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Legion |OT| Insert X-Men Meme - Wednesdays 10/9c on FX

Ep3 is even better than ep2, and much creepier.
Question: why could Syd see the yellow devil, but the other two couldn't ?

Just guessing, maybe because they swapped bodies in the past or maybe when she went into the room when he started floating..

Really not sure though.
I'm starting to wonder if maybe David isn't so powerful that he hasn't entirely warped reality in some form, and one of the reasons his memories are so hard to access is because their technically real but he's still subconsciously aware of the original reality. I don't know if they want to go that far with it or not, though.


semen stains the mountaintops
Just guessing, maybe because they swapped bodies in the past or maybe when she went into the room when he started floating..

Really not sure though.

The way he can sometimes still feel her hair and body, she can now see some of his memories. We saw that she is now dreaming some of his memories, so it stands to reason that she would be able to see what he sees when they go into Inceptionland.


So if the yellow demon isn't a new character for the show I wonder if its Fiend. People keep saying Mojo but from what we see it doesn't fit.
It looks more like Mojo than Shadow King, but my only issue there is how would Mojo fit into the story that's being told? It's obvious that it's something inside David's mind in some form or fashion, something that only he (and maybe Syd) can seem to see or fathom. I don't know how that would fit into Mojo's shtick. The Shadow King makes more sense since he basically comes to be through negative psychic energy build-up. I'm thinking it more and more likely not to be either of them, though, and is probably just an original creation that represents some dark and hidden part of David's past.
Anybody notice that perm baddie when he reached out to grab the Ghosts it switched hands during cuts.

Terrible continuity

What an odd show.


It looks more like Mojo than Shadow King, but my only issue there is how would Mojo fit into the story that's being told? It's obvious that it's something inside David's mind in some form or fashion, something that only he (and maybe Syd) can seem to see or fathom. I don't know how that would fit into Mojo's shtick. The Shadow King makes more sense since he basically comes to be through negative psychic energy build-up. I'm thinking it more and more likely not to be either of them, though, and is probably just an original creation that represents some dark and hidden part of David's past.
It's Mojo - We've seen the TV motif pop up in all the episodes. Very possible they've merged aspects of the two though.
Ep3 is even better than ep2, and much creepier.
Question: why could Syd see the yellow devil, but the other two couldn't ?

There are a few possible explanation for this is:
1) David swapped bodies with Syd in the first episode, and Syd accessed David's powers. David's powers are fundamentally linked to the Yellow-Eyed Devil, and the Yellow-Eyed Devil appeared when Syd was in control of David's powers at the mental health hospital.

2) When David swapped bodies with Syd, David acquired Syd's memories, and Syd acquired David's. We are shown that this actually happened (at least that David acquired Syd's) when we see the field full of televisions (a recurring image throughout the entire show thus far) with Syd's memories. One important aspect here that I've not seen mentioned in relation to this point (from almost any analysis) is it makes it feasible for memories that seem to be David to, in fact, be memories of Syd's. There are times when he feels like reaching for her hair in the shower, because Syd was in that shower just as David was, and he's remembering her memory. This is further supported by the opening of the episode, where we see Syd showering as we hear the story of the Woodcutter, and at the end of the story we see David.

3) David has actually absorbed Syd, and she is not present in reality/is a part of David's persona. She can see the Devil because she is a part of David now. There are a few aspects here which could suggest this.

The most obvious of these is David's actual power as per the comics. Now we don't know the extent of David's abilities yet, so it's hard to say how true this is, but we know there's a very strong likelihood that he is still absorbing other individuals who he kills or who die near him. Evidence of this includes his dream in the first episode, where we see David leading a variety of individuals from the mental institute in a dance. Dreams' association with the imagination and internalisation is something that I don't think is necessary to go into (as it's a very-well trodden aspect of literary analysis in multiple forms), but in this dream one could argue we are 'literally' seeing David's many personas interact in harmony with one another. Not only do we see some individuals from the asylum, we also see Syd and very notably we see Lenny, an individual who David killed and who is now presumably a 'part'/'hallucination' of David as she and he interact on a regular basis and she warns him of what is to come. Lenny, too, may be associated with a power as it is just after his interaction with Lenny that he and Syd become transported to The Eye's interrogation of his sister, and it is Lenny who convinces him that The Eye is going to kill him in the first episode. Likewise, Lenny's place in reality, even in his memories, is brought into question in this episode, when we return to the interaction with the drug dealer, Lenny is initially at the oven and simultaneously dancing with an unnamed character, and when the Yellow Devil flashes within the memory Lenny at the oven then becomes swapped with the drug dealer, calling into question the interaction we've seen last episode. The Yellow-Devil and the World's Angriest Boy, too, could very possibly be personas which would further suggest there are elements of his ability to absorb individuals which remain.

