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League of Legends |OT9| Stealing Abilities From Inferior MOBAs since 2009

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Figured i'd drop by and ask what rank people are? A meta of naut support might be something I rejoin. Jungle still blows :p


Take a look at where the blue deaths are. I was on the blue team and we ended up winning. That finally won a promotion series for me, after losing the last 2 attempts in (I think?) the last few days.

Our nexus was a few hits away from dying at least twice, possibly 3 times. The other team didn't have teleport and their backdoor attempts somehow failed. Then they died at an inappropriate time late game to end it.


For competitive.
Sej>Rek'sai>Fizz>Nidalee>Lee Sin>Jarvan>Vi

For solo q.

Meh, Nidalee is fun and laughs but I cant see her scale into endgame anymore than "pray for a Q landed on the casters/ADC so they cant fully engage in 5v5", but that is it. With Vi or Jarvan, I can do much ,much more.
Of course, that does not invalidate your ranking, since at competitive, Nidalees early/midgame more than makes up for her lackluster endgame options...

Quick edit: Also, am I crazy for building the new caster item on jungle nid, and Rylai and Haunting Guise? :D


are you kidding me? the jungle is better than it has been in years with 5.5

I actually haven't read the most recent notes. Kind of nice to see some more tanky options as well as aggressive choices. Would explain zac popping up in the fnatic game.
Wow, the Bard's chime locations are supposed to spawn near to him in the first minutes but after some time the chimes starts to spawn in the enemy jungle or in the Top enemy jungle just for a buff of his AA.

No wonder why Bard sometimes is absent in bot lane


I wish I was better at Lee Sin, or maybe just jungling in general. I managed to steal a dragon and baron from the other team, but I feel like the enemy Udyr was always in a better place then me in terms of ganking and just general map presence.


You go all armor runes except for 6 cdr glyphs

lol ive been running that for a while now against riven or pantheon. its basically 32 armor 5 cdr how is it korean ? whos using it there ? anyways thats only really viable against heavy ad champs

edit: dont think its overkill against certain champs i wrote with a master nasus player and hes running the same page in a few matchups


Ah. That reminds me of my Poppy days back then.

Start with 90 armour at level 1 and laugh at top laners trying to trade with me while they get wrecked by minions.


It's really hard to fix LB without butchering her kit or making her clunky

I'd personally just shove travel times and animation locks down her throat and call it a day.
They should just slow down her distort speed a tiny bit, you know, for counterplay. She practically has 3 targeted spells on her kit right now.

Everyone here should watch the UoL vs FNC game.
Can confirm, game is amazing.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cqMnNkmkGcw&t=14m49s < LINK TO WATCH
new meta

fizz q is now a skillshot.
ghost style balance: secretly a buff. lets give fizz two skillshot mobility moves so he can be more mobile than nidalee
i dont see the benefits of all that armor honestly.
That Nasus rune page sounds like overkill

Plus it's really rare that you'll only have to deal with physical damage early game.
Actually this rune page makes nasus a terror. Esp against physical dmg top (for magic top, you take all MR and 5% CDR). nasus becomes unmoveable earlygame and you take more damage from minions trying to harass him. he will out trade you if you guys exchange blows.

if youre not about that, the 2nd rune page in that link gives him surprising early game damage


I wonder how Riot makes the decision as to what button to put each skill on.

From instinct this is how I feel about the 4 keys:

Q is usually the spammable and main skill

W is either cc, escape or an auto attack modifier

E is for the unique skill that defines the champ

R is for ultimate.
From instinct this is how I feel about the 4 keys:

Q is usually the spammable and main skill

W is either cc, escape or an auto attack modifier

E is for the unique skill that defines the champ

R is for ultimate.

That's my assumption as well, which makes a champ like LeBlanc all the weirder. Her main source of damage is her dash, which is on W.


From instinct this is how I feel about the 4 keys:

Q is usually the spammable and main skill

W is either cc, escape or an auto attack modifier

E is for the unique skill that defines the champ

R is for ultimate.
I feel like W can also be an AOE damage spell (Brand, Veigar) or a shield (J4, Leona).

That's my assumption as well, which makes a champ like LeBlanc all the weirder. Her main source of damage is her dash, which is on W.
That fits both Rex's category of "escape" and my category of "AOE damage spell" though.
From instinct this is how I feel about the 4 keys:

Q is usually the spammable and main skill

W is either cc, escape or an auto attack modifier

E is for the unique skill that defines the champ

R is for ultimate.

