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League of Legends |OT9| Stealing Abilities From Inferior MOBAs since 2009

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doesn't eve keep some sticking power since her w resets now?

anyways you guys are tired of ahri i guess so here's some jinx
What do you mean, her W resets?

It's a 3-second speedup on a 15-second cooldown, so if she manages to get 12 spell hits, or maybe 5 Q hits over 7 seconds, it will be available again, but that's quite a few seconds for someone to get away.

*edit* Double post AND super beaten. I am awful.
you know when you go into ranked and someone on your team has that little green thing on their username/box indicating they're a good teammate or whatever?
and then they proceed to be extremely toxic and you just try to calm them down but they continue and eventually it gets to someone else on your team and they start to tilt and youre just trying to mediate and focus on the people doing well but it gets overwhelming and before you know it you've lost 15LP
i hate ranked sometimes


you know when you go into ranked and someone on your team has that little green thing on their username/box indicating they're a good teammate or whatever?
and then they proceed to be extremely toxic and you just try to calm them down but they continue and eventually it gets to someone else on your team and they start to tilt and youre just trying to mediate and focus on the people doing well but it gets overwhelming and before you know it you've lost 15LP
i hate ranked sometimes

Yeesh, i had to fight to keep my green ribbon as long as I have, and it doesn't even really do anything. I'm not always super cheerful but I'm never really toxic, not sure how they can keep a ribbon acting like that, you have to get a LOT of teamwork votes and keep getting them.


She doesn't have super flashy combos or anything, but I think her kit feels pretty rewarding when used effectively.
it's not really about her being flashy, it's just her kit being super straightforward and uninteresting

her passive is stats
q is like line skillshot. nothing unique about it, no goes through one target like lux bind or anything fun like that
w is aoe dot waveclear. super boring and unsatisfying spell that only serves to autopush
e is her coolest spell and probably the only one that's actually interesting since it can be used offensively as well as defensively
ult is fine


League is fickle tonight. I've been on an awful losing slide that started almost precisely when I got around 60% Malzahar wins and 50% overall wins. Zed is one of my worst matchups and I had a really bad game against one tonight.

Then the latest game, I was against Zed yet again. Our FIRST PICK in ranked took jungle...and never connected the entire 33-minute game.


The other team surrendered 5-0 after we kept crushing teamfights and were about to take 2 inhibitors.


What's the criteria for jumping past a division? Don't drop a game from 0LP to promotion win?
In theory your MMR (which I don't think you can 100% reliably know) has to be a division higher. So effectively when you finish a promotion, the system checks where you're supposed to be and puts you there.


Rex I need your advice and even though I mostly just jungle in normals (lolnormals etc) I got called out for staying in lane for too long.

I wanted to relieve pressure off Jinx/Thresh versus Graves/Karma, Jinx was extremely low, and even though I knew that they knew I was there, I stayed in the brushes. Thresh seemed somewhat upset about it. I was Amumu btw.

Thoughts? It did seem to work as Jinx didn't die "then" but idk.

We won eitherway thanks to top and mid stomping and bot recovering later on. Also Cinderhulk is awesome.

I'm a bit late but here:

Just clear the enemy wards in the bot lane river with a pink or red trinket then camp the bot bush for 10 seconds.

If they stay near tower for that entire time, you just pressured the lane. Don't waste anymore time. Go back to farming.

If they come ward, ping the warder and throw out cc to start a fight

If they start pushing again, ping for the gank and then gank them.

If your laners don't respond to your pings, fuck that lane. Never gank it again.


I'm a bit late but here:

Just clear the enemy wards in the bot lane river with a pink or red trinket then camp the bot bush for 10 seconds.

If they stay near tower for that entire time, you just pressured the lane. Don't waste anymore time. Go back to farming.

If they come ward, ping the warder and throw out cc to start a fight

If they start pushing again, ping for the gank and then gank them.

If your laners don't respond to your pings, fuck that lane. Never gank it again.

