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Leaked AC Unity gameplay videos up in the wild (edit: re-uploaded)

assassin's creed, the culmination of what i don't like in gaming today.

so those brain dead npcs are what they're touting? they have a misguided view of what immersion means. i don't need npc fodder which i can just wade through easily and which react the same to every move i make.

as usual hud is littered with markers and icons.

as usual every thing is filler.

i applaud the scope. everything else is just ugh. same shit different year. they only seem to be padding the game with distractions not actual meaningful content.


I hope the collectible items are meaningful like they were in Black Flag. Otherwise I will just ignore them.


Damn, I've come back to this thread repeatedly to check out the graphics. After watching the different videos what really catches my attention is that this is the same game I've been playing for years. So boring.


After watching the different videos what really catches my attention is that this is the same game I've been playing for years. So boring.
Yup. I fail to see what Ubisoft was talking about with "remade everything from the ground up for a totally new experience".

Nuke Soda

The people leaking these videos are doing a better job promoting the game than Ubisoft. We know right what we are paying for, those who don't like it can ignore and those who like it can buy it.
assassin's creed, the culmination of what i don't like in gaming today.

so those brain dead npcs are what they're touting? they have a misguided view of what immersion means. i don't need npc fodder which i can just wade through easily and which react the same to every move i make.

as usual hud is littered with markers and icons.

as usual every thing is filler.

i applaud the scope. everything else is just ugh. same shit different year. they only seem to be padding the game with distractions not actual meaningful content.
My idea of social stealth with npcs is having territories and individuals who are either with you or against you. So when you crouch in public in a zone or in front of folks who oppose the assassins, then they will alert guards to your last known location until you're hidden. And at the other end of the spectrum, the townsfolk who rebel the governing bodies will help distract guards who may be chasing or stand closer together to provide better cover as you crouch around. None of this brain dead BS where groups of people automatically become cover just because you're standing there listening in on conversations and mimicing their gestures.


it must suck for people who don't find this impressive.
What actually sucks is that the series doesn't seem to go anywhere.
ACIV was my first and only AC game, but even that got stale halfway through the game (still cleared the game and found everything on the map). This game looks almost the same, same damn combat, same parkouring, same unrealistic jumps to the hay wagon from 100 meters which would kill anyone else in the world, same gameplay in general. Graphics don't look much improved. The only thing that actually impressed me was the huge crowd, but only in terms of number shown at once. Like has been mentioned, the clothing pop-up is awfully distracting and breaks the immersion, the crowd also doesn't care that some guy pushes everyone out of his way and so on, they are basically just some scripted puppets, not actual people.
Anyway, I'm curious to see the reviews, if the media agrees with me on any of this.


Damn, I've come back to this thread repeatedly to check out the graphics. After watching the different videos what really catches my attention is that this is the same game I've been playing for years. So boring.
This is pretty much what I'm seeing. I've purchased a new AC game every year since 2009 and the franchise fatigue is finally hitting me. It's not just hitting me with the AC series though, I'm feeling burnt out now on all Ubisoft Open World games.

After Watch Dogs, I really saw just how similar almost every Ubisoft open world game plays. The plot involves the main character trying to avenge the murder of a family member. There are hundreds of things to collect, many towers to climb, and enemy bases to destroy. There are tailing missions, chase missions, and infiltration missions in restricted areas. Black Flag mixed this structure up a lot, which I was a fan of.

At this point, these games feel more like checklists instead of anything new and creative. It's gotten to the point where objectives have become chores: Tail this guy, go to all these locations and back, find 100 hotspots, find 50 flags. Unity looked like it was moving the series forward and although the final game may actually look great and change the tailing missions, it still looks the same as the previous games and I can't help but feel burnt out.


assassin's creed, the culmination of what i don't like in gaming today.

so those brain dead npcs are what they're touting? they have a misguided view of what immersion means. i don't need npc fodder which i can just wade through easily and which react the same to every move i make.

as usual hud is littered with markers and icons.

as usual every thing is filler.

i applaud the scope. everything else is just ugh. same shit different year. they only seem to be padding the game with distractions not actual meaningful content.

Ubi open world games in a nutshell, fuck em. Pointless busy work bullshit with hold trigger for parkour awesome gameplay.