E is usually the dash/movement/escape, rarely W for escapes.

Lucian, Ezreal, Graves, Rek'Sai, Azir, Elise, Fizz, Gragas, Kat etc. etc.

few outliers but it's usually E.

W is usually the utility spell I find. You use it less often. There's generally nothing massively active about the W skills. Might be due to finger placement priority.


That's my assumption as well, which makes a champ like LeBlanc all the weirder. Her main source of damage is her dash, which is on W.

A lot of Leblancs back then use to max Q first. There's weren't many mid laners who could clear waves with one skill back in season 1 and 2 so there was no need for leblancs to max W first.

Maxing Q quite literally took no skill to play so...

E is usually the dash/movement/escape, rarely W for escapes.

Lucian, Ezreal, Graves, Rek'Sai, Azir, Elise, Fizz, Gragas, Kat etc. etc.

few outliers but it's usually E.

W is usually the utility spell I find. You use it less often. There's generally nothing massively active about the W skills. Might be due to finger placement priority.

Yeah, a lot of those champs came into mind when I was typing my post up. I guess dashes and escapes can also define a champ as well. Troll pole, shunpo, arcane shift, rek sai tunnels.

Anyway, how do people position their fingers while playing?

I have my pinky on shift (from my fps days :\) and my other 3 fingers on Q-W-E
A lot of Leblancs back then use to max Q first. There's weren't many mid laners who could clear waves with one skill back in season 1 and 2 so there was no need for leblancs to max W first.

Maxing Q quite literally took no skill to play so...

Yeah, a lot of those champs came into mind when I was typing my post up. I guess dashes and escapes can also define a champ as well. Troll pole, shunpo, arcane shift, rek sai tunnels.

Anyway, how do people position their fingers while playing?

I have my pinky on shift (from my fps days :\) and my other 3 fingers on Q-W-E

Interesting about LeBlanc, didn't know that.

As for finger position, I do the same. Doesn't feel natural using my pinky for anything other than shift or ctrl.


Second pick: I'll fill. tell me your roles.

People say roles and mid/support is open.

Second pick: instalocks udyr jungle.

Why even say fill?


