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League of Legends |OT9| Stealing Abilities From Inferior MOBAs since 2009

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I'm having so much fun with volibear at the moment. He is a solo queue machine.

Excels at early ganking, farming, initiating and objective control. He even clears the scuttle decently.

I think he's the next annie when sejuani gets nerfed. A handful of players will main him but he'll never really be in the spotlight to get heavily nerfed.


on pbe athene's buff!
Athene's Unholy Grail
Mana regen increased to 100% from 50%
Unique Passive now restores 30% of maximum mana on kill/assist up from 15%
i told u guys it was about time!

really nice buff, this is actually a very nice buff to ori, lux and some other struggling midlaners. athenes is finally the better item for regen, everything is alright with the world again

the passive buff is unneeded, i dunno what that's about

also woot lux skin get!

im not against giving lebonk some more counterplay (veigaring, i guess?) as long as
a) she's still a viable champion
b) she's still fun to play

if they hurt a) but preserve b) and accomplish a) after a couple patches of compensation buffs i'm for it

i don't think she needs a big rework tbh, and i find making her q a line non-pass-through skillshot would kind of be the same as her e and would also make her target selection pretty shit (every other assassin like fizz/zed/talon/ahri/kassadin/akali/katarina can deal their damage through the frontline), so i think that's a bad idea.

nerfing her waveclear would just make her bad again like before her rework, back when she was even less interesting to play as or against.

i think the ratio nerfs are good and i'd probably nerf her in ways that punish poor play with like higher q mana costs with refunds on mark procs or something like that. basically mana gate her harass so she doesn't just keep w-double-q-e'ing you or whatever. her mana costs are super nice for a champion with no cost on her ult which acts as free midgame-lategame waveclear and nuke

That's my assumption as well, which makes a champ like LeBlanc all the weirder. Her main source of damage is her dash, which is on W.
nah like, q is almost always the spammable spell, which is also true for lebonk (also see lizzy, synchan, ori)

the rulebreaker for all of this is lux who has her main cc on q, her nuke on e and her utility on w. it kinda makes sense cos her e isn't really spammable, but it's still weird

morg is even weirder with her bind on her q, her w being her main damage/waveclear spell and her e being a utility shield


I think cinderhulk has been the only change I've actually loved about the jungle this season. Thank you Riot for making tank junglers a thing again.


on pbe athene's buff!

i told u guys it was about time!

really nice buff, this is actually a very nice buff to ori, lux and some other struggling midlaners. athenes is finally the better item for regen, everything is alright with the world again

the passive buff is unneeded, i dunno what that's about

also woot lux skin get!

im not against giving lebonk some more counterplay (veigaring, i guess?) as long as
a) she's still a viable champion
b) she's still fun to play

if they hurt a) but preserve b) and accomplish a) after a couple patches of compensation buffs i'm for it

i don't think she needs a big rework tbh, and i find making her q a line non-pass-through skillshot would kind of be the same as her e and would also make her target selection pretty shit (every other assassin like fizz/zed/talon/ahri/kassadin/akali/katarina can deal their damage through the frontline), so i think that's a bad idea.

nerfing her waveclear would just make her bad again like before her rework, back when she was even less interesting to play as or against.

i think the ratio nerfs are good and i'd probably nerf her in ways that punish poor play with like higher q mana costs with refunds on mark procs or something like that. basically mana gate her harass so she doesn't just keep w-double-q-e'ing you or whatever. her mana costs are super nice for a champion with no cost on her ult which acts as free midgame-lategame waveclear and nuke

nah like, q is almost always the spammable spell, which is also true for lebonk (also see lizzy, synchan, ori)

the rulebreaker for all of this is lux who has her main cc on q, her nuke on e and her utility on w. it kinda makes sense cos her e isn't really spammable, but it's still weird

morg is even weirder with her bind on her q, her w being her main damage/waveclear spell and her e being a utility shield
older champions dont follow convention

and what do you think about a small speed nerf to her W

You don't like the stacking smite?
he has a bad memory.

Now if only skirmishers or the shitty counterjungling one are a little better

lebonk clone will also mimic emotes in 5.7


where r u reading all this


and what do you think about a small speed nerf to her W
not sure if i would like touching her w all that much since it's kind of the most fun part about her, but could be. unfortunately it's a really big 'feel' change, which can go really wrong if it's not tuned correctly

she's gonna be a tough one to nail down

where r u reading all this

says so in surrender at 20

they'll try to get shaco ult to do the same

no luck for annie & tibbers cos it would require new animations and artists are busy ppl

it'll be on 5.7 tho, not 5.6 :I


I don't know. I kind of didn't mind only having 1 smite since I was so use to it.