No worries, better late than never! Thanks for the specific instructions, it helps! I'll keep these in mind. :)

In other news, went back to Nami and boy, that felt good. We won bot despite my friend who is low silver (and never ADCs, was trying Graves) vs 2 Plat Vayne/Nunu. Forgot how strong she was. Also had a really nice match as Thresh but their Akali top got immense and I couldn't peel her off Caitlyn and she would wait until Amumu had used his ult to go in.

Also, in hindsight I shouldn't play more Bard. I lost 1 match yesterday (the only one so far) so I think I'll keep it like that. Probably wasn't a good idea to pick it with Ashe (we had some miscommunication during picking lol) but yeah, I didn't play that well and we lost to a B4 Thresh and a low Plat Lucian ._. but I feel that was more because of me than because of them.
Anyone else think that this patch gave Eve exactly what she needed? Late game eve is going to be a monster.

Hit the back line, run out, stealth and back in again.
Hit the backline with what, you do little damage unless you get into melee range aka being seen but now you can't stick to targets so you'll get peeled off and blown up on the spot

Plus her early-mid game is even worse now. The W changes might be a set up for further buffs down the line but right now this is a straight nerf. It wouldn't be a problem if they reverted a couple buffs to fix her fucking itemization - physical E, Q missile speed - then I could go Magus plus Luden's and this would be great, but as long as Eve has to build as a DPS bruiser to be even remotely useful these are just nerfs

Sorry for the rant but I'm just salty as fuck this shit went through



Really? What are Riot testers thinking?

It's already hard to win a lane with her, since most other top laners have more burst or poke.
Now they give her even less damage.

Definitely Irelia needs a rework.
She need armour for being tanky. Needs attack speed for her W, AD/AP for having useful enough ult, and cooldown reduction for her "universal trade-turning always-winning" E to be actually used enough times.

For when you have all your potential unlocked by items you already lost the game.



Really? What are Riot testers thinking?

It's already hard to win a lane with her, since most other top laners have more burst or poke.
Now they give her even less damage.

Definitely Irelia needs a rework.
She need armour for being tanky. Needs attack speed for her W, AD/AP for having useful enough ult, and cooldown reduction for her "universal trade-turning always-winning" E to be actually enough times.

For when you have all your potential unlocked by items you already lost the game.
Through the foolproof metric of lolking ranked solo queue win rates, I have determined that Irelia's win rate seems to be over 50% at all levels. It seems to be around 51% or more which is decent, so maybe Riot is justified tapping it a bit.

Riot had some statistics in their patch notes about Irelia only being nerfed 4 times I think.


Through the foolproof metric of lolking ranked solo queue win rates, I have determined that Irelia's win rate seems to be over 50% at all levels. It seems to be around 51% or more which is decent, so maybe Riot is justified tapping it a bit.

Riot had some statistics in their patch notes about Irelia only being nerfed 4 times I think.

Yep, I just read that.

But Irelia didnt have any weight on competitive games. Noone abused of her for having something broken or OP. And having 50% winrate in SoloQ means nothing : / It's pretty normal I guess.

I'll eat my words if this doenst translate into the champ falling into oblivion.


The most notable effect of this nerf is to make Irelia's losing lanes (in those she can be forced to max E) worse. All W-max lanes are the same as before.


Does Irelia even have many bad matchups in lane?

If you are not diamond, a lot.

She have a high skill cap because only her ult is ranged and is one of the most useless ults in the game IMO. Not good enough at healing (you shoot the blades at turtle speed and you can get bursted down faster), not good enough at dealing damage (scales much better with AP), and not good enough to clear waves (in early).

In order to farm you always have to expose yourself and most of the time you get harrased and if you trade almost everychamp outdamages you.

Irelia have a lot of things, and isn't really great at any of them.
What's useless about 4 sheen procs plus healing on a super short CD? It also does deceptively great damage, if you land all 4 blades that's 240 base damage with no falloff whatsoever, how many ults in the game do more than 200 AoE base at rank 1 on a Blitz grab range, let alone 240?