EDIT: And also something I forgot to mention is how clearly David's memories and perception of reality is very untrustworthy.

Things which may suggest Syd, in particular, is somebody he absorbed (or created) includes the comic character of Cindy, associated with pyrokinesis which is a power we've seen associated with Sydney in the first episode, the body-swapping aspect of Syd (one moment being Syd at the cafe and the next being David), the door opening in the mental institute with no feet visible yet when we pan above the bed we see Syd is there after getting into his room, the feelings David has concerning feeling like he's Syd, Syd's scant interaction with other individuals in his current location (in particular, not interacting with anybody in the second episode and her complete absence of physical actions in both episodes), David and Syd's conversations about it being a romance of the mind, David's rescue in the first episode featuring a moment as he emerges from the pool where it's overlaid with him being lifted off the floor of the asylum (likely, I feel, the moment after he touched Syd but it is possible it's another section) and both Syd and David being transported into The Eye's interrogation of his sister and then appearing in the lake). Another element of this which is feasible is that it could be that there is (certainly at least was) BOTH a real Syd AND a Syd which David has absorbed. The orange hair tie could be an important item to distinguish between these. He could also be projecting her onto an individual who actually is present, but who is not Syd, which could explain the few interactions she has in the most recent episode, and also display why in the rescue scene it briefly overlaid a memory of him being picked up off the floor by Syd with a scene of her lifting him out of the pool.

These are the most likely reasons I would think that she could see both The World's Angriest Boy and the Devil in his memories/mind, which could also both be personas of his in some form.

Other random musings:

Also, the calling of "David" is certainly going to play a very prominent and important role throughout the series. Even in the Halloween flashback, there is a sign which says "David" (16 minutes and 16 seconds into the episode, see here: http://imgur.com/mCFbhMi) briefly displayed.

There are also some very clear and consistent colour patterns throughout the episodes this far, most notably Blue, Yellow, and Red (white, orange, and green are present to a much lesser extent) but it seems too early to link these with anything definitively (other than perhaps a power; blue or white with Teleportation, yellow something I'm as of yet unsure of aside from the Yellow Demon, red with Telekinesis, and orange being associated with pyrokinesis is the most likely I would think) yet.

EDIT 2: Also I must admit I'm somewhat glad the "Marvel's" was removed from the thread title, it makes the thread much easier to find scrolling through the Off-Topic section
How so? Except for the yellow eyes it definitely looks like Mojo. Doesn't look like the Shadow King.


That's the Shadow King, too.


That final part of the episode legitimately had me on the edge of my seat. The World's Angriest Boy in the World is terrifying.


It's Mojo - We've seen the TV motif pop up in all the episodes. Very possible they've merged aspects of the two though.

Mojo would make a little sense. His connection to David as a character would be tenuous at best- Shadow King and David have a pretty prominent link in an old story arc from the comics.


Unconfirmed Member
BTW, seems we have an actual time line now. Boss lady said the place was built in the 40's and 30 years later is where they're at (give or take).


Wait if this is the 70's and David is late 20s/early 30s that would make The Professor really old. I always thought he was around his 50s when 80s X-men happens.

Edit: The timelines do match up actually. Xavier would have been late teens or early 20s baby daddy tho


Unconfirmed Member
Wait if this is the 70's and David is late 20s/early 30s that would make The Professor really old. I always thought he was around his 50s when 80s X-men happens.
It can still line up. Don't forget, this Xavier isn't the Patrick Stewart one. So Xavier could be born before 1939, as David would've been born in the 50's and is around 28 years old, Xavier would've been in his 20's when David was born, which means Charles was born in like 1930.
This show is incredible. Every episode is better than the last. The dude with the yellow eyes is most definitely shadow king. I don't get how that could be mojo


semen stains the mountaintops
Was it established in episode one that he knew Lenny before being put into the hospital? In episode one it sort of felt like he just met her there, and I thought maybe she was infiltrating his past memories in episode 2, but it was made clear in episode 3 that they were friends before that.


This show is incredible. Every episode is better than the last. The dude with the yellow eyes is most definitely shadow king. I don't get how that could be mojo

Considering that the show has been plastering the X-Men "X" logo and that the story is about Xaiver's son.... Yeah sounds about right.
Just watched episode 3. So happy this show continues to be fantastic. I loved this episode. Rachel Keller and Dan Stevens are pretty great together.

