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League of Legends |OT9| Stealing Abilities From Inferior MOBAs since 2009

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What Corki skin should I gift Newt?

82% ranked win rate for me on Annie this season. Probably should never play another champion again.


as long as it's cute i don't care what kind of lasers she shoots

[Looks like reverts to previous R changes - cooldown completely reset on rank 3 kill and mana cost reductions - from earlier this cycle]

Movement Speed (Human Form) changed to 330 from 325 [Live value 335 atm]
[Tooltip] Spider Form (R) movement speed bonus increased to 25 from 10 [This is the tooltip reflecting the current PBE change of her spider form being 355 movement speed and human being 330]

Permafrost (E) damage reverted back to 60/90/120/150/180 from 60/95/130/165/200 [Back to live values]

Roar of the Slayer (E) bonus damage to enemies that the knocked back non-champion unit passes through decreased to 30% from 50%.

weird that darius' changes are getting reverted, maybe it's an error


Wasn't the extra mana enough on Sion's E? It wasn't quite spammable anymore. I think this pushes him more into the jungle than the top lane.


Wasn't the extra mana enough on Sion's E? It wasn't quite spammable anymore. I think this pushes him more into the jungle than the top lane.

Yeah, I'm a bit bummed about this. But he still does feel pretty strong this patch so it's probably deserved.


Elise needs more help than what she's getting. Just a small damage boost would be good. Keep the cocoon width small, even keep the missile speed slower but she needs some late game relevance. Maybe some AP scaling or something.


Elise needs more help than what she's getting. Just a small damage boost would be good. Keep the cocoon width small, even keep the missile speed slower but she needs some late game relevance. Maybe some AP scaling or something.

I haven't been afraid of Elise for a long, long time. Even when she was the best jungler, I think she was far less ridiculous than Sejuani is right now and Vi has been for a long time.


Wasn't the extra mana enough on Sion's E? It wasn't quite spammable anymore. I think this pushes him more into the jungle than the top lane.

I think they're just really set on making him a jungler. His winrate in the jungle right now is pretty good, as you would suspect with the passive HP stacking and the new jungle item.


I haven't been afraid of Elise for a long, long time. Even when she was the best jungler, I think she was far less ridiculous than Sejuani is right now and Vi has been for a long time.

In the right hands she was deadly which was why she was hit hard (diamond and above she was super scary). But she was one of the tougher junglers to master. It's one of the things I really enjoyed about her. I never got bored of playing her. I wish they'd give her a little love.
In the right hands she was deadly which was why she was hit hard (diamond and above she was super scary). But she was one of the tougher junglers to master. It's one of the things I really enjoyed about her. I never got bored of playing her. I wish they'd give her a little love.

I bought her a week before the big nerf and she was really powerful and difficult to master her two forms


I feel like the only legitimately difficult champions are like Draven and Cass. There's other high skill requiring champions like Zed and Ori, but the former two are definitely a tier higher.


If League came out 15 years ago I would've been a micro Ori god with that ball given how much I played StarCraft. Now my tiny crocodile brain can't handle micro


elise wasn't nearly as hard as people were making her out to be.

She kind of is. Sure, any idiot can mash buttons on the two forms and do some damage, land a cocoon and rappel when they want to most of the time, but the really scary Elises were played at a level way above that. She's tough to master. Not hard to PLAY, but hard to master.


55 mana isn't exactly not spammable

It's an impossible to dodge 315 damage nuke, fuck that shit
yea, sion is pretty dumb atm

Elise needs more help than what she's getting. Just a small damage boost would be good. Keep the cocoon width small, even keep the missile speed slower but she needs some late game relevance. Maybe some AP scaling or something.
i have to agree

other generalists like thresh or lee might have shit winrates too but i feel like they're at least really good at some stuff, even if there are much safer bets in like reksai or leona or whatever

elise seems like she's good at nothing, her damage is ehh, she can't tank, she doesn't have amazing cc or mobility, everything got nerfed and i feel like maybe rito should've chosen one or two and left her there until a rework.

elise wasn't nearly as hard as people were making her out to be.
yeah, at least playing her top or mid you had to deal with her awful base ad or whatever was going on with her impossibility to last hit

I feel like the only legitimately difficult champions are like Draven and Cass. There's other high skill requiring champions like Zed and Ori, but the former two are definitely a tier higher.
hard is weird, there's not that much of a great metric to determine that

like those four are mechanically difficult, but say, shaco, i'd say shaco is a pretty tough champion to be effective with because of how he needs to transition into a splitpusher as the game goes on and how he needs to make every gank count to snowball the game, which i guess is why his winrate goes up the higher the elo (he's like 55% on diamond i think?)

