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League of Legends |OT9| Stealing Abilities From Inferior MOBAs since 2009

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What's taking u so long to win , bruh?! :"D

Just started playing ranked again. Got placed into Plat 2, lost my first game, but won 6 straight in a row. 4 games needed to get into promos and crushed it with an easy 2-0. Plat 1, get! Time to get that Diamond back.

I was also spectating a friend of mine who's a bit lower elo and some stuff was just too hilarious to not record. XD


Did Lizzy got a buff or something? An enemy Lizzy just destroyed my team with little effort and was really tank despite not having any defensive item outside zhonyas
no, she got nerfed last patch

your team was probably losing already/poorly itemized/she was fed

Ori isn't really that hard to master in solo queue. Once you learn what she can do and her power spikes with specific items, you basically become good with her with no mechanical skill[/B]. It's important to know Ori doesn't spike with levels like other mid laners. She spikes with items.

There's a difference between using ult-W on top of a carry to
- delete them or make them back off a fight and
- slightly damage them and lose the fight because the enemy front line engages, knowing you fucked up
why do you think that ori doesn't take mechanical skill to reach the "good" standard (which imo does as she's a very unique champion and a very punishing one if you fuck up)?

and why is ori any different from anyone else in the "once you know their power spikes and capabilities you have figured out the character" thing?

and also i get the impression from your post that you think it's easier to know your options based on your items than your level which to me sounds very wrong since it's super easy to know that you spike at level 6 or 9 because that's the same every game, while knowing how to build correctly and when does your build allow you to actually do shit is much more difficult to understand because it depends on many other variables like matchups, level, if you're a primary carry or more of a support role, etc.

ie, froggen fucking up his build by going something like roa+athenes and being useless

edit: i do agree that because of how ori's kit works she's a lot more item dependent than other mids but i don't see how that translates into difficulty whatsoever
Ori scales well with levels until you get your rank 5 q, then if she's not farmed she's poop since her ult spikes are baaaad

But there's a lot more to Ori than just that. You won't always have shit to neatly attach your ball to and press R, getting good ult sans flash shenanigans is hard. I agree with zky, the reason she's hard to master isn't because of her mechanical difficulty but knowing when to do what and where in the middle of chaos, and if you miss that there are no second chances.


Ori is unique in that she doesn't scale with levels as much as other mid laners. I'm not saying she doesn't spike with levels. She does, but it's hard as fuck to take advantage of her level 6 spike since all 4 of her skills are kind of like skillshots.

Let's look at zed, ahri and annie. At level 6, they'll all in with little to no effort. Orianna needs to position herself and the ball well to pull it off.

So let's ask the question; why take the risk?

You can just farm for a deathcap and become a monster in team fights instead of making a mistake at level 6 and potentially get shoved out of lane or die.

I don't know about you but Ori's main strength to me is her E in team fights. She can single handedly win a fight by making her front line or herself unkillable by kiting and shielding.

Plus, Ori can take advantage of the mistakes of enemies more so than any other mid laner. It's not difficult to place your ball and watch an enemy carry blindly walk into it since they're too caught up in trying to clear waves or poke in a siege. That's why I said she's not difficult to master in solo queue. Solo queue players make tonnes of mistakes. No other champ in the game can take advantage and deal out such hefty punishment for enemy mistakes that easily.

Additional thought: If you play ori with the mind set of solo carrying with damage, that's a risk. It's like building full ad on rengar.
The ori players I fear aren't the ones doing damage but the ones who make their team untouchable and capitalise on my team's mistakes/missteps.

tl;dr Due to her insane scaling with items and the ball, Orianna can take advantage of enemy mistakes and instantly win a game out of nowhere with very little effort or skill. I'd even argue it's one of the easiest and harshest ways to punish the enemy's mistakes in the entire game.
hoooly fuck this game



Ori is unique in that she doesn't scale with levels as much as other mid laners. I'm not saying she doesn't spike with levels. She does, but it's hard as fuck to take advantage of her level 6 spike since all 4 of her skills are kind of like skillshots.

Let's look at zed, ahri and annie. At level 6, they'll all in with little to no effort. Orianna needs to position herself and the ball well to pull it off.

So let's ask the question; why take the risk?

