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Legion |OT| Insert X-Men Meme - Wednesdays 10/9c on FX

Is Xavier even his dad based on ep2. So much style and attention to details in this show. Love it so far.

In an interview Hawley mentioned wanting to get James McAvoy, but knowing he would command Hollywood money even for a TV appearance, and thus said its something he hopes could eventually happen.

To me this implies, 1. He is still going/wanting to work in David's parentage from the comics, and 2. The series is anachronistic, but probably still set somewhere in the 70's/80's, versus the present.
In an interview Hawley mentioned wanting to get James McAvoy, but knowing he would command Hollywood money even for a TV appearance, and thus said its something he hopes could eventually happen.

To me this implies, 1. He is still going/wanting to work in David's parentage from the comics, and 2. The series is anachronistic, but probably still set somewhere in the 70's/80's, versus the present.

Or it would be a flashback appearance rather than the present day.

But yeah, I would assume that David's current memories are either completely unreliable or based off of someone who wasn't actually his dad at all.
Halfway through episode two but I'd really be ok with this retconnng First Class and
Jean Smart being Emma Frost and this is related to the Hellfire Club.

Total fanboy speculation and wishing, but I'd be fine with it.
I thought the show might turn toward a more generic super school type show. But I'm glad it's still focused on David and his memories as opposed to being some set up for the school where some teacher goes "we have a new student today. Please welcome your newest classmate, David!" And it turns into typical meet and greet between him and whatever other characters there are.

Show keeps it tight and focused while still being intriguing and confusing. I enjoyed when they were diving into his memories and encountering weird anomalies in them. Also that closet was unnerving.

I'm thinking since David can hear and sense other people far away, he might have made contact with something in the dark reaches of space when stargazing one night. There's a lot of good theories out there for
Fiend too, a personality formed when his father died.
And this episode is very father centric.
Halfway through episode two but I'd really be ok with this retconnng First Class and
Jean Smart being Emma Frost and this is related to the Hellfire Club.

Total fanboy speculation and wishing, but I'd be fine with it.


This is her husband on the show.
I said a bit about it in the post above but I'm going to theorise that
Xavier implanted false memories, or edited them, in order to suppress David's multiple personalities and lock away his powers. The voices speaking to him may be people's thoughts or they may also be those personalities trying to break through. The bit with the door opening and the voices speaking from the darkness definitely seems to be something like that. Of course... as they weaken those mental blocks he gains more powers (astral projection being one).


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Watching episode 1 now and its pretty good so far. So what day is this on in the states? I see ep 2 has aired.
I'm not really liking this so far. I feel like after two episodes we haven't been given even one fact to anchor ourselves to the world. Time, location, characters, it's all real, all fake, some combination. What can David or anyone else do? We have no idea. I take that back, we know the memory guy. It just feels like a well filmed and acted jumble of scenes. For that reason I'll keep watching, but it mildly irritates me so far.


I'm not really liking this so far. I feel like after two episodes we haven't been given even one fact to anchor ourselves to the world. Time, location, characters, it's all real, all fake, some combination. What can David or anyone else do? We have no idea. I take that back, we know the memory guy. It just feels like a well filmed and acted jumble of scenes. For that reason I'll keep watching, but it mildly irritates me so far.

I think that is kind of what they are going for. Confusion from the point of view of David. Seems like it will be one of those shows you just gotta roll with.


There's so much going on its hard to unravel, but the Dad plot line was definitely throwing up red flares on where this is going.

I hope they don't shy away from referencing or including Xavier should that be a big part in the ruse of the Astronomer, or Yellow Devil.


I now see why all of the preview coverage for Legion called it one of the most terrifying things on TV. That closet scene man, and that fucking bedtime story.

I quite like everything so far but damn, this is a show where you have to put in a decent amount of mental effort to watch.
Episode 2 was good. I'm liking how they're keeping David as an unreliable narrator and having his memories still be unclear. The man with the yellow eyes is one of the most terrifying things I've seen on television and the closet and MRI scene both creeped me out. I guess this episode shows David knew Lenny before the hospital. I'm guessing she accelerated him going there in the first place. While the 3rd Division hasn't really gotten interesting yet everything else is great from the childhood scenes without the parent's faces to the use of telepathy.


So is this show actually set in a universe where the X-Men and Xavier exist? Are mutants already established as a thing?

Just curious, I know nothing about the Legion source material or this show's take on it.


Caught up what a weird show definitely more interesting then what DC has been putting out so im willing to give it a few more episodes.
I am watching this having some knowledge of the Legion comic book character so I'm not sure if I enjoy the series just yet.....

