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Legion |OT| Insert X-Men Meme - Wednesdays 10/9c on FX

Good episode? Idk, the show is still fun in a weird way, Stevens and the visuals/music carry this show.

Still, outside of setting up
the Not-X-Men's Not-Xavier Institute, Summerland, and some glimpses into the past it didn't feel like much happened plot wise. At least we got more glimpses of the shadow king/Mojo along with hints of David's dad. Ending with his sister about to be tortured after the kinda stitled and matter-of-fact conversation between Syd and David of her being bait
felt abrupt though.
Well it's not like he's ready and given the mind games he's been put through I think exploring the past in a set up ep rather than progressing kind of made sense for episode 2, and it was especially good to see him recognize that he was not ready,
so I liked it as a set up/transition episode.

Thought it was a very good ep though it'll obviously be rated depending upon how it progresses/pays off next. It was good to
get a bit more from the other two in the group he's been interacting with so far as well. Interesting that we didn't really meet the rest of the rescue team yet, though it makes sense since they are trying to ease him in.

I'm in. Looks I'm gonna be watching this right after Expanse every week.

And damn that fat thing is freaky.
Glad to see it seems like we're finally going to confront that at least a bit since he finally asked the others if they saw it this time in the preview for next week.
Really loving this show so far. Sure, not a lot actually happened in the new episode, but with all the mystery going on, exploring David's past is just as interesting to me as where the plot is going. I'm perfectly fine with the show if it remains a weird-ass psychological drama with little action.


Great episode. I gotta say I liked the first episode better because of how dense and insane it was while this episode felt like it had just a lot of traditional exposition relatively speaking. Still some beautiful cinematography and very fresh. Looking forward to next week's episode.

Also I still have to say I love the design of the devil each time I see it.
There's a lot to chew on this week. I still have a lot of questions about what's real and what's in David's head, and the show seems like it's going to be dragging that out for most of the season.

Eh, I didn't feel that way about this episode at all. What did you feel like they were presenting ambiguously here? Everything felt pretty straight-forward here, outside maybe the fact that David's memories are either altered or unreliable.


I loved the second episode as much as the first. It's just so fascinating even when the episode is focused on David and his struggles. I really liked how they played with sound in this episode and you're not sure what you're hearing just as David isn't sure either.
Piecing together David's mind is fascinating and confusing, especially since his memories are unreliable or are being blocked. Coupled with knowing the extent of his powers in the comics.

I thought the opening of the episode visually was great.

The Yellow Demon thing might be the creepiest thing on the air right now.


Loved this new episode. The exploration of David's memory, the revelation of his new powers, his relationship with Syd, all good stuff.
Yeah that yellow demon is really creepy.
It felt like watching horror movies when that closet door opened, plus the creepy sound...


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
This still isn't connecting with me. The direction is superb but the material itself doesn't feel like it's up to the same level. Shame cause I love Fargo. With that the tension comes from seeing all the different dimensions of a crime and the ensuing cover-up. Here, I'm getting this "Chosen One" vibe and it instantly turns me off. It just feels sorta boilerplate. Even the dialogue isn't that snappy or sharp.

I like everything else about the show. Unique sets, great direction, memorable costumes...but the story itself is boring me to tears.
I'm not reading any of the recent replies because I haven't watched the second episode but I had to comment after watching that pilot. Preface, I knew nothing about this show or the character besides vaguely remember seeing the trailer a while back and knowing it was connected to X-Men in some way. I also had no idea Noah Hawley was being this show. Any way, after watching the pilot I was BLOWN AWAY. Afterwards learning it was done by Noah, who also did the excellent Fargo, it all makes sense. What a perfect series premiere.

You know I thought Dr. Strange was really average, a super safe, cardboard Marvel formula movie. I "loved" how prior to the release they talked about how "trippy" the movie would get and how it would push audiences visual perceptions. But, what I saw was a movie less visually original than Inception. But, this FUCKING SHOW, this is some trippy fucking shit. This is pushing expectations and visual boundaries.

I really hope this show maintains its quality throughout the season because that premiere was almost too good.
The second episode, while not matching the heights of the first episode, was still pretty great. Visually and structurally it remained quite strong. Keeping with David's point of view, and exploring his memories (as untrustworthy as they are), exploring who he is/was, probably was a good way to follow up the pilot.