Ubi open world games in a nutshell, fuck em. Pointless busy work bullshit with hold trigger for parkour awesome gameplay.
Coupled with uplay nonsense, CGI reveal trailers vs actual product I am done with ubisoft. Pretty much sum up everything I hate about the industry today.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
The people leaking these videos are doing a better job promoting the game than Ubisoft. We know right what we are paying for, those who don't like it can ignore and those who like it can buy it.
I for one would really like to see more story missions, or at least a black box mission because from what i've seen that's where the real changes come into play more than the open world exploration. And skill trees. The twitch stream earlier showed off a ton of customization items.

Coupled with uplay nonsense, CGI reveal trailers vs actual product I am done with ubisoft. Pretty much sum up everything I hate about the industry today.
What CGI reveal trailer?


What actually sucks is that the series doesn't seem to go anywhere.
ACIV was my first and only AC game, but even that got stale halfway through the game (still cleared the game and found everything on the map). This game looks almost the same, same damn combat, same parkouring, same unrealistic jumps to the hay wagon from 100 meters which would kill anyone else in the world, same gameplay in general. Graphics don't look much improved. The only thing that actually impressed me was the huge crowd, but only in terms of number shown at once. Like has been mentioned, the clothing pop-up is awfully distracting and breaks the immersion, the crowd also doesn't care that some guy pushes everyone out of his way and so on, they are basically just some scripted puppets, not actual people.
Anyway, I'm curious to see the reviews, if the media agrees with me on any of this.

Doubt it, the media still seem to love it for some reason.


Can someone explain me what Ubisoft Open World Game means?

I have played GTA games, AC games, Sleeping Dogs, lets say Batman AC is OW game and i played it, Just Cause 2, Mafia 2, RDR, Infamous 1 and difference for me between those games are story, characters and gameplay, but gameplay can be similar. Side quests are usually very similar, collectibles are similar.

People are often describing Ubisoft OW games as checklist but every OW game is that. You are doing things to get reward or achievement or to reach 100%. In AC games you are synchronising viewpoints, in Sleeping dogs you are visiting Shrines, in Mafia 2 you are collecting Playboy magazines in Infamous 1 you are collecting Shards, Batman has Riddler Trophies in GTA HD Era you had packages, in GTA IV Pigeons in GTA V letters. Every OW games is very similar when you look what types of collectables and missions you are doing and main difference are characters and story in most situations.
Indeed. People claiming that Unity doesn't look much better than last gen AC are just nuts. I don't know if they just have rose tinted glasses, or if it is part of a crusade to slam the game every chance they get. The difference is absolutely huge in every single way. The scope, the crowds, the amount of detail in the world, the animation, the lighting, everything. Regardless of resolution and NPC pop-in, the game looks stunning to me.

"Indeed it is, but what you must realize my PS4 brothers, we were never going to win the resolution war, for the sake of parity, a deal had to be made with Microsoft :D" (Sentinel Prime's voice from Dark of the Moon)


This is pretty much what I'm seeing. I've purchased a new AC game every year since 2009 and the franchise fatigue is finally hitting me. It's not just hitting me with the AC series though, I'm feeling burnt out now on all Ubisoft Open World games.

After Watch Dogs, I really saw just how similar almost every Ubisoft open world game plays. The plot involves the main character trying to avenge the murder of a family member. There are hundreds of things to collect, many towers to climb, and enemy bases to destroy. There are tailing missions, chase missions, and infiltration missions in restricted areas. Black Flag mixed this structure up a lot, which I was a fan of.

At this point, these games feel more like checklists instead of anything new and creative. It's gotten to the point where objectives have become chores: Tail this guy, go to all these locations and back, find 100 hotspots, find 50 flags
. Unity looked like it was moving the series forward and although the final game may actually look great and change the tailing missions, it still looks the same as the previous games and I can't help but feel burnt out.

In one of the trailers they said that the game will have different side content this time.

- Murder mysteries (Investigation missions)
- Paris Stories (Assassination missions that are story driven unlike the previous games)
- Co-op heists (can be done solo)
- Brotherhood missions (can be done solo)
- Treasure hunts (I have no idea what they are)
- Cafe Theater (Upgradable like the Villa and has its own missions)

The only two things which sound the same as previous games will be collectibles and Animus puzzles (which was only in AC2 and maybe Brotherhood as far as I remember).

As far as tailing missions go, they said they have implemented a new system called adaptive mission mechanic and there will be very few tailing missions in the game for story purposes.

