozen heart is probably better specially because of blitz's passive/mana costs.

that's a really low bar for a support, wouldn't say that tells you you have a good support at all

other clear tells of people not really knowing what they're doing: any boots other than boots 5 (maybe except on zyra?), getting red sighstone early, never buying pinks, buying ap (except maybe on zyra lol) and generally the position and the timing of their warding

a bit situational since sometimes buying ap makes sense and someone could be trolling rather than being bad (lol) and someone you don't even get a sighstone for a while, but u know, rule of thumb

but yeah not having your support randomly go do wraiths doesn't tell really you he's good
Support Annie doesn't buy AP?


Sunfire cape should only ever be a last item kind of thing, if you need more armor.

For that matter, only get thornmail if enemy team has a fed or lots of Auto attackers like Xin, Twitch, Vayne, etc. I don't see how much effective it'd be against a Riven when her burst damage comes from her abilities which thornmail doesn't counter.


Support Annie doesn't buy AP?

Against decent people and with a decent team you won't ever get the most of building AP on Annie because you will have enough damage on your team and the other team will punish you for being squishy as fuck if you build AP.

If those things applied it's better build as initiator with Talisman of Ascension/Righteous Glory and abusing your stun and landing Tibbers.

I still build AP but generally we have someone else to initiate for me and I do the follow up or I center around skirmishes. So far I haven't had the need to go with the "initiator only" build.

I think both are very good but "initation" build shines more and more the better your team is imo.


Cinderhulk's totally balanced.... I wonder when it's going to get nerfed. I hope it's not any time soon I'm enjoying these unkillable team comps.




lebonk ratio nerfs kind of justified

Support Annie doesn't buy AP?
i guess depends on the game, but you don't want to make it your "standard build"

i feel like after the dfg removal going ap on support annie is kind of a waste, but also righteous glory is a godsend for her since it's even yet another way for her to not depend on flash for engages, plus unlike shurelyas it gives her a bit of tankiness so getting that after boots and sighstone is pretty nice so she can keep spamming stuns

Cinderhulk's totally balanced.... I wonder when it's going to get nerfed. I hope it's not any time soon I'm enjoying these unkillable team comps.
i hope it lasts

unkillable tanks are more fun to play against than one shotting bruisers anyways


Wow. 59 minutes to win that last one. Ended when the enemy team went for Baron and I flashed in and caught them all with Tibbers. We stole the Baron, aced them, and finished. Nutty.

Good thing we took the Baron and fight too. We were down 2 inhibitors to their 1 and they had more dragons. So close to having the game go the other way.



lebonk ratio nerfs kind of justified

i guess depends on the game, but you don't want to make it your "standard build"

i feel like after the dfg removal going ap on support annie is kind of a waste, but also righteous glory is a godsend for her since it's even yet another way for her to not depend on flash for engages, plus unlike shurelyas it gives her a bit of tankiness so getting that after boots and sighstone is pretty nice so she can keep spamming stuns

i hope it lasts

unkillable tanks are more fun to play against than one shotting bruisers anyways

dang you killed that nidalee just with an ult distortion. OP

And yeah, with more tanks around maybe we'll see proper adcarries come back


Wow. 59 minutes to win that last one. Ended when the enemy team went for Baron and I flashed in and caught them all with Tibbers. We stole the Baron, aced them, and finished. Nutty.

Good thing we took the Baron and fight too. We were down 2 inhibitors to their 1 and they had more dragons. So close to having the game go the other way.

These kind of games are super fun. I love it when it's not a stomp in any way because:

a) if you are stomping, enemy team will likely surrender before it gets to the point where you have fun with your lead


b) if you are being stomped, every objective becomes a chore and even keeping vision gets absolutely annoying

I prefer it when they are close like that because it also feels people are playing their best as far as being "on point".

Not sure if I'm explaining myself properly, it's 8:28am and I need to brush my teeth and rush to the course. ._. Plus it rains.


dang you killed that nidalee just with an ult distortion. OP

And yeah, with more tanks around maybe we'll see proper adcarries come back

yeah it was like 934 ap, with blue elixir and luden's:

450 + (934 * 0.975) magic dmg + 100 + (934 * 0.15) magic dmg + 25 true dmg = 450 + 910 + 100 + 140 + 25 = 1625 dmg on her ult

pretty hilarious

she deserves the nerf, she's too strong right now

also i think it's about time athenes gets a buff, athenes + luden's would be a nice build for poke mages while assassins should go for the riskier morellos + deathcap.

a good start would be removing all that % mana nonsense and replacing it for the same flat 100% base regen from morellos. it's ridiculous that morellos is actually better regen than athenes except for when you're like under 40%. 100% base regen or even 125% so it has a bit of an advantage over morellos would be simpler and just plain better and more consistent

athenes giving a bit better regen would help ori a lot
Sunfire cape should only ever be a last item kind of thing, if you need more armor.