One aspect that did stand out here was the lack of other characters having any interaction with Syd throughout the episode.
Eh, I didn't feel that way about this episode at all. What did you feel like they were presenting ambiguously here? Everything felt pretty straight-forward here, outside maybe the fact that David's memories are either altered or unreliable.

Well, I feel like there's a lot about his memories that are unreliable, and I'm also kind of unsure if the "present day" is actually real. A lot of this episode made me wonder if this isn't just another layer of his mind.

I think there's a lot of stuff here that won't necessarily come together until the season is over. Not just "is this real or not", but "how does this all link up?"


Whoever is the sound designer for this show deserves all the awards.
Absolutely this. Every scene is better because of what's being done with the sound.

Loved the 2nd episode personally, although I'm beginning to subscribe to the belief that
DwtYE isn't literally SK/Mojo, but a personality created by David because of his "Dad", who I believe abused him in some way, resulting in an ideal fantasy of his astronomer Dad who loves him, and a self who knows the reality, the "World’s Angriest Boy". DwtYE is him trying to run away from reality.

I'm probably wrong, but it's interesting to think about.
- Onion A|V Club interview: Legion’s Jeremie Harris
Tonight’s episode of Legion provides a proper introduction to Jeremie Harris’ Ptonomy, who we briefly met at the end of the pilot. He’s one of the mutants residing at the Summerland compound run by Melanie Bird (Jean Smart), and his powers as a “memory artist” allow him to both recall everything that has ever happened to him, and dig into other people’s pasts. In that sense, he has already been crucial in providing insight into David Haller (Dan Stevens), even though our hero is an extraordinary case. Speaking with The A.V. Club, Harris—like co-star Aubrey Plaza—teased a “crazy ride” ahead. For now, he talked with us about how he learned about his character’s powers and guessing who he could possibly be playing.


Man the imagery in this is intense. Really into it. The mystery surrounding David is very intriguing.

Cyd kinda just seems like discount Rogue


Minor detail about the episode stuck to me: When David was talking to the memory dude, in the background there was an announcement that went something like "time travel class has been canceled". What? These scrubs can't surely time travel which makes me think that this really all happens in David's head
because he has several personalities that can warp time. The whole damn institution is just a collection of his personalities


Cyd kinda just seems like discount Rogue

Had to look this up, but one of David's personalities in the comics is a girl called Cyndi and her power is pyrokinesis. In the first episode, during the breakout scene at the end, the people around the indoor pool were fried when David was in the water as instructed to do by Syd. You can see the entire room about to light up before David enters the water, so I'm assuming it was someone's power. Not saying the show will reference the comics exactly, but
I thought that was curious enough to wonder whether Syd is Cyndi in the show and more importantly (possibly?) one of his manifested personalities.


semen stains the mountaintops
I said last week that I'd hope the tone of the pilot was still there for the rest of the show, and that it wouldn't turn into another generic superhero show, turns out that the second episode was as weird and trippy as the pilot.


So, it's pretty obvious the Demon with the Yellow Eyes is going to turn out to be his dad, right?

Someone on reddit threw the theory that it could be
Charles Xavier personality. Quote from Marvel wiki about him: Originally, he took the shape of a small goblin-like creature, created because of the trauma of Charles Xavier's death.


Hunky Nostradamus
The premiere was trippy, and I liked it, but I don't think that sort of thing would be sustainable over multiple episodes. It would become rather obnoxious and tiring after a while (see: Mr. Robot), so I'm glad episode 2 was a step towards coherence/normalcy.


I've watched the first two episodes, and have loved it. I'm not even going to try to guess on what is real and isn't, I'll just enjoy the ride.


I love the visual style of the entire show, the transitions were very cool. Really interested in seeing how this all unfolds.
The first episode might have been too much, it had style but maybe to much for it's own good. I liked that this episode was more focused, also the beginning was reminiscent of Apocalypse Now (boat ride, narration, all the cross dissolves)


Loved this second episode. I so want to jump in with conspiracies but I also just want to just sit back and let them carry me through.


Sat alone in a boggy marsh
One of the few shows I'm watching an episode every week and it's difficult

Can't wait for episode 3 and to see how the shows go. Wonder if Patrick Stewart will show up or if there will be more action scenes, cause that action scene was pretty good
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