Mission structure has also changed. Or, to put it more directly: missions no longer have a set structure. In previous games, you’d be given a defined set of goals. You’d achieve them, or you’d start over – either at the beginning of the mission or at an appropriate checkpoint. Assassin’s Creed Unity introduces something called Adaptive Mission Mechanic (AMM) – which is exactly what it sounds like.

To explain AMM, Amancio lays out a typical scenario from previous games. Let’s say you’re tailing a Templar target; if you get spotted, the mission might be over. That’s no longer the case. “We’ve opted for a different philosophy where we won’t tell you Tail this guy,” Amancio says. “We’ll just maybe tell you Figure out where he’s going.” That means you can tail him if you like – and if you get spotted, the tail could turn into a chase. If you lose him altogether, your goal switches to locating your target. If a riot happens to break out and your target is killed, then you can loot his body to, say, find a letter that tells you where he’s going. “So it’s really up to the player to figure out how he’s going to do this,” Amancio says.

Of course, there’s much more to AMM than this. It’ll never be as simple as choosing the easiest path (i.e., killing every target and looting their bodies) because that could have serious repercussions in the world. “If a guy is missing, maybe they’re going to double up patrols in your next mission. So there’s a risk. It evens itself out.”


Damn, I've come back to this thread repeatedly to check out the graphics. After watching the different videos what really catches my attention is that this is the same game I've been playing for years. So boring.

Yup. I fail to see what Ubisoft was talking about with "remade everything from the ground up for a totally new experience".

Couldn't have said it better myself.


In one of the trailers they said that the game will have different side content this time.

- Murder mysteries (Investigation missions)
- Paris Stories (Assassination missions that are story driven unlike the previous games)
- Co-op heists (can be done solo)
- Brotherhood missions (can be done solo)
- Treasure hunts (I have no idea what they are)
- Cafe Theater (Upgradable like the Villa and has its own missions)

The only two things which sound the same as previous games will be collectibles and Animus puzzles (which was only in AC2 and maybe Brotherhood as far as I remember).

As far as tailing missions go, they said they have implemented a new system called adaptive mission mechanic and there will be very few tailing missions in the game for story purposes.
That's good to hear. After Watch Dogs, I'm still very skeptical but hopefully it turns out alright. I won't be buying it day one since I need to hear how everything is. Maybe I'll pick it up on Black Friday like I usually do with the series if it's on sale.


After all the AC games theres been, leaping into a pile of hay still looks like an animation out of an alpha build, looks like some unfinished place holder looking shit.



What actually sucks is that the series doesn't seem to go anywhere.
ACIV was my first and only AC game, but even that got stale halfway through the game (still cleared the game and found everything on the map). This game looks almost the same, same damn combat, same parkouring, same unrealistic jumps to the hay wagon from 100 meters which would kill anyone else in the world, same gameplay in general. Graphics don't look much improved. The only thing that actually impressed me was the huge crowd, but only in terms of number shown at once. Like has been mentioned, the clothing pop-up is awfully distracting and breaks the immersion, the crowd also doesn't care that some guy pushes everyone out of his way and so on, they are basically just some scripted puppets, not actual people.
Anyway, I'm curious to see the reviews, if the media agrees with me on any of this.

The media praised the garbage and technical mess that was ACIII.


Yup. I fail to see what Ubisoft was talking about with "remade everything from the ground up for a totally new experience".
Even worse the architecture of the city just reminds me far too much of AC3 which, while I didn't hate it as much as most, definitely left a bitter taste in my mouth as far as broken promises go. I feel like they've learnt nothing from AC4. This is exactly where the series was going after Revelations and AC3; it's just the same shit every year.

Also, I'm the only person I know that plays AC on PC so all this co-op hype is so uninteresting to me.
In one of the trailers they said that the game will have different side content this time.

- Murder mysteries (Investigation missions)
- Paris Stories (Assassination missions that are story driven unlike the previous games)
- Co-op heists (can be done solo)
- Brotherhood missions (can be done solo)
- Treasure hunts (I have no idea what they are)
- Cafe Theater (Upgradable like the Villa and has its own missions)

The only two things which sound the same as previous games will be collectibles and Animus puzzles (which was only in AC2 and maybe Brotherhood as far as I remember).

As far as tailing missions go, they said they have implemented a new system called adaptive mission mechanic and there will be very few tailing missions in the game for story purposes.


I hope this is true, because it sounds pretty cool.

