Was it established in episode one that he knew Lenny before being put into the hospital? In episode one it sort of felt like he just met her there, and I thought maybe she was infiltrating his past memories in episode 2, but it was made clear in episode 3 that they were friends before that.
.I have no idea what's going on.
I'm so lost. Doesnt help I was cooking while watching it so probably missed everything important lol. Might need to do a rewatch of all of it.
Is the "Eye" guy someone from the comics or made just for the show? Can't find anything and don't know a lot about the character to begin with.
This show is so bizarre that I can't imagine trying to introduce someone to it.
Show has been getting better and better every episode with 4 being the best so far. Unfortunately I gotta shade on that little girl a bit tho, she's an abysmal actor and the fight scene with her was so poorly done. She almost took me out of an otherwise instant classic episode.
I really love that for as wigged out as this show is it's never hard to follow or comprehend what's happening, which I've found to be a bit of a struggle in the Legion comics.
Get an Inside Look at how the Legion cast was assembled.
They switch minds(as in her mind goes in their body) but when it wears off instead of their minds just switching back their bodies swap places.Im confused with syds switch places powers though. I thought she literally switched places and went into the other body. Yet at the end it seemed like she actually just shapeshifts? But how could that makes sense? When she switched with legion before his body never left the hospital?
Yeah I've realised that. Gonna have to rewatch then all I think.This is really not a show to watch while doing something else. Every scene is so dense and packed with details.
I'm done with this show. I'm constantly bored by it.
The latest episode of Legion wasnt just the most impressive installment yet. It also transported us fully to the place known as the astral plane, a location that weve seen pieces of before, but never so in-depth and with such evocative imagery. While there, David has an intense conversation with Oliver (or rather, what may or may not be the real Oliver), who explains to him the nature of his problemincluding the parasite we know as the Yellow-Eyed Demon. A.V. Club staffers Alex McLevy, Laura Browning, and Cameron Scheetz break down the nature of this new development, asking whether it succeeds as fully as the rest of the episode. As with most things Legion, the answer is far from clear.
What is even happening
asking myself that every 5 minutes watching this show but i'm enjoying this roller coaster of confusion
Every episode is more weird than the previous lol
BTW what happen with this guy?
WTF did I just watch? 😂
I really liked the ice scenes, although I was surprised whenDavid mentions Melanie, he didn't get more of a reaction from her husband. He seemed to have his memories intact.
I'm surprised people are saying they're bored of the show because for me it's been really engaging.
I just realized: David's a dick. He busted out of the astral plane and he didn't even think of bringing Melanie's husband along.
I just realized: David's a dick. He busted out of the astral plane and he didn't even think of bringing Melanie's husband along.
I just realized: David's a dick. He busted out of the astral plane and he didn't even think of bringing Melanie's husband along.
infected wound, died off camera