That last memory sequence was so well done. Fuckkk
There are a few possible explanation for this is:
1) David swapped bodies with Syd in the first episode, and Syd accessed David's powers. David's powers are fundamentally linked to the Yellow-Eyed Devil, and the Yellow-Eyed Devil appeared when Syd was in control of David's powers at the mental health hospital.

2) When David swapped bodies with Syd, David acquired Syd's memories, and Syd acquired David's. We are shown that this actually happened (at least that David acquired Syd's) when we see the field full of televisions (a recurring image throughout the entire show thus far) with Syd's memories. One important aspect here that I've not seen mentioned in relation to this point (from almost any analysis) is it makes it feasible for memories that seem to be David to, in fact, be memories of Syd's. There are times when he feels like reaching for her hair in the shower, because Syd was in that shower just as David was, and he's remembering her memory. This is further supported by the opening of the episode, where we see Syd showering as we hear the story of the Woodcutter, and at the end of the story we see David.

3) David has actually absorbed Syd, and she is not present in reality/is a part of David's persona. She can see the Devil because she is a part of David now. There are a few aspects here which could suggest this.

The most obvious of these is David's actual power as per the comics. Now we don't know the extent of David's abilities yet, so it's hard to say how true this is, but we know there's a very strong likelihood that he is still absorbing other individuals who he kills or who die near him. Evidence of this includes his dream in the first episode, where we see David leading a variety of individuals from the mental institute in a dance. Dreams' association with the imagination and internalisation is something that I don't think is necessary to go into (as it's a very-well trodden aspect of literary analysis in multiple forms), but in this dream one could argue we are 'literally' seeing David's many personas interact in harmony with one another. Not only do we see some individuals from the asylum, we also see Syd and very notably we see Lenny, an individual who David killed and who is now presumably a 'part'/'hallucination' of David as she and he interact on a regular basis and she warns him of what is to come. Lenny, too, may be associated with a power as it is just after his interaction with Lenny that he and Syd become transported to The Eye's interrogation of his sister, and it is Lenny who convinces him that The Eye is going to kill him in the first episode. Likewise, Lenny's place in reality, even in his memories, is brought into question in this episode, when we return to the interaction with the drug dealer, Lenny is initially at the oven and simultaneously dancing with an unnamed character, and when the Yellow Devil flashes within the memory Lenny at the oven then becomes swapped with the drug dealer, calling into question the interaction we've seen last episode. The Yellow-Devil and the World's Angriest Boy, too, could very possibly be personas which would further suggest there are elements of his ability to absorb individuals which remain.

EDIT: And also something I forgot to mention is how clearly David's memories and perception of reality is very untrustworthy.

Things which may suggest Syd, in particular, is somebody he absorbed (or created) includes the comic character of Cindy, associated with pyrokinesis which is a power we've seen associated with Sydney in the first episode, the body-swapping aspect of Syd (one moment being Syd at the cafe and the next being David), the door opening in the mental institute with no feet visible yet when we pan above the bed we see Syd is there after getting into his room, the feelings David has concerning feeling like he's Syd, Syd's scant interaction with other individuals in his current location (in particular, not interacting with anybody in the second episode and her complete absence of physical actions in both episodes), David and Syd's conversations about it being a romance of the mind, David's rescue in the first episode featuring a moment as he emerges from the pool where it's overlaid with him being lifted off the floor of the asylum (likely, I feel, the moment after he touched Syd but it is possible it's another section) and both Syd and David being transported into The Eye's interrogation of his sister and then appearing in the lake). Another element of this which is feasible is that it could be that there is (certainly at least was) BOTH a real Syd AND a Syd which David has absorbed. The orange hair tie could be an important item to distinguish between these. He could also be projecting her onto an individual who actually is present, but who is not Syd, which could explain the few interactions she has in the most recent episode, and also display why in the rescue scene it briefly overlaid a memory of him being picked up off the floor by Syd with a scene of her lifting him out of the pool.

These are the most likely reasons I would think that she could see both The World's Angriest Boy and the Devil in his memories/mind, which could also both be personas of his in some form.

Other random musings:

Also, the calling of "David" is certainly going to play a very prominent and important role throughout the series. Even in the Halloween flashback, there is a sign which says "David" (16 minutes and 16 seconds into the episode, see here: http://imgur.com/mCFbhMi) briefly displayed.