Also, what's this about no ambient music? That's a huge bummer, the ambient city music is some of the best stuff in previous games.
Looks great for the hardware present within the current gen consoles. I don't know what people are complaining about. I get the feeling most of you expect current gen consoles to perform like a top of the line PC. But come to your senses guys. If you are bothered by pop ups then invest on a good PC. Or if you have a good PC buy the game for that platform. You guys are expecting the impossible from a mid level PC. And yes I buy my games for consoles..


It looks like a huge step backward from Black Flag. I get that the pirates were a one time thing, but Unity just looks so generic in terms of the Assassin's Creed games. I'll play through it eventually, but right now with everything else on the table for November, I don't see it being worth it.


After all the AC games theres been, leaping into a pile of hay still looks like an animation out of an alpha build, looks like some unfinished place holder looking shit.


This really bothers me. It just seems like something that happens often enough and wouldn't break the resource budget to fix. I mean at least make a stock animation for every haypile that makes it looks like it shakes a little or caves in a little for a moment. I mean something!
Its quite jarring after playing sunset overdrive which looks and plays like no other game

Then seeing this which looks like all the other AC games. Combat looked worse since 5 or 6 direct full his with a sword do nothing to an enemy. Crowds did not seem any more interesting than prior games just way more of them (and kind of jarring since you can see how similar they all are eg clothing)

And the city just looks dull and boring. It may be realistic to the time, but it looks like the usual copy paste of bland buildings and the same old assets like that horrible hay cart. What's the point of exploring such massive place if so many streets and buildings are identical.

I was excited reading about all this "rebuilt from ground up" stuff for next generation consoles but end result looks like it has the same gameplay and ambience. Also the crowds just didn't excite me at all, perhaps because they just seemed like scenery slowing you down.

Maybe they just need to stop releasing so many and try something new in between.


sputum-flecked apoplexy
Or they could stop annualising the bloody thing and so not reaching fatigue and design bloat as a result. It hasn't materially changed enough since AC2, and annualising just makes the lack of meaningful design progression worse.
When I played ACIV, I would say that most of the time played was doing an activity that didn't even exist in 4 out of the 5 prior games in the series, and which was a minor story mission bonus in ACIII.

So in summary, sorry but what you're saying is silly. It might have been true for the ACII trilogy, and I definitely felt some fatigue with Revelations. But the issue was III wasn't franchise fatigue, it was genuinely iffy design choices. And ACIV was anything but 'more of the same' for the series.

'It's just the same game over and over' is a puerile criticism of the series. I agree that there are things to criticise but that one is wide of the mark. Except to the extent that the games are in the same series and, as such, tend to share core mechanics.
I can't believe the guy is running around in public with a huge musket on his back.

And if you will not be able to see said musket you would say it is immersion breaking that he is hiding everything under his coat.

No matter what they do you will keep on shitting on this game. People like you can never get pleased.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
I can't believe the guy is running around in public with a huge musket on his back.
Well it's the French Revolution, carrying heads on pikes was acceptable. Was a very violent time period.



It looks like assassin's creed, exactly the same as before in just about every way. I've only played ACIV which I enjoyed overall, and I really liked the naval battles and leveling up the ship. At the same time it was just a grind to finish the game and not all fun, and this looks exactly the same... The settings is somewhat appealing though.
This really bothers me. It just seems like something that happens often enough and wouldn't break the resource budget to fix. I mean at least make a stock animation for every haypile that makes it looks like it shakes a little or caves in a little for a moment. I mean something!

The previous games the haystack shook when you hit it and when you leapt out of it hay kinda flies off you too. Absolutely nothing here just a motionless asset.


I hope the collectible items are meaningful like they were in Black Flag. Otherwise I will just ignore them.
Define meaningful because me I stopped playing black flag when I found an island with two treasure chests placed next to each other in a way that absolutely didn't make sense. It screamed "let's give the job of collectibles placement to the summer interns".


That pop in is borderline ridiculous and i am astounded that Ubisoft tries to market the idea of the so called insane npc crowds.

Well yeah when you get 20 people pop in in front of you as you move, yeah... I aint impressed...


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
The PC performance thread is gonna be biblical.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
Define meaningful because me I stopped playing black flag when I found an island with two treasure chests placed next to each other in a way that absolutely didn't make sense. It screamed "let's give the job of collectibles placement to the summer interns".
Money was valuable in 4 because you had something to spend it on. Like upgrading your ship. Seems that the same applies here only with upgrading your character.
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