It was inconvenient but I felt like I was massively rewarded for making the right decision on whether to use my smite or not on a camp before a gank.

I've always loved the idea of having to decide whether or not to use smite on a small camp and risk the enemy doing drag/baron. I felt like I got really good at holding onto smite to steal objectives over the seasons.

Two smites kind of dumbed down the jungle role.

I guess i'm just an asshole who doesn't like riot making the jungle more accessible to newer players when I've invested so much time in learning it.


I guess i'm just an asshole who doesn't like riot making the jungle more accessible to newer players when I've invested so much time in learning it.
i don't think that's necessarily it, a skill you developed over the years has gotten devalued, makes sense to be upset about that

i think the many smites might be needed so that ppl get the opportunity to take advantage of the wraiths and wolves buffs more often and i don't know if holding your smite was that valuable of a skill in the first place

and overall 5.5 was a big move from rito to like make junglers happy, so it makes sense that cinderhulk would be so warmly received, specially since pretty much every other jungle change has been a nerf. i think for the most part 5.5 was pretty successful? it feels like a very hands-on and abrupt way of injecting more champions into the meta, but it's really appreciated


not sure if i would like touching her w all that much since it's kind of the most fun part about her, but could be. unfortunately it's a really big 'feel' change, which can go really wrong if it's not tuned correctly

she's gonna be a tough one to nail down
its like zed though. a large part of the problem with him was the incredible speed on his shadows.

LB is similiar, except all her damage is upfront and 3/4 are targeted. its so hard to react to her dashing forward, it just needs to be slow enough that people with dashes can get out of the way if theyre fast enough. cos right now the only way to react is with flash


its like zed though. a large part of the problem with him was the incredible speed on his shadows.

LB is similiar, except all her damage is upfront and 3/4 are targeted. its so hard to react to her dashing forward, it just needs to be slow enough that people with dashes can get out of the way if theyre fast enough. cos right now the only way to react is with flash
yea i agree, it's just that lebonk only has three spells, with one (q) not being too interesting, so touching the other two is kind of scary.

but yea it might be the right idea.
on pbe athene's buff!

i told u guys it was about time!

really nice buff, this is actually a very nice buff to ori, lux and some other struggling midlaners. athenes is finally the better item for regen, everything is alright with the world again

the passive buff is unneeded, i dunno what that's about

also woot lux skin get!
Damn, Athenes will have more regen than before at some point, no?

Also new Lux skin?


Is anyone on EUW called Chowdah? If so, sorry I rejected your invite! I get many from newbies after coop vs AI matches so I don't accept unless the name is familiar/I know the invite is coming.


if u dont know who it is chances are its a bot.




Aah, it was you!? Resend please! D:

Also fun in ranked, currently 2-3.

Lucian Picker: gg silver team
Lucian Picker: fuckign so bad
SuperIuigi: no tp for sion
Lucian Picker: matchmaking in this game is retarded
Lucian Picker: 5/10
Lucian Picker: 3/7
Sofo88: Vi please, you sound like Vvvvvortic's comments
Lucian Picker: why bother palying ranked
Lucian Picker: Annie you're the reason he comments that shit
Lucian Picker: people liek you
Lucian Picker: Who go into ranked and just feed
Sofo88: Sure thing buddy :) Have a nice day
Lucian Picker: Go play fuckign normals
Lucian Picker: Get cancer too
Lucian Picker: Spastic cunt
whitePEDO: well sion was good
Lucian Picker: Yeah bot and mid were retarded so gg
Superingo: why u flame so much?
Lucian Picker: 155 cs velkoz
Sofo88: You raged at Sion too, Vi
Lucian Picker: lmfao
Lucian Picker: Because this is ranked
Sofo88: Yet your kill participation is abyssmal
Superingo: thats not good for the next game
Lucian Picker: and these people are so bad
Superingo: u must change your attitude
Lucian Picker: Annie look at your ranked stats LOL
Superingo: then u will win
Sofo88: Yeah, always someone else's fault
Lucian Picker: You main support and youre useless
Lucian Picker: You will never get ot of silver
Sofo88: I don't need to
Lucian Picker: You were born 88?
Lucian Picker: you old fuck
Lucian Picker: stop palying video games
Sofo88: Keep talking
Lucian Picker: You barely have the reaction time to play this game
Lucian Picker: you old fuck
Lucian Picker: Go get a job and let the young kids play this game
Sofo88: Right of course :) I'm sure I am really old at 27
Lucian Picker: you usless spastic
Lucian Picker: 27 and you still dont have a devolped brain to play this
Lucian Picker: lmfao
Lucian Picker: Spastic
Sofo88: Aww you are being so mature now
(after Vi left post-lobby)
Sofo88: What an idiot
Sofo88: Wp Nasus


This idiot was spamming pings the entire time and raging at everyone. Granted our Velkoz was kinda braindead, and Caitlyn was absolutely passive but it did not merit the abuse this Vi put the rest of our team into. -_-


I'm having so much fun with volibear at the moment. He is a solo queue machine.