There are also some very clear and consistent colour patterns throughout the episodes this far, most notably Blue, Yellow, and Red (white, orange, and green are present to a much lesser extent) but it seems too early to link these with anything definitively (other than perhaps a power; blue or white with Teleportation, yellow something I'm as of yet unsure of aside from the Yellow Demon, red with Telekinesis, and orange being associated with pyrokinesis is the most likely I would think) yet.

EDIT 2: Also I must admit I'm somewhat glad the "Marvel's" was removed from the thread title, it makes the thread much easier to find scrolling through the Off-Topic section

Syd being part of David doesn't make sense. He absorbed Lenny, but no one else sees her as evident in the chair scene. Everyone else sees Syd.


I'm kind of confused that people are so set on Mojo, it would literally make no sense to introduce a parallel dimension TV despot in this show. Shadow King makes way more sense and even then that still seems a bridge too far.

And I thought this episode did a straightforward job of implying that the Yellow Eyed Tubby Bastard was a bloated, aged, and decrepit The World's Angriest Boy in the World, I don't think it is an external anything.


I'm kind of confused that people are so set on Mojo, it would literally make no sense to introduce a parallel dimension TV despot in this show. Shadow King makes way more sense and even then that still seems a bridge too far.

And I thought this episode did a straightforward job of implying that the Yellow Eyed Tubby Bastard was a bloated, aged, and decrepit The World's Angriest Boy in the World, I don't think it is an external anything.

I mean, not many things in this show make sense so that doesn't seem to be a strong argument.


I mean, not many things in this show make sense so that doesn't seem to be a strong argument.
A show keeping things close to the vest isn't the same thing as it not making sense.

And my point is that it is a narrative burden/time sink to introduce such elaborate characters especially when the show is already busy explaining itself as it is. To add Mojo or the Shadow King on top of everything else is a bit much for 8 episodes(and we are already down 3). Exploring David's character/history/psyche, using the cast of characters it already has(most of whom we know little about), dealing with the already established but still nebulous Division 3, that is already a full load.

The show is about David and his mind so it follows that the horrible thing inside of him is actually the horrible thing inside of him.


X-Men Logo window so far. Anyone else catch that?

Yep. Also when David got his shot, she said "Just a pinprick" most likely another Pink Floyd reference. A lyric in the song Comfortably Numb from The Wall. It's a shame shows can't use too much existing music because of licensing costs.


Man, i love it everytime the yellow eyed devil shows up. So goddamn creepy.
Sepinwall on Ep 4:
I imagine the whole episode will be in David's mind world
I'm kind of confused that people are so set on Mojo, it would literally make no sense to introduce a parallel dimension TV despot in this show. Shadow King makes way more sense and even then that still seems a bridge too far.

And I thought this episode did a straightforward job of implying that the Yellow Eyed Tubby Bastard was a bloated, aged, and decrepit The World's Angriest Boy in the World, I don't think it is an external anything.

Yeah, I also think that it's something that comes from within David. Introducing Mojo would be weird.
Man, i love it everytime the yellow eyed devil shows up. So goddamn creepy.

I imagine the whole episode will be in David's mind world

Yeah, I also think that it's something that comes from within David. Introducing Mojo would be weird.

I wouldn't dismiss it being a product of his own mind entirely but that doesn't explain the TV motif that keeps popping up with Yellow Eyed Devil.

I personally think it's a stretch to NOT have it be Mojo because of that constant TV stuff that keeps appearing.

Noah is a pretty deliberate show runner and when he foreshadows something you can bet it's going to show up many episodes later with a well thought out trajectory. If Yellow man is a product of David's imagination where does the TV stuff fit in? There's no previous plot point that explains them. It would just be some random shots of televisions thrown in for no reason
Watched episode 1 yesterday. That was fantastic. I was genuinely surprised at how well conveyed David's hallucinations/powers were. And I'm always down for Aubrey Plaza.


Quick question: Is the comic as much of a departure from X-Men and Marvel's other mutant stuff as the show is from standard superhero TV/films?
I love ep.3 just as much as the last few episodes. The nightmare sequences are really well done.

This shot freaked me the fuck out.

Yeah, that thing is still damned freaky. I just hope they don't draw out the reveal about it too overly long.

That and the messed up book. Also that thing all suited up with that head was creepy too.
Quite effective. This is about as horror as I'd like it to go though since I don't really care for horror movies.

Between him and the The Devil with the Yellow Eyes I honestly don't know which is scarier.

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