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Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap - Eurogamer review



"Hopefully we can get away with sidestepping the whole debate about how long a game really ought to be. It is somewhat subjective, and The Minish Cap is a gem for as long as it does sparkle unsolved in your cartridge slot, but given the length of previous Zeldas this one could come as something of a shock. We know people who have completed it in one day, and they weren't passing up the chance to smash the odd wall or solve the riddle of an unreachable treasure chest, either.

But then every wave has to splash down sometime, and while you're riding this one it's as pleasurable an experience as you could hope for. The formula remains the same but the experience is just as essential as ever - and every attempt to nudge it in a slightly new direction comes off without a hitch. If you can accept that it won't last you as long as you might like, then your quest is clear: leave no stone unturned in your search for this game, and then leave none of its stones unturned either."

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