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League of Legends |OT9| Stealing Abilities From Inferior MOBAs since 2009

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playing with summons.
Sorry Panda, I tried but did not do well enough. I even got a baron steal with bandage no smite, and another baron steal with smite, but it was pretty one-sided.

I think we might have had a better chance if I had given up on ulting and just tried to temporarily pin down Zac and Jax when they dived (even though Lucian would nuke us while we did so).


What runes are you using? Stalkers blade?

21/9 masteries taking cdr and the 2 weaving masteries.

AD reds,

armour yellows,

5% cdr blues and scaling mr with the rest

AS quints

I'm obsessed with starting with 10% cdr on all my jungle champs.

And yes. Stalkers blade. I can the use of skirmishers so both can work imo especially when you're diving for the carries in team fights.

Skirmishers is really strong on tank junglers in my opinion. You smite the enemy adc and you get a massive damage reduction for that duration. I get it on Nautilus and might start trying it on volibear.


i can't express to you guys how freaking happy i am that tanks this good now


if it was jusy shy/mundo/renekton i'd hate it, but there's so much diversity now that it's fun again.


21/9 masteries taking cdr and the 2 weaving masteries.

AD reds,

armour yellows,

5% cdr blues and scaling mr with the rest

AS quints

I'm obsessed with starting with 10% cdr on all my jungle champs.

And yes. Stalkers blade. I can the use of skirmishers so both can work imo especially when you're diving for the carries in team fights.

Skirmishers is really strong on tank junglers in my opinion. You smite the enemy adc and you get a massive damage reduction for that duration. I get it on Nautilus and might start trying it on volibear.

I played a bit of him last night, I'm on the fence. I felt my presence dropped severely as soon as I used flash, it really limited my engage potential. His clear is decent, but it didn't seem any better than Sej or Amumu really, both of which have significantly better tools to start and finish fights in my opinion.

He thrives with decent cc on your laners, but otherwise I found myself getting kited a lot (which obviously wasn't a huge surprise). I grabbed Righteous Glory in one game and that helped a bit.

Overall, I can't really see a reason to pick him over Sej or Amumu, both of which are already Solo Q gods.


Lissandra got nerfed, right?



also u should always 100% of the times get zhonyas as your second item

lizzy becomes beast with that item

remember Season 2 Urgot? aka the reason it got Olaf'd?

oh man. I hope we don't see that shit again.
i maen, this is league of legends

ppl will complain about everything until they get it and realize how wrong they were all along and still blame it on rito while similaryl asking for something else


Overall, I can't really see a reason to pick him over Sej or Amumu, both of which are already Solo Q gods.

Because Voli can 1v3 backlines without dying late game while sej and amumu only tank them.

2 of these games, I had a terrible start due to being counter jungled but I still pulled through in team fights with the raw mother fucking power of a 650-700 damage bite(depends on what items I build) And that doesn't include the execution damage as well. Damage rounds up to 1100 damage with his bite if you want to maximise its execution damage. (which you won't really need because volibear's other skills shred the lives of carries.)

In the games that I was getting kited, I just flipped the tanks and bit them for 1/4 of their health while the enemy carries struggled to get through my armour and health pool.

Deleted member 77995

Unconfirmed Member
Am now an official member of the "I hate Nidalee players" group.
Losing always feels like such a waste of time, like why even bother playing the game if you don't win?


So after outplaying the shit out of a leblanc top with ignite, my jungle Vi comes to my lane and taxes 4 fucking waves of cs for no reason when im already tping back in.

Lane gets stuck in front of the enemy turret and I get camped for a full minute while my Vi goes back to buy a vamp scepter.

And you'd think with an average of 9 deaths per game, a person would be like;

"Hey! Maybe botrk Vi is not good"


So after outplaying the shit out of a leblanc top with ignite, my jungle Vi comes to my lane and taxes 4 fucking waves of cs for no reason when im already tping back in.

Lane gets stuck in front of the enemy turret and I get camped for a full minute while my Vi goes back to buy a vamp scepter.

And you'd think with an average of 9 deaths per game, a person would be like;

"Hey! Maybe botrk Vi is not good"

Vi's passive is her lifesteal lol.

My friend would keep trying Supp Ashe but fails miserably at it, and by late game the most they'd build is BT or Inf. Edge ugh...
I just can't do well on Rek'Sai. I am so, so bad with her. I'll start out well with some decent early ganks, but I can't figure out how to play her in team fights. I kinda just dive into their backline and then die lol.


also u should always 100% of the times get zhonyas as your second item

lizzy becomes beast with that item

Normally I would, but I was so far ahead in those games that I just wanted to go deathcap and one shot everything. :p
I just can't do well on Rek'Sai. I am so, so bad with her. I'll start out well with some decent early ganks, but I can't figure out how to play her in team fights. I kinda just dive into their backline and then die lol.

Normally I would, but I was so far ahead in those games that I just wanted to go deathcap and one shot everything. :p

I'm not the best with her either, but I don't think you're supposed to dive the back line. But normally, I think you go in, go in, blow your cooldowns, then back out for a bit, regen with your burrow, then go back in.
I just can't do well on Rek'Sai. I am so, so bad with her. I'll start out well with some decent early ganks, but I can't figure out how to play her in team fights. I kinda just dive into their backline and then die lol.