For that matter, only get thornmail if enemy team has a fed or lots of Auto attackers like Xin, Twitch, Vayne, etc. I don't see how much effective it'd be against a Riven when her burst damage comes from her abilities which thornmail doesn't counter.

I would always rush Sunfire on Voli, Sejuani and Shyvana before Cinderhulk was a thing.

Edit: Jesus fuck, how do you play Kayle? Like honestly. Every time I get her in ARAM I'm like 0/20. What does this character even do?


Cinderhulk's totally balanced.... I wonder when it's going to get nerfed. I hope it's not any time soon I'm enjoying these unkillable team comps.

I had to face a beast of a Volibear the other day. He seems to be quite good after the latest patch.


I remember Rex saying something along the lines of "When Ryze is in a good state the game is not."

Very unfun champ.

Ryze, Irelia and Kass.

And wow man. You remember this from a long ass time ago.

Cinderhulk's totally balanced.... I wonder when it's going to get nerfed. I hope it's not any time soon I'm enjoying these unkillable team comps.

I love watching Yasuos try and kill me when I'm on Sion or Maokai. It's just so pathetic. Him and his little toothpick.


I would always rush Sunfire on Voli, Sejuani and Shyvana before Cinderhulk was a thing.

Edit: Jesus fuck, how do you play Kayle? Like honestly. Every time I get her in ARAM I'm like 0/20. What does this character even do?

Spam E.
My build is
Nashor+Cooldown Boots+Wit's End/Hurricane+Rabadon+Void Staff+Hourglass

Just spam E and auto attack them


Seeing a bunch of Gragas rampaging across the rift over the last few days. Both ap and tank.

Also, got myself two mystery skins last night to cheer myself up from this flu I've had the past few days. Got Heartseeker Varus and Warring Kingdoms Nidalee. I suck at Nid, but every time there's one on the other team they absolutely wreck us. I think I should put in some games on her and learn the ways.


Seeing a bunch of Gragas rampaging across the rift over the last few days. Both ap and tank.

Also, got myself two mystery skins last night to cheer myself up from this flu I've had the past few days. Got Heartseeker Varus and Warring Kingdoms Nidalee. I suck at Nid, but every time there's one on the other team they absolutely wreck us. I think I should put in some games on her and learn the ways.

Good Nidalees destroy you, bad Nidalees are fun to destroy :p

that surprise wit's end...

Atk spd+mag. resist, it may not be much but it balances out her defense at least :V


I think wit's end is supposed to be a lategame option for the Teemo build I use, but I'm not sure I've ever actually tried it this season.
Spam E.
My build is
Nashor+Cooldown Boots+Wit's End/Hurricane+Rabadon+Void Staff+Hourglass

Just spam E and auto attack them

Yeah, I'll try that next time.

I was confused cause like, she needs AP but all her damage comes from autos. She's melee but then she's ranged. Every build I look up is maxing different abilities...


For a true troll Teemo experience (and there's really no other reason to play Teemo aside from pissing off the other team), you go full AP and finish off with Runaan's Hurricane as the last item.

Though now I would like to see what Luden's Echo would do to your mushroom damage. That might be borderline broken.


Feral Flare shyvana was so much fun. I have like a 70 percent winrate with her in S4 just from those couple patches where feral flare was absurdly powerful


Yeah, I'll try that next time.

I was confused cause like, she needs AP but all her damage comes from autos. She's melee but then she's ranged. Every build I look up is maxing different abilities...

Max out E, then max out either her W or Q, or heck put a point in one then in the other each time you level up.
W is GREAT for chasing enemies and healing an ally or yourself.

Once you get nashor or have 1.2+ attack speed you'll be clearing waves like nobody's business and racking up dat Gold.

I go with these runes on her:
Atk Speed quints
Atk Speed Reds
AP Blues
Yellow HP or whatever defense you fancy
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