Got into a 20 minute troll fest argument with the enemy Braum.
Lord Newt joined the room.
Lord n Savior joined the room.
Dubé joined the room.
KoreanSexyMid joined the room.
Sojak joined the room.
MyNameWontFkinFi joined the room.
Ravaging Troll joined the room.
MyNameWontFkinFi: amazing game
MyNameWontFkinFi: stomp bot
Lord n Savior: If oyu could report Lee
Lastgodfadu joined the room.
MyNameWontFkinFi: then one player
Lord n Savior: That would be great
Lord Newt: yo leo
MyNameWontFkinFi: ruins the whole game
MyNameWontFkinFi: for us
Lord Newt: thanks for carrying the early game
Ravaging Troll: report lee plz
Lord Newt: I played like shit
MyNameWontFkinFi: ?
MyNameWontFkinFi: how did he
MyNameWontFkinFi: carry early game
MyNameWontFkinFi: u guys didnt even win
MyNameWontFkinFi: .
Lord Newt: I mean
KoreanSexyMid: teeto
Lord Newt: it's a corki lane
KoreanSexyMid: teetetemtomtoetm
MyNameWontFkinFi: ?
ChallengerSmurfs: report our bot duo
MyNameWontFkinFi: ur sivir
Lord Newt: corki rarely loses lane
MyNameWontFkinFi: lol
MyNameWontFkinFi: im not even duo
ChallengerSmurfs: corki and barum
MyNameWontFkinFi: ?
MyNameWontFkinFi: corki sucks
MyNameWontFkinFi: pre 6
Orange Kaizuka: cant stop shyvana
Orange Kaizuka: without
MyNameWontFkinFi: ._.
Orange Kaizuka: heavy AP
ChallengerSmurfs: so toxic
ChallengerSmurfs: qq...
MyNameWontFkinFi: ask my team
MyNameWontFkinFi: lee sin
ChallengerSmurfs: i hate solo q
MyNameWontFkinFi: was the annoying/toxic one
MyNameWontFkinFi: lol
ChallengerSmurfs: so many ragers and duos
MyNameWontFkinFi: im not duo doe
MyNameWontFkinFi: =/
ChallengerSmurfs: report plz
ChallengerSmurfs: corki and barum duo
ChallengerSmurfs: or not
MyNameWontFkinFi: yea thats right
MyNameWontFkinFi: stfu please
ChallengerSmurfs: so toxic
Ravaging Troll: plz
Ravaging Troll: report lee
Ravaging Troll: you can see
Ravaging Troll: how toxic he is
Lord Newt: lee played fine
Ravaging Troll: with his typing
ChallengerSmurfs: jesus...
Lord Newt: cmon
Ravaging Troll: its not
Ravaging Troll: how he played
MyNameWontFkinFi: cant beleive
ChallengerSmurfs: i think zed might be duo
MyNameWontFkinFi: sivir won
Ravaging Troll: its his attitude
MyNameWontFkinFi: 2-8
ChallengerSmurfs: with barum
MyNameWontFkinFi: SHE WAS
MyNameWontFkinFi: 2-8
MyNameWontFkinFi: and she won
MyNameWontFkinFi: how come
Lord Newt: I've played with this lee before
MyNameWontFkinFi: this never happens
MyNameWontFkinFi: for me
MyNameWontFkinFi: i never
Lord Newt: and he's carried in the past
MyNameWontFkinFi: get carried
MyNameWontFkinFi: like sivir does
ChallengerSmurfs: w/e gg
Lord Newt: lol pls
MyNameWontFkinFi: did u mea
MyNameWontFkinFi: he carried
MyNameWontFkinFi: the other team
MyNameWontFkinFi: lol
Lord Newt: haha
MyNameWontFkinFi: look at his build
MyNameWontFkinFi: we were ahead
MyNameWontFkinFi: in gold
MyNameWontFkinFi: at one point
MyNameWontFkinFi: and he decided
MyNameWontFkinFi: to go full ad
Lord Newt: you guys needed it
Lord Newt: how do you expect to kill shyv
MyNameWontFkinFi: ?
MyNameWontFkinFi: we were killing her
MyNameWontFkinFi: ROFL
Lord Newt: and
Lord Newt: you were never ahead in goold
MyNameWontFkinFi: we were
MyNameWontFkinFi: going even
MyNameWontFkinFi: in 4v5s
MyNameWontFkinFi: .
Lord Newt: after 3 mins, you were behind in gold
Lord Newt: overall
MyNameWontFkinFi: lets just say
MyNameWontFkinFi: u got carried
MyNameWontFkinFi: ok?
MyNameWontFkinFi: u did nothing
MyNameWontFkinFi: lol
Lord Newt: lol
MyNameWontFkinFi: i dont wanna
MyNameWontFkinFi: argue
Lord Newt: you're playing early game champs
MyNameWontFkinFi: its just annoying
Lord Newt: like corki
MyNameWontFkinFi: ?
MyNameWontFkinFi: BRAUM
MyNameWontFkinFi: AND CORKI
MyNameWontFkinFi: IS SO BAD
MyNameWontFkinFi: PRE 6
Lord Newt: and suprised when you win lane
Lord Newt: better than leo sivir
MyNameWontFkinFi: how?
Lord Newt: leo and sivir, both trash early
Lord Newt: sivir does no dmg
Lord Newt: leo is full melee
Lord Newt: early on
MyNameWontFkinFi: ur supposed
MyNameWontFkinFi: to shove the wave
MyNameWontFkinFi: early
MyNameWontFkinFi: u didnt
MyNameWontFkinFi: so we abused it
MyNameWontFkinFi: .
MyNameWontFkinFi: ur leona
MyNameWontFkinFi: for some dumbass reason
MyNameWontFkinFi: decided to stun me lvl 1
MyNameWontFkinFi: letting us just stomp u
Lord Newt: still tho
MyNameWontFkinFi: corki and braum
MyNameWontFkinFi: is not
MyNameWontFkinFi: early game champions
MyNameWontFkinFi: we are lvl 6 dominators
Lord Newt: you're an all ad team
MyNameWontFkinFi: just like u are
MyNameWontFkinFi: ?
Lord Newt: you gotta finish the game early
MyNameWontFkinFi: this game was easy
MyNameWontFkinFi: if other lanes
MyNameWontFkinFi: didnt feed
Lord Newt: it's not me getting carried
MyNameWontFkinFi: u were
MyNameWontFkinFi: so so behind
MyNameWontFkinFi: in cs
MyNameWontFkinFi: and exp
Lord Newt: it's more you running out of time
MyNameWontFkinFi: ?
MyNameWontFkinFi: so u dont admit
MyNameWontFkinFi: u got carried
Lord Newt: you guys had to win by like 35 minutes