Her basic kit is so strong she can just throw away her ult to shove a lane and not feel bad about it. Irelia was hardly fine and this nerf won't really change much aside from her percieved power

Also she has been a contested competitive pick for a while now. Why do you think she's banned in solo Q to begin with?


Even if she is having a tough time in lane, it's not like she can't just sit by her tower and farm with Q.

I don't really play her though. I just face her up there sometimes.


What's useless about 4 sheen procs plus healing on a super short CD? It also does deceptively great damage, if you land all 4 blades that's 240 base damage with no falloff whatsoever, how many ults in the game do more than 200 AoE base at rank 1 on a Blitz grab range, let alone 240?

Her basic kit is so strong she can just throw away her ult to shove a lane and not feel bad about it. Irelia was hardly fine and this nerf won't really change much aside from her percieved power

Also she has been a contested competitive pick for a while now. Why do you think she's banned in solo Q to begin with?

It's not like all 5 enemies are gonna stay in a row waiting for your ult. And it's not like it's hard to dodge.

Also, see Ezreal. If he lands every skillshot, everyone of them, he could have insane DPS, but I know, you know, and they know, that it aint gonna happen.

So, what I said first, Irelia can be really strong, only if you are a god playing her.
Each of her blades has like the width of an Ez ult. You might not hit an entire team but whatever is in melee range will eat all 4

She has a decent skill ceiling with sheen weaving and creative Q / clutch E use but let's not pretend Irelia is hard to play here. You don't need to be diamond to be a threat / win lane with her. Champions with a high skill cap don't have 50%+ win rates unless they are completely overpowered.


Elise is back baby! I love her cocoon missile speed buff. It's so good and flies pretty fast now.

Yay :) Glad to hear it. Gonna play her the next time I get a chance to play LoL. It's hard to find time lately. Sick kids, internet outages, Grimrock II purchased, now Pillars of Eternity purchased. It's a tough time to be a LoL addict.


Yay :) Glad to hear it. Gonna play her the next time I get a chance to play LoL. It's hard to find time lately. Sick kids, internet outages, Grimrock II purchased, now Pillars of Eternity purchased. It's a tough time to be a LoL addict.

Bloodborne is going to eat up all my LoL time. Barely have enough time in the week for league as it is but now it doesn't stand a chance.


I'll hear no talk of Irelia being weak.

How does Luden's Echo work with Teemo? It seems like late game Teemo with Luden's Echo and a Runaan's Hurricane might be one of the silliest things in the game.


I'll hear no talk of Irelia being weak.

How does Luden's Echo work with Teemo? It seems like late game Teemo with Luden's Echo and a Runaan's Hurricane might be one of the silliest things in the game.

Runaan is horrible on Teemo, but his shrooms have bad enough ratios that Luden's might be ok.


Runaan is horrible on Teemo, but his shrooms have bad enough ratios that Luden's might be ok.

Runaan's is a funny last item. I always buy another AP item, but it's kind of funny seeing the entire enemy team poisoned and angry. Why else do you play Teemo but to aggravate the other team?


Runaan's is a funny last item. I always buy another AP item, but it's kind of funny seeing the entire enemy team poisoned and angry. Why else do you play Teemo but to aggravate the other team?

If the enemy team allows you to stand and attack four of them at once with teemo's attack range, sure, build whatever is the most fun!


If the enemy team allows you to stand and attack four of them at once with teemo's attack range, sure, build whatever is the most fun!

Yeah, it's dumb. It's something to do if you're insanely ahead. I like having Liandry's, Nashor's, Void Staff/Morello's, Sorc's boots, Rabadon's, and Zhonya's to finish. I think I wan't to make Luden's Echo part of that somewhere, probably as the last item or in place of Rabadon's.

Why am I discussing Teemo like I play him more than 2-3 times a season?
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