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League of Legends: Season 4 World Championship (Sep 17 - Oct 19)

This kayle pick seems very odd. I can't quite tell why it seemed like a good idea.

Whatever they thought Kayle does, she doesn't. Ryze is getting bigger and bigger.

Scales decently, beats Ryze early, outsplits and can't be shut out of a game completely. Works well with the rest of c9 in a disengage comp.

That's one explanation. Still, Ryze didn't really get shut down and scales really good aswell. I don't think Kayle can go toe to toe with this Ryze later on.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
This kayle sure didn't beat ryze.
I don't think Balls is very good at this. Also, he built for team fights instead of aiming for a build that would let him split or 1v1. This Hourglass is pretty confusing.


I think Balls being behind doesn't really matter I guess? In a way Kayle ends up being like Lulu right? More of a utility-kit? Correct me if I'm wrong please!

Is it me or this is a very bad game by C9? I absolutely expected not a stomp but yes a definite lead. Did they underrate KBB or are they legit making mistakes?


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
That's one explanation. Still, Ryze didn't really get shut down and scales really good aswell. I don't think Kayle can go toe to toe with this Ryze later on.
You can't shut Ryze down. Like...nobody can do that. It's just how the game is right now unless you're just camping the lane with a numbers advantage.
I think Balls being behind doesn't really matter I guess? In a way Kayle ends up being like Lulu right? More of a utility-kit? Correct me if I'm wrong please!
It's not really the same. Kayle doesn't have as much utility as Lulu, and needs more farm as a result. Balls isn't actually that far behind.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Hey look, the announcers are talking at length about how bizarre and bad the Kayle pick was.
I think their line of thinking is just too narrow. Kayle/Lucian as a combo will burn towers, and that's only amplified with the protection of someone like Morg. Morg/Kayle as a combo is also really strong. This is why when they actually did start to push the game pretty much ended right away.


It's not really the same. Kayle doesn't have as much utility as Lulu, and needs more farm as a result. Balls isn't actually that far behind.

Cool! Thanks for clarifying. :)

Excited to see SSB again, hoping to see Dade shine though, I got too hyped the other day and then the failed Shockwaves ._.


I hate that Kassadin pick so much

SSB's team comp has such a weak early/mid game and pretty average damage all around

edit: dat tsm chant


They're feeding on Ackerman you mean.

And just as I compliment KR adc, deft goes full solo queue with the flash over the wall

Deft bro you can't die, your team has no damage


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Oh man, korean ADC are so good at twitch.
Honestly I feel like it has more to do with LMQ just doing poorly. Deft could be on anything. This should have been an easy game for LMQ but they blew it on those early dragons. The team fights they lost have easy points you can pick out that work against LMQ. They were pushing mid turret and Nami had no ult for their disengage because she was still level five, while Janna was seven.

Twitch should not be unstoppable against a J4/Ori/Rumble combo. They have answers.
Honestly, when I think of Korean Twitch players, I think of someone going 5-0-0 and then somehow managing to end the game 6-9-8 or something like that. This happens way the hell too often.


I think they're just trying to have a little fun but yeah.

Pd wow that was terrible. NoName abandoning frontline chasing Heart...


SSB get #1 seed in group C to set up a potential meeting with sister team SSW in the semis.

Those people who assumed SSB would take dives to avoid SSW should be ashamed
I think SSB got overconfident after the first teamfight in mid lane (which was probably the best teamfight by them in the game, consider how weak Kass and Twitch were relatively at that point) where they broke through LMQ's ultimates and blew up their backline (Maokai/Rengar commit forcing Shockwave and Equalizer, then Kass with Janna, then Twitch). Or at least Deft thought they'd won since he'd been running around blowing people up at will for a few minutes afterward.

LMQ missed their chance though. SSB grouped for an early dragon and ackerman, on the strongest early teamfighter in the game... used his Equalizer on absolutely nothing. The game was lost there - you can't let Kass get to late game with a composition based around two big ults (three including the Tidal Wave), or he'll just jump around you, force you to waste your cooldowns, and let Mao/Rengar/Twitch do the work. The last two teamfights were one-sided stomps because Kass got too big, and SSB getting an early dragon that they had no right to was a big help in getting him there.
Don't really think LMQ had a chance even at their best. Have to bear in mind SSB wasn't playing at their full.

LMQ could have easily won the game if they hadn't shown up 45 seconds late for the 2nd dragon for absolutely no reason, teleported and ran in blind, dumbcast an Equalizer in the wrong direction on the wrong target, and then decided to engage the fight anyway with their immobile ADC on the wrong side of the enemy team.

I seriously want to hear the comms from that moment to try and get some context as to what their shot-caller was thinking.


Perfect game against NWS

Lose Bronze slugfest against Kabum
Dimb made a good post a while back.
I mean...I guess I just don't know what to associate with the EU LCS. It's lacking in personality, the mechanical level of play isn't very high, and honestly their understanding of the meta seems pretty low. Like...Elise got first picked in the CW vs. Roccat game, and you have a Xerath vs. Nid lane. The success of teams in the scene seems more like bursts of luck than actual solid play when they wildly shift from heavy win streaks to ruts of losses.
I dunno, I kinda agree after seeing this.
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