MyNameWontFkinFi: look at
MyNameWontFkinFi: dmg charts
MyNameWontFkinFi: u did
MyNameWontFkinFi: less than corki
MyNameWontFkinFi: less than fucking sion
MyNameWontFkinFi: even less than zed
Lord Newt: I did about the same as zed tho
MyNameWontFkinFi: ?
MyNameWontFkinFi: are u proud of that
MyNameWontFkinFi: rofl
Lord Newt: he's another damage dealer on your team
MyNameWontFkinFi: ?
MyNameWontFkinFi: vs ur comp
MyNameWontFkinFi: ur so
MyNameWontFkinFi: dumb
Lord Newt: so if I match him, im fine
Lord Newt: you seem salty
MyNameWontFkinFi: who wouldnt be salty
Lord Newt: and you don;t understand
MyNameWontFkinFi: lol
Lord Newt: how all ad teams work
MyNameWontFkinFi: ?
MyNameWontFkinFi: we have corki
Lord Newt: he only did 13k magic dmg
Lord Newt: so
MyNameWontFkinFi: cuz
Lord Newt: pretty much all ad
MyNameWontFkinFi: our solo laners
MyNameWontFkinFi: and jungler
MyNameWontFkinFi: were so
MyNameWontFkinFi: fucking
MyNameWontFkinFi: bad
Lord Newt: the sion was good
MyNameWontFkinFi: lets say
MyNameWontFkinFi: we all got past
MyNameWontFkinFi: laning phase
MyNameWontFkinFi: without dying
MyNameWontFkinFi: we would have
MyNameWontFkinFi: destroyed u
MyNameWontFkinFi: in early fights
MyNameWontFkinFi: taking early leads
MyNameWontFkinFi: etc
MyNameWontFkinFi: and won the game
MyNameWontFkinFi: our mid game was better
Lord Newt: yes
Lord Newt: but you guys
MyNameWontFkinFi: but
MyNameWontFkinFi: lee sin
MyNameWontFkinFi: decided
Lord Newt: weren't able to siege
MyNameWontFkinFi: to go full dmg
MyNameWontFkinFi: when he can just peel
Lord Newt: we just wavecleared
Lord Newt: until you guys got irrelevant
MyNameWontFkinFi: ?
MyNameWontFkinFi: talking about wave clear
MyNameWontFkinFi: u had
MyNameWontFkinFi: 20 cs
MyNameWontFkinFi: in 5 minutes
MyNameWontFkinFi: pls shut up
Lord Newt: not lvl 1 waveclear, lol
Lord Newt: did you see how long it took you guys to get mid tower
MyNameWontFkinFi: u got denied
MyNameWontFkinFi: so hard in lane
MyNameWontFkinFi: why cant u just admit
Lord Newt: took you guys ages
MyNameWontFkinFi: u dont deserve this win
Lord Newt: im not denying I lost lane
MyNameWontFkinFi: but ur saying
Lord Newt: but I played well enough later on
MyNameWontFkinFi: u deserve this win
MyNameWontFkinFi: LOL
Lord Newt: to warrant the win
MyNameWontFkinFi: all u did was ks
MyNameWontFkinFi: boomerangs
MyNameWontFkinFi: ur so good mang
Lord Newt: cmon man
MyNameWontFkinFi: all u did
MyNameWontFkinFi: was press R
Lord Newt: you guys eren;t gonna win
MyNameWontFkinFi: and ur team did the rest
MyNameWontFkinFi: im just mad
Lord Newt: with that comp
MyNameWontFkinFi: that
MyNameWontFkinFi: i never get carried
MyNameWontFkinFi: like u did
MyNameWontFkinFi: right now
MyNameWontFkinFi: it never happens
MyNameWontFkinFi: for me
Lord Newt: dunno
Lord Newt: you're second last pick
Lord Newt: should've gone zyra or something
MyNameWontFkinFi: .
Lord Newt: you needed magic damage badly
MyNameWontFkinFi: u rly
MyNameWontFkinFi: are dumb
MyNameWontFkinFi: we told him
MyNameWontFkinFi: to go
MyNameWontFkinFi: ap jungler
MyNameWontFkinFi: we
MyNameWontFkinFi: told him
MyNameWontFkinFi: am i fortune teller?
Lord Newt: he was first pick
MyNameWontFkinFi: he didnt
MyNameWontFkinFi: even build
MyNameWontFkinFi: tank
MyNameWontFkinFi: when corki
MyNameWontFkinFi: and zed
MyNameWontFkinFi: was fed
MyNameWontFkinFi: at one point
MyNameWontFkinFi: all he had to do was peel like i did
Lord Newt: your cokri
Lord Newt: wasn't worth peeling for
MyNameWontFkinFi: shut up
MyNameWontFkinFi: ur bad
MyNameWontFkinFi: im done talking
Lord Newt: LOL
Lord Newt: you're so mad man
MyNameWontFkinFi: zz
MyNameWontFkinFi: i dont deserve to lose
MyNameWontFkinFi: like this
Lord Newt: lane isn't eveything
MyNameWontFkinFi: i did so well
MyNameWontFkinFi: this game
MyNameWontFkinFi: ?
Lord Newt: in lane
MyNameWontFkinFi: I CARRIED
MyNameWontFkinFi: MID FIGHTS
MyNameWontFkinFi: i got 5 man ults
MyNameWontFkinFi: dont even fucking deny it
MyNameWontFkinFi: we won 2 drag fights
MyNameWontFkinFi: off it
Lord Newt: you got a few good ults
Lord Newt: yeah
Lord Newt: but braum
Lord Newt: was a bad choice
Lord Newt: you weren't thinking about your comp
MyNameWontFkinFi: no
MyNameWontFkinFi: lee sin
MyNameWontFkinFi: was a bad choice
MyNameWontFkinFi: ...
MyNameWontFkinFi: im
MyNameWontFkinFi: 2nd last pick
MyNameWontFkinFi: we said
MyNameWontFkinFi: AP
MyNameWontFkinFi: JUNGLERS
Lord Newt: not that many ap junglers tho
Lord Newt: sej was banned
MyNameWontFkinFi: nautilus
MyNameWontFkinFi: there are many
MyNameWontFkinFi: ap junglers
MyNameWontFkinFi: out there
MyNameWontFkinFi: nautilus
Lord Newt: nautilus is so niche tho man
Lord Newt: doubt many people play him
MyNameWontFkinFi: ?
MyNameWontFkinFi: he got buffed
MyNameWontFkinFi: a lot of people
MyNameWontFkinFi: play him
Lord Newt: anyways, im not gonna deny you're good
Lord Newt: but
Lord Newt: you coulda carried
Lord Newt: on zyra
Lord Newt: or an ap support