i'd say rengar is a bit like that, there's a lot of pressure in making his ults count and finding the routes and coordinating with his team

thresh too is a champion that requires pretty good mechanics cos at least in my experience the whole hook into lantern gank thing is not very easy to pull off, and all his spells are kind of weird skillshots, etc.

i'd def put ori in the highest tier possible tho, you learn something new every time you play ori and like watching faker play ori and demolish supposed counterpicks you can see how high her skill ceiling is


If League came out 15 years ago I would've been a micro Ori god with that ball given how much I played StarCraft. Now my tiny crocodile brain can't handle micro

I was a heavy SC2 player too, man. Infestors made me hate playing online though and I started playing a lot less. I never went back after they added Swarm Hosts.


What exactly is there about mastering Elise? She does not have half of many champions skill ceilings

You're managing different cooldowns on two different forms, melee and ranged attacks, two different % health attacks - one % missing, one % remaining, a rappel with a wonky targeting system, microing around your spiderlings, etc.

It goes on. Sure you can ignore a lot of that and just mash buttons for some good damage but the best Elise players were utilizing her kit to a scary degree.

edit: She's not smooth either. Someone like Lucian has very smooth transitions from ability to ability. Elise is more clunky. It's not as easy to use. Part of it is the different ability ranges I think.



Picking up right where I left off :D

To be fair though my first 3 games all had afks

The inspiring messages I get mid game from my friends

TBF it's hard to play a champion as shitty as Renekton well. Even during his previous LCs spikes he suffered from his >lvl9 fall-off and anyone with half a brain knows just to see the first 20mins out before womping and stomping.
I feel like the only legitimately difficult champions are like Draven and Cass. There's other high skill requiring champions like Zed and Ori, but the former two are definitely a tier higher.

Cass and Orianna are easier for me to play than the other two. I can do well with Cass and even bully her hard matchups. I can't hit anything with Zed Q, much less when shadows are involved.


There's more than one type of "difficulty" for playing a champion though.

There's difficulty inherent in a champion's mechanics (Draven) and difficulty stemming from problematic design. I'd say Veigar is pretty difficult right with how telegraphed and slow his E is now.


there's also more of a "strategic" difficulty which i guess would be champions like bard or rengar or shen or karthus that require some sort of bigger planning rather than straight mechanical skill like azir or vayne or whatever

part of why i like ori so much is that she's got a bit of both types of difficulties


Wasn't the extra mana enough on Sion's E? It wasn't quite spammable anymore. I think this pushes him more into the jungle than the top lane.

It wasn't enough. I still have infinite mana with flask start or early back for glacial+flask.

But 20% damage cut is massive. They should add a bonus 5 arm+mr shred to the fired E to balance this nerf out.

But more than likely, this nerf will probably go through and Sion will just become a mediocre top laner who can no longer trade with meta picks.


It wasn't enough. I still have infinite mana with flask start or early back for glacial+flask.

But 20% damage cut is massive. They should add a bonus 5 arm+mr shred to the fired E to balance this nerf out.

But more than likely, this nerf will probably go through and Sion will just become a mediocre top laner who can no longer trade with meta picks.

Jungle Sion will be best Sion. Just as I was going to give him a go too. Sorry, I may have cursed him.


Ori isn't really that hard to master in solo queue. Once you learn what she can do and her power spikes with specific items, you basically become good with her with no mechanical skill. It's important to know Ori doesn't spike with levels like other mid laners. She spikes with items.

There's a difference between using ult-W on top of a carry to
- delete them or make them back off a fight and
- slightly damage them and lose the fight because the enemy front line engages, knowing you fucked up


Renekton just doesnt have anything good to be inherently useful lategame.

TBF it's hard to play a champion as shitty as Renekton well. Even during his previous LCs spikes he suffered from his >lvl9 fall-off and anyone with half a brain knows just to see the first 20mins out before womping and stomping.

I dunno I gave the Kennen I was facing a tough time. Went 2-0-2 to start, but their other lanes got pretty fed and the rest of our team couldn't keep up.

I wasn't even rly talking about Renekton though. Just joking around about the messages I get from friends. Didn't rly have anything to do with the champ.
Did Lizzy got a buff or something? An enemy Lizzy just destroyed my team with little effort and was really tank despite not having any defensive item outside zhonyas
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