Excels at early ganking, farming, initiating and objective control. He even clears the scuttle decently.

I think he's the next annie when sejuani gets nerfed. A handful of players will main him but he'll never really be in the spotlight to get heavily nerfed.

What runes are you using? Stalkers blade?


I'm having so much fun with volibear at the moment. He is a solo queue machine.

Excels at early ganking, farming, initiating and objective control. He even clears the scuttle decently.

I think he's the next annie when sejuani gets nerfed. A handful of players will main him but he'll never really be in the spotlight to get heavily nerfed.

I am a dedicated jungle main and I agree with this. Volibear is stupidly good right now. Build Cinder Chilling Smite item and then go completely tanky and I am still doing ridiculous amounts of damage while being able to take a lot. He is definitely going to be a regular in my rotation now.


Confirmation bias is one hell of a drug

Last week you didn't think Sion E was worth shit either

No, I did no such thing. I still did not consider maxing E worthwile in the context of jungling. I was asking for opinions, not trying to impose my view on others. Even back then, I stated that I am not a toplaner Sion :p.


This was a weird match; by late game my team either kills them one by one or they get aced by not focusing jinx.
Our Cait wasn't too good either; ALWAYS standing in front of Jinx's slow...
I supported the shit out of this game, and Iw as all like 'yo this chogath ain't a problem, my team got good enough lifesteal, I'ma get me some AP'. Apparently the chogath didnt even stack his Ulti lol.

At one point we wasted all 4 of them at the mid between the 2 long bushes; I was down to like 10 HP but nasus couldn't kill me as I hit him with a W-ed auto huehue.


I suck so much at Bard's Qs but I keep winning
, the universe is unbalanced!

Will post later but so far I enjoy how easy laning is with this guy. Also his sustain and mp sustain is really good so far. I know Phreak compared it to Sona but I've never really used her (I don't own her).

I would like a bit more speed on the Q projectile but maybe it's just a thing I'll get used to and eventually manage to land reliably. It sure was fun to use Anivia's walls to stun too!
Just sat through the entire match after not having been able to watch it yesterday.

If that was good Yorick play, I can't see how. Early game he regularly had to be babysat by Annie when facing off Graves, an ADC who has short enough range for him to cope with him not being pit against a melee, he frequently was low or ran out of mana despite the stupid Tear of the Goddess purchase, looks like he was going for the Sunfire Cape towards the end there instead of something with actual increased survivability (or y'know, health for the ghouls) and quite a few times he got caught wildly out of position, being 'forced' to use the ult on himself to pretend he mattered in teamfights if he couldn't use it on Cassiopea instead. That was his only purpose, and he was essentially a non-factor for most of the match if he couldn't fulfill that simple of a task.

The match itself was still entertaining however so I enjoyed it, but I never want to sit through Quickshot's 'riveting commentary' ever again.

cinderhulk + nerfing the jungle this patch has been amazing
Nerfing the jungle was dumb. Way to make it hardly threatening anymore. Having Smite gain charges was also entirely uncalled for.
Hardly threatening

Tell that to those goddamned chickens

Also don't worry, you're not the only one that could live without hearing Quickshot's voice ever again
Hardly threatening

Tell that to those goddamned chickens

Also don't worry, you're not the only one that could live without hearing Quickshot's voice ever again
Nowadays the chickens hardly bite, and pre-nerf I retained 75% / 80% of my health during a level 1 start with Udyr / Cho / Nunu / Trundle just fine. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯




I mean more regen than old Athenes
hmm, maybe. it used to be 10 mp5 * 1.01% for every 1% mana missing. so you'd usually run around with like 14 mp5 i'm guessing

new one is 100% mana regen + 2% of missing mana per 5

say, last game, i bought athenes on ori at minute 18 which was about lvl 11 i think. ori's base regen at that level is 11.4, so new athenes would have 11.4 + 2% of missing mana per 5. ori has 671 mana at that level so same scenario of 60% mana it's 671 * .4 * .02 = 5.36.

so about 16 mp5

it's a bit more
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