Is anyone on EUW called Chowdah? If so, sorry I rejected your invite! I get many from newbies after coop vs AI matches so I don't accept unless the name is familiar/I know the invite is coming.

Also did my first two matches on Bard, had a lot of fun and I think I did well for being my first time. His laning is pretty good. I basically ignored chimes unless they were close or on the way. At the same time, I feel I could have done what I did with him with another support (Nami for example). I need to practice my Q's a bit more, since the width is bigger than what it seems, it fucked me up by proccing the stun on two minions that were side by side. Also the tunnel baits are amazing.

I used my Nami/Janna page and built mostly tanky/initiator. I feel AP is a waste and on the second match, which was versus another Bard, you could tell him building AP wasn't helping at all.

I'll post op.gg screens later when I get to my computer!

Ps. W is great for that speed boost and helping a Maokai or Seju initiate.


Is anyone on EUW called Chowdah? If so, sorry I rejected your invite! I get many from newbies after coop vs AI matches so I don't accept unless the name is familiar/I know the invite is coming.

Also did my first two matches on Bard, had a lot of fun and I think I did well for being my first time. His laning is pretty good. I basically ignored chimes unless they were close or on the way. At the same time, I feel I could have done what I did with him with another support (Nami for example). I need to practice my Q's a bit more, since the width is bigger than what it seems, it fucked me up by proccing the stun on two minions that were side by side. Also the tunnel baits are amazing.

I used my Nami/Janna page and built mostly tanky/initiator. I feel AP is a waste and on the second match, which was versus another Bard, you could tell him building AP wasn't helping at all.

I'll post op.gg screens later when I get to my computer!

Ps. W is great for that speed boost and helping a Maokai or Seju initiate.


mmchowdah is a neogaffer
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