You can just farm for a deathcap and become a monster in team fights instead of making a mistake at level 6 and potentially get shoved out of lane or die.

I don't know about you but Ori's main strength to me is her E in team fights. She can single handedly win a fight by making her front line or herself unkillable by kiting and shielding.

Plus, Ori can take advantage of the mistakes of enemies more so than any other mid laner. It's not difficult to place your ball and watch an enemy carry blindly walk into it since they're too caught up in trying to clear waves or poke in a siege. That's why I said she's not difficult to master in solo queue. Solo queue players make tonnes of mistakes. No other champ in the game can take advantage and deal out such hefty punishment for enemy mistakes that easily.

Additional thought: If you play ori with the mind set of solo carrying with damage, that's a risk. It's like building full ad on rengar.
The ori players I fear aren't the ones doing damage but the ones who make their team untouchable and capitalise on my team's mistakes/missteps.

tl;dr Due to her insane scaling with items and the ball, Orianna can take advantage of enemy mistakes and instantly win a game out of nowhere with very little effort or skill. I'd even argue it's one of the easiest and harshest ways to punish the enemy's mistakes in the entire game.
to me what you're saying makes no sense because all of that applies just as well to, say, leblanc. one wrong move by the enemy adc and she can one shot them without even doing something mechanically taxing

why does leblanc take skill to take advantage of adc literally walking into sigil of silence range and ori doesn't?

and similarly applies to lissandra or xerath or any other midlaner capable of easily oneshotting/severely chunking someone that overextends.

and actually ori has more trouble than usualy for that because you can actually dodge/flash her ult. you're deriving difficulty from a "skill" that most mid laners have and that ori isn't even particularly amazing at. yeah if you fight in a choke and land a good ult you can turn around teamfights, but that's a super reductive way of looking at her and you're for some reason glossing over any other case that isn't "enemy stupidly walks to their death", which imo is not representative of an average game whatsoever (i mean, it happens, but for both sides, and if you're assuming that the enemy team is dumb like that then you have to assume also that the friendlies are not gonna be lcs caliber at taking advantage of one good shockwave)

i think you're mixing up two completely different things

Also zky teach me Ori itemization
duno if you're asking serious but rex is pretty spot on with the whole mindset thing, you want to get lots of ap but she can safely build things like merc treads or zhonyas instead of deathcap because of how much "base" utility she has. you still want to try and get deathcap as second item every game but surviving is often more important than dealing lots of damage as ori so you can keep spamming shields and slows/speedups

also athenes is useless right now unless you really need the mr so u should always try going morellos as it gives better regen

i'm trying to think how lumen's echo fits her but i think it's gonna be a fifth or sixth item 90% of the times

so it's gonna be morellos deathcap/zhonyas sorc shoes void staff and the other two ap items, in whichever order you feel needed. i guess you can get liandrys as a sixth item or something defensive, but i don't like going defensive items on midlaners anymore and liandrys is weird. maybe rylais, who knows. sixth item doesn't really matter all that much.

the reason u don't get lumens is because if u don't need to survive against zed (zhonyas) u just get deathcap that benefits both your damage and your shield

also blue pot is really good on her but i don't really understand new blue pot all that well cos the true damage has that weird champions cooldown that i never understand if it's general or per-champion

Zztop voidlings give the owner CS? Never bought that thing
yea, they do!

i dunno who you'd build that on, doesn't feel like it's something that you can rush and like i guess it could replace resistances-only items like fh or thornmail or maybe warmogs since it's just health, but i dunno.

the active seems fun, i'd try the item a lot if i liked to top lane
I feel like the only legitimately difficult champions are like Draven and Cass. There's other high skill requiring champions like Zed and Ori, but the former two are definitely a tier higher.

The only really hard thing about Cass is how misleading her Q particle can be. Nothing sucks more than jumping the gun and Eing an unpoisoned target. And yeah I guess her ult is tricky use to the fullest effect.


I want to play a game where everyone on my team has either Zz'rot or Banner of Command or both. I just want to see that.
The issue with Zz'rot in my low-level games usually seemed to be that the minions don't attack champions (of course), the portal dies quickly (this might have gotten fixed), and the minions die really quickly so the portal has to be placed very close to a tower.