I mean it's not bad, it's just not what I expected.

Will keep watching because I accidentally purchased the series on amazon prime haha
So is this show actually set in a universe where the X-Men and Xavier exist? Are mutants already established as a thing?

Just curious, I know nothing about the Legion source material or this show's take on it.

The people in the first episode who were interrogating him mentioned mutants, so they're definitely already an established thing in this world.

Everything else is up in the air right now until the show confirms one way or the other.


I'm guessing for now they are going to pull a Supergirl s1 but more and not make any explicit references to the X-men and Xavier until they are sure what to do or if the show has enough legs.


Sooo David remembers looking up at stars that spoke to him, and his dad could hear them too.


That's what I thought when he was describing that experience. I'm leaning on this being true rather than him literally talking to the stars.

I'd like to mention, and get opinion on, the following:

I stongly suspect that Syd and the group are actually some of his different personalities. I think this because:

1) Back at Clockworks, there is a scene where Syd comes into his room to sleep with him. In that scene, the camera is low to the ground, looking at the door. We see the door open and close, but we don't see anyone walk in. The the camera pans up and Syd is standing over David.

2) David has multiple powers. One is Pyrokinesis. At he end of episode one, a pyrokinesis type ability is used when he gies under the swimming pool by...Kerry, I believe?

3) We see a guy use telekinesis, something David is also capable off. Ptolomy uses a form of telepathy and i'm assuming Bird also uses telepathy? Both abilities that David should be able to command.

4) At the end of episode one, there is the scene when David and Bird clasp hands, we got a show of the group arrayed around Bird, facing David. It is my supposition that this shot framing reflects David coming face to face with some of his disparate personalities, and finally taking the first (maybe subconscious) step in acknowledging them and his different abilities.

I'm sure there's tons of stuff I've missed, but I can't shake this feeling that most if not all of the group are not actually there, and we're seeing this being played out in his head. I think the government division is real, but there too I'm wondering how much we're witnessing from David's lens. That's on the basis that not all his personalities have to be 'good'.

Really great show, i think they did a fantastic job on this.
Caught up, I support this!
One of the few shows I'm watching an episode every week and it's difficult

Can't wait for episode 3 and to see how the shows go. Wonder if Patrick Stewart will show up or if there will be more action scenes, cause that action scene was pretty good
Yeah I watched the first two back to back. Pretty excited to view ep 3, see how this proceeds


I am watching this having some knowledge of the Legion comic book character so I'm not sure if I enjoy the series just yet.....

I mean it's not bad, it's just not what I expected.

Will keep watching because I accidentally purchased the series on amazon prime haha

Whether this is good or not will depend entirely on how much they follow his comic character. If they do, it'll be a really interesting show and a potentially unique way of telling a narrative for a very troubled man. If they don't, then it'll be a pretty clunky but pretty experiment.

I like it so far. A lot.

I'm sure it's been speculated to death, but I think the large, yellow eyed man is
the Shadow King
, which could make for some interesting developments.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Watching ep 2 and unfortunately its not doing much for me compared to the first one.

Visually its still great at least.


This was simply glorious and yes, LOL at body exchange conversation xD.

I have to say, am glad that i am watching this weekly and not as a binge, there is so much to process that my puny brain cannot comprehend but i love it for everything that it is.

Anyone who is doubting on whether to watch it, catchup but on a weekly basis, there is ALOT going on.
Another good episode. Will we see some sort of confrontation with the Devil with the Yellow Eyes next week? (Just based on the end, I haven't watched the promo.) And is he, like... getting bigger every episode? o_O

Also, people other than David reacted to Syd this week! Hopefully this confirms she isn't just in his mind, because that would be a dumb twist...


Jeez this show is so good. Episode 2 was a little too low tempo for me but this was back to full form. My goodness that whole ending sequence was tense as fuck.

Anyone notice that the Devil was wearing a suit in the kitchen scene? He's most definitely that Mojo guy from the X Men comics that runs the universe like a TV show.
Man, this show can get really really unnerving.

Just caught up with the first three episodes tonight, gonna take a bit to unravel it.


Ep3 is even better than ep2, and much creepier.
Question: why could Syd see the yellow devil, but the other two couldn't ?
I'm really curious about the exact significance of the book, if that is how David felt as a boy or is that the demon messing with him..

The sequence where David/Syd are being chased was pretty chilling.

Visually the show continues to do some trippy/impressive stuff.
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