Thank you, didn't know that. They usually start before 6pm in both OGN and LPL and if I remember correctly it's really difficult to see a match played at midnight, but I can be wrong.There's pretty much always 20 minutes after scheduled time for the first match to start due to analyst talks and pick/bans. It's common in the LCS.
That means they can be beati think they just dont respect edg
Yeah I do think TSM will take this.
Maybe for once we wont get the "TMS!" chants.
hahhahaha noMaybe for once we wont get the "TMS!" chants.
Maybe for once we wont get the "TMS!" chants.
I cant tell if TSM are just really good this year or if SK are just way out of it.
potential world finals game everyone just watched
I hope they root for every team that SK plays against.
sk didn't even try
that pick/ban phase was embarrassing :/
Because of the parity in Europe, we never know how good the teams really are from watching them play each other. Oh wait, they're just all bad, false alarm.
Oh wait, they're just all bad, false alarm.
Sure, they gave up Tristana, Yasuo, and Alistar, plus the champion TSM's jungler plays to the exclusion of basically all others, but they got... uh... Kha'Zix?
EU #3 that just had scandal and a new player in his first game might not be the best game to judge the strength of the EU LCS.
That would mean more if the difference between EU #1 and EU #5 hadn't been relatively trivial throughout most of the season.
where's ocelote