And if you can get close enough to a tower to place a portal, chances are you could backdoor it with certain champions anyway. The portal just lets tankier champions do it.

All that said, I'm bronze/silver and the portal voidling walk distance got increased, so maybe it's better now.


I was asking more about like, when do I tear, what's the build order if I do, what order do I build stuff against ad laners, etc
tear is kinda weird, i don't really like it too much. you might want to go tear against, say, yasuo, since he's not too scary in lane and the extra scaling and shield are very nice against him. generally you want it when you're not too pressured, so if enemy has a lee sin camping you or whatever just forget about it, and it's usually against ads because it tends to be almost always built into a zhonyas or at least a seekers into morellos, rather than deathcap.

it's not a build i like a lot because i like the cdr from morellos/athenes, and because you don't ever really need to go tear, it's just kind of a greedy thing to do.

and against ad you should try to get an early seekers and sit on it while you build morellos (or even athenes if enemy team has like jungle nidalee+rumble). if it's zed you should probably get a fiendish codex and upgrade to zhonyas, and on everyone else just finish morellos while your seekers gets stacks. fully stacked seekers is pretty amazing stats and u can then decide if you want to turn your nlr into a deathcap or finish up your zhonyas, depending on how scary their ad mid is. against someone like jayce or ezreal you really just want resistances against poke so it's not that necessary to finish zhonyas, against talon you might want to finish it like it was zed because u can ignore the second half of his ult.

u build standard after that, get void staff, deathcap as needed and ludens/liandrys/rylais/defensive as last item


Do you guys rush Luden's after a mana item, or make it a later item?
only on ahri after morellos, and not every game

on everyone else fifth or sixth item, tho i want to test it more on synchan

in theory should be good second item on xerath and ziggs but i don't play those champions so can't say :I


11-2 in my last 13 ranked. I'm back!

LP gains still suck. Got 17 for that last one though. Still, at 84 LP it means next win is promos.


Are Kha's clears bad now or something? I struggled with first couple clears and it's never been like that b4
Max W if you want to jungle

11-2 in my last 13 ranked. I'm back!

LP gains still suck. Got 17 for that last one though. Still, at 84 LP it means next win is promos.
Dat Annie support
Glory and talisman is frigging crazy speed. I was so fast that I engaged before my team even realised we were going in......


Real answer is LeBlanc though. She's broken right now. Even after I had Rylai's built she could 100-0 me without using her ult. Duuuuuumb.

Deleted member 77995

Unconfirmed Member
Seems like there is a lot of money in boosting... -_-
If I was Diamond 1, I definitely would.


It's a lot of extra health though. 400 health on top of being around level 16 or so. Her scaling is out of control in the late game. I also had Molten Shield up.

molten shield is only armor iirc

also i figure u were support which means u were underleveld which essentially means nothing about her burst

the nerfs on pbe are correct tho

So which assassin/mage has the highest burst in the game?
veigar or syndra, tho they're single mostly target. leblanc is also close

for aoe probably lux?


molten shield is only armor iirc

also i figure u were support which means u were underleveld which essentially means nothing about her burst

the nerfs on pbe are correct tho

Armor and magic resist: 10 / 20 / 30 / 40 / 50

I was playing mid Annie.

Edit: Single ability, Malzahar's ult is pretty big and unavoidable burst.

Double edit: I have IDived4UrSins and DesignatedDiver on my team in champ select.
Oh yeah, I forgot about Veigar when I was thinking about that question. His damage late game is just stupid.

I'm surprised about Syndra. I guess there aren't many situations where you'd have that many spheres around, though.


Jesus the answer is lb or syndra with max balls up

They both have 4 damage spells that can be cast in around a second total and no dots


I suppose if we're talking about a training dummy type scenario where nid puts a trap down under the target and then Spears it just as the trap procs and then she pounce swipes and bites it she has like, 4.5 spells

So maybe nid is good too.

In the same vein Jayce is pretty sweet if he readies a ranged empowered auto, gates, balls, max speed auto from w and spams everything in melee. Tho having to auto will slow him down

Talon is pretty sick too if Ur fast enough to auto, Q and hydra reset auto during his E slow and get a crit here N there. Plus all his other spells of course.
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