Enter with E while borrowed, go the stun thing + Q then E and run borrowed again wait for regen and repeat. (I still get wrecked anyway lol )


Has anyone gotten weird lag when opening the shop? I think I have a fairly decent computer, but I don't have a SSD.

It's not even the first time. Sometimes it's late in the game and I'll hit P only to get a second of lag or something.


Just want to chime and say that anyone who wants to play Xin Zhao jungle should try out Cinderhulk instead of Warrior. I was never a fan of Warrior on Xin back before 5.5 and figured that the loss of tenacity and CDR on Cinderhulk would hurt Xin so I tried two matches with Warriors and it felt like crap. Last match I went Cinderhulk into Ghostblade and it felt way better. It's actually a damn good item on Xin (even though it's overtuned, still good). Also becoming a huge fan of Skirmisher's on Xin.



I'm done with sej.

I don't know why but every time I'm able to get sej, my team just picks stupid crap and feeds their asses off before I even finish my first rotation of buffs. Games are just over before they begin.


Just want to chime and say that anyone who wants to play Xin Zhao jungle should try out Cinderhulk instead of Warrior. I was never a fan of Warrior on Xin back before 5.5 and figured that the loss of tenacity and CDR on Cinderhulk would hurt Xin so I tried two matches with Warriors and it felt like crap. Last match I went Cinderhulk into Ghostblade and it felt way better. It's actually a damn good item on Xin (even though it's overtuned, still good). Also becoming a huge fan of Skirmisher's on Xin.

Thanks for the tips, I'll try it out, SECRET AGENT XIN ON FIYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!
You should update your avy to match

Deleted member 77995

Unconfirmed Member
Has anyone gotten weird lag when opening the shop? I think I have a fairly decent computer, but I don't have a SSD.

It's not even the first time. Sometimes it's late in the game and I'll hit P only to get a second of lag or something.

I haven't had any of that but invisible Nid spears are driving me up a wall. Fixed my client but I still see them (or don't).



I'm done with sej.

I don't know why but every time I'm able to get sej, my team just picks stupid crap and feeds their asses off before I even finish my first rotation of buffs. Games are just over before they begin.
This seems like an exaggeration. How long does it take you to get your first round of buffs? I would think most junglers could get both buffs in under 5 minutes. How many deaths can a team get in under 5 minutes? Maybe 3 deaths each, but even so you might still come back from it.
I'm not the best with her either, but I don't think you're supposed to dive the back line. But normally, I think you go in, go in, blow your cooldowns, then back out for a bit, regen with your burrow, then go back in.

Enter with E while borrowed, go the stun thing + Q then E and run borrowed again wait for regen and repeat. (I still get wrecked anyway lol )

Yeah, definitely takes some finesse to use her effectively. I really like the champ but right now I feel like she's kinda high risk, low reward compared to other junglers. I get why she's used in competitive play where jungle control is so important, but yeah.


This seems like an exaggeration. How long does it take you to get your first round of buffs? I would think most junglers could get both buffs in under 5 minutes. How many deaths can a team get in under 5 minutes? Maybe 3 deaths each, but even so you might still come back from it.

it's not an exaggeration

i just saw it

0/2 fizz in the first 6 minutes, 0/3 by 9.


it's not an exaggeration

i just saw it

0/2 fizz in the first 6 minutes, 0/3 by 9.
That's still only 3 deaths, and surely Sejuani can get blue + red buffs by 9 minutes?

I mean, there doesn't seem to be any logical reason why Rex would be given teammates that are somehow more suicidal, on average, over say 20 games, just because he picks Sejuani and takes X minutes to kill buff camps. :p Maybe it was bad luck for a couple of games.


Nothing like running into a 1v5 in baron pit, flipping the enemy adc then assassinating him with my 1.3k damage bite.

Then tanking 4 people and baron for a good 10seconds with my passive, allowing my kat to come in for a quadra.

I even lived.

Won a 4v5 like that. True story.
Oh man, got paired with a gold supp who was really an asshole, I was slow to react few of his openings because I rarely got paired with Taric then He started to insult me for not helping him kill the enemy jungle in the dragon area while we were pushing bot on minute 3 and become really toxic after that by not helping me at all and tried to surrender every 5 mins and didnt placed a ward at all until the very end.


A debug custom mode would be nice for this. X gold, Y minutes in, buy items at any time, spawn into a certain lane immediately against a specific enemy, etc.
i just want to know with which champions buying sorc shoes = more champion damage than blasting wand (probably most of them)

also i wonder if you can take thresh lantern with lebonk clone


I guess newt is right about the disconnect strategy, even in silver. :( Someone left, and the team surrendered within 5 minutes so LeaverBuster didn't even flag them for a warning.

Deleted member 77995

Unconfirmed Member
2 losses and 1 win but I'm still up LP at the end of the day.
And god it's so painfully obvious when someone doesn't play support, makes playing marksman feel like a 1v2


Being an adult sucks. Bought a shampoo holder that is supposed to hold on the wall by using vacuum.

It's not working because my bathroom tiles are slightly (very very slightly) rugged.

/ragequit RL

Pd. Probably doesn't help that I am doing it in the morning without having